Wood To Ash To Earth Returning.

I believe all the swimming pools in Melbourne are full. Man's greed for luxury ... will it never end?
I don't think so. How many in the city know this song sung by we folk of the country.
While The Billy Boils.
Come and sit beneath the bluegums while the billy boils,
Shaded by the old and new gums, while the billy boils.
And tell your story as you will, of love and joy or tears
Let your memories gently fill the years
A timeless feeling.
There's the scent of gumleaves burning while the billy boils,
Wood to ash to earth returning while the billy boils.
So shed your worries with your swag
Forget your cares and toils,
And come and join us while the billy boils.
Hospitality can always come with humility as well as luxury.
We who have never been brought up with luxury cannot miss it and continue happily through life with little things that please, and are needed.
Humility is treasure and pleasure. Words to stop and think about.
People are always attracted to the humble, and the humble are a pleasure to be with.
We have all been asked to pray for rain. But will prayers be answered for land on which there are large statues of buddha today?
At 21 October, 2006 20:40,
Anonymous said…
I don't believe so, having said that, we can look at homosexuality,gambling, witchcraft, unmarried mothers, immorality plus many other non christian things.We are not a christian country anymore.
At 21 October, 2006 21:21,
Anonymous said…
I believe this is the worst drought in Australian history but cannot believe idolatry and outrageous behaviour has anything to do with it when there is global warming to consider. Your problem with humility is far too great a problem!Never in my life have I known anything like it!
At 21 October, 2006 22:13,
Simonetta said…
Hi Val! Hi Denny! Hi Shay!
yeah ... global warming is bad, but I still have a deep sense that God cannot bless a nation which has stopped allowing His Holy Word into hospitals and permitted so much religious tolerance.
I feel you are right Val, we are a big gambling nation. Something which won't be altered now due to it's revenue. I reckon it might get worse before it gets better if the Lord doesn't come in the meantime.
More shy than humble Denny.
At 21 October, 2006 22:30,
Anonymous said…
I think what she's getting at is man's disobedience to God. Can God bless a disobedient nation?
At 21 October, 2006 22:55,
Simonetta said…
Hi Michael!
This has everything to do with the drought.
Pat is sooo right. Give it some thought. Can, or will, God bless a disobedient nation.
Will He bless the land itself and answer prayers for rain and lots of it?
We have always had dry spells, but this is the worst one, and it's going to get worse. In the 1930's Inigo Jones gave a long range forecast which told of this happening around the year 2000 and added that the Murray woud dry up. Well, that's happening now.
He also said the gum trees would die. That is yet to happen.
We'll just have to ride the tide!
At 21 October, 2006 23:22,
Anonymous said…
Will you be alright there on your own? It would be rather hard for a woman on such a large lot of land as you to manage alone as the house is very old!
At 21 October, 2006 23:45,
Simonetta said…
I have immense Faith Denny. ;)
Thanks for caring.
At 22 October, 2006 01:07,
Anonymous said…
You will get through it Missy coz we all will pray.
At 22 October, 2006 01:33,
Anonymous said…
Do not fear. She could use her fast wit to get out of anything if they don't hang her first. Union for Tibetian Hermits indeed. Good job I stayed up late tonight watching a video before checking your blog out My Fair Lady.
At 22 October, 2006 01:38,
Anonymous said…
I mean't checked out the comments in your blog. I missed the one about the Tibetian Union for Hermits.
Union for Tibetian Hermits indeed. Next thing you will be telling us Bobby and Blanche head it.
At 22 October, 2006 12:56,
Simonetta said…
aw Pat ..... now you've mucked me blog up.
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