The Life Of One Alone

The life and thoughts of a widow.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Does God Exist?

Today behold! A photo of my potato's growing beautifully, one of the apricots on my tree, and one of a bunch of Vitamin C filled Locouts. (I think that's how it's spelt)

I am so blessed!!!

I know many atheists read my blog from the response on my entry about Angels, and I am grateful for the responses all of which are in the following link.


I am sorry the comments went into a flame festival, but will delete nothing.

Fact is, God looks after His Own. He is a Father in the true sense of the word. A Father of many children belonging to all the nations of the world.

His Love for His Own is portrayed perfectly in the Bible from beginning to end. Especially on the Flight from Egypt by the Children of Israel.

But, he does not love those who do not believe in His Son, Jesus the Christ.

It is sad to see a world so filled with hardened hearts which are against God and attempt to make something out of that which is not.

To try to explain the Creation where there is no Dynamic Force of a Man is, to me, a little odd.

Throughout the eons of history, man has worshipped rocks, wood, cats, crocodiles, birds, odd pagan deities, and I wonder if they ever worshipped clouds?

Today, man worships money more than God. Greed, Corruption and Power rule the planet while God is placed on a shelf.

In the meantime, earthquakes rock the planet sending people into panic. Atheist Politicians have their say and see deeds done which are offensive to the Father of Creation.

Tsunami's hit the coasts and claim lives - and man still turns his back to God.

Angels help the spiritual Children of God and the unbelievers scoff.

Homosexuals "marry" and believe God accepts them 'just as they are'.

Wrong! God does NOT accept homosexuals who openly flaunt their immoral ways. They are an abomination to God and nobody can change that. Nobody.

Hardened hearts whose thoughts turn towards a no God existance are on their own through life. They have no Heavenly Father to turn to in times of distress or sickness. No Angel can come to their assistance.

Sadly, there is another 'father' of this planet. His name is Satan.

Satan is the 'Father Of Lies".

Satan is the one who enters into man and causes him to write a book on evolution; the result can be staggering to the world.

I believe Darwin is the 'Father of evolution'. Therefore, he was a prodigee of Satan and used as a tool to blind children in schools, in colleges, in universities.

When the teachings of evolution was introduced to a school my daughter attended. I forbade her to attend classes.

They were not too pleased! But I stood my ground and refused to allow her to attend the class. They threatened me, they said all manner of things to me. I told them to publicly hang me, as I would NEVER agree to allowing my child to learning lies straight from the pits of hell.

Parents who allow their children to learn such trash are in dire straits where God is concerned.

God IS God whether people want to believe it or not. He exists whether people want to believe it or not.

Sadly, due to the fact that many people are so blindly persuaded and do mot pursue SPIRITUALITY and a CLOSE UNITY with God, they are left to grope in the dark in many religious cults, and sects.

One of those I believe is the World Of Faith movement. A movement which includes many "great" preachers who have fallen flat on their faces with scandal and ruination.

This is generally what happens when people don't preach the absolute truth and walk with two flags. One for God in public, another for sin behind closed doors.

God exists. God watches. God knows more about this earth than man will ever know.

Satan knows the Bible backwards too. And he knows more about this earth than man will ever know. God knows he's been trying to get it since time began! He owned it when Jesus walked the earth. He even offered the cities and riches of them to Jesus if Jesus would bow down and worship him. Jesus said "NO!"

Only God knows what would have happened to us if Jesus had said yes.

To my dear Unbelieving friends I say, if you believe in evolution and do not believe there is a God. I can offer many, many words, but they would never have the impact of asking God Himself if He really exists.

You may scoff at me but I say to you, try it. It can do you no harm to ask God, in fact, you may be surprised at the answer.

I know I was!


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