The Life Of One Alone

The life and thoughts of a widow.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Could This Be True?

Amazing .....

Muslims Convert To Christianity

If this is the case, Islam is floundering.

On a happy note, it is cloudy today and light rain has fallen causing our temp to drop to something more fit for human beings.

Ohhhhhhhhhhh ... the sound of the pitter patter of rain on the roof was nothing short of a heavenly song sung by a myriad of angels.
And tomorrow will be the start of another New Year ....... time, what the heck is it??

Saturday, December 30, 2006

What A Year!

Peter Brocks was killed.
Steve Irwin was killed.
Mell Gibson's been playing up.
The Herald Sun donated unwanted pages of Warnie's retirement from the cricketing scene.
I forget how much of the State of Victoria has been burnt - no use me knowing now as the fire is still burning.
Irrepairable damage has been done to the wildlife in burnt out areas.
Water Restrictions have hit the place like I don't know what.
Sign posts have been warped by willy-willies.
A few of us (including me) have been lifted off our feet by willy-willies. ( baby dust hurricanes)
There are wide cracks in the earth up here which are 6 feet deep and widening.
And we are gripped in a drought which is supposed to be the worst on record.

OK, I don't go into the politics of things as I see things as they are living where do.

But in plain mallee talk. It's a barted mate! We're buggad!

Farmers are now holding their hay for stock they own as conditions worsten. On the bright side, some have been allowed to have a little bit of the water they have paid for.

One thing I cannot understand is, they increased the population by 50% and forgot to increase the dams! But, what happens if they increase the size of the dams? They can't keep blocking rivers!

So, if people want to migrate to Australia - bring your own water.

Drying Up Fast

The fact is, Australia is drying up fast!

Canberra apparently got hit by a deluge but that doesn't help us. It only puts more water in Lake Burley Griffin and in their dam.

If we were hit by a deluge we'd wonder what the hell it was! uhmmmmmm ... what does rain look like again?

People up here are not as happy go lucky as they used to be. They are starting to get a wee bit short tempered.

The actions of people are becoming strange. Like ... Farmer Joe lost his wife a year ago and had to have councelling and all that rot, now he's getting married and she's moving into the new house he built for his late wife. (Struth those councellors must have been good.)

Farmer Tom lost his wife - is still crying for her, tels everyone he has never got over it, and has had two girlfriends since she died.

One woman's husband had a bad stroke, he's in Hospital so she is selling all his possesions and pocketing the money while he's still alive to feed her gambling habit.

People are now also killing, kiling killing the wildlife! Why? Because they drink water!

Everything is simply crazy!! People seem to be going nutters!

The only topic is the drought and it's worstening effect.

Living alone through all of this is a bit scary. It's something I thought MIGHT happen, then dismissed it from my mind. Australia is a dry continent with periodic dry spells, but one could not envisage what is really happening as we face this dry spell.

Night after night, prowlers creep around while mangy foxes try to nick the fowls.
This means I will have to rebuy a rifle.

Last night I watched the stars and was astonished to see what appeared like millions of them fall to earth only to vanish leaving one bewildered.

I do not know what 2007 holds, all I know is people fear the worst for my country. Grasping at so called rain predictions ...

Well, one man said Australia would have so much rain by Christmas we wouldn't know what to do with it. I am still wondering where it is as the rain stays waaaaaaay up there and will not even think of touching the earth.

I believe God has turned His Back of Australia.

Friday, December 29, 2006


You are a Believer

You believe in God and your chosen religion.
Whether you're Christian, Muslim, Jewish, or Hindu..
Your convictions are strong and unwavering.
You think your religion is the one true way, for everyone.

Well now! Whadda ya know .....

This entry is positive proof of boredom.
Boredom? naaaaa ...... just didn't know what to blog!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Mallee Drought

Last night I visited a farmer friend and just had fun with the animals.
It's a bit tough on the land at the moment and the cows in the photo, although they are eating out of a wheelbarrow are going to market soon.
If my farm had feed on it, some would be going out to my farm!!

The little pig I named "Babe", such a cutie!! New piglets are being born constantly and of course these are heading to the "you know where"
"Babe very nearly came home with me. The only reason she didn't is because she would grow to be a Large White, and I can't see a Large White pig running freely on my acre 'range' here. I think the neighbours might have something to say!

Little calf drinking from Mummy was a sure thing for me here - just what I need, pure fresh milk from the cow! Haven't tasted it for so long! Still .... I recall when I did taste it last it was very, very rich and made me feel a little sick.

Odd that as I was brought up drinking pure fresh milk from the cow. We used to buy it in the billy. Oh how I used to love watching the farmer dip the pint measurer into the big can and measure out the pints.

Today's milk has been stripped of most of the cream and really, what we buy in the shops and drink now is what milk farmers used to feed to the pigs once upon a time.

I had alot of laughs at the farm. The kids have been shooting the Kangaroos as they are in plague proportions around the place. The DRE have been microchipping the Kanga's, and of course the kangaroos which have been shot are fed to the dogs.
The dogs have also eaten the microchips ..... This leaves the DRE in a bit of a mess.
Farmers will only shoot X amount of Kanga's at present.

Farmers need the water more than kanga's in plague proportion. This is something the press won't publish. In fact, Melbournes Sun Herald has very little to say about the mallee! That's because the people refused to allow Bracks to place a toxic dump in the mallee. The one people he seems to dodge are mallee farmers because they say what they think in words which would make a Digger blush.

I'll give him credit for one thing, he had the guts to try.

The Melbourne Herald Sun also won't publish the fact that cracks in the ground here are widening and some are six feet deep and 90 centimeters across - and widening and deepening.

The Newspaper seems to concentrate on the southwest of Victoria and forgets the NORTHWEST!

The killing which is now going on is shocking. Magnificent Corella's are being shot by the score as they tear up the land - especially the cricket pitch.
They are also tearing up the other sporting venues, so that doesn't go down too well.

The Corella will also tear a house to pieces if it is hungry and so they have to be slaughtered.
It grieves me to see these magnificent birds shot.

Sheep which start to look poor are shot in the paddock and the sound of guns going off is common place here now as man fights for survival in a bad drought.

Dead foxes which once lined fences are now being shot and left to rot where they drop. All the foxes now have the mange and are a hideous sight. Farmers won't allow them near precious water and guards are placed on all waterways to shoot them on sight.

Some water channels stink something terrible!

If a farmer's dog swims in one, a person can't go near it for the stink and it is hunted away.

"Dead Holes" are being dug where all dead animals are thrown, these don't smell too good either. They are so scary. I know if a dead human were thrown in one they'd never be found as they are so deep. I'm glad there are none near me!

I don't know what they are doing to stop the water in the big dams for human consumption from stinking as it is now stagnant water. Water purifying pills I suppose. Who would know? Wthout something the water would be starting to contain all kinds of algae including Blue Green.

And Bracksy gets life saving things in for the immigrants because they can't speak english? Hey! In years gone by they weren't allowed to do their own thing iuntil they COULD speak English! Amazing that they can't speak English yet know all about our money system. He must be mad as it's a waste of money.

The gumtrees around here are starting to die. Enormous Olive Groves are hogging the water through a big channel which doesn't stink.

As things worsten, I can see something drastic happening around here before too long.

Strangers entering farmers land are now viewed with utmost suspicion and the dogs set loose. The dogs are trained to surround and they can be viscious. They are not released from surrounding the person until the farmer arrives. so, they are kept where they are until the farmer has spoken and the person escorted off the farm with the dogs beside them.

I have seen this happen and it is not a pretty sight. I shook with fear when I saw fun loving and happy dogs I play with suddenly turn into snarling visciously fanged creatures at the sight of a stranger.

Unfortunately, there are many people from cities touring just to view the ravage in drought stricken areas.
These people are a pest. They drag huge fancy caravans behind a four wheel drive thing, get lost and think they can just enter a property to find out where they are.

Well, sadly enough, they can't do that at the moment. If they get lost, they stay lost and should head to a Police Station to ask directions - or at least have good up to date maps and also bring their own water from the city with them.

The only answer they will get from the farmer is " You are on my property right now - get off."

Living in the area, I know all the farmers from here to yonks and know their first hand stories. And they are tragic. But, they will never give in .........

Monday, December 25, 2006

He Is Born

It is now THE Day in Australia. Glory Be To The Father, And to The Son, And to the The Holy Spirit. In my subservience - amen.

Hark The Herald Angels Sing

Nobody knows the exact date of the Birth of The Saviour of the world. The Prince Of Peace. God carefully concealed the date from us. Perhaps so that no astrologers would be trying to ascertain His nature, and His "magic" numbers and all the rest.

But on this day, it is celebrated that HE WAS born by those who truly believe and who love Him. - and that is all that matters.

