The Life Of One Alone

The life and thoughts of a widow.

Monday, September 18, 2006

The True Sabbath

Since the creation of the world when God set aside the seventh day as a day of rest for mankind, it has been observed as a sacred day by lovers of God. A perpetual sign for the lovers of God.

The seven day work week has stood through the centuries, and other than the creation week, there is no explanation for why the week is seven days long.

Other civilizations and countries, such as France, have tried to change the number of days in the week, but this attempt has always failed.

I am not a Seven Day Adventist and never have been, but, I agree implicitly that this Commandment, contained within the 10 Commandments of God is STILL with us today.

Convicted and convinced, nobody, and nothing can change my mind.
Did God change the law of adultery? Did He change the law of stealing? Did Jesus tell us the 10 Commandments were done away with? No. Instead, He gave us a new Commandment, to LOVE one another. And by doing that, He made it harder for man!

The Catholic Church changed the Saturday Sabbath to Sunday as a mark of their authority. As usual, man decided to change the Commandment of God.

Naturally, the daughters of the cathoic church followed in the mother church's tradition of Sunday worship.

I cannot go against my convictions and worship on a day people once worshipped the sun and ignore one of God's Commandments. My heart will not allow me to sin in that manner. To blatantly toss aside one of His Commandments and follow after men's traditions.

Man cannot change time. Yet ... he has changed time with the Sabbath and has taught another lie to mankind in general who follow like sheep. What choice do they have?
Pastors only preach on the Sunday!

They are far too ignorant to go into depth in the Bible and see how many times the Sabbath Commandment is mentioned. They bypass it and say Jesus abolished it at the Cross. No, He did NOT abolish the Commandments of His Father!

Even He, as a mere human kept the Commandments! For years I have struggled with this fact, many, many years. And I cannot attend a church where this lie is upheld.


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