
I had no idea Pelicans were symbolic of Jesus and so my photo for today is one I took of a male and female pelican swimming on the lake. It seemed to signify Christ and His Bride.
I heard the most remarkable factual story today, one I want to share and indeed one which should be shared!
The niece of one of my friends lived in a city.(not in Australia) One night, she left work very late and decided to walk through a park.
The lighting in the park was poor as the trees are very large, and the park was deserted, still, she was not afraid and decided to walk through alone.
The girl is a devout christian.
Walking through dense trees, she thought she heard a noise behind her, stopped and looking back saw a man near a light, but kept walking thinking the man was probably on his way home too as he changed direction.
The following day, it was reported that a young woman had been murdered in the same park. Police called for anybody who had walked through the park to please contact them.
My friend's niece duly contacted the Police and told them she had walked through the park. After being questioned, they learned that she had seen a man who had turned and walked in the other direction.
At a later date, she was called to the Police Station again. This time, she was asked to attend a lineup of men to see if she could identify one as being the man she saw in the park.
It didn't take her long to spot the man who was in the park at the same time she was.
Police took him away and he confessed to the crime.
Later, baffled as to why it wasn't she he murdered she asked if she could speak to the man. This was agreed to.
The man replied, " I was going to kill you if you hadn't had those two enormous men walking by your side, who were they? They were huge!"
She told him she had been completely alone, that nobody was with her.
He told her she was definitely not alone and he could verify the fact that two huge men were walking, one by each of her sides, through the darkened park.
She believed him. The Angels must have also known he was in the park when she walked through.
I have always believed in Angels, this amazing fact strengthens my belief.
Do you believe in Angels?
At 12 November, 2006 23:43,
Anonymous said…
At 12 November, 2006 23:49,
Simonetta said…
Thankyou for your comment Anon, can I ask why not?
At 12 November, 2006 23:57,
Anonymous said…
lol! You christians are so far up yourselves you're a laugh.
At 13 November, 2006 00:04,
Anonymous said…
Why would angels "protect" one person and not another? It makes no sence!
In other words: What was it, that the other woman did, for not being "protected"? Was she "punished" by god? If so, why not a natural death? Why involve a man? Because if it is the case, that man should be rewarded for what he did.
Angels don't exist! neither does god. It just isn't logical!
God is the creator? Well... Who or what created god?
At 13 November, 2006 00:15,
Simonetta said…
We can't answer who created God Anon, many things are unexplainable in that field. But our Bible does tell us angels will guard the Believer.
Maybe the other woman didn't believe? It's hard to say the way in which God works, our Bible states God works in mysterious ways.
For the Believer, it's hard to understand why someone doesn't Believe, for the Unbeliever, it's hard to understand why the Believer believes.
I can see your POV, but our Bible tells us God watches over us and protects us from harm and by faith, and we believe implicitly.
At 13 November, 2006 00:23,
Anonymous said…
Answer the question who made god?
At 13 November, 2006 00:30,
Simonetta said…
That is something I cannot answer another reader.
The Bible makes it clear in many places that God is outside of time. That He is eternal, with no beginning or end and that He is infinite.
At 13 November, 2006 00:38,
Anonymous said…
Come on! Don't tell me you believe the other woman was killed because she didn't "believe", or did something "wrong"! The reasoning I did just before was exagerately simplistic to make you understand that things just happen! they are not planned in the way you seem to believe it. Wrong place wrong moment, that's all! Pure odds, pure coincidence.
I think you should think with your brain, rather than with the bible! It would make you more a person than a sheep...
Think about this (with your brain): Sheep get slaughtered!
At 13 November, 2006 00:46,
Simonetta said…
Yes, indeed sheep get slaughtered Anon, I agree with that.
I do use my brain and so did the woman, she is still trying to fathom out the two huge men seen by the man as she was completely alone, or so she thought.
What would you say the two huge men walking beside her were if they were not angels?
At 13 November, 2006 01:01,
Anonymous said…
At 13 November, 2006 01:07,
Anonymous said…
That's not the point!, but I will answer, since you ask.
Remember the guy is a criminal. Remember he just killed someone. How would you be, after having killed someone? I don't know for you, but I think I would be in shock. And it is known that people in such state may imagine they see things, they hear sounds, they smell odours, they feel cold/warm, or both, and so on!