No other Name on earth is so recognised. No other Man on earth had such an impact to the world as Jesus of Nazareth. Although His Name is Immanuel,we have all come to know and recognise the Name of Jesus as one to look up to, and admire. To Honour above all other Names on earth.

Wars have been stopped on this Day and a day's armistice held because of His Name - and His Birth.

The world stops today on this day because a Child was born. A Child who was destined to die a terrible death for each, and every man, woman and child, of every nation on earth.

To host the embryo of the Holy Child, a woman had to be chosen. A woman never touched by man. A woman devoted to God, a humble, kind and loving child of God.

And she too was born just as he, and for purpose. To one day in her future carry within her womb the King of Kings and give birth to Him in whatever circumstances God chose. And due to the times, a man had to be born who would one day be an earthly father to the Holy Child.

Mary and Joseph. Poor and humble, carried the huge responsibility given by the Almighty God.

Together, they were to face the trial of fleeing to Egypt with the Child of Children to evade the enemy and save His Life.

Mary was alone with God when she conceived the Holy Child. She was alone when she watched him die - the only difference was, she had company at His death.

And throughout the ages, knees have bent towards God in Grace due to the birth of this Baby of Babies. Mary's name has been spoken by trillions due to the fact that she was so blessed to be chosen.

Billions of words have been written about Him, Billions of times His Name has been mentioned on earth since His birth and death. Countless numbers of times.

He has been misunderstood, maligned, laughed at, reduced to a mere prophet, worshipped and adored by various people for two thousand years, and if God permits the earth to continue, it will go on.

No other man on earth was ever born as famous as the Christ became.

A humble man. Trade? Carpenter today I suppose. What do carpenters do? They build a house for people to live in. They CREATE.

And He built a house on earth (CREATED). A house no man could touch. He built the Temple of Temples out of living, beating hearts. A mighty chain of people stretched from one side of the earth to the other. A temple which coud never be destroyed by mankind and his wars.

This Temple has survived for 2,000 years while all hearts beat together in rythm, and in Praise and worship to Almighty God through belief in Jesus The Christ.

In the Tabernacle of this massive Temple lies the Foundation Stone. Jesus Christ of Nazareth, born of Mary.

His apprentices were few, but what they accomplished was massive. Only for a time it was to be the House of Israel, God'chosen People. God wanted all of Mankind, Jew and Gentile. Through Jesus, we were grafted into the Vine of the Chosen People, and all who believed, and were to be honest in their belief, became God's Chosen People.

As part of the body of the Temple where Jesus is the Head Priest, and the Cornerstone, we walk hand in hand from every nation and colour in the world as brothers and sisters in the Temple of Christ.

Man can build his massive temples out of gold and precious jewels if he wishes. Thieves can rob and destroy it. He can build it wherever he is permitted. It is only built of clay and dust and will one day fall into ruins.

But the Temple built by Jesus the Christ, born of Mary can never be destroyed. THey can take the lives of members of the Temple - but God owns their spirits and souls. And, words uttered by those whose lives have been taken echo on in the minds of all believers just the same as those written down by Paul.

Forgive my cynicism but I do not like any flms being make about the Nativity as these are made for greed and selfish ambition.

The Nativity is known to us all and is one we should keep in our hearts without going to watch a film about it. A movie made for greed and profit no matter how good or bad the film is.

I also do not like the word Christmas as it comes down from the word Christ mass. Mass is a catholic word meaning "sacrifice".
We do not celebrate the death of Christ on this day. We celebrate His BIRTH.

hmnnnnnn .... maybe I will never use the word Christ mas again .....

He Came - He Saw - He Spoke - He died - He Conquored.


Sunday, December 24, 2006

Dance On

Today is Christ-mas eve in Australia. Right at this very second it is Christ-mas Eve.
How did it get here so fast?

All the houses are lit up; the next door neighbour even put all the batteries in my tree so the doors of the tree can fly open to show Santa Rocking Around The Clock and the stage lights flashing while he sings some crazy outlandish Chrissy songs every ten minutes. Oh yeah,yeah,yeah.

That's the kid in me. The kid I won't allow to die. Why should I?

My foot is as itchy as heck. First time I've had such an itchy foot for Chrissy. That makes a change for me.

One memory Chrissy stirs up for me was one in Queensland.

Constantly we were plagued by huge ugly cane toads coming from the farm dam. The only way to get rid of them was to put salt on their backs, so, I out with the Saxa
and was about to wham the salt on it to make it head back to the dam fast to wash it off when my daughter stopped me. This was something I had never done before, but being night time ..... she cried out ...

"Oh Mum! It's Christ-mas!!!! You CAN'T DO THAT AT CHRIST-MAS!", then there was the almost tears.

I stared at her in shock. She wanted me to have an ugly CANE TOAD as a Chrissy guest?!

"It's going." I said defiantly, " I don't want an ugly cane toad sitting on the doorstep for Chrissy.

"How COULD you be so cruel!!!" the tears started flowing.

"But it will only make it go to the dam in a hurry to get the salt off!" It was a pleading note.

"But it hurts them!"

"It hurts me even more looking at it." came the snap.

We looked one another in the eyes over the back of the ugly looking thing which refused to budge even though I know it could see the salt.

"NOOO!!!" she cried. "It's got a beauty all of it's own!"

I stared down at the huge thing. There was no doubt about it, it was the ugliest thing I'd seen, no beauty to be found.

"Where?" question was over and done with.

"There!" she pointed at it. I stared at the toad. One minutes silence was held during the staring. Nope. Couldn't see a thing.

"Can't you SEE it?" the dismal voice made me feel a criminal. Quickly I hid the salt behind my back so the toad couldn't see it.

"No ... not really."

"Open your eyes Mum! Look at the charm, look at the grace! Look at the eyes, look at the face!"

"I looked."

"Not hard enough! Look again! Look at the child within the toad!"

I started to wonder if she needed me to councel her about something, it was obvious the child had an enormous problem.

"Have you been eating those mushrooms growing near the Ironbark trees again?"

"They died ages ago Mumsy Dear."

" They can leave you with a funny mind."

"My mind is NOT FUNNY!"

" Neither is that cane toad. It's not gonna turn into a Prince for you. It's getting salt."

With that she let out a scream which echoed through the gumtrees, knocked the min-min lights off the paddocks, lifted the roof an inch, and almost caused the door to slam shut.

"Struth!!" I looked at her wide eyed with hair standing on end. "Don't do that! You'll wake the goanna's!!"

Two tame possums decided to watch the pantomine and sat on the patio watching. It was obvious she had scared them witless. Their eyes were bigger.


I stepped back from the screaming, the eardrums were still knocking together from the big one and somehow had acquired cymbols.

"All this fuss over a cane toad?" it came out as a whisper, it was the shock of the big scream.

"It's Christ-mas!!"

"It's a toad!"



"You're cruel."

"You're mad."

"You're horrible."

"You're as bad."

"Let it stay?"

"Get outta my way!"

"It's not a sinner!"

"It's not invited to Dinner!"

It was a fast canversation.

The toad sat at our feet and did nothing while we exchanged these few words. The salt was still behind my back.

Suddenly, the little verbal exchange stopped as we stared at one another defiantly, like two hens about to have one big fight.

"If ... you ... dare .. to ....hurt .. that ...toad ....." Her eyes were flashing. I could almost feel the hot air running down my back and the warm blood flowing from me as they narrowed.

" ..... I will never speak to you again as long as I live! So there!"

There was no doubt about it. I was a rotten mother. I had a daughter who needed phsychiatric treatment. Maybe a few needles to calm her and a blood transfusion to get the stink of the funny mushrooms out of her blood. Maybe I needed instructions on how not to let my daughter become a nut case while I was about it.

"Have you been smoking anything down by the creek?"

" I would NEVER smoke ANYTHING!!!" ... snap, took two seconds.

"hmnnnnnnn." I looked at her thoughtfully. The cane toad moved. I let out the biggest scream ever heard .. it was better than hers, the roof lifted 2 inches.

"Don't DO that! You'll frighten it!!" she yelled.

" You did!! It wasn't moving when you did!!"

Sonny was standing nearby, we had forgotten him during the exchange. He had lost his two front teeth and everything came out as a lisp. Suddenly he spoke.

"Ith a fwog! Get the car an squath it!!"

We both looked at him. It was a boy's natural response. My daughters attention was held by thoughts of what name to call him this time. She walked towards him. I knew he could defend himself. I had taught him.

While she wasn't looking I quickly poured salt on the ugly things back.

The reaction was one I hadn't expected. The toad jumped sky high,tried to scratch it's back ,did a few spins in mid air, landed at daughters feet, she screamed again and ran in circles, sonny ran around a few gumtrees, I stared, the toad zoomed into the air again, hopped about frantically, zoomed up a tree, fell on the ground, zoomed into the air again, turned three circles and was never seen again.

Absolute silence. The kids ran to me.

