The Life Of One Alone

The life and thoughts of a widow.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

G20 Melbourne Protestors.

I balk at the riots in Melbourne and the manner in which some people conduct themselves in Australia.

We are a peace loving country and try our level best to get along with people and riots such as the ones recently staged in Melbourne really stirs the public temper.

Masked rioters? In Australia? Despicable! I think perhaps stun guns should be given to Police who should turn out in force at such an event. At least then they could rip the masks off and reveal the face to take action against them.

How to deal with such an event? Well, we haven't got alot of water so maybe the Government should order water cut off from their homes,or dwelling places, then later build a massive water hose pipe from the sea to cleanse the rubbish from the streets by turning the hoses on them full force if such an event should happen again.

Once, inciting a riot was punishable by death.

I only hope and pray the Police find out who incited this riot and find out who the violent protestors were as they are a danger to Australia.

News Report

We don't need types like those in Australia! The whole thing is so sad.

I wonder why they don't get a life?

It's also time Australia started deporting muslims following that speech about Australian women asking for rape by the crazed muslim who should be deported AFTER he pays back all the money he owes to Australia in benefits allocated to him.
Muslims Rape Teenagers In Melbourne

Muslim Causes Outrage

I am not a happy little vegemite about these things happening in Aussie Land!

Dear God I am so happy I live in the Outback!


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