It could just have been shadows or tree trunks... anything. But please, it's not because the guy said so that it is true! Would you believe him if he said he was innocent?
You should believe what is, and not what-you-would-like-to-believe-because-it it-is-more-conveniant-and-"easier"!
And anyways, where does that story come from? what is your official source?
At 13 November, 2006 01:09,
Simonetta said…
This is what many thought, but the man was adamant that he saw two men Unbeliever.
The Bible states:
Angels are essentially "ministering spirits," (Hebrews 1:14) and do not have physical bodies like humans. Jesus declared that "a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have" (Luke 24:37-39).
So, obviously she couldn't see them, but how did the man? They saved her life!
At 13 November, 2006 01:18,
Simonetta said…
Anon, the Official Source is from the woman and her Aunt, plus the police verified the man's story that he indeed saw two men walking beside the lady.
I wouldn't know how a man would react if he had just killed someone, perhaps indeed he was in shock, but, he saw the men prior to killing the other woman and left
the woman we are talking about alone.
Some people kill for the sake of killing and the killing has no impact on them. I think they are called 'serial kilers'?
And, the man did claim innocence until the woman identified him.
This is definitely an enigma, but something which happened to an innocent girl who believed inplicitly in Christ.
Please don't think for a second I dismiss your words, I don't. Nor do I desrespect you because you don't believe.
You are bringing forth logical explanations and I respect and appreciate that.
At 13 November, 2006 01:32,
Anonymous said…
Well... This is where you answered your question yourself!
I'll quote you:
" This is what many thought, but the man was adamant that he saw two men"
So apparently the criminal saw two men.
"The Bible states:
Angels are essentially "ministering spirits," (Hebrews 1:14) and do not have physical bodies like humans. Jesus declared that "a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have" (Luke 24:37-39)."
So, if we refer to the bible, the criminal didn't see angels, since he saw 2 bodies!!!
Try to see parabols, symbolic and images when you "read" the bible, instead of seeing words! You'll never get anywhere otherwise! The bible has to be interpreted, not read!
At 13 November, 2006 01:34,
Anonymous said…
Reading Freud could help aswell!
At 13 November, 2006 01:45,
Simonetta said…
Ah, but here is where we have the enigma again Anon.
The Bible describes many instances where angels appeared in the LIKENESS of humans.
This means that if humans encountered angels, humans would assume these heavenly beings were physical.
They would not realize that these beings were angels that just materialized out of the non-material realm.
The only way humans can detect angels, is when angels unambiguously tell them who they are, or when an angel disappears before their eyes.
Paul said: "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares (Heb 13:2)."
So, why didn't the woman see them?
Why was it that only the man who was intent on murder seen them?
At 13 November, 2006 01:53,
Anonymous said…
Hey! It's a book! You are supposed to think when you read!
I'm also able to quote the bible. what do you think of that one:
"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword" Matthew 10:34
What does that mean?
At 13 November, 2006 02:03,
Simonetta said…
And indeed He did bring a Sword Anon, He brought the Sword of Truth.
This had caused divisions for a long time and still causes divisions.
Luke 12:51
Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
This is happening even today. The Sword of Truth held by the Christian is very much disliked by many, and sadly enough, it is often family members who turn against the one who holds it.
Freud was an atheist who campaigned against Christianity Anon, I don't really think I'd like to read his works.
At 13 November, 2006 02:17,
Anonymous said…
Ha HA Ha Ha!!!
How can you criticize something you didn't read?
If you read Freud you would have an explanation to Luke 12:51.
But since you didn't, you remain ignorant as a sheep, at the mercy of people thinking for you!
Come on! Stand up!
Have you, as a good christian, literally applied the command: "if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out" or what? Don't be blind!
Hey! Maybe I'm an angel sent to try to save you from the depths of ignorance? who knows?
At 13 November, 2006 02:33,
Simonetta said…
But an Atheist such as Freud cannot explain anything in the Bible Anon.
Frued hated christians and Jesus stated.