"What happened to it Mumsy?" daughter was holding onto me tightly. So was sonny.

"Well I'll be darned! I think it ate some funny mushrooms!" was all I could think of saying.


"Well, I think it's alright now." she would have sounded happy if the baffled tone hadn't been in her voice.

"I know!!" cried Sonny happily " Ith went to meet Thanta!!

Daughter smiled at me. THAT was the answer! I smiled at her.

"Sorry Mumsy." her arms went around me.

"Sorry Honsey." my arms went around her.

And somewhere in the depths of the big dam, an ugly cane toad was desperately allowing the water to soak salt from it's back ......

Darn it! Why am I such a sinner! It can be such a let down at times! Then again ... come to think of it .... it would be pretty boring being perfect.


Saturday, December 23, 2006


I really don't know what to blog today except I think have been bitten by a darn wasp!
There are so many wasps avout during thus time it's unreal!

So ...... have had ice on my foot and been resting it.

How did it happen?

Righty oh ..... I was taking the gold fish from one of the big ponds to place them into a smaller pond due to the water shortage.

I saw the bees there, but bees don't seen to be interested in me. But didn't see the wasps.

Suddenly, the sting in my foot yeeeow!!!

At First, I checked for snakebite, but it appeared to be only one bite and not from the fangs of a snake.

Then I had to get inside fast! My foot seemed to be on fire!

Got inside and waited for the wound to really appear to check for snake bite again - nope. One bite - grab a packet of frozen peas and apply.

~ ~
0 0

The pain started to go, but the foot swelled. It took awhile for the pain to leave too.

I'm not positive it was a wasp as I didn't see whatever it was that bit me.

Soooo, that's been the day for me.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Assumpted Please Father?

Why do people assume things?

I recall when first attending the catholic school being told that the 'Assumption of the blessed Mary' would be coming up. Having never learned about Mary as a child, I thought they meant that Mary had assumed things and hence the name.

Trying to work this 'assumption' out was a heavy burden on a child. "Mary was an assumptor??" O.K. she must have assumed things because she could not have assumpted as there was no such word.

How could Mary have "assumed"? What did she "assume"? If she hadn't assumed what did she assumpt?

I could not find the word "assumpt" in Mum's Dictionary and was at a loss.

It fair gave me a headache trying to work this dilema out.

Then I learned from one of the girls at school she was "assumpted" into Heaven. This was mind boggling for a kid.

How the heck??????!! What were they talking about?!!

I let my mind drift into a state of semi awareness whenever it was mentioned. That means I switched it off.


I had to assume in order to find out what "assumpt" mean't.

The Nuns were always too busy to bother with this "pagan from the hills of Victoria" so very timidly I knocked on the door of the place where the priests lived and was invited inside.

I'll swear I was in a funny monastry? No,no .... there was a difference. It was sort of like a "housey monastry". No, even that doesn't make sense.
Well, you could sort of tell there was no wife there and never had been.

I stared around at the beige walls, here and there dotted with a picture of Mary, or one of the saints, and of course the inevitable crucifix and was wondering why, everywhere I looked there was a crucifix in catholic churches and houses - except Mum and Dad's when a priest frightened hell out of me by tapping me on the shoulder.

"Can I help you?" he was smiling, I was shaking.

"Y-y-y-y-yes ..... I-I-I .... th-th-think ...... s-s-s-s-so."

"Come in here." he beckoned.

He led me to a well furnished room. The first thing I noted was the wine on a sideboard as it was the first thing he headed for.

He bade me to be seated in a huge winged back chair. Somehow, I felt like a wee little thing in it. He sat himself opposite,made himself comfortable, had a sip of wine, crossed his legs and just seemed to keep smiling at me while I stared wide eyed at the wine.

Frankly, I was shocked! Wine nor beer had never been in our home and somehow it seemed odd that this man who 'trod on holy ground' on the altar and said Mass was drinking the stuff!

He had another sip. I watched in horror. A man was drinking booze in front of me!
Wait'll I tell Mum!!

"Your question Dear?" the words were directed at me. I was a little put out being called "Dear" by a drunk!!

Wait'll I tell Dad!!

~ ~
0 0

I stared at him, then the wine. He started to give a chuckle. "Oh I see! Your parents do not have a glass of sherry! Very well then, I will finish this and no more."

"Thankyou." The word was a bit squeaky but he understood it.

He gulped the lot down. I stared at him. He wasn't at Mass!! What was wrong with this man of God? Poor drunks .... they did become addicted and really couldn't help themselves.

"Now, you wanted to ask me something?" he seemed quite at ease. I wasn't so sure. After all, the man was a drunk ..... still, I would ask and get it over with.

"What does assumpted mean"

"Assumpted?" he looked at me quite puzzled.

"Yes, Mary was assumpted into heaven, what does that mean please?"

" Oh! You mean the Assumption of the Blessed Mary Ever Virgin!"

" No, I mean assumpted."

He looked at me quite baffled. It was obvious the wine had gone to his head poor soul.

"er .. there is no assumpted. Mary went to heaven and we call it the "Assumption Of The Blessed Mary Ever Virgin."

I stared at him, he stared at me. I blinked, he blinked. He uncrossed his legs and shifted in his seat, I sat still, it's the way I had been brought up. I spoke

"That doesn't make sense."

"What doesn't make sense my child?"

Suddenly he was a priest. A drunk one at that.

"For an Assumption to take place there must be the words assumpt and assumpted , for example; you will assumpt here, you will be assumpted there, the assumption has taken place."

He stared at me, then started to laugh. "You know, that sounds quite funny!"

It was then I was positive he was drunk.

I wasn't laughing.

"No my child,please place such silly thoughts out of your young head. The Assumption Of The Blessed Mary Ever Virgin always has and always will be according to the church."

"But when did she assumpt and what did she assumpt about?"

"Assumption means AROSE. Mary did not assumpt!" he then burst into hysterics of laughter. I glanced around the room, picked up my school hat and was about to grab my briefcase and make a run for it when he stopped laughing.

He looked at my wide eyed expression of fear not knowing I was terrified of being in a room with a drunk. Mum and Dad had instilled it into me!

"It-it's quite alright!" he said between fits of laughter.

I kept staring at him - he was as looney as they come and a drunk off the altar!

Soon he composed himself and went into the most boring, lengthy details of "The Assumption."

When he finished, I said " No, something is wrong. If there are no accompanying words Mary could not have been assumpted, er - assumptioned - er .... whatever it was."

He went to the wine again and I knew that after a second glass this man would be staggering all over the place! I had to get out of there!

"Thankyou Father! God bless you!"

He grabbed me as I was opening the huge wooden door.

"Not so fast young lady. You must understand this!"

" I think I do." came the swift reply, " Mary was assumpted into heaven and it's called the "assumption" because the church assumes she was assumpted"

He smiled down at me kindly and said " You may go now, God bless you my child."

"God bless you too Father and I'll pray for you for being a drunk."

I left him standing there looking as though he was in shock.

To this day I'm wondering if those fast words were not the truth because I never did find out.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

It Is Over

Above is a photo of the lagoon where I photographed majestic, and exotic wildlife. Overlaying it is the smoke from the bushfires in Gippsland.

This is where I also photographed fish fins and watched the fish at play. It was also where I caught Mickey The Fin.

It is also where I photographed little ducks asleep on flowering water lilies and also where the last fish alive was bludgeoned to death by kids.

Is is over now until heavy, teaming rains hit the area. And these seem but a dream

Photographed here was: The Royal Spoonbill, The Strawnecked Ibis, The Yellow Billed Spoonbill, The Giant Egret, The Sacred Ibis, and many, many more.

I haven't identified one photographed.

These have all left of course.

Now, the Sacred Ibis is still around but spends more time cleaning the mud off itself than doing anything worthwhile!

The pelicans are always cleaning mud off themselves!

Although this is only a lagoon, the loss of a lake in a town means a slow death to business houses, and sooner or later, the people move out.

I have been told to stay here and not move to Ballarat due to the lack of water there. Lovely, I stay here and slowly fry. gahhhhhhh .... whatta life!

Back to Narnia!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

New Babies!!

This morning I awoke to new life! Little babies have been born!!

Above is a photo of the proud Mum and her bubbies. Of course you can see Little Mickey there and also Redraider!

hmnnnnn ... just wondering if I should call one a nick from LOTR ....

If there is a picky one there and it's a girl .... everyone should be able to guess what the name will be .... ;D

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Kids Things

I remember as a little girl, six years old, I used to have an enormous rainbow trout as a friend.

The fish I found was trapped in a deep hole beneath a fallen Mountain Ash.

Our first encounter was a bit of a shocker.

I used to love to lay on the dead tree and read a book. The shock came when a huge fish nibbled my fingers which were dangling in the creek making me fall into the little Yarra. This made me cry because my book got wet.

