
When this photo came through from my camera yesterday, I immediately fell in love with it.
What I must do is all that concerns me, not what the people think. This rule, equally arduous in actual and intellectual life, may serve for the whole distinction between greatness and meanness. It is the harder, because you will always find those who think they know what is your duty better than you know it. It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great person is one who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Amazing! Elvis would have been 71 if he were alive today! Maybe what Elvis needed was a good dose of solitude.
At 08 October, 2006 20:32,
Anonymous said…
Isn't it a little vain to fall in "love" with your own work?
At 08 October, 2006 21:33,
Simonetta said…
Not really Denny! Most people have favorite works if they make stuff.
I have favorite photographs as well as favorite stuff I've made. No big deal!
At 08 October, 2006 23:49,
Anonymous said…
I cannot get any email through to your address so I ask you here why you have chosen not to come to Tasmania?
At 09 October, 2006 00:04,
Simonetta said…
Hi Denny!
Fact is Hon, I have one leg to heal and besides that, I have things to do here if capable.
As I said, if I go down there, it would be more for photography than idle chat. There would be time for chat of course! But, I really do want to photograph if I go.
That may sound a little harsh and I'm sorry about that.
At 09 October, 2006 00:12,
Anonymous said…
Harsh? It is inexcusable. You appear to have chosen your life above that of others nowadays.
At 09 October, 2006 00:25,
Simonetta said…
Denny, I'm more concerned you can't get any email through. Are you positive you have my email address right? Can you phone you know who and check?
She can also give you my phone number which you have, but I never received your new phone number and nobody seems to know it.
Please don't type any phone numbers or email addresses here?
At 09 October, 2006 00:32,
Anonymous said…
I allow nobody to have my new phone number.
At 09 October, 2006 00:46,
Simonetta said…
EH? What the hell have you got a phone for then? Fair dinkum Denny ..
Do you have msn? I got rid of mine but it is an alternative if needs be.
At 09 October, 2006 00:52,
Anonymous said…
I have a telephone in order to use it. No I will not have anything like msn in my computer as they have viruses.
At 09 October, 2006 00:58,
Simonetta said…
Ooooo...kaaaaaaaaay. Well, if I mentioned Skype you'd possibly deny that too so, what now?
We are not using my blog as msn!
Struth Denny .. I dunno ... you are a worry!
At 09 October, 2006 01:10,
Anonymous said…
Don't you dare mention Skype to me. The Computer rings! I am not a worry either I want to know why you are not coming to Tasmania.
At 09 October, 2006 01:21,
Simonetta said…
Denny ... you are a puzzlement ... I have already told you why I'm not going to Tassy.
The only reason I am still up is because I am sifting through photos on the comp, what's your excuse.
At 09 October, 2006 01:29,
Anonymous said…
I want to talk to you, that is my excuse!!
d, Your TASMANIAN Cousin.
At 09 October, 2006 01:38,
Simonetta said…
Well give someone we both know your phone number so I can phone you will you!
At 09 October, 2006 01:48,
Anonymous said…
Most precisely not. She will pass it to others and it is a private phone number.
At 09 October, 2006 01:55,
Simonetta said…
Well, give msn a go tomorrow - or Skype as that's even better. You can always clean the viruses out - or your techie can if you can't.
Do you want to talk to me about something really urgent?
At 09 October, 2006 02:02,
Anonymous said…
I will not have msn or that Skype thing in my computer! I have told you that and what I want to talk to you about is my business.
d, Your TASMANIAN cousin?
At 09 October, 2006 02:10,
Anonymous said…
Well, give Babs your phone number and she can phone it through to me!
At 09 October, 2006 02:10,
Simonetta said…
Sorry ... that was me ....
At 09 October, 2006 02:14,
Anonymous said…
At 09 October, 2006 02:22,
Simonetta said…
OK. We can't talk then.
Going to bed now.
Night Hon!
At 09 October, 2006 02:32,
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 09 October, 2006 02:35,
Anonymous said…
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At 09 October, 2006 02:42,
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
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