What Price Freedom? cont'd.

I apologise for the noise on the photo, but did not remove it before uploading. Yeah ... lazy girl that I am and don't pretend not to be!
Fact is, last night my leg was so painful with that strained calf muscle had to go to the Hospital to have it seen to so can't be bothered doing much. Darn - I turned up there at half past 11 at night and thought it was 8.p.m ???!! Wondered why I had to pick up the phone and say "Oi! It's me! Lemme in!"
At the sound of my voice ... the door FLEW open and nearly knocked me flat! Great ....... they love me.
Reason? They know me and most of the Nursing Staff are my friends because I'm a true blue Aussie. If I take my friends there, they get the same treatment. "EMERGENCY!! GET THE WHATEVERS!!!" Absolutely pampered that oi be mate ... haaaaaaay maaaaaaate, someone in life has to pamper me at times.
I was tended by a top male Nursing Aide, trained like a Doc he is. "What did you do Hon?" said all the nurses plus the Nursing Aide who had a big grin on his face.
" Caused a HUGE inconvenience to my person which is a bloody nuisance so I came to you to fix it." I replied while attempting to stand.
"You been climbing trees again?" they asked.
" ME? Oh, no,no,no ...... me just ran out the door in bare tootsies yesterday, jumped down the step and screamed blue murder because the calf muscle tore."
"You live on the edge." laughed Liz, the Nursing Sister I adore.
"Will you get me off it mate?" I looked at her quite seriously and pointed to my leg. She laughed all the more.
"She's grounded herself!!!" they all laughed.
"You unsympathetic pack of heathens." I snorted. They laughed all the more.
" Bloody lovely," I said in all seriousness " here I be in absolute agony holding me leg up for the world to see and all the Nurses are laughing at my sheer utter agony."
I gave a dramatic 19th century back of the hand touch to my forehead, looked down with closed eyes and cried " Alas and alack! If I fainted they would laugh at the descendant of the mighty House of Byron!
Dramatically, with one eye watching, I draped my left hand in front of the handsome Male Nurse Aide to kiss. He dutifully kised my hand.
Suddenly my antics of drama ended, "Hey! That's me hand! It's me leg I want kissed better!"
They all doubled up laughing while I looked on in complete innocence.
"Come vith me to ze Cazba." Said the handsome Nurses Aide.
With one leg stiff and outstretched and the other moving as fast as possible I headed for ze Cazbaaah with a handsome man. * Flutters eyelids*
Gently he pulled the leg of my slacks up then touched pressure points to make certain it wasn't a clot.
Then, up went the other trouser leg. Nursing sisters watched this time in concern.
"Hell mate! You've made a mess of it! That calf muscle is really torn, there will be inside bruising as well and you ARE grounded!"
"EH?!!" My eyes widened. " GROUNDED!!!"
"Yes indeed!" He was filled with concern as he tended my leg.
"You really are in alot of pain aren't you?" His arm was around my shoulders.
"Not ummm.. not ummmm ... er ummm .... ahhh ... er ummm ... ummm.." My mind was thinking Hospital bed and no way!!! I was also thinking I wasn't so happy in zee Cazbaaaaah.
"I know you are Brave Face!!" came his words.
"Yeah." I replied quickly hoping he hadn't heard me." He had and gave a grin.
" I HAD to climb that hill to get the shots! Struth mate! The council might move the flamin' hill and there goes me shots!!"
"Yes." it was a whisper as I looked at him with puppy dog eyes.
"And therein lies further damage you did to your leg."
"Well you can fix it!"
"Nope ... I can HELP it, but this will take time."
"How much flamin' time?" The nurses started to laugh again, don't know why but they always do laugh at me when I go there.
"How does six weeks sound?" He smiled at me.
I was silent. Flabbergasted beyond words, stunned into a silence unheard. Six weeks of total boredom; six flamin' weeks of utter annihilation from a world of magic; six rotten weeks of armageddon; six long, long, looooooooooooooooooooong weeks.
"Bugga." was all I could manage.
Soon I was home - my freedom was gone for six loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong weeks. But, it would not ground me. No flamin' way!! I've got a new camera to pick up any day! But ......................
It was time to reflect on freedom of the world. To think deeply --- to study my Bible deeply.
The Bible is filled with prophecy which man has tried to interpret for centuries. Yet today, not many can see that WW3 began follwing WW2.
It is not the little things we look at, it is the big things.The clash of civilizations as Europe and Islam collide. A crucial Bible prophecy here is in Daniel 11: 40-50
The Kings of the North and South in Bible times were the Seleuicid and Ptolemaic dynasties which succeeded Alexander the Great and ruled over what we now know as Syria and Egypt.
