Bible Meditation
I often wonder what people are really thinking as they go about their daily lives as there is so much to think about.
We should be most concerned about our way of thinking. We are what we are inwardly with the heart being the chief concern. Not medically, but in God's sight.
I only use the KJV of the Bible as I find it easy to read, (thankfully), and cannot trust other versions which may leave out a vital word, and noticed the KJV displays the word "heart" 833 times.
God looks upon the heart. The word 'heart' can be synonomous with the mind. "For the Lord does not see man as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart" ( 1 Samuel 16:7)
Thoughts are seldom hidden forever and generally lead to words and actions.
The word 'meditation' is not a religious word and the Bible makes no clear distinction between thinking and meditating.
Meditation is never displayed as being ritualistic, either mentally or emotionally. Yet, it is an important part of our lives as Believers and followers of The Messiah.
Prayer, Bible study and meditation certainly take time! One can become lost in ones thoughts.
But, sadly, today, many people meditate the wrong way. No, not by the eastern way which calls for the emptying of the mind, but by another dangerous method called, "worry".
Today there seems to be a mania for unbiblical meditation! The only comfort people can have following that type of 'meditation' is anti depressants.
Alot has been written about "The Power of Positive Thinking" and seems to be the rage for New Age thinkers. Mind over matter rather than anything Biblical. Maybe they are worshipping their minds .. I dunno. But, much of todays meditation seems to be self centred and not God centred. Self conscious and not God conscious.
The longest chapter in the Bible is Psalm 119 with 176 verses totally devoted to praising God for His Word, and His laws. I too praise God for His Word, and for Jesus and the New law.
As we reflect, we rest in the arms of God, and nothing is more delightful than reflecting on God in harmony with nature. Taking in the flight of tiny birds, the scurrying of ants, the whispering of trees, the trillions of colours green, the stars at night, and the immensity of the moon.
Spiritual growth requires one to look inwardly and consider themselves, to analyse our faults and expose ourselves to ourselves as though looking in a mirror.
To be spiritual, one must forget the TV and clamour of life. Hollywood can shape an audience through it's films. If they want us to sypathise with the most evil person on earth, they can do it. It is all run by mind control and manipulation of the emotions.
"Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things and revive me in YOUR way" Psalm 119:37
Often I wonder if Jesus would watch TV, or listen to the viscious clammering of todays music. Would He read books? Magazines? I don't think so ... like 2,000 years ago, He would be thinking of His Father.
"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life."
Proverbs 4:23
Indeed ... how the Bible rings out the words of wellbeing for the heart, soul, and spirit. Praise God!
It was when I left the organised churches that I really began to learn about God for not ONE sermon left any impression on my mind on which I could ponder, no, not one.
From the pulpit they droned on, and on, and on. I relished The Word, but to have it droned on and on seemed to put me into some sort of a trance and almost had me falling asleep. The effort to try to look intelligent and stay awake became a little monotonous. In fact, I think going to church wore me out!
After church there was the constant chatter coming from all the congregation outside the bounds of the church space. The chat was about the latest sicknesses of dear Aunt Millie, and how little Bobby was doing at school. Not one person spoke of the sermon.
I could not have given a darn about the latest gossip! To hell with it! Having just attended church, my heart was on God, not on dear old Aunt Millie or how little Bobby was going at school. Little Bobby was a nightmare anywhere, it's a wonder any school would accept him!
But ... that's people. They had done their 'duty' and gone to church, put their five bucks on the plate and been perfect angels to sit through the preaching at us.
It was AFTER I left the churches, I could come closer to God. Yes, I coud help them in any way possible. But, my life must be shared with a spiritual person, a person with a good heart for God. Who can share my humble, and outlook on the Almighty Father, and, who can share my love for His creations.
Such a person on this earth is rare - and so I photograph His Creations, and admire them in the solitary silence. And know that maybe marriage will never be for me again.
We should be most concerned about our way of thinking. We are what we are inwardly with the heart being the chief concern. Not medically, but in God's sight.
I only use the KJV of the Bible as I find it easy to read, (thankfully), and cannot trust other versions which may leave out a vital word, and noticed the KJV displays the word "heart" 833 times.
God looks upon the heart. The word 'heart' can be synonomous with the mind. "For the Lord does not see man as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart" ( 1 Samuel 16:7)
Thoughts are seldom hidden forever and generally lead to words and actions.
The word 'meditation' is not a religious word and the Bible makes no clear distinction between thinking and meditating.
Meditation is never displayed as being ritualistic, either mentally or emotionally. Yet, it is an important part of our lives as Believers and followers of The Messiah.
Prayer, Bible study and meditation certainly take time! One can become lost in ones thoughts.
But, sadly, today, many people meditate the wrong way. No, not by the eastern way which calls for the emptying of the mind, but by another dangerous method called, "worry".
Today there seems to be a mania for unbiblical meditation! The only comfort people can have following that type of 'meditation' is anti depressants.
Alot has been written about "The Power of Positive Thinking" and seems to be the rage for New Age thinkers. Mind over matter rather than anything Biblical. Maybe they are worshipping their minds .. I dunno. But, much of todays meditation seems to be self centred and not God centred. Self conscious and not God conscious.
