G20 Melbourne Protestors.
I balk at the riots in Melbourne and the manner in which some people conduct themselves in Australia.
We are a peace loving country and try our level best to get along with people and riots such as the ones recently staged in Melbourne really stirs the public temper.
Masked rioters? In Australia? Despicable! I think perhaps stun guns should be given to Police who should turn out in force at such an event. At least then they could rip the masks off and reveal the face to take action against them.
How to deal with such an event? Well, we haven't got alot of water so maybe the Government should order water cut off from their homes,or dwelling places, then later build a massive water hose pipe from the sea to cleanse the rubbish from the streets by turning the hoses on them full force if such an event should happen again.
Once, inciting a riot was punishable by death.
I only hope and pray the Police find out who incited this riot and find out who the violent protestors were as they are a danger to Australia.
News Report
We don't need types like those in Australia! The whole thing is so sad.
I wonder why they don't get a life?
It's also time Australia started deporting muslims following that speech about Australian women asking for rape by the crazed muslim who should be deported AFTER he pays back all the money he owes to Australia in benefits allocated to him.
Muslims Rape Teenagers In Melbourne
Muslim Causes Outrage
I am not a happy little vegemite about these things happening in Aussie Land!
Dear God I am so happy I live in the Outback!
We are a peace loving country and try our level best to get along with people and riots such as the ones recently staged in Melbourne really stirs the public temper.
Masked rioters? In Australia? Despicable! I think perhaps stun guns should be given to Police who should turn out in force at such an event. At least then they could rip the masks off and reveal the face to take action against them.
How to deal with such an event? Well, we haven't got alot of water so maybe the Government should order water cut off from their homes,or dwelling places, then later build a massive water hose pipe from the sea to cleanse the rubbish from the streets by turning the hoses on them full force if such an event should happen again.
Once, inciting a riot was punishable by death.
I only hope and pray the Police find out who incited this riot and find out who the violent protestors were as they are a danger to Australia.
News Report
We don't need types like those in Australia! The whole thing is so sad.
I wonder why they don't get a life?
It's also time Australia started deporting muslims following that speech about Australian women asking for rape by the crazed muslim who should be deported AFTER he pays back all the money he owes to Australia in benefits allocated to him.
Muslims Rape Teenagers In Melbourne
Muslim Causes Outrage
I am not a happy little vegemite about these things happening in Aussie Land!
Dear God I am so happy I live in the Outback!
At 19 November, 2006 19:50,
Anonymous said…
They are all sewerage rats.
At 19 November, 2006 19:59,
Anonymous said…
You are a photohrapher, perhaps all people from such Clubs etc; can form a group in order to hide and photograph these crims for the Police?
At 19 November, 2006 20:03,
Anonymous said…
Those muslim bastards need hanging, I'd be happy to act as the hangman.
Deport the mongrels. Bloody muslims in Australia is a political disgrace.
At 19 November, 2006 20:07,
Anonymous said…
Muslim women are bitches for breeding.
"If she was in her room, in her home, in her hijab (veil), no problem would have occurred."
Rip the things off them and make them Australians. Drown the protestors in Port Phillip Bay.
At 19 November, 2006 20:17,
Anonymous said…
Port Phillip Bay in the Rip would be a great place to drop the mongrels.
At 19 November, 2006 20:26,
Simonetta said…
Unfortunately, Australia doesn;t do things like "dropping them in The Rip" as we are not a violent people.
However I do agree with deporting muslims who break our laws as I am all for allowing only Christians into Australia.
Val, I would if I could but that would be a bit dangerous hon!
At 19 November, 2006 20:45,
Anonymous said…
Who asked these people to protest and who asked for muzzies to live in Australia? We damn well did not!
May they get their just reward. I am furious about these things happening in our country. Bring back the white policy and bring back hanging!
At 19 November, 2006 20:49,
Simonetta said…
Hang on! Don't chuck a wobbly in me blog! Struth! The email is coming through faster than I can reply!
No chuckin' wobblies in me blog!
I agree with you Mike!
At 19 November, 2006 20:50,
Anonymous said…
I am outraged by those rapings and by the protestors! Hang the monsters!
At 19 November, 2006 20:54,
Anonymous said…
You balk at the protestors in Melbourne. I vomit over their heads!
At 19 November, 2006 21:04,
Anonymous said…
Of course they should be out there protesting, anti-globalisation is the concern of every patriotic Australian.
At 19 November, 2006 21:07,
Simonetta said…
Yes indeed! But there is a right way and a wrong way to go about things Anon. To me, they chose the wrong way. They held a part of the city in fear. Is that right?