Nobody knew the huge fish was there and daily I began to feed him lovely fat worms.
I also named him Slippery Ping Pong.

It was also a joy to know he was a bit partial to a bit of bread.

Slippery and I became great friends and daily he would come to my hand and swim around it gently nibbling my fingers and allow me to stroke him.

Often, the sun would cause me to fall asleep on the big old tree and I would always allow my hand to fall into the water just so I could stroke Slippery while drifting to sleep.

I never told anybody about him as I knew how prized he would be on the tea table.

One day Dad arrived inside very excited. He had seen the BIGGEST fish he'd ever seen in the creek by the fallen tree.

My Uncle also heard about the enormous rainbow trout. My Slippery.

Soon, the fishing lines were in place to catch him and the contest between Dad and my Uncle began. Who would catch him first?

And half an hour after they were set, I would go down and take the lines out of the water, give Slippery a big meal and forget the fishing lines.

Dad and my Uncle were mystified. And in their minds, the fish seemed to grow bigger and bigger.

In went the fishing lines ... out went the fishing lines, it seemed to them that a wood nymph was playing tricks ... or, the fish was human and kept throwing the lines out.

They had no idea I could go into the water and actually HOLD the fish they coveted.

The game with my Dad and Uncle was making me quite happy, but they were getting a bit upset about this "monster" and whatever was happening to their fishing lines.

I had visions of Slippery flaked and baked in Mum's oven and completely stuffed.

So I had an enormous task to do. At all costs, my Dad and Uncle had to be watched.

At night they would silently creep to the big hole with me trailing, hiding behind trees so they wouldn't see me. I had to be like a little mouse.

By the time I had turned eight, floods had come and gone down the Little Yarra creek, but Slippery had remained.

To him, I could chat about anything. And not a soul knew my association with him.

Dad and my Uncle were still trying to catch him, and I was still saving him.

After two years, Dad was ready to "let the poor bugga live. After all, he'd earned it!"
But not my Uncle. So, the two started all over again - and so did I.

Slippery was fed on the most delectable morsels a fish could eat! He ate out of my hand and together we would have a little swim, I could swim by the age of eight of course!

There was one difference to Dad and my Uncles steps as they went to set their lines. They were slower, and their whispers more sort of, dejected.

By the time I was nine, Slippery and I were the best of mates naturally! I had known him for three years! It had been a long friendship to a little girl!

Together, we had other bushland friends. Little birds would come down and fly around us and the platypuses of course.

But Dad and my Uncle began to become intent on getting Slippery.

I had turned ten when they both decided to blow up the big hole in order to stun him and grab him. There was no doubt about it though, he was huge and very fat.

Dad came home with a tin of something and hid it. It was a beautiful tin! Very, very pretty. I had no idea what was in it but found it of course!

I opened it expecting coloured pencils, but nope ... something very plain looking....

Soon Dad came screaming into the house. "WHO TOUCHED THAT TIN!!"

For Dad to be so upset was something very unusual. Nothing bothered Dad. But the movement of the tim had left him white and shaking.

I owned up of course, next thing, I got the biggest lecture I have ever had. The tin was filled with detonators.

One was going to be used to blow up the big hole and grab my fish! Instead, my playing with them could have blown me up!

The big hole and Slippery Ping Pong lived.

When I turned 11, Slippery was still living happily in his deep hole - and it was time for me to say goodbye to him. We were moving to Tasmania to live.

That was the saddest goodbye ever. Dad came to see what I was crying about and caught me playing with Slippery. Suddenly, everything fell into place and he laughed, but, I did get another lecture about the detonators.

From time to time I think about Slippery and all the fun we had. I realy had no idea a Rainbow Trout would live that long!

Wonder if he is still there?

Monday, December 18, 2006

Mud Glorious Mud.

In deep sadness I announce the death of Mickey The Fin who passed away quietly in his sleep last night.

Above is a photo of the majestic Mickey The Fin as he threshed in the shallow water for his life. Having no net, I caught him with my bare hands and arms.

Even in his threshings there was a majestic quality about him which had to be photographed.

His beauty was supreme even if he was just a common European Carp. He was still a life.

Stranded, the tail and fins lashed out at the world as though in defiance at the cruelty of a never ending sunny day. Of nature at it's most savage in Australia.

The mallee is now a land for the survival of the fittest as hot breezes accompanied by the glaring force of a merciless sun beats down upon a helpless land.

And out there, somewhere, there are many other Mickey The Fins wallowing out their last hours in mud.

As we look towards where Lakes have been, we see a shimmer of water and slow down .... no .... it is just a mirage. The lakes cannot be full again until the Rain Angels open the gates of heaven and allow precious water to fall.

Water birds are leaving the areas now - the exotic, and the common, as daily water levels fall by evaporation from the heat.

In Gippland Victoria, the toll on wildlife through bush fire has been horrendous.

And so, the Land of the Southern Cross lies in wait for the blessing of .... rain.

On close inspection it was seen that Micky the Fin had suffered some kind of blows to his little body. He was one of the unfortunate. He was born a carp.

Mickey The Fin's Funeral Music Prior To The Service.
Please imagine him swimming freely in the lagoon when you clik on his music.

Mickey's Eulogy .....

Mickey the Fin loved his mud. He ate it, slept in it and drank it. Played with his mates in it and tickled the feet of wading birds in it.

He knew no sin but lived according to the manner God bade him to live.

He lived a sinless, quality life in a lagoon with his friends.

He did no harm to others and certainly did no harm to me.

And so I say .....

Rest In Peace Mickey The Fin. You were a beautiful fish.

Mickey The Fin's Funeral March

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Mickey The Fin

Oh what a day! I have been busy catching live fish from a lagoon which is drying out in order to save their lives. They were flapping around in shallow muddy water.

One photo is of the fish scales of the BIGGEST fish I have EVER caught. And the other is of the same fish which is quite at home for the time being in a bath of water in the paddock.

To gaze upon the beauty of such a huge fish is out of this world!

To catch it was another matter ......

Yes, I fell over in the deep mud many times as this monster tried to find a way of escape for it's life, but it didn't know I was the only means of it's escape.

The name of the big fish was going to be Moby, but then I thought Mickey The Fin would be a far better name for it. It sort of reminded me of a Michael I know of in Mildura.

It measures just over two feet in length and will soon be in deeper water to enable it to swim around and eat whatever things fish eat.

When I did the test of patience in photographing fish fins arise from deep water, I had no idea God would allow me to actually HAVE one to photograph even if it did put up a fight!!!

The camera will be snapping happily.

At present he is very quiet and happily laying in his bath of water. He does look a bit like a shark, but he does have a sort of a yellow underside so I think it's a Yellow Belly.

Other fish were Redfin, these I quickly placed into a lake. But the monster Mickey The Fin, I could not part with until he is well and truly photographed!

Coming home with a monster fish in the boot of the car and covered in mud plus sitting on Newspapers was something a bit different!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Killer Kids

Too many teenagers and children of today have a cruel streak in them which seems to yearn for attention.

In Australia, the Police hunt is on for Teenage Arsonists who have killed a man by lighting fires of destruction.

It would be so nice if they were given a good whipping when found plus a long gaol sentence, but unfortunately the do gooders could cry about the whipping.

Where I live, bored young people are having a great time clubbing distressed wildlife to death.

I managed to catch two on camera today as they were beginning to club an injured wallaby to death. The wallaby is now with the Vet. The young people are still with the Police. Ages - 10 and 11 with a 13 year old watching and laughing.

He isn't laughing anymore, in fact, he's howling his eyes out.

Why do kids do it? Is it boredom or is it just some inbuilt mechanism which tells them to destroy?

Yesterday they had great fun spearing fish in lagoon. It was "Just for fun".

I'm beginning to think people are rearing a generation of brats!

Friday, December 15, 2006

With The Hellect sorry ... the elect......

The first thing that struck me on becoming a mod was my eyes were opened to a completely new forum which was directly below a chatbox.

At first, I was terrified to venture into the hidden quarters of the Hellect. But it was the only way I could get to the training area.

Still, I stared at it for half an hour before daring venture in.

Right next to my name was the big "S" for stupid so I thought if all the other 'Stupids' could go in there, I could too.

(The "S" actually meant Staff, MY name for it was Stupid)

Very timidly I entered, only to find I was the last new mod to do so, therefore I was the last new mod to be welcomed.

The welcome was very nice. Everyone said " Fresh Meat!" and " More victims!" and gave us cyber medical supplies and many "mwuuuahahahahahahaha's" which was rather nice too. I noted the absence of cake and drinks though.

It took a long time to get through that welcome thread as others had made themselves at home straight away laughing at all the bandages and medical supplies. I wasn't so sure of myself ....... there was an atmosphere about that forum which put me on guard.

In another thread we were bade to put out piccies up for all the Hellect to see. That took me a day to decide. The only recent one I had was one which was had been taken when I had been shopping and thoroughly worn out!

