The Life Of One Alone

The life and thoughts of a widow.

Friday, October 13, 2006

The Unity Of Two

It always begins with a mutual bond. A mutual attraction which is undefineable but cannot be erased.

There is never, but never one in life. A person always throws a shadow in the sunlight.

With Love, there is always two whether that Love be entirely for God, or shared with God through a marriage unity where two souls have become one in body and soul.

Our Christ Loves His Bride; His Bride Loves the Christ. It is The Unity of two. A Love shared - a Love which is unbreakable.

Who can describe what Love is? If one looks, it is in the Scriptures. Love is kind, it is gentle, it is tender. As a human emotion it cannot be defined but one knows when it hits them.

Many times I have seen young ones ask " I THINK I love him ... but ..."

This is youth with it's maze of confusion. There is no "but" when it comes to Love.

Before marriage - there can be "buts". I too went through that stage; could I stand beside a man who was as dedicated to things never touched upon by this soul? He soon put my mind at rest. It didn't matter. All that mattered was the love we shared.

My heart has almost always been with God. I say almost because once I touched on Tibetian Buddhism, and my life went in so many different directions I completely lost the way! But God showed His Love and brought me Home and into His Arms.

During that period of time when I was off to Tibet with the fairies and humming "Ohmmm mani padme hummmmm" and sitting in the most uncomfortable position called a "Lotus position", the track of time was lost. Worst still ... so was my Unity with God.

That's when my man came into my life.

God used this staunch Catholic man to gently sober me and bring me back to reality. In a flash I said goodbye to the pixies and knelt to pray to the only God I had ever known. To make sure I'd been positively forgiven I even went to Confession before Mass after many years. and took as much time in the Confessional Box as it had taken me to learn all about Tibet which was a long time. The Priest was ecstatic!!

The Unity of two was completed once again between God and myself.

But to look closely at a Unity of two, the individuals do their own thing while still being one person.

In marriage between man and a woman, the man ( in an ideal marriage) should be permitted to do those things he has been used to doing during his time of being single.

In this we look at our Unity with God.

God does His own thing. We, as humans do our own thing. But our hearts and minds are focused on God and Godly actions.

The two humans have become one flesh, the other Unity is with God. The Unity of two.

In my family there have been many divorces and family squabbles which I have kept far away from. It was during these squabbles, mainly about religion, I headed for the hills in order to forget words spoken which can never be forgotten by someone.

My thoughts were never voiced, they were private.

I did not approve of family dissention even at a very tender age, nor did I approve of divorce. Divorce to me did not make sense. If they loved one another in the beginning why did they divorce in the end?

But, I was a child. Today I see reasons for divorce. Sad reasons - and a Unity is shattered along with many lives whether it included God or not.

A marriage shared with God is a marriage sealed at the Feet and Throne of God whether the couple exchange vows privately with a couple of witnesses and an ordained Minister, or publicly in an overly expensive wedding with a multitude of guests to witness the event.

They need not live together continually but prefer to live apart each following their own life style and spending absolute quality time together when they greet one another keeping contact and loving one another dearly in the meantime.

It is still a Unity of One.

I am a positive thinker. Yes, I loved and lost, but that loss had to be faced with reality. There was no use my sitting down and mourning for the rest of my life. The Unity of Two in the marriage was broken between man and wife, but, the Unity of Two continued with my walk with God.

At first, the world seemed a strange place. It was empty, cold and foreign. The house was deathly quiet, the animals fretted. All kinds of odd things happened in that manner.

But, the Unity with God gave more power of positive thinking. I started to laugh at myself for still sleeping on my side of the bed, for cooking for two, for setting the table for two and waiting for the door to open. Silly little things.

I was not the only woman on the planet who had lost a husband. All over the world women were weeping who had lost their husbands at the same moment I had lost mine.

Men were also weeping, they too had lost their wives at the same moment I lost my husband.

Many had greater problems to face and surmount than this one. Many who did not have God to turn to.

Due to my faith, I counted myself lucky. There was still a Unity of Two. We cannot blame God for things that happen in life for that is the time we should be more aware that God is in our life.

When I lost him, people said various things ...... " How will she get on!" "She won't be able to go on, they were too close". " I feel so sorry for her, she'll never recover." " Expect a suicide mates!!" Oh dear, they sort of lived in their own little corner of the world, she'll die." " yeah ... well, IF she survives this she'll never marry again."

All utter rubbish as they did not know the me. And, now the years have passed, many look at me and ask "How?" My answer is " My God. My Saviour." ........ and they smile in silent acknowledgