Deception In The Name Of God

Illusion acts and magic have been used for many years. Once it would have been unheard of that they could ever enter the churches. Sadly, they have.
A Scenario:
The service was amost underway as Tim slipped into the back of a packed Auditorium and glanced around looking for a seat. Finding none, he moved toward a group of people, some on crutches, some in wheelchairs and stood amongst them to observe the unfolding events.
The audience eagerly listened to a 200 strong voiced choir accompanied by a five piece band. Some tried to keep time, some tried to clap. All of them had a look of expectation that this night would mark the return of their health.
Coloured lights flashed from the ceiling holding many children in awe. Tonight "Dr Jesus" would heal them of their crippling diseases.
Following the enthusiastic singing by the congregation, the offetory went around collecting money from rich and poor. Guards locked doors and followed those who had collected money to an unknown place at the back of the auditorium.
After a rousing solo by a young gospel singer, the faith healer came on stage.
"God wants to do a miracle in YOUR life tonight! he exclaimed. The packed auditorium burst into clapping.
"God is in the MIRACLE MAKING BUSINESS! If you are having trouble with your finances, God wants to heal your finances! If you are having trouble with your marriage God wants to HEAL your marriage. And if you are here tonight because you are sick, I am here to tell you that God WANTS TO HEAL YOU!!!"
The crowd was ecstatic with those words. Some had tears streaming down their faces, some cried "Praise The Lord!" some cried " Praise God!"
The faith healer held a worn Bible in his hands quoting confidently aout miracles it recorded. He claimed that across the countries he had visited God had performed miracles wherever he spoke. The lame had walked, the dumb had talked, people had grown new teeth, cancer had been cured, on and on went the speel.
....end of Scenario ....
The plain fact is. The man is a liar.
"Miracle Crusades" are designed to entrance the audience, lights are used to hypnotise the audience, and music is used to give a false security, words are used to hype the audience, lavish surroundings are used to lure the audience.
This is happening this very day and willingly people part with hard earned money to give to these snakey people who appear on stage with Rolex watches, a suit and outfit worth thousands of dollars and have just parked the latest most expensive car.
Not only are these people liars, they are also well trained conn men and thieves. Yet, people continue to flock to these liars and thieves in droves.
Music is a great gimic for the young. Give them the loudest drums, the best sound effects, the best lighting system, a warm atmosphere and they are off with the fairies.
God does not heal people in that manner. God does not request us to go into debt for Him. God does not request we give churches all our money. God requests obedience and trust in Him. Not trust in a man.
The latest craze is for teenagers to jump into "mosh pits" to scream and jump hard "for the Lord". Some break their ankles, others are injured badly in other ways.
They do this to hard playing rock music.
Why? Because David "danced for the Lord" when the Ark was returned to Jerusalem.
People are gullible and the conn men of the earth act on gullibility.
These conn men think they have a calling from God. But, if their "calling" does not line up word for word in the absolute correct interpretation with the Bible, they are one great ball of satanic air for Satan is the great deceiver.
Yes! Conn men appear nice people! Satan was also a very nice person, He was the Star Of The Morning! He can be a very beautiful person!
But note in the Garden of Eden where he turned himself into a snake in order to cause disobedience?
Today in some churches snakes are crawling from the ceiling and right down through those bright pretty lights which are there to hypnotise an audience into doing just what those men in expensive suits ask people to do. One of the greatest things they do is to hypnotise people into misinterpreting the Bible, and rob the man of his money.
Do you have to pay tithes today? No you do not! Tithing belongs to the Old Law. We are under the New Law of the New Testament. Forget what Malachi said! There are no Levite Priests today and Malachi was speaking to the Israelites!
Never in the history of mankind has there been such a world of deception and straight out lies.
These lies can be broadcast through Televangelists today; through books; through the Internet.
Be careful. Hold onto your Bible and weigh every word before you too are conned.
God never asked us to build luxurious churches in the New Testament. In fact, he never asked for any buildings for people to meet in!
The old saying " Times have changed" is not worth uttering where churches are concerned for God never changes.
Instead He asks us to meet. Meet where?
Think about it.
At 05 December, 2006 11:57,
Anonymous said…
But the world will continue to be conned.
At 05 December, 2006 12:12,
Anonymous said…
They conned me once but got no money. I used to be quite a fan of Joyce Meyer until I found out about the wealth she accumlated from her so called 'ministry'.
Do you think these people mean to be this way or have been conned in the first place by someone else? I've often wondered about that.
At 05 December, 2006 12:45,
Anonymous said…
I agree they are demon influenced. Don't know how they all started but they are crazies!
At 05 December, 2006 16:15,
Anonymous said…
Patricia, Houston and Dallas seem to be the birth places of many of these ministries - one of the largest is in Houston. The senior pastor of this church did not even graduate from college - let alone attend seminary.
My thought is that they have have "bought" into the world system and have deceived themselves into believing their own lies. Sadly, many more fundementally sound churches try to compete with these deceptive churches using the same or similar tactics.
Those hurting and with needs are the most vulnerable. After the death of my wife, I admittedly watched them on TV, continually. Fortunately, I did not send any money to them but I received an education on how they prey on emotions and we can be mezmerized.
At 05 December, 2006 16:31,
Radagast said…
The Bible tells us to meet with each other. You are right, it doesn't mention buildings.
At 05 December, 2006 21:55,
Simonetta said…
Hi everyone!
I was intruduced to them by Apostolic folk who were just crazy about them! I watched one show and my soul seemed to groan, I took an instant dislike to Benny Hinn yet loved Kenneth Copeland. Then I liked Marylin Hickey.
I followed what they were saying and bingo, they made a slip. A BIG slip, so that was the end of that episode in my life for me!
True Rad, the Bible does not mention buildings. It tells us to meet together. The Bible also tells us "Where TWO OR MORE are gathered IN MY NAME, There I am in the midst."
That is powerful! Buldings are inconsequential. The LOVE for God shared in the Name of Jesus when people meet together appears to be of the utmost importance.
At 06 December, 2006 09:25,
Simonetta said…
hmnnnn, I also believe it to be an 'individual thing Mike'.
Going to a church provided me with a huge headache, I did not believe half they were teaching me when I went to church.
When I left the catho's,the world faced me. Which church?!!
At 06 December, 2006 16:28,
Anonymous said…
I am having prayer cloths made up with "FAR DUNKUMS" printed on them. Get your order in now for extra blessings.
All proceeds go to the Church of The Bulging Wallet.
At 06 December, 2006 23:04,
Simonetta said…
ROFL!!!! I can just see you up there selling the prayer cloths and promising blessings!!!
Far Dunkums mate!!!!
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