"If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.... If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you... because they do not know Him who sent Me. " John 15:18-21
Jesus did not literally mean for us to pluck our eyes out, he mean't us to destroy that part of us that was sinning against God. I have done that a few times too!
Trust me, I am not perfect!!
I don't believe I am ignorant Anon, in fact, where God is concerned I love Him dearly, He is My Father, and I obey Him.
His Love knows no bounds, His mercy and Forgiveness knows no bounds.
At 13 November, 2006 02:36,
Simonetta said…
And know what? Jesus died just as much for you as He did for me!
At 13 November, 2006 02:52,
Anonymous said…
Well.... Live in your shit.
After all, it's your choice.
Have a good swim!
At 13 November, 2006 02:57,
Anonymous said…
It's time you gave up the crap and started to think for yourself instead of being led by the nose.
Angels/ HAHAHA!!!
At 13 November, 2006 03:08,
Simonetta said…
That's not nice. I didn't deserve that.
At 13 November, 2006 08:12,
Anonymous said…
72,000 angels were ready to come to the aid of Christ at the cross. Isaiah wrote what one angel was able to do to the Assyrian Army. However. Christ knew he was the sacrifice for man and he elected to "take the nails."
At 13 November, 2006 09:20,
Simonetta said…
Hi red! Many thanks for your comment.
I am surprised our friends with hardened hearts suddenly turned bitter.
I have had instances where I know Angels (or an Angel) have intervened.
One such happening was recent. I almost had an old building fall on me and was leaning against it when suddenly, I felt a slight push away from the buidling.
It was a very gentle push, similar to a wind. Once out of range, the whole building collaped.
Had I still been standing in the same place prior to the structure collapsing I don't know what would have happened to me but know it wouldn't have made me a happy little vegemite!
I praise God for His knowledge of our needs, and deeds.
And Thank God He is always there for me.
Praise God!
At 13 November, 2006 10:09,
Anonymous said…
Maybe it comes down to one thing, can we prove angels do not exist.
At 13 November, 2006 11:01,
Anonymous said…
Do people believe demons exist? I have a friend who can see things I can't. Not long ago we went to Ballina to see the Big Prawn. Out of the car we got and started walking, next thing, she stops me and says "Back away" and starts walking in reverse.
I asked her what was wrong and she said she could see the most evil looking things hanging from everywhere, lamposts, crawling over the Big Prawn, hanging from people everywhere.She's not achristian either but swears she would never go to the Big Prawn again.
At 13 November, 2006 11:26,
Anonymous said…
HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Junkies see thse things all the time!
You go to places like that with a junkie?
At 13 November, 2006 12:12,
Anonymous said…
Unbeliever and Anonymous you might be in a bit of trouble soon. Read this encounter.
A lady passed a hitchhiker on the expressway, giving no thought to stopping. But she heard a voice say, "Pick him up." She did not stop, but continued on. But she again heard the voice: "I told you to pick him up." She now felt compelled to go back. She turned off the expressway, then got back on via an access road. She thought it would be unlikely that the person would still be there, but if he was, she would pick him up. To her surprise, the man was still there, so she stopped. He got into the car. They chatted for a few moments, then after a brief pause, the stranger said, "Do you know the Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon?" On hearing that, the woman glanced toward the stranger -- but he was not there. He had suddenly and unexplainably vanished!
She was so shaken that she had to pull off the expressway. After sitting there a few minutes trying to regain her composure, a policeman pulled up behind her, got out of his car, went up to her window and said, "Ma'am, is there a problem?"
She replied, "Officer, if I told you what just happened to me, you wouldn't believe it."
The policeman urged her to tell him anyhow. She described what had just happened. He responded, "Ma'am, normally I would think that you were one of the craziest people I have ever seen, but you are the seventh person today to give me this same report."
At 13 November, 2006 12:13,
Anonymous said…
She has never used drugs in her life! Get real!
At 13 November, 2006 12:35,
Anonymous said…
Hey! You christians think you have some sort of supernatural power walking and talking to you just because you are christians? That's shit! Time for YOU to get an education. Start by going to school!
At 13 November, 2006 12:46,
Anonymous said…
Oh ... my ... God. You have started World War 3 'Simonetta'
I am phoning the Matriarch imediately.