In a little nook there it was, the "Prayer room for the Elect. Yes, it was named "for the elect".

I wondered about that for half an hour, did these people and the owners REALLY think all the mods there were the 'elect'?! Then started to giggle. This one was a shy little duck. I would never go near that place. I saw myself as no elect.

Then to the training thread. Oh wonder of wonders!

"This is where you use your tools blah, blah," But ... they never told us HOW to use them!

I clicked onto my 'tools' and read the list. "move thread' 'pin thread'" etc; etc;
Then moved the training thread into the trash and couldn't get it out again.

I pm'd another mod and told her and she went off her head! "You have unpinned the training thread!!!!" It was like I had murdered the thing! I had always admired her, suddenly she showed her true colours and my admiration flew out the cyber window.

The Training thread was directly above the deleted trash from the Forums and quickly fading into the distance! I was panicking. I went back to the Forum in tears to find it neatly repinned.

Soon a pm came from a mod who laughed at me and said "It happens all the time. clik on tools etc;etc;" and from that time on we became the best of friends.

I practised pinning and unpinning the practice thread for half an hour after that.

Then to the "Hidden Post" area.

All mods used hidden posts there. These were a green colour and our avatars plus the big "S" for Stupid looked good on the green. Nobody on the Forums could see these posts and they were used in Appeals and to warn other staff that a member was being watched in threads.

As for the rest of the training, we had to work that out for ourselves.

I saw the reports going into the Report Forum and decided to have a look in there.

So this was the gully trap? I had seen the waste disposal unit so this was new. So was the language. What the heck were they talking about? RFE? O/W? U/W? acrynoms flew like bad language at a booze up!

I had to ask, and chose my friend to explain. He explained everything and this was copied and pasted to notepad and kept. Like ... I happen to be a compulsive hoarder?

Then came the hard one at that time. Splitting and merging a thread. Never will that be forgotten. For me, it was absolutely impossible!!

But, it had to be learned, so I printed out the instructions as given by another mod I used to play a game with in a thread prior to becoming one of the Stupid ones, and began to practice.

After a few minutes practice I knew something was desperately wrong when I couldn't find what I was working with.

Oh yes! There is was! All in little bits in the trash with all the little bits fading into the distance. Panic set in and I was shaking with fear.

I grabbed the Header Post and repinned it ... but the rest?????!!!! Only one thing to do, pm my friend in a hurry!!

He didn't answer. Instead, I went to the Forum to find it all stuck back together the way it had been originally THEN, I received the pm from him. "Done!"

I wept with relief. Never could I have met a greater friend when in need. Then again, we went back a long way having met at Emma's in 2003.

I watched him Mod. He was superb! And it became my dearest wish to Mod with him just to learn. He played tricks with me in hidden posts, I played tricks with him in hidden posts. And he proved to be the only true friend I would really have on the Squad.

I watched as applicants for Mods came in. In surprise I watched some applicant have rather harsh things said about them by the Squad! Especially one I knew well. The wording they used was too harsh, so I interrupted and spoke the truth about the person as I knew it. She was a lovely person!

On my word, she was accepted and went into training in due time.

Soon, I dedicated myself to this new life. Training was short and before long I was assigned to a team still wondering how to split and merge a thread. That would come in time. I prayed I wouldn't have to do it.

Then, once assigned to a team, I was accepted to be able to speak to other mods on msn. Nice. It seemed they all congregated on msn!

Soon came my gentle Forums, ones which gave very little bother. And my name with the Big "S" for Stupid went to the top of the Forum in the Mod Box.

This gave me time to browse what mods talked about in the Squad Forum.

"Is this Avatar appropriate?"
" Is This Signature Appropriate?"
"What Should I Do About This?"
" Do You Think This Is Sock For ........"

And of course there were the threads where they patted one another on the back.

But the shock came when I found the threads with the Protestant Mods fighting with the Catholic Mods!

At that time I had a Home Church and didn't attend any organised religion so decided to forget it, but that didn't stop me from reading the flaming attacks on one another.

Then, one of the viscious ones on CF showed her fangs and started a thread about me in the open Forum. She was adamant I had no knowledge of the plan of Salvation and all Mods knew to whom she was referring. Me.

The thread was titled just for me and I knew I had Satan at my back.

She had reported me for telling a young man he was saved due to his belief in Jesus prior to my becoming a mod.

Other Mods had agreed with me and refused any warning and explained why to her. I had no knowledge of this report nor what was going on behind my back at that time until she had pm'd me with hate pm's.

That thread was settled by other mods of the particular Forum. Oh she was a cunning woman. Cunning and spitefilled, I watched the deleted thread fade into the distance in the trash.

Then my stalker started a thread. I had told her to cease stalking me so she started a thread about should people who hurt people be mods.

And I knew I had Satan plus many, many demons on my tracks!

I watched as that thread faded into the distance in the trash and knew instantly, I had two deadly enemies who would stop at nothing to harm and belittle me.

Then, a thread was started in the Mod Forum. "Should People who don't attend church be mods?"

I was shocked, no,no, I think paralysed was the word. In the thread was a hearse like the one which took my husbands body away. Written across it boldly was "Don't Wait For A Hearse To Take You To Church!". They had used my dead husband as an example!! WHOA!!!!

They all agreed only people who attended church should be Mods. I had never seen anything so cruel and heartless in my life! These people were christians???! To hell with them! I KNEW there was an atmosphere I did not like about that Forum.

I lost my temper and told them just what I thought of the Hellect. That I knew they were referring to me and that I was above such childish nonsense. I also asked them if they felt BETTER because they attended church? Did Jesus look on them any differently because they attended a man made structure? Did Jesus tell us to go to Church in the NT??! Then I told them to "Go to hell where you belong".

It was then I placed in my resignation. It was refused point blunt. I turned my head away from any forced apology and demanded release from the Hellect

It was refused on the grounds that I was needed.

Yes, I was needed. I was being trained to mod the hardest Forums on the site. The Hellect had plans for me as they had followed my posts with precision. What they saw in them, I will never know!

I was furious when my resignation was denied and lashed out by reporting everyone who committed a breach. By this time I knew the then rules backwards and if they refused to release me, and use my dead husband in that manner, I would make then work.

Then, I shut the computer off and went away to cry like a baby. I loathed them!
And suddenly, I wanted to hurl the computer through the window and never look at it again.

To use the death of my husband in order to belittle me was beyond my comprehension! They knew he had not been a church goer.

And of course a woman had started the despicable thread.

I was inconsolable and the sobbing would not cease. I had also just lost my Father and Mother, both non church goers.

Grief and anger overwhelmed me until I sobbed myself out, alone, beneath a tall gumtree and fell fast asleep.

I don't know how long I slept, all I knew was that I NEVER wanted to go back there to
be faced with that most viscious thread again.

The computer stayed off. To ensure it stayed off, I took it to it's repair man to have it checked and out of my sight and told he and his wife what had happened.

Their shock was similar to mine. They refuse to go near any church and always have.

The advice from friends came for me to refuse to answer reports and refuse to log in there. Advice quickly grabbed!

But, I had to tell the Hellect my intentions. I never knew what they were actually thinking - nor why they were so secretive about some things.......... all I knew was that I had grown to loathe them with a deep loathing. They grieved my spirit.

I logged into the place and the report button was flashing. I deleted every report.

They would release me one way or the other because as sure as hell, I did not want to carry the big "S" for Stupid anymore

Thursday, December 14, 2006

A Life On The Line

I have been asked to place an entry about my lengthy career as a mod so thought it might be OK. NO NAMES WIL BE MENTIONED.

Being on a Mod Squad is no fun really. It's alot of hard work, thankless, demanding and exact.

People love you - people hate you.

The Mods under intense fire from hatred are those who mod exceptionally High Traffic and hard forums.

These were the Forums I modded along with many gentle ones.

A christian forum is, to me, one where there are only christians. Sadly, this place allowed atheists, muslims, gays, satanists and you name it's along with christians. And the fighting was intense.

No - it wasn't fighting, it was war.

Apologetics was deplorable and one place where everyone gathered who was just out to argue. Ethics & Morality was an intense forum where only the very brave dared to enter for they spoke about things which no decent people really talk about.

Non christian religion is another tough one where muslims try to convert christians and vice versa.

I modded those three along with other hard ones.

The training period is fun, then, when that is over Forums are assigned to the mod.
At first they are light as heavy traffic forums are not permitted to the novice.

If one sees a mod with very light forums one knows the mod cannot handle the intensity of High Traffic such as those mentioned.

I was thrown into Ethics and Morality for starters. It was hard, darn hard. But, I had a good mentor who guided me through.

It was in E&M where I received my sex education. Oh My God!! It was an education I could have done without!

But, I was stuck with this vile forum and trapped there as I learned fast, and did my job well. Many times I requested "Lemme out!" - and as many times I was told I was needed and no, I could not be released.