The longest chapter in the Bible is Psalm 119 with 176 verses totally devoted to praising God for His Word, and His laws. I too praise God for His Word, and for Jesus and the New law.
As we reflect, we rest in the arms of God, and nothing is more delightful than reflecting on God in harmony with nature. Taking in the flight of tiny birds, the scurrying of ants, the whispering of trees, the trillions of colours green, the stars at night, and the immensity of the moon.
Spiritual growth requires one to look inwardly and consider themselves, to analyse our faults and expose ourselves to ourselves as though looking in a mirror.
To be spiritual, one must forget the TV and clamour of life. Hollywood can shape an audience through it's films. If they want us to sypathise with the most evil person on earth, they can do it. It is all run by mind control and manipulation of the emotions.
"Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things and revive me in YOUR way" Psalm 119:37
Often I wonder if Jesus would watch TV, or listen to the viscious clammering of todays music. Would He read books? Magazines? I don't think so ... like 2,000 years ago, He would be thinking of His Father.
"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life."
Proverbs 4:23
Indeed ... how the Bible rings out the words of wellbeing for the heart, soul, and spirit. Praise God!
It was when I left the organised churches that I really began to learn about God for not ONE sermon left any impression on my mind on which I could ponder, no, not one.
From the pulpit they droned on, and on, and on. I relished The Word, but to have it droned on and on seemed to put me into some sort of a trance and almost had me falling asleep. The effort to try to look intelligent and stay awake became a little monotonous. In fact, I think going to church wore me out!
After church there was the constant chatter coming from all the congregation outside the bounds of the church space. The chat was about the latest sicknesses of dear Aunt Millie, and how little Bobby was doing at school. Not one person spoke of the sermon.
I could not have given a darn about the latest gossip! To hell with it! Having just attended church, my heart was on God, not on dear old Aunt Millie or how little Bobby was going at school. Little Bobby was a nightmare anywhere, it's a wonder any school would accept him!
But ... that's people. They had done their 'duty' and gone to church, put their five bucks on the plate and been perfect angels to sit through the preaching at us.
It was AFTER I left the churches, I could come closer to God. Yes, I coud help them in any way possible. But, my life must be shared with a spiritual person, a person with a good heart for God. Who can share my humble, and outlook on the Almighty Father, and, who can share my love for His creations.
Such a person on this earth is rare - and so I photograph His Creations, and admire them in the solitary silence. And know that maybe marriage will never be for me again.
At 15 September, 2006 17:14,
Simonetta said…
G'day Mike! Well, it's a way of life for me but isn't for a hell of alot more people who eventually show their true colours. People are people, too many are users and abusers. Constantly I am reminded of the beauty surrounding me, and the faithlessness of so called 'friends'. Are you?
At 15 September, 2006 17:55,
Simonetta said…
You are not wrong about me meeting the worst! I dunno, I just seem to attract them like flies!
Seriously though, this proves we must be God focused. People have the power to destroy people and I just don't feel like falling under their destuctive ways.
At 16 September, 2006 00:43,
Anonymous said…
Hi! Love your Blog you've given me alot of room for thought.
It's Patricia B!!
At 16 September, 2006 00:57,
Simonetta said…
Patricia!!! How's it going Hon? Did you catch that Kanga? Big hug to you!!!
At 16 September, 2006 01:08,
Anonymous said…
He's still there the rotten mongrel, broke the fence down too.
No way will he leave. Got any ideas?
At 16 September, 2006 01:11,
Simonetta said…
A truck, four of the blokes and herd him into the back of the truck, leave him at Arthurs, obviously he's been reared by hand and still has some recollection of it. Arthur will make him into another pet. :)
At 16 September, 2006 01:18,
Anonymous said…
Great idea B!! Hey Darl, did you make Marmalade? I'd like a jar please, sweet and gentle please?
By the by, what on earth happened in the crater!! lol!! I simply can't imagine it ... wait ... yes I can, sounds unlike the local Iceburg tho !!! ROFL!!
Wait'll the blokes hear about this one!! Whacko!
Heaps of love
At 16 September, 2006 01:27,
Simonetta said…
Say one word about that crater incident and you're a fallen tree. OK? Perish the thought.
Yep ... made Marmalade today, will bring over a jar. PLEASE don't comment in your blog name Hon? My friends are sorta private. ;)
At 16 September, 2006 01:38,
Anonymous said…
Hell B you've got some pretty heavy stuff in here!!! I like this entry on meditation tho, but I think we do that all the time around here don't we?
Got ya about not posting in my blog name before you even told me. Knew what you'd say about that before you said it. ROFL!!!!!
You weren't meditating the other day when we caught you fast asleep under the Willow Tree!!! That was so funny to see!! Hubs said not to disturb you because you'd probably worn your brain out thinking!!! You had Soo, seagulls, magpies, cranes and ibises plus a few musks I think, all beside you fast asleep!!!
Love Patricia.
At 16 September, 2006 01:46,
Simonetta said…
What can I say ... they all love me!
At 16 September, 2006 01:51,
Anonymous said…
Going to bed now. You too Hon!!It's early hours kid!
Blowing a kiss over to you to say naw naws like Cockie!! Meditation before sleep. Big hug!!
Love you!!!
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