At 13 November, 2006 13:18,
Anonymous said…
I believe that ABSOLUTELY demons exist.
At 13 November, 2006 14:06,
Anonymous said…
Changing subject slightly:
For those truly searching, read Daniel Chapter 11. In it, Daniel tells in detail of future events that took place between Syria and Egypt several hundred tears in advance. Also,search on the attempt of Julian The Apostate's attempt to rebuild the 2nd Jewish Temple in 363 BC. in an attempt to discredit Christ. The account is recorded by a secular historian.
Also in Isaiah 53 is a description of crucifition hundreds of years before it was a known method of killing. The Coming Future? Read Ezekiel 38 about the alliance of Russia and Iran to wipe out Israel.
At 13 November, 2006 14:10,
Anonymous said…
I notice I wrote "tears" instead of "years." Is there a way to edit?
At 13 November, 2006 14:42,
Simonetta said…
Don't worry about it red. I somehow feel this comment thread has turned into some LOTR saga!
I don't know if atheists read the Bible, but Anonymous said he knew what was in it.
Julian the Apostate's rebuilding the 2nd temple failed by the wrath of God.
The foundations of the Second Temple were barely uncovered when flames of fire burst forth from under the ground. This was followed by exposions, fire and caused quite a stir.
Angels were, and still are, guarding the site perhaps?
What the Bible predicted in all prophecy has never failed, and it cannot fail as it is the Word Of God whether people like to believe it or not.
We choose to believe. That is our perogative.
Others choose to disbelieve. That is their perogative.
I'm saddened to see the comments decline into namecalling, but will delete nothing from here as those things happen when good and evil collide.
At 13 November, 2006 14:57,
Anonymous said…
lol! So now you are saying if we don't believe your shitty rubbish we are the evil Ring!HAHAHAHA!
At 13 November, 2006 15:14,
Simonetta said…
Anonymous, there is a constant battle today between good and evil.
I am not saying unbelievers are the 'evil ring', indeed, many of my friends are unbelievers!
But, evil in the world can be likened to the ring. And the world today is filled with evil.
You are probably a great person! Just because you don't believe does not make you any less a person than I who do Believe.
At 13 November, 2006 15:37,
Anonymous said…
What can I say to make you lose your cool O great Lady!
At 13 November, 2006 15:43,
Simonetta said…
ROFL!!! Anon, there is virtually nothing you can say to do that!
Listen, I have been there and done that. Been abused by the best the world can throw at me and still walked out the door smiling.
I am content!
Now, I really would be gratefful if there were no more comments?
I have some work to do on the computer. OK?
Many, many thanks to all of you for your comments! This has been a wonderful experience for me!
At 13 November, 2006 17:41,
Anonymous said…
You have been reported to the Matriarch for causing such an uproar on the internet.
At 13 November, 2006 17:46,
Simonetta said…
Denise. I couldn't give a continental. This thread is now finished. Caput.
At 14 November, 2006 06:52,
Anonymous said…
Do you guys still believe the Sun turns around the Earth?
At 14 November, 2006 07:26,
Anonymous said…
From the concept of something, would it be from the concept of god, you cannot deduce the existence of something.
Unless you accept the absurdity that thinking about something, is enough to make this something exist. Intelligence doesn't produce objects just by thinking them. To prove the existence of anything, you have to leave the thought, thus the concepts, because the proof that something exists is only furnished by its perception, it is to say by its sensible experience!
So the question is not:
"Can we prove angels do not exist?"
but :"Can we prove angels exist?"
At 14 November, 2006 07:44,
Anonymous said…
So there is a whole hierarchy behind this crap. With a matriarch ruling your private life and dictating what to do or not? I guess she will try to make you feel guilty for confronting "your" thoughts to the ones of others? At least Denise did!
Didn't you Denise? (Bad girl)
Well, if you want to live like that, under the moral authority of others, it's your business! Or should I say the matriarch's "business"?
At 14 November, 2006 09:45,
Simonetta said…
Anon, nobody tells me what to do and what not to do and the Matriach of the family knows it.
(Sorry Denny but .....)
Denise has 'told' on me since we were kids at school. Nobody takes any notice of her now. She has got me into MOUNTAINS of strife as a kid for things she and others did.