At 19 November, 2006 21:54,
Anonymous said…
Too right mate, they are not Australians amd if little Johnny wants us to think they are he's got
another thing coming. Now who were these bloody protestors? Simonetta is right, there is a right and a wrong way of doing things in our Australian Society and chucking things like they chucked at our Police and trying to break horses legs isn't one of them. A pack of dingos wouldn't do that!
At 19 November, 2006 22:28,
Anonymous said…
I do read Simonetta's blog daily as it has helped me alot, but generally refrain from posting comments. However, this entry deserves a comment.
On the Protestors, the act was one of violence and I agree with Mr Costello when he said they were trying to trash Australia.
However, I also agree with Simonetta, there is a right way and a wrong way of going about things. They chose the wrong way.
A foolish and, yes, cowardly way. To use filth and violence against police and their horses is violent.
As for the muslims. When a muslim is forced to apologise for saying what this man said, it's time for him to go back to where he came from.
We are a Western Country and have never, nor will ever bow down to what arabs say or think.
Australia's most senior Muslim cleric has been forced to apologise after provoking widespread outrage with a speech in which he appeared to blame women for rape, comparing them with "uncovered meat" that attracts animals.
Sheik Taj Aldin al-Hilali reportedly made the remarks in a religious address to 500 worshippers in Sydney last month, during Ramadan. The speech was translated by The Australian newspaper, which ran excerpts yesterday.
The man did not even speak in English when he stated it! What an outrage!
Yes, I would encourage deporting this goon back to wherever he came from and also make him pay back to we, the people of Australia, all benefits he has received from us.
I also agree that Arabic people are not Australians. How can they be? Signing a paper does not change the blood. It is merely a formality.
Yes indeed! I agree they should only permit christianised people immigrate to Australia, in fact, I believe our country needs a good cleansing now.
At 19 November, 2006 22:42,
Simonetta said…
I am happy my blog has helped you Jenny and would also be quite happy if you commented.
Yes, I agree with Mr Costello too. It was a very sad event and it's is easy to see the sadness in his face as he speaks.
I also concur that signing a piece of paper does not make an Australian make.
Being forced to make an apology over his statement was an affront to we, the women of Australia.
We must always remember that it was our Fathers and Forefathers who fought and worked hard to make this country into the land it is today and I darn well know for sure that my Father did not fight in World War 11 for a free Australia for muslims. He fought for Australians which were then, all white.
Lest We Forget.
But in all this, I see prophecy moving again and pray the Lord will come soon to end this nightmare man has, and is creating on earth.
At 19 November, 2006 23:30,
Anonymous said…
Now many of us are happy about it, this type of a thing is best left off Australian lands.
They are simply Marxist anarchists, intent on destroying.
At 20 November, 2006 08:16,
missmellifluous said…
I am not sure that Australia is the peace loving country we would like to think it is. Recently we have had the Cronulla riots in Sydney and now there are riots in Melbourne. It seems that some Australians are quick to resort to violence. What is it that makes violence an acceptable option? I am not saying we all think this way, however, some do.
Our country was founded on violence which was directed at people who are different to us, we applaud violence on the sports field, we regularly turn a blind eye to domestic violence, and the sheer vehemence of these responses shows that some people think violence is an acceptable way of dealing with differences in opinion and culture. I think Australia is quite a violent society, or at least more violent than we care to admit.
Although I am a Christian, I am not for allowing Australia to only let Christians in. In a way, the more outrageous Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali's comments are, the more Christian and non-Christian Australians are likely to stand up and say, "No, we don't want an Australia where women are raped because they leave their homes or don't cover their heads." The Sheik's comments make the Muslim way of life less appealing and the Christian movement stronger. If we had a completely 'Christian' population, you can be sure we would become apathetic about the importance of our faith.
At 20 November, 2006 08:21,
missmellifluous said…
We also have to remember that Australia did not start out white. What does that say about our right to be here? We all know that more Aboriginal people than we can count were slaughtered in order to establish this white nation. It is a horrible part of our history yet I fear the same sentiment still exists between us and any one who is different.
At 20 November, 2006 10:01,
Simonetta said…
Thankyou so much for commenting missmellifluous! Welcome!
I agree our country was founded on violence and live near aboriginals who are the most lovely people one could meet!
I believe you are right that on the whole, many Australians are not as peaceloving as we would like them to be which is very sad.
It is interesting that you believe we should not allow only christians into Australia. Folllowing your way of thought, yes, it does test our faith to have so many pagan religions here.
But what annoys me a tad is that our Australian men fought and died for the land they lived and believed in. A land where there were no statues of buddha, big moslem mosques etc;
I hope the muslim's remarks do make the Christian movement in Australia stronger. If it takes a muslim to do that, all the better for Australia.
We need to be a strong nation in Christ, the stronger, the better!
Blessings to you!
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