Their repeated clashes affected the Jews who lived between them in a negative way.
Revelation 17: 12-13 tells us that just prior to the Second Coming of Jesus "
kings" or leaders of nations will come together to form a new world superpower.
The Bible is packed with what is happening on earth today as the earth shudders beneath violent blows of manmade destruction.
The British Empire - once victorious and intact at the end of WW2 is gone. France and other European empires are also gone.
Succeeding them are alot of new countries across Africa and the Middle East which were non existant in 1945.
Then, following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 more new nations came int being across Asia, many of the muslim dominated which have added to the strength of that beast, Islam.
The world has changed so dramatically since 1945 it is hardly recognizable.
Christian women are marrying muslims and being forced into Islam. The ignorant are marrying muslims and adding to their strength.
And the Beast with two heads, one of peace - the other of war stirs ready to try to devour the world. Islam. One head calls peace - the other head calls war and destruction.
The Book of Revelation clearly points to Islam when it states the saints will be beheaded. Only Islam uses such a barbaric means of disposing of people. But, the ignorant cannot see this ..
America is becoming more and more isolated with Britain remaining a loyal friend and perhaps the only friend America has, evenso, Britain appears to be becoming disillusioned with America.
Australia stands firm beside it's principles with many hating the manner in which our Prime Minister John Howard remains a loyal friend to Bush.
And I grieve for England - imagine if during WW2 every one in eight of the population of London were a nazi?
Today, one in eight of the population of London is a muslim ........
Most of the western world has been blinded without knowing it.
Hosea 7: 8-9 states
"Ephraim has mixed himself among the people ( or .. embraced other cultures and religions as equally valid) ALIENS ( people who worship other gods) hae devoured his strength, but he does not know it."
Yes, people have been blinded by thinking they can accept all religions and cultures as equal when too often it sows the seeds of social and cultural disintegration.
Ignorance is dangerous.
Following WW2 Britons stopped practising Christianity and following Jesus in droves and held onto it in name only. Church attendance plummeted and people rapidly accepted a new standard. Multiculturalism and Political Correctedness.
And, according to this standard, all religions, cultures, creeds and ideas are morally equal and never, but never to be critisised.
Today, people honestly believe there is little or no difference between religions. That all people on earth worship the same God. Nobody can judge another persons beliefs or actions.
These people have become spiritual appeasers no longer able to discern right from wrong and know nothing, or very little about the Bible or the Koran.
Today, there is no grief in me when typhoon or cyclones strike and I hear of the deaths except for the children. Oh yes, I grieve for the children.
But, I often wonder just what the Forces, created by God, wiped out?
Strangely enough, the greatest disasters are taking places in muslim and pagan lands.
What God destroys let no man touch.
People who think they have freedom should think twice.
It was at a place where I met a friend who was to teach me a little about the Velvet Revolution.
I looked at her beautiful photo's and read her history lessons in awe. Her photographs were consise, sharp and well focused. And ... the story began to unravel. One I had not heard of.
Communism - that ugly beast which robs and despoils.
1989 marked the time of the Velvet Revolution in which peaceful student protestors in Prague, who dared to oppose communism were attacked visciously by Police.
This led to further disturbances in Eastern Europe.
Just why are so many things covered up by the Press of today and treated so lightly?
They cried for freedom ....... not for the earth, moon and stars - but for freedom. A freedom which was denied.
At 02 October, 2006 16:53,
Anonymous said…
Fantastic blog entry.
At 02 October, 2006 22:46,
Anonymous said…
Great blog, this entry is very interesting but had to laugh at your description of ' going into the Cazbah' with a handsome man.
Surely you can understand why the nurses were laughing.
At 02 October, 2006 23:53,
Anonymous said…
Thanks for making me study Hosea.
Hosea 8-9 in the KJV reads
Ephraim he hath mixed hiself among the people; Ephraim is a cake not turned.
Strangers have DEVOURED HIS STRENGTH and he knowth it NOT
yea, grey hairs are here and there upon him, yet he knoweth not.
I see where you are coming from.
Many thanks.
At 03 October, 2006 00:25,
Anonymous said…
Daniel Pipes said miliant Islam is on a par with comunism, great entry to read.
Great insight into the beheading mentioned in the Book Of Revelation, I often wondered about that now I see the connection to Islam.
Must admit to having your blog bookmarked, you have taught me more than you will ever know.
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