What for? Jealousy!
What Dear Denise doesn't know is that the Matriarch couldn't give a darn what I do just as long as I'm happy and well.
I was not born to religious, christian parents. I was born into a family constantly fighting about the Orange and the Green!
NOBODY tells me what to do! NOBODY!
I am free, I am me. The family can like it or lump it and they know it. Besides, I never see them anyway! I stay as far away from rellies as I possibly can.
Why? Because they are bloody christians who made my young years a living nightmare!
And forever more, I have noted some christians to be the hardest hearted, most proud and arrogant people on earth!
Note I said SOME.
I don't care where the sun turns, I don't care if the earth is flat, round or pear shaped.
SOMEBODY had to have made this world as the design of everything on it is too intelligent.
I have looked at it your way, and came to the same comclusion by studying nature.
Yes! I have studied Freethinking theories, and came back to the same conclusion. Someone HAD to have MADE this planet and everything on it.
That SOMEONE had to have been an a HIGHLY INTELLIGENT BEING.
I am not looking at soppy catho piccies of Jesus here, I am looking at cold, hard facts.
I have weighed as much as I can in the balance, spent 50 years looking at the shapes of everything on earth, studying the human brain, and STILL come back to the same conclusion.
I studied Buddhism and many other 'ism's' then started to Freethink again. And came back to the same conclusion.
SOMEONE HAD to have created it.
I studied the Bible and Prophecy, and thought, and thought, and thought again. The prophecies had happened. Who told the prophets?
No christian taught me, from the age when I was permitted to read the Bible they were banging my door down carrying on with their Bible Thumping and demanding ways of "You are sinning! You can't do that!" Struth! I was too scared to pat the cat for fear I was 'sinning'!! They were ruling my life! Yeah ... I got in with some self righteous ones even in my early 20's.
For reading the Bible I was almost banished from the family! They said I was "weird", "a religious nut", that I needed "phsychiatric attention", and many other things.
I ignored it all and continued on my journey through life doing my own thinking and weighing everything up with all the 'isms', the Bible, and creation itself.
The same conclusion was always met.
A someone had to have made this planet and indeed, must have made a man. The pattern is too delicately entwined. The geometry far too detailed.
I tried hard, believe me, I tried DARN hard, to not believe.
But it was impossible.
Man caused me to believe even further because he had copied the Geometric design of creation in too many man made things.
The square, the triangle, the circle.
Man, in his "infinite wisdom" has tampered with many things on earth, but, the only thing he cannot get to is a person's thoughts. He can never, but never extract thoughts from the human brain.
He has to resort to torture of the human body to do that and many times he has failed even in his torturing.
If we had evolved, could we have been thinking reasoning human beings? Perhaps so - perhaps not.
When I was a child many people used to say 'she is very quiet and you never know what she is thinking'.
And the plain fact is, they couldn't extract my thoughts from me.
Why? Because it is a closed circuit which belongs to whoever created it.
You can scoff at me, ridicule me, abuse and accuse me, it runs off my back like water from a duck now.
That's been done be the best the world can offer.
I just turn my back and continue on my way.
The only species on earth I find the most dangerous is man - and the manner in which he uses his brain.
At 14 November, 2006 12:05,
Simonetta said…
To prove the existence of anything, you have to leave the thought, thus the concepts, because the proof that something exists is only furnished by its perception, it is to say by its sensible experience!
Perception comes from the brain Anon.
Everything we do, everything we say, comes from the brain.
Who created the brain? Please don't tell me it evolved?
At 15 November, 2006 10:11,
Anonymous said…
The brain did evolve!
Perception doesn't come from the brain. Perception is the result of the treatment of an information(s) brought to your brain through receptors connected to nerves and organs(ear, nose, thongue, eye...).
Let me give you an example to prove perception doesn't come from the brain.
Imagine there is a table in front of you. Someone is going to put an object on the table and you will have to say what the object is. You must keep your eyes closed and you are not allowed to touch, taste or approach it. the object makes no sound, and no sound was produced when it was put on the table. You cannot ditinguish any specific smell comming from that object.
If perception came from the brain, you would know what the object is. It would mean that the information from that object is coming from within you (no information is comming from the "outside")
The information is the size, the shape, the colour, the taste, the sound, its mass, the smell, its temperature, ... coming from the object.
