Never Seen Anything Like It

Today I had a meeting to attend regarding the water situation.
As I work with ecology, it was imperative for me to attend which I did, with a close friend.
However, the meeting resulted in chaos with my friend calling Executives names which cannot be repeated here.
The jeering, the booing, the yelling, the name calling was typically Australian as we seem to regard Government Officials to be in our employ - and God help them if they do the wrong thing by us.
This they have done but it was hopeless me trying to get a word in!
However, it was my meek mannered friend who scared goannas out of me. She was the worst offender!
What does one do? Look at the floor, (done), look at the ceiling, (done) check to see there is no dust or dirt on high heels (done), check to see if fingernail polish isn't coming off, (done)sigh alot, (done) stare at your friend (done), smile stupidly, (done) try not to miss a thing, (done) shuffle in chair constantly, (done)cover ears (done) ...................... everything was done!
It was a riot one could not stand - so as quietly as possible, I left while my friends jaws were still working overtime.
No, it won't hit the headlines and newspapers will offer no reports as it happened in a drought stricken area. Who cares about what happens in the country during a drought?
So, after arriving home and changing into shorts and a blouse I went out to photograph far away from the interaction of drought stricken farmers with the Hit Squad.
One of my favorite haunts is now dry, and where the pelicans stood in a line with proud reflections falling into still water is now cracked mud. (see above photo)
I sat and wept after taking the shot.
Other favoured haunts are evaporating with the rapidity of a machine gun. So fast - so very fast.
Still, although hurt and bewildered I searched for those treasures which are now uncovered, and found many. (see top photo)
One of our major Victorian rivers has been stopped from flowing and what water there has been diverted. So far as we know, it has not been reported. They just do as they want to do with no press release.
Tempers at the meeting reached boiling point, but of what use will that do? Nothing, they will not listen to the ones who know what is best.
And day after day, the sun beats down - and the days are becoming hotter, and hotter as we enter summer.
A lake I love is drying out fast, but there is still wildlife there. With the weather so hot it was beautiful to swallow dive from a high diver and swim fully clad in the glorious water before it is all gone. Nature girl? You betcha!
At 27 November, 2006 21:53,
Simonetta said…
Make rain? They gonna do the Wandjina rain dance or something Mike? That's be something worth photographing! Yep, had quite a day mate!
At 27 November, 2006 22:18,
Anonymous said…
That top photo is gorgeous! Where did you find such a gem as that to photograph?
lol! I can imagine that meeting! Swimming like that would be refreshing too so did you come out fully clothed or stride onto the shore like a siren.
At 27 November, 2006 22:32,
Simonetta said…
Something like that Mike! ROFL!!!
The top photo is sweet, but there are others I took which are far more lovlier Pat.
Yum,yum.... I strode out onto the shore like a siren with wet clothes clinging to me.
There is a sad part here ... drum roll ... *puts on music to Largo*
Nobody saw me stride out ..... *sigh* what a shot THEY would have got if they'd had a camera!! ROFL!!!!
At 27 November, 2006 22:39,
Anonymous said…
There was a girl
A very strange enchanted girl
They say she wandered very far, very far
Over land and sea
A little shy and sad of eye
But very wise was she
And then one day
A magic day she passed my way
And while we spoke of many things
Fools and kings
This she said to me
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn
Is just to love and be loved in return"
That is you to a Tee "Simonetta".
When will you ever grow up and learn to act like the lady you were taught to be.
You are a disgrace to the family.
At 27 November, 2006 22:48,
Simonetta said…
Denise! How strange! I was just looking at your house on Google earth!
Did you know you have bird whoopsies all over your TV antennae? Oh! And you've forgotten to bring the washing in too.
At 27 November, 2006 23:05,
Anonymous said…
I have brought the washing in now. How dare you speak to me on the Internet like that! And how dare you spy on me on that thing you have on your computer! HOW DARE YOU!
At 27 November, 2006 23:14,
Simonetta said…
Oh struth Denny, your roses look one heck of a mess.
Look Darl, chuck some of your washing up water over them Sweetie to revive the poor little bugga's.
Oh! And while you're about it, you'd better clean the patio up a bit. It looks a fright.
Oh, and there seems to be a mess in the swimming pool.
Off you go! Chop chop! :)
At 27 November, 2006 23:27,
Anonymous said…
haha! Poor Denny. I am sure she means it in good fun.
You had quite an exciting day Sim, meetings to me are so boring but I could stand up to one like that.
At 27 November, 2006 23:30,
Anonymous said…
How COULD you spy on me like that!!
How DARE YOU!!!!! You are a thorough disgrace for embarrassing me like this on the INTERNET of ALL places!!! That is it! I am phoning the matriach again! You are outrageous!!!!!!!!!!
At 27 November, 2006 23:43,
Simonetta said…
Yep, it was a trimmer of a day Val!
Nice day if one can take it!
Denny, Denny ... *tsk* *tsk* settle down and have a nice wine Dear.
Oh, don't worry our Darling Aunt at this time of the night! Phone her tomorrow, it's more convenient to her, in the meantime I'll be watching your wherabouts.
Perhaps you would like to have Google earth too Denny?
