The Life Of One Alone

The life and thoughts of a widow.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Wood To Ash To Earth Returning.

I believe all the swimming pools in Melbourne are full. Man's greed for luxury ... will it never end?

I don't think so. How many in the city know this song sung by we folk of the country.

While The Billy Boils.

Come and sit beneath the bluegums while the billy boils,
Shaded by the old and new gums, while the billy boils.
And tell your story as you will, of love and joy or tears
Let your memories gently fill the years
A timeless feeling.

There's the scent of gumleaves burning while the billy boils,
Wood to ash to earth returning while the billy boils.
So shed your worries with your swag
Forget your cares and toils,
And come and join us while the billy boils.

Hospitality can always come with humility as well as luxury.

We who have never been brought up with luxury cannot miss it and continue happily through life with little things that please, and are needed.

Humility is treasure and pleasure. Words to stop and think about.

People are always attracted to the humble, and the humble are a pleasure to be with.

We have all been asked to pray for rain. But will prayers be answered for land on which there are large statues of buddha today?


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