You will be able to say what the object is not, but since you cannot experiment the information(s) it would provide, you are uncapable to say what it is.
And that's what makes the brain "perfect"! It's capacity to evolve! Indeed, boiling water burns your skin... But how would you know without experiencing it?
The brain did evolve through the history of mankind, as it did during our life. (stocking of information, memory, souvenirs, capacity to understand, analyse, ...)
We all descend from monocellular organisms... Not necesseraly the same one (that, we probably will never know)
At 15 November, 2006 10:11,
Anonymous said…
The brain did evolve!
Perception doesn't come from the brain. Perception is the result of the treatment of an information(s) brought to your brain through receptors connected to nerves and organs(ear, nose, thongue, eye...).
Let me give you an example to prove perception doesn't come from the brain.
Imagine there is a table in front of you. Someone is going to put an object on the table and you will have to say what the object is. You must keep your eyes closed and you are not allowed to touch, taste or approach it. the object makes no sound, and no sound was produced when it was put on the table. You cannot ditinguish any specific smell comming from that object.
If perception came from the brain, you would know what the object is. It would mean that the information from that object is coming from within you (no information is comming from the "outside")
The information is the size, the shape, the colour, the taste, the sound, its mass, the smell, its temperature, ... coming from the object.
You will be able to say what the object is not, but since you cannot experiment the information(s) it would provide, you are uncapable to say what it is.
And that's what makes the brain "perfect"! It's capacity to evolve! Indeed, boiling water burns your skin... But how would you know without experiencing it?
The brain did evolve through the history of mankind, as it did during our life. (stocking of information, memory, souvenirs, capacity to understand, analyse, ...)
We all descend from monocellular organisms... Not necesseraly the same one (that, we probably will never know)
At 15 November, 2006 16:59,
Simonetta said…
You expect me to believe that?
Oh Praise God! I have never laughed so much for yonks!
So ..... the descent from the ape is out now and also the descent from fish?!
Nowadays we all come down from little monocellular organisms??!
Oh Praise God for humour! I am sorry Anon, but this really did make me laugh so much.
Who created the monocellular organism in the first place?
At 15 November, 2006 20:07,
Anonymous said…
One question:
What causes you people to believe in someone you can't see and have only heard about.
At 15 November, 2006 20:27,
Simonetta said…
Good question Unbeliever!
I can only speak for myself here as it's not my place to speak for others.
I guess I was born to believe in God, in Jesus.
I asked, He answered. It's as simple as that.
Prayer is powerful as a beginning to knowledge of God. All you have to do is ask Him. Not Unbelieving mankind nor the teachers of evolution, the big bang and all other theories.
Go to the Source! Say a Prayer and ask Him should you believe and see what happens!
At 15 November, 2006 21:15,
Anonymous said…
Listen, you guys might like to talk to thin air but this guy doesn't so don't make fun of me.
At 15 November, 2006 21:40,
Simonetta said…
I have bever been more serious in my life Unbeliever.
Obviously you have been taught physics and "it's All elementary Mr Watson" on evoloutionary matters. You haven't even had time to learn about the true Creator.
Many Scientists are Children of God. Many 'scientists' are not.
You may THINK you are talking to thin air when you talk to God, but I can tell you diffferently.
Because answered Prayer outweighs unanswered Prayer.
I can't tell you to do a thing. I can suggest, that's all.
It's up to you to work out your own Salvation; it's up to me to answer your questions to the best of my ability.
Whatever you believe makes no difference to what I believe. You have a mind, I have a mind.
But, as for me and my House, we will refuse to believe in theories and allegations, assumptions and thoughts of man and continue to believe in God.
Man can try to prove there is no God until doomsday, and that man will attract as many followers as any 'christian' cult.
But to me, Prayer is serious and when God calls me to pray, I pray.
And to you, all I suggest is for you to ask God Himself whether He exists. :)
At 15 November, 2006 21:55,
Anonymous said…
You're a looney aren't you?
At 15 November, 2006 22:07,
Simonetta said…
Maybe! But if so,I'm a happy one Atheist! ROFL!!!!
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