Then, I was requested to mod General Apologetics. My eyes widened at THIS one! NOOO!!! They couldn't do it to me!!
But, I had proven mysely in E&M and the heart rendering request to take on G.A too was reluctantly accepted.

The nightmare began as the two Forums were the hardest Forums on the whole site to moderate.

Threads were closed for 'cleaning', (Deletion of horrific posts) and warnings issued.

One G.A Mod cracked under the strain and left soon after I started. That left me and a couple of other mods.

Then, they needed a strong Mod for Non Christian Religion and requested I be the one to take the Forum. My explanation of modding G.A. and E&M was intense did not work.
So, I was assigned to NCR.

By now I had them fighting in G.A., carrying on in E&M and fighting in NCR.
The reports came in fast and furious.

Mods were amazing how they timed things. They always vanished on the tough Forums when known trouble makers came online never to be seen until the following day.

Over and over I would check to see if my fellow mods were online - nope! And the red light kept flashing........

I came to loathe that red light calling me to a report.

All mods were asked to have a 'sock puppet' (another non mod account. It was such a pleasure when I logged into mine. From the other account I could post in peace with no red light flashing.

It was no fun to learn that many mods posted in E&M and G.A. under their sock puppets where they flamed other members something shocking!

I learned they were actually mods the hard way. I Unofficially Warned a mod. This of course was demanded to be lifted (which was done immediately). One cannot warn a mod for calling another member a "bloody stupid heathen with boots for brains". No,no.

Then came time for me to be called to U.T. Another hard Forum where Christians mingle with the mormons etc; and one tries to convert the other.

I took it on as nobody else would hoping they would behave themselves. No,no. They got worse!

It seemed the red light would never stop.
It was nothing to go to sleep only to find 78 unattended reports in my pm box when I awoke.

There was a very limited few mods I liked or trusted. Many become moderators for the status, not the job. They were not my kind of people whatsoever.

And although moderating is called a "ministery" it is far from that. It's an unpaid job on a forum such as that one and nothing else.

As a mod, I met the most deceitful and degrading types of "christians" I think the world could offer. And, I met lovely christians who were far too good to be bothered with the types there.

It amazed me to see so many married women and men on the forum. Had I not been single, I would have been with my husband and certainly not at a place like that!!

It was also amazing to watch the flirtations which took place. I was too busy to notice until a Mod pm'd me and pointed out a few things on a certain forum. I peeked and we went onto msn and could laugh about them and watch their antics.

Wasted time for me but well worth it for the laugh!!

It was for flirtation reasons forums for singles were created. (We were wondering if one of the so called 'pastors' on the place would marry some of them)!!

Of course only some of we mods believed the people were pastors. I didn't believe a word these 'pastors' said! To me they were just another lot of liars wanting attention.

I was requested to mod the Singles Forums and to that, I had only one word to answer. "No". They seemed to understand 'no' better than an explanation as to why.

PM's came in of love, and abuse. As I was modding the "Bad Forums" abuse was mainly what was received.

These we downloaded and saved to documents. I still have mine saved which have been burned to disc.

Appeals against warnings were common. We groaned when these came in. One in particular I will never forget. Appeals were downloaded secretly and saved in Documents. Mine have now been burned to disc as a reminder of the hatred and spite held in the hearts of too many "christians".

Bad threads we had to cleanout were downloaded and saved prior to cleaning.

We could see everyone's IP address, and that was something I had a great problem with as there were known hackers on the Forum.

Some mods joined the squad only to stay a short time, then leave which was sad but understandable.

I spent a whole wasted year doing this work. Many say it wasn't wasted, but to me it was a waste of time, and a waste of effort, for today the place is said to be utterly disgraceful, and one no decent person would dare to venture.

The jealousy against some mods from other staff members was at danger point. This was the reason many mods went on "holidays" while others actually did go on holidays leaving their burden of work to other overworked mods.

Sneaks who were banned would open other accounts and carry on with their nonsense. Many of these I caught and ebanned. They would enter with no IP not knowing we had tricks and ways of finding out if they were the same person or not.

I learned too much being a Senior Moderator. I saw the world of christanity from a different point of view for the first time in my life and then understood the words "Many will be called but few will be chosen".

And, what the ordinary poster never knew was, posted in many forums were hidden posts which could only be seen by a Moderator...........

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Death At Christmas

The Silly Season is with us again. The time when people spend a fortune on presents they can't afford, and eat far too much.

The time of the year when families gather together to spend quality time and enjoy themselves.

For others it's the saddest time of the year when they sit alone and remember, or are hospitalised. And for any more, it's the time to remember the death of a loved one killed by car accident. The latter is one I think of alot.

I recall one Christmas many years ago when my late husband and I were travelling home from shopping.

It was a warm evening, the sky enriched with vivid colours of the setting sun and we were chatting about the lovliness of Christmas when suddenly, running up the middle of the highway were two screaming, frantic teenagers who ran in front of the car to stop us.

We had slowed to a halt with their hands on the bonnet as incoherently they tried to tell us there had been a car accident and pleaded our help.

It seemed they had been running for miles. Sweat poured down their young faces and both panted for breath.

We told them to jump in the car and take us to the accident scene immediately.

Horror of horrors, we pulled up at a fatal scene where one teenager lost her life and the other young 18 year old boy laid dying in his brothers arm. His scalp split in two.

The car they had been travelling in was small, but powerful with a small steering wheel. They were from Melbourne on holiday and did not know how to drive on country roads. The driver, seeing no traffic had tested the speed of the car, hit deadly loose gravel and lost control sending the car and it's occupants sommersaulting over a hidden water channel and rolling, rolling, rolling through a paddock.

There was nothing left of the car. It was a heap of scrap.

My husband found one young teenage girl dead beside a water channel, obviously, she had been thrown out in some way.

The girls who had stopped us had been travelling in another car behind the death machine and were witness to what had occured.

It was no time before the air was so filled with mosquitoes one could almost breathe them in.

The nearest farm was a few kilometers away, my husband headed for it to use the phone.

It was a shamozzle. The Ambulance and Police got lost and turned off on another highway which sent them screaming down another road only to have to turn around and come screaming to an electric halt beside the accident scene.

Nothing could be done for the young boy. We heard the scream of "NOOOOOOO!!!" signifying his brother's death from his older brother who held him in his arms until death. We heard his tears, heard his anguish, and heard his heart break.

It became dark as we searched for other victims while the dead girl was placed in the Ambulance. Finding none, we restarted our search. A body could be in the channel, or in the dense cumbungi in the channel.

Soon, I heard cries of a different kind above all the din and saw a figure trying to come through the tall water weeds.
It was the driver. I could see he had a broken spine from the way he was trying to walk and tried to force him to lay straight and flat on the earth. But, he could not hear me due to shock.

Soon, ambulance medicals had him strapped on a stretcher and lifted into the ambuance.

But being the only woman at the scene it was my job to comfort the grieving.

It was when the young boy died the anger started. Heart wrenching tears came from the older brother who refused to let medicals take his body while the girls screamed words of hatred and abuse at his "murderer", the driver who did not hear a word.

While they let it all flow I approached the young man holding his dead brother and laid a hand on his shoulder. He looked at me and said " He didn't want to come! He wanted to stay home! Why is he dead? WHY?"

I could not answer as there was no answer. And my tears mingled with his as we gazed at one another. Then he collapsed sobbing into my arms as medicals took the young body away. Together we sat on the earth sobbing because there were no words ....

The smell of blood filled the air and mosquitoes had a field day. We were all covered in blood. I can never forget the blood - human blood.

And somewhere in Melbourne, two mothers were yet to be notified that their children were dead. Their bodies far from home.

Christmas gifts which would never be unwrapped .......

Monday, December 11, 2006

A Change

I closed down the computer last night as told by the Dept of Whatever. The storm passed with lots of wind, sheet lightening and very little rain.

The storm was preceded by another dust storm.

Although warned not to use the phone, I disobeyed and phoned my Son In Law and Daughter and learned they were watching it pass through the State. But, it did not do what meteorologists thought it would.

It was just another night when the angels were moving their furniture and lighting candles in the sky only to blow them out again.

Also learned there are signs around Lake Wendouree telling people to stay out of the bed of the Lake. Apparently what is left of the bed is like quicksand which is understandable.

Today is much cooler and more tolerable.

The rain would have been welcomed immensely, but for us in this part of the mallee region it was more like a dry storm.

The main thing we have to worry about here in storms such as that are fire globes. These are balls of fire which hit the earth from outer space and cause terrible fires.

I still feel a bit tired. I think heavy winds wind must cause tiring affects on the human body.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

A Day Of Horror

Today has been so hot in it's incredible to believe we humans can live through it.
The town looks deserted as people stayed indoors beneath air conditioning.

