Nature & Geometry

Water is made of a combination of hydrogen and oxygen atoms. There are two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen in every molecule of water.
It is The Majesty of creation."And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters" Genesis Chapter 1, verse 2.
Following ths incident, God spoke.
"Let there be light." Genesis Chapter 1 verse 3.
Nothing can grow without water and sun (light).
It was due to the fact that everything I saw which was created by God, had a different shape which led me believe in God and to follow Christ. A "Someone" had to have made all these various things in such patterns. It could not have been coincidence, and certainly not evolution.
Genesis Chapter 1:11-12 God spoke.
"Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yeilding seed, and the fruit of the tree AFTER IT'S KIND whose seed is in itself, upon the earth ... and it was so.
An oak tree cannot drop an elm seed. An apple tree cannot bear a peach. Everything evermore was to come from it's root source from then, until today.
Such a happening could not have evolved, far too many intricacies were involved.
Everything God made had a geometrical pattern. A pattern so intricate it is breathtaking. I see this everyday in my photography.
Look at the photo of the rocks. It appears that I am flying above them, yet in actual fact, I took this photo while standing on the ground.
The geometrics of the rocks fascinated me. They all connected into a geometric pattern which enabled me to manipulate.
I experimented with the photo by cropping it, then turning it upside down and was stunned at what I saw. In the original photo the rock is a massive boulder which did not, in part, touch the ground.
The part which did not touch the ground was cropped from the photo and turned upside down giving the appearance of a birds eye view of the top of rocks.
The palm leaves do not completely touch, yet, they are connected through a delicate network system.
The seagull shows dynamics of geometry. Everything touches, yet, the connection is through a delicate network once again. Nothing is even, yet, everything is balanced. The geometric value is there in it's action of flight. It needs a geometric value in it's wings and body to enable it to fly.
The pink photo is one I took of salt crystals formed on a piece of dead grass on the floor of a salt lake. Everything is connected to a central field , and once again, we see geometrics. If we were to look at the salt crystals beneath a microscope, we would see an astonishing rythm of geometics.
The photo of the sun shows geometrics in rays reflected on still water. Once again a delicate network of connected geometrics. Something I would bever have seen so clearly had I not used a camera. Yes, I can see rays, but not as clearly as through the camera on development of the photo.
I am not a mathemetician, but one who loves God, and in these common everyday things we see an astonishing array of sheer Geometric patterns.
The stranger things which made me ponder was that water runs off all things shown here except one, the salt crystals which will melt if left in water.
Yes, indeed everything bar the rocks need water to survive.
The rock is a basalt rock and not therefore not a porous rock.
Nature itself is God's absolute wonder if one is to study it completely in it's geometric field.
I am but a child in this matter for I see the geometrics, yet know nothing about geometrics other than a sprinkling of knowledge here and there. I wonder how many others can see the connection between Nature and God?
At 19 October, 2006 01:56,
Anonymous said…
This has me thinking hard and I am a hardened athiest.
At 19 October, 2006 02:28,
Anonymous said…
I am biting my fingernails here, have bever seen it explained like that before. You've given me alot to think about so thanks for that.
Might spend some time having a look around and doin some thinking.
At 19 October, 2006 18:40,
Anonymous said…
You are not still on about that are you? lol! You have not changed one little bit. Good girl!
At 19 October, 2006 22:29,
Simonetta said…
Hi all! Thanks for the comments!
Yes Denny ... no Denny, I don't intend to change one little bit!
At 27 October, 2006 21:04,
Radagast said…
Great post!
At 28 October, 2006 14:31,
Simonetta said…
Thanks Rad, I needed your approval or disapproval on that one!
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