Widowed? So Live!

I'm in shock. Absolute utter shock. In fact I don't think I'll ever come out of my shocked position.
Last night I learned that the boyfriend of my little Grandaughter is in awe and delight at the manner in which I live. And, he adores me!
Apparently his Grandmother sits all day, watches a bit of tele, and the highlight of her week us going to the Doctor.
Now, that is sad ... sad .... sad ..... sad.
He cannot believe a person can live alone so happily beyond the age of 50 plus as I do. That a widow living alone can grow her own veges, have her chooks, budgies, cockies, doggie and cats, hop in her car and make a wondeful life of travelling to take photo's, go shopping, cook lovely meals, light gorgeous candles, maintain alot of land, have so many overseas friends through a computer and be so huggable, jokeable,laughing, filled with energy, and alive!!? Alive???!!!
Now, I'm in a quandry as he's viewing his Grandma as being a bit of a failure because of my happy go lucky outlook.
I am thinking seriously of what I can do to help this poor soul who sits in a flat and looks out the window day in and day out.
Hmnnnnnn ... maybe I should meet her, get her to come to me for a holiday and show her how to live.
One problem, Z has told his Grandma about me and my manner of living and that sent her into shock .... er hmmmmmm.
I think many people think we women of the Mallee wear gumboots all day, ride a horse everywhere, can shoot a lizards tail out of kookaburra's mouth without harming the Kook ... (well, maybe send him into a bit of shock but ...) wear no makeup and are true 'Annie Get Your Gun' heroines.
Well, if I sat astride a horse now and went into full gallop I wouldn't sit for a month of Sunday's. True ... true, I can fire a gun and hit the fox but could do that when I was a young one so that's old news.
The worse part of all this is .... Z hasn't seen how well I can make a boomerang, hasn't seen me experimenting, hasn't seen me hypnotise the chooks, hasn't seen me climb a tree, (often do that to take photo's nowdays), and hasn't seen me burn off the young ones on the road who are trying to be funny - nor has be seen a few other tricks I do.
Hey! Life is to be lived! They all know how deeply I love God as my daughter and I told them. God gave us a life to live! Just because our husbands die doesn't mean we also stop living! That's the one thing both our husband's and God would never want!
The period of mourning does stop you know!
If many a husband had last words to say to their wives before the final sleep they possibly would have said " Look after yourself and be happy."
There is no use sitting down and giving up on life. Do that, and you are one of the living dead. Get outside and live! Love and be happy!
Who is the Greatest Councellor? GOD.
Who is the the Greatest Comforter? GOD.
Who wipes the tears from your eyes? GOD.
So for God's Sake, will you let him? Let HIM take control of your life, and live!
I recall once I was on a Widow and Widowers Forum and so help me, it was the most depressing place I've ever been? All they did was winge, winge, winge, winge years after the death!
They had forgotten the little faults of the deceased husband. Struth! I remember when my man used to fart in bed and almost blow me straight out the window into the car! Oh the shock of it ....
One lady confessed she had found a new love and wondered if she was sinning!!!
That place made me so depressed it forced me to see my Doctor? And know what? My Doctor had to put me on anti depressants?
Yes, there will always be the memories, the joys and sorrows of those memories will flood back at certain intervals, but that's when we turn to God for comfort!
So .... what am I to do regarding Z's Grandmother .... I don't think she could keep up with my pace but I know one thing for sure, she'd leave here with an entirely new point of view!
Today is sunny and nice, might pack a picnic hamper and have lunch by a lake.
Like my photo of the kookaburra eating his tea? I took it yesterday!
At 03 November, 2006 14:51,
Anonymous said…
Love the photo of the Kookaburra but cannot stop laughing at your comment on LH in bed.lol.What you write makes perfect sense but many women do like to wallow and be pitied while others like yourself are adaptable.Love this entry.
At 03 November, 2006 15:34,
Anonymous said…
I have no doubt your granddaughter adores you due to your positive ways!If I were you I would take the lady to you for a holiday and allow her to see a completely new way of life.
At 03 November, 2006 16:08,
Anonymous said…
In a situation where a loved husband dies the widow is obviously not going to oversome her doubts and fears for a certain length of time and cannot adapt to a casual way of life, I suppose you had alot of support?
At 03 November, 2006 18:41,
Simonetta said…
No anon, I had no support from mankind whatsoever! I agree entirely that doubts and fears are always prevalent, that is why I rely on God.
Yep Val, metinks we just might get her to stay with me for a few days and see how she likes it!
Glad you like the entry Reader! ... ain't it true but?
At 03 November, 2006 23:26,
Simonetta said…
Then something is radically wrong Hon, she may be suffering from depression.
Please, just love her? Maybe she needs a hol with me too! I can take them kayaking I think!!
At 03 November, 2006 23:40,
Simonetta said…
Andrew, you are not intruding and thankyou for your comment.
I am sorry to hear your Mum is living such a life as really, she has no life.
Can I ask how long it is since she lost her husband?
At 04 November, 2006 00:10,
Simonetta said…
Of course I would answer Andrew!
I really do feel for your Mum, it does take time but 6 years seems a long time to do nothin in life, and, it seems a waste of life.
Your Dad would have loved your Mum dearly and I feel sure he would have wanted her to get on with life and to be happy!
She is her own girl now, it's all over and that often comes as a big shock to the system.
Encourage her to make herself someone in life. To do things she may have wanted to do when your Dad was alive and couldn't.
It doesn't have to cost heaps of money, but it is the beginning of an outlet for her.
As she is now, she could become very ill as it is not healthy to live in the past.
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