New Release?

Hmnnn ........ I don't think I'll read Jimmy Carters book.
Carter Demonises Israel
It's a bit surprising to me to read about this book being released considering the anti semetic movement around the world.
Hatred Of God's Chosen
Why pick the Jewish nation? There are so many other nations of people. Why has Israel been the one to be chosen and villified?
Read all about it in the Bible, the book of utter truth.
Almighty God speaks of many things in the Bible, the oldest book on earth. He only gave Divine Inspiration for one Book to be written. The Bible.
And the Old Testament is filled with prophecy about Israel. Shall come a time .... shall come a time .....
At 02 December, 2006 14:51,
Anonymous said…
I knew the famous peanut farmer graduate of the Naval Academy had some problems but did not realize they were this serious. I had given him more credit, but I see it as a part of the movement to deny Israel aid from the US in the future. He was probably the worst Prsident in US history and is desperate for the Nobel Prize to redeem his legacy.
At 02 December, 2006 15:09,
Simonetta said…
Incredible red. The book seems to be a move against Israel that's for sure. But it really makes me wonder what goes on in the real minds of our Politicians, and the ones we vote to lead our nations.
At 02 December, 2006 15:48,
Anonymous said…
It saddens me to see the hate rise once again. Hate is best to keep in war and violence. Hate did not help in one single case throughout human history.
At 02 December, 2006 18:05,
Anonymous said…
Is the photo of the tortoise zoom or macro? It is fantastic!
At 02 December, 2006 20:38,
Simonetta said…
We only hate that which is evil anon. True, hate has never helped any single case throughout history.
Anon, the photo is zoom. And thankyou! I reserve macro for flowers or really necessary subjects which need macro.
At 02 December, 2006 21:07,
Anonymous said…
True, we only hate that which is evil and there is nothing more evil than islam and it's koran.
Look at the disgusting creatures in those photos. Satan in screaming inside the lot of them. Israel belongs to ISRAEL to to those Arab things.
At 02 December, 2006 21:08,
Anonymous said…
I meant NOT to those Arab things.I become infuruated with the screaming fanatics. Kick the swine back to their arab land and then nuke the lot.
At 02 December, 2006 21:59,
Simonetta said…
Pat, that's a bit drastic Hon. Many of those people could be Saved by Jesus as there is still time.
At 02 December, 2006 22:16,
Anonymous said…
Sim those Islam people are born troublemakers. Look what the mongrels did to the two Pastors in Victoria. Sued them! They are take opver merchants. I agree with Pat. Take them all to an abandoned Island and then nuke the Island. Men an women. Save the kids and teach them the Gospel.
They are all out to take over other peoples countries the same as they are all out to take over Israel and they'll do it by any means possible, then if the country retaliates, they lie about how many are dead, or cary dead babies around photographing them over and over to get sympathy. They are liars , theives, ,murderers and cheats.
If they don't get them out of Australia the mongrels will try to say it's a muslim country. One has already said that.
No, I vehemently agree. Put them on an Island and nuke the lot of them and try to stop them from breeding. They breed like rats anyway.They are pigs of people!!!!
At 02 December, 2006 22:18,
Anonymous said…
And furthermore they should not be allowed to bring that filth book into Australia! That koran thing. They should all be burned in an incinerator at the airport. It's a book straight from the mouth of satan.
At 02 December, 2006 22:35,
Simonetta said…
I dislike Islam intensly, but committing acts of mass murder like that is just not on.
They would be far better off to stick to what their Qu'ran says and not leave their homeland.
At 03 December, 2006 00:30,
Simonetta said…
hmnnnn ... looks like I launched a controversial subject which was not my intent.
*takes note*
At 03 December, 2006 00:31,
Simonetta said…
The main thing here I think is that we support Israel.
At 03 December, 2006 00:43,
Simonetta said…
I am not your 'sweetheart' either Mike so cut it.
At 03 December, 2006 07:23,
Anonymous said…
Andrew, you think like I do. You must be a genius.
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