In Eastern Victoria, firefighters continue their fight to quench the ruinous fires. One which may have been not quite so drastic if cattle had been allowed to continue to graze there. But alas, that had been stopped by environmentalists we call Greenies.

No doubt water in the dams will be affected as the smoke haze reaches far places. Thankfully, the smell has left the area in which I live.

Victoria is now 20% gone under bushfire. My heart is wrenching for the lives of the animals, insects, and wildlife this furnace has claimed.

For the firefighters and their families who are constantly watching Nasa and awaiting news. For our troops there, and for the Kiwi's my heart is aching.

Hopefully, the storms we expect will reach them and help to destroy this most vile of all things. Bushfire.

One feels so helpless when these fires now break out. So completely inadequate. All we can do is pray for them and I would think that is what they need the most.

The heat of today cannot help them in any way.

The helpless koala suffers the most hideous of deaths due to the high content of eucalypt in their fur and bodies. So virtually, these poor little creatures just smoulder to death in excrutiating agony. And nothing can be done to save them.

As I type this, storms seem to be building up in surrounding areas. Hopefuly, they will bring much needed rain.

They may mean power blackout, but who cares as long as rain is belting down and the temperature drops. Today, we have reached about 108 F. and it is only the 10th of December.

Heat such as this means alarming water evaporation - and the threat of more future dust storms.

The drought has caused brittle limbs on trees, many which will fall in high winds if the storms reach high wind capacity.

Then again, we are asking ourselves. Is the sky deceiving us again?


My friends have been telling me about the coming storm but NOOOOOO!!!!

The Fire Siren is now going off .... it's going to be a wild night!!!


It has passed - no damage but very high winds and a little rain.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

The Black State?

Generally, Victoria is a beautiful green State with acres of lush rolling vegetation and crops.

Today, Victoria is a brown and tan state with the continuing, and tightening drought.

I think that by the end of January, we may be a black State the way the bushfires are raging.

Many are suspicious of how these fires started in the first place.

The restictions placed on firefighters must be frustrating to them as they battle to save life, houses and property.

There is no doubt dams will be affected following these terrible fires - as will the water.

Today it is very hot and everyone is heading for the air conditioners; it's the ony sensible thing to do. A light breeze in the air does nothing to quell the heat and more to cause viscious dust storms.

And the worst is to come .....

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

False Prophets

Sometimes I have to have a bit of a grin. Recently we had a report from somewhere that Nuclear War would start in August of this year and we all had to be ready for it. And, it seems that all over the world, people are counting down to
The End Of The World

There is no doubt this world as it is now will end at some time or another, but I wonder when the false prophets will let up on their predictions?

A Prophet is one who speaks FOR God.

That's a pretty high calling! To be chosen to speak FOR God the Father, Creator of Heaven and Earth! After all He is God!

Today, people throw around "prophecies" as though they are going out of fashion. Never in my life had I heard as many as I did in the pentecostal churches.

I recall an instance when, while seated at a pentecostal church, a woman stood up and began babbling in a strange language. There was nobody to interpret, we had no idea what she was on about and yet the minister bade us all to listen to these "astonishing prophetic words".

I never did find out what they were and am still wondering many years later.

Why do people give false prophecies? Why do people stand up and babble away in strange languages? Why do they babble in strange languages anyway?!
What is behind these Revival, Word of Faith, and Pentecostal Movements?

I recall when I used to visit a woman deeply involved with Pentecostalism. She is so deeply religious it isn't natural and her prime target to be "saved" was moi at that time.

Her and a friend introduced me to Pentecostalism big time. And in those churches I saw things I never thought I'd ever see in my life.

Prophecy was rife! It seemed that everyone was a prophet!

Then there were the prophets in the big cities who used to visit. One prophesised over me and told me God wasn't going to throw the baby out with the bathwater giving me visions of nightmare quality.

What does the Bible say about prophets?

For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.

2 Peter 1:21

And in these days came prophets from Jerusalem unto Antioch. And there stood up one of them named Agabus, and signified by the Spirit that there should be great dearth [Famine] throughout all the world: which came to pass in the days of Claudius Caesar.

Acts 11:27-28

And as we tarried there many days, there came down from Judaea a certain prophet, named Agabus. And when he was come unto us, he took Paul's girdle [Belt], and bound his own hands and feet, and said, Thus saith the Holy Ghost, So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man that owneth this girdle, and shall deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.

1 Samuel 10:10-11
And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken? When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.

Deuteronomy 18:21-22
But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.

Deuteronomy 18 and Samuel 10 tells us what will happen to these false prophets. They die.

The rest show us that a prophets words happpen!

It often astonisheds me that these people who claim to be prophets continue to try to predict the end of the world when in actual fact, Jesus stated, in their well worn Bibles, that even HE did nopt know, that only GOD knew when the end would happen.

Now I really am wondering what is truly behind this pentecostal movement because what they do seems to be contradictory to God's Word.

What do you think?

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Deception In The Name Of God

Illusion acts and magic have been used for many years. Once it would have been unheard of that they could ever enter the churches. Sadly, they have.

A Scenario:

The service was amost underway as Tim slipped into the back of a packed Auditorium and glanced around looking for a seat. Finding none, he moved toward a group of people, some on crutches, some in wheelchairs and stood amongst them to observe the unfolding events.

The audience eagerly listened to a 200 strong voiced choir accompanied by a five piece band. Some tried to keep time, some tried to clap. All of them had a look of expectation that this night would mark the return of their health.

Coloured lights flashed from the ceiling holding many children in awe. Tonight "Dr Jesus" would heal them of their crippling diseases.

Following the enthusiastic singing by the congregation, the offetory went around collecting money from rich and poor. Guards locked doors and followed those who had collected money to an unknown place at the back of the auditorium.

After a rousing solo by a young gospel singer, the faith healer came on stage.

"God wants to do a miracle in YOUR life tonight! he exclaimed. The packed auditorium burst into clapping.
"God is in the MIRACLE MAKING BUSINESS! If you are having trouble with your finances, God wants to heal your finances! If you are having trouble with your marriage God wants to HEAL your marriage. And if you are here tonight because you are sick, I am here to tell you that God WANTS TO HEAL YOU!!!"

The crowd was ecstatic with those words. Some had tears streaming down their faces, some cried "Praise The Lord!" some cried " Praise God!"

The faith healer held a worn Bible in his hands quoting confidently aout miracles it recorded. He claimed that across the countries he had visited God had performed miracles wherever he spoke. The lame had walked, the dumb had talked, people had grown new teeth, cancer had been cured, on and on went the speel.

....end of Scenario ....

The plain fact is. The man is a liar.

"Miracle Crusades" are designed to entrance the audience, lights are used to hypnotise the audience, and music is used to give a false security, words are used to hype the audience, lavish surroundings are used to lure the audience.

This is happening this very day and willingly people part with hard earned money to give to these snakey people who appear on stage with Rolex watches, a suit and outfit worth thousands of dollars and have just parked the latest most expensive car.

Not only are these people liars, they are also well trained conn men and thieves. Yet, people continue to flock to these liars and thieves in droves.

Music is a great gimic for the young. Give them the loudest drums, the best sound effects, the best lighting system, a warm atmosphere and they are off with the fairies.

God does not heal people in that manner. God does not request us to go into debt for Him. God does not request we give churches all our money. God requests obedience and trust in Him. Not trust in a man.

The latest craze is for teenagers to jump into "mosh pits" to scream and jump hard "for the Lord". Some break their ankles, others are injured badly in other ways.
They do this to hard playing rock music.

Why? Because David "danced for the Lord" when the Ark was returned to Jerusalem.

People are gullible and the conn men of the earth act on gullibility.

These conn men think they have a calling from God. But, if their "calling" does not line up word for word in the absolute correct interpretation with the Bible, they are one great ball of satanic air for Satan is the great deceiver.

Yes! Conn men appear nice people! Satan was also a very nice person, He was the Star Of The Morning! He can be a very beautiful person!

But note in the Garden of Eden where he turned himself into a snake in order to cause disobedience?

Today in some churches snakes are crawling from the ceiling and right down through those bright pretty lights which are there to hypnotise an audience into doing just what those men in expensive suits ask people to do. One of the greatest things they do is to hypnotise people into misinterpreting the Bible, and rob the man of his money.

Do you have to pay tithes today? No you do not! Tithing belongs to the Old Law. We are under the New Law of the New Testament. Forget what Malachi said! There are no Levite Priests today and Malachi was speaking to the Israelites!

Never in the history of mankind has there been such a world of deception and straight out lies.

These lies can be broadcast through Televangelists today; through books; through the Internet.

Be careful. Hold onto your Bible and weigh every word before you too are conned.

God never asked us to build luxurious churches in the New Testament. In fact, he never asked for any buildings for people to meet in!

The old saying " Times have changed" is not worth uttering where churches are concerned for God never changes.
Instead He asks us to meet. Meet where?