At 28 November, 2006 00:07,
Anonymous said…
How DARE YOU!!!!! I would NEVER have viruses in my computer from an idiot spy machine like that!! NEVER!! You disgraced the family by leaving the Roman Catholic Church NOW you shame and disgrace ME on the INTERNET!!!!!
At 28 November, 2006 00:09,
Anonymous said…
I am going to tell the WHOLE FAMILY about this!! YOU WAIT!!!
At 28 November, 2006 00:21,
Simonetta said…
I'll wait Denny!
Oh Denny, Google Earth is a fine thing! Struth mate! It doesn't have viruses!
Hey! Your teatowels should be soaked in Napisan too! They looked a but on the dull side Hon!
Give them all my love - if they remember who I am!
At 28 November, 2006 00:31,
Anonymous said…
Denny she is joking with you. ROFL!!! I am kiling myself laughing here!
At 28 November, 2006 00:39,
Anonymous said…
She is NOT joking with me!! I believe she has become a member of some kind of spy outfit to have such a thing in her computer!!
NO decent person would dream of having such a thing!! They sre supplied to Government spies!!!!
I am phoning her daughter to tell her too!! I would like to know her reaction when she finds out HER MOTHER IS A SPY!!!
At 28 November, 2006 00:54,
Simonetta said…
Oh no ... please! Please! Don't tell me little girl Denise!!! WAH!!!
She'll drive ber husband mad for Google earth too!!!
NOOOO!!!! She'll want to join the Spy Ring!!!!!!!!!! Oh No!!!!! That means I will have to teach her how to fire a gun again!!!! NOOO!!!!!!
It was hard enough trying to teach her to drive a car! And she never could shoot a straight target!!!
What am I going to do!!! WAH!
At 28 November, 2006 01:15,
Anonymous said…
That is what I thought, you ARE in a spy ring! That is why you are a photographer!! It all fits into place! You have Google earth to SPY!!! You have stooped so low that you cannot go any lower. You are now finished with the family. I will see you are banished from the family forever!!
At 28 November, 2006 01:23,
Anonymous said…
Denise, I am positive she is having a joke with you. Look I'm killing myelf laughing here. How many times have you denied Sim your phone number,how many times have you 'reported her to "the matriach". You keep picking at her for trivialities Denise. I do mean this kindly but you are a domineering woman who did state if Sim went to holiday with you Sim would have to do as you told her.
Give it a break Denise and see the funny side of this. Please.
At 28 November, 2006 01:31,
Simonetta said…
I really can't be bothered answering you Denise.
I have been joking with you all along as Pat said!
I have Google earth to look at places in the world which are fascinating!
Spy ring. ROFL!!!!! No way mate!
At 28 November, 2006 01:34,
Simonetta said…
Thanks Pat! Thanks Mike! You speak the truth! ROFL!!!!!
At 28 November, 2006 07:33,
Anonymous said…
May I ask what subject you used for the top photo?
At 28 November, 2006 11:17,
Simonetta said…
Hello Anon!
Of course you may ask!
The subject is the root of a tree.
At 28 November, 2006 12:18,
Anonymous said…
Thanks! Please excuse me for asking but how do you find your subject material and collate it into one matter?
And, are you a Professional Photographer?
At 28 November, 2006 12:31,
Anonymous said…
And do you use Photoshop Pro to enhance your photography?
I am sorry I am asking for a group of young photographers with myself included.
At 28 November, 2006 12:59,
Simonetta said…
Thankyou for taking an interest in my photography!
Subject material collated into one matter is called 'Composition'.
You would have learned about 'composition'?
The vanishing point, the golden point, the blending mode?
All these things go into composing the view in your view finder.
The central point is the dynamic point. It is where the eye is drawn to. From there, the eye of those looking at the photo should travel across the scene, or whatever.
I have learned it all but tend to use my own compositions rather than learned ones.
How I find my material is by keen sight. The seeking for subject.
In this field, I was sort of born that way as I was always intrigued with shapes in nature.
No, I don't depend on photography for a living so I am not a Professional Photographer. It's more a hobby then anything I think!
I never, but NEVER use Paint shop Pro to enhance digitals.
If I were to do that, I would be cheating. I can crop, border, digimarc, erase a bit of noise but that's about all I can do. Even Hue and sat doesn't do anything for me!
No,no. If you want to be good photographers, seek your subject material by developing a keen sight for composition in whatever you photograph.
There are a million and one tricks to photography, just study them all up and you'll be fine. :)
At 28 November, 2006 13:38,
Anonymous said…
Gee thanks!!
At 28 November, 2006 13:46,
Anonymous said…
Yeah thanks from all of us. In the top photo we noticed the eye was drawn to the loop in the tree root then travelled across the photo to take in the whole scene.
In the second photo we nit the vanishing point then was drawn into to the whole scene.
In the photo of the sun, you made the sun the vanishing point and the eye travelled to the rays instinctively then to to rest of the photo.
We know they are small but they would be spectacular in original size or larger.
Many thanks for your help.
At 28 November, 2006 14:34,
Simonetta said…
You are more than welcome as it's my pleasure. :)
At 28 November, 2006 16:39,
Anonymous said…
The drop is scheduled for Friday. Use caution. Use the thirdmost huge book at the Huge Book Sale.
The Darkside Rider
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