The Life Of One Alone

The life and thoughts of a widow.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Never Seen Anything Like It

Today I had a meeting to attend regarding the water situation.

As I work with ecology, it was imperative for me to attend which I did, with a close friend.

However, the meeting resulted in chaos with my friend calling Executives names which cannot be repeated here.

The jeering, the booing, the yelling, the name calling was typically Australian as we seem to regard Government Officials to be in our employ - and God help them if they do the wrong thing by us.

This they have done but it was hopeless me trying to get a word in!

However, it was my meek mannered friend who scared goannas out of me. She was the worst offender!

What does one do? Look at the floor, (done), look at the ceiling, (done) check to see there is no dust or dirt on high heels (done), check to see if fingernail polish isn't coming off, (done)sigh alot, (done) stare at your friend (done), smile stupidly, (done) try not to miss a thing, (done) shuffle in chair constantly, (done)cover ears (done) ...................... everything was done!

It was a riot one could not stand - so as quietly as possible, I left while my friends jaws were still working overtime.

No, it won't hit the headlines and newspapers will offer no reports as it happened in a drought stricken area. Who cares about what happens in the country during a drought?

So, after arriving home and changing into shorts and a blouse I went out to photograph far away from the interaction of drought stricken farmers with the Hit Squad.

One of my favorite haunts is now dry, and where the pelicans stood in a line with proud reflections falling into still water is now cracked mud. (see above photo)

I sat and wept after taking the shot.

Other favoured haunts are evaporating with the rapidity of a machine gun. So fast - so very fast.

Still, although hurt and bewildered I searched for those treasures which are now uncovered, and found many. (see top photo)

One of our major Victorian rivers has been stopped from flowing and what water there has been diverted. So far as we know, it has not been reported. They just do as they want to do with no press release.

Tempers at the meeting reached boiling point, but of what use will that do? Nothing, they will not listen to the ones who know what is best.

And day after day, the sun beats down - and the days are becoming hotter, and hotter as we enter summer.

A lake I love is drying out fast, but there is still wildlife there. With the weather so hot it was beautiful to swallow dive from a high diver and swim fully clad in the glorious water before it is all gone. Nature girl? You betcha!


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