Think about it.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Helping The Hurting Of The World

Behind every corner in the world, in all nooks and crannies, we find people who are hurting.

Many self injure, too many have been raped, too many have been childhood abuse victims,too many are victims of bashings, and there are far too many lonely ones.

Many of these darling people commit suicide to escape the un-ease of their very being.

Some belong to rich families, some to middle class and many to the poor.

It appears the world has abandoned these lost, lonely and bewildered souls leaving them to wander in a daze of nervous and critical disorders which becomes a cancer to their souls.

My online ministry was to seek them out and just love them. It was a personal ministry, not an ordained by man job. An ordained by God job.

This I did by joining Forums. One Forum I joined was one of the largest on the web where I became a Moderator in order to help these souls escape the viscious poison filled arrows which blocked their paths through life.

I am not a Doctor, not trained to give advice, not a phsychologist nor phsychiatrist. Just a someone who cared I suppose.

Through Private Messages, I became friends with many of these beautiful people. This led to my thought of getting many of them together on msn so we could build a quality friendship of love group.

Senior Moderators were outraged when they first heard I was talking to these disheartened people and tried in every way to stop me owing to the fact I was unqualified to advise. And no matter how many times I explained it was a friendship Love Group, they refused to listen, refused to join to see the interaction, refused to have anything to do with them, and refused to even touch on the subject in the end.

I was told they were attention seekers and "only Internet people".

My orders were that they were to be left to their Councellors who knew how to cope with them.

Sometimes I wondered about the sanity of these so called senior mods who refused, or could not see I was NOT trying in any way to councel them.

But their eyes were blinded and all they did was hurl scriptures at them. Telling them they had to read their Bibles in order to be cured. They were even told they would go to hell for self injuring.

And, I was demonized by mod rabble who thought they were 'christians' but to me were the devil in disguise. They were more intent on having me be friends with a person who had stalked and harrasssed me than the suffering of this planet. That amazed me somewhat as stalking and harrassment was against the rules!

So the msn meetings had to be held in Top Secret.

The time clock of the world is set to various hours in various lands spread across the world. So, one would go to bed when the other was waking up to get onto msn as fast as possible!

At first, the msn group was small with only a few members. Soon, it became huge as friends joined, friends who were not a member of the forum.

And, I became a "Mother Of The World" figure to them. A Big Sister who joked, laughed, played tricks and taught them Australian slang, and who often spoke to them in ocker Aussie language.

Australians joined, it was odd having to teach them how to be an "ocker Aussie"!

They each told their stories on msn as they wanted to tell them. Many times I left the screen in tears as they poured their hearts out telling me and others things they would never tell their parents or councellors.

The most odd thing I found is that they all appeared to dislike their councellors stating that "they don't help". I could not advise them, I could only love them.

Girls with badly scarred arms were concerned about how to cover the scars in summer time. We found the solution in fashions with long flowing sleeves and glamorous long flowing skirts made of a flimsy material, and makeup.

Boys didn't care about those things. Their main care was getting on with a life without the demons within.

Because of the fear our computers may be hacked we arranged secret signs, and a type of secret language only we could understand.

This took their minds off self harm and worries and sent it reeling into another direction. They had the job of making up a new language nobody could understand if we were hacked and I had the ignominous task of learning it! *groan*

It was formidable. I was in another land, on another planet creeping through a place where a foreign language was being used and installing the latest anti hacking
barriers. Yes, there were known hackers on the forum. And one of the best was a mod.
Another was an ex mod who was friendly with mods.

So we had our dangers of the dark realm and had to fight the foe in every way possible.

I was moderating an outrageous amount of about 35 Forums, some intensely High Traffic. Here, on a so called forum which was supposed to be "christian" I was receiving reports of people having cyber sex, uploading pornographic material and photo's of tortured and half dead humans, and animals. I still shudder at the thought of them.

So our msn conversation went along the lines of " Hang on kids, the red light is flashing ..."

"GGH!!!" (Go get him/her, later to be changed)

Mods were under an oath of silence about activities so it could never be told to them what was occuring on my part.( Now, I am under no code of silence and they can go where they belong.)

On the other hand people were joining the forum with aliases as "God Almighty", "I hate Jesus", Christian Hater"," Bring Back The Halocaust" " Will You Have My Baby", "I love abortion", and names which took only the most imaginative creatures to think up.

These had to be ebanned.

Then there were the muslim trolls who were there to convert people to Islam. These people had to be watched carefully as in many instances they were successful.

And so, many of suffering souls found themselves reporting people on my forums and loving what they were doing.

They were reporting - I was acting. On msn the conversation was hilarious!

So inbetween the new language and the reporting of people, all intent of self harm, suicide and horrors of the past fled as they found themselves in a new world of "helping the mod" and fighting evil.

Their lives turned around, more and more they sought Jesus. More and more they began to love one another. But mostly, they began to love themselves.

Six of these young ones are now missionaries and on the mission field, another is training to be a Minister and studying intently.

They still gather on msn to exchange their stories of how their life turned for the better, to chat and laugh, and to tell one another how much they love one another for one thing I did teach them was to Love.

Yes, you can help the suffering of the world too. You can be as I was and take on a new world and a new life fighting evil.

Oh, and I forgot to mention. Two of them married! Another two are engaged to be married!

In this life we have only two choices. To Love and be loved in return, or to hate and be hated in return.

There are two sides to the coin of life. Good and evil.

The good fight the evil - the evil fight the good.

I love these people dearly although we have never met. Although we may never meet and athough seas divide. But through msn we could touch in a way which was magical and enchanting.

Today we humans have been given wings through having the Internet. And we can place those wings of Love around the world and hold tight to those hurting and bewildered.

This is only my experience I speak of here. And, you can do the same if you have the time. But you have to be strong, oh so very, very strong for some of the stories you will hear at first are heart wrenching.

Then come the photo's of proof to make sure they are telling the truth and not attention seeking.

Some of you met Chanelle in comments in my former entry. This beautiful creature is a Native American Indian who was a christian, but who was raped by a "christian" minister at the tender age of 13 and left in a shocking state. Her father found her and photographed what he saw. The photographs are horrific. She was chased off the forum by "christians" who sent her hate email.

And, the people of her church spurned her and said she was to blame as she had "lured" this so called "minister". And the world lost a christian to the Native American Indian Goddess of the tribe.

Oh yes! There are good and bad christians.

Due to my photography, I can't be with them so much today. But, when I log in, there many of them are - waiting.

I do not mod anymore - one year of that on that so called "christian" message board was sufficient to see oddness amongst staff at a high level.

They were certainly not my type of people!

But, the hurting and the injured people of the world on that forum were along with a very, very, VERY limited few people were my kind of people and I remain friends with them.

It took a forum which was supposed to be a christian one to make me see the world as I had never seen it before.

And of that, I will post later.

HANNANA SINDA!!!!! ( meaning - Loving ME, Loving YOU!)

Remember, first you have to love your self!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

New Release?

Hmnnn ........ I don't think I'll read Jimmy Carters book.

Carter Demonises Israel

It's a bit surprising to me to read about this book being released considering the anti semetic movement around the world.

Hatred Of God's Chosen

Why pick the Jewish nation? There are so many other nations of people. Why has Israel been the one to be chosen and villified?

Read all about it in the Bible, the book of utter truth.

Almighty God speaks of many things in the Bible, the oldest book on earth. He only gave Divine Inspiration for one Book to be written. The Bible.

And the Old Testament is filled with prophecy about Israel. Shall come a time .... shall come a time .....

Over The Moon!


Tonights Sunset

A young Silver Seagull

The Royal Spoonbil

Royal Spoonbill and Sacred Ibis

The Royal Spoonbill has landed!

It was my sheer joy this evening to go out and photograph as sunset was approaching, but joy turned to awe when I saw the Royal Spoonbill had arrived.

Never have I seen a bird move it's big flat beak so fast in water!
Fascinated, I watched and photographed as it made itself known to other wildlife in the swamps. Not that they were really interested. One would have thought they'd have been bowing and scraping before the beauty of the creature, but no way.

This afternoon, I thought I had found a winged bird, but it turned out to be a very young Silver Seagull. It was so pretty! (and very healthy as the photo shows)

And so the camera was busy snapping again. Not very often do we see the young gulls on land.

I have burned so many photo's to CD and DVD, so I guess it's time to move some out of the computer or else she may start spluttering and carking.

Having had so much fun watching and photographing the Royal Spoonbill plus the Sacred Ibis's, I forgot to prepare tea so it was a bit of cold shoulder to myself when I got home and realised how fast time had travelled.

Now, I have a great deal of thinking about what the heck I am going to do with all these photo's. And that's going to take alot of time.

Which to print out .... which to go on display .... which to finally exhibit.

Hellelujah! I HAVE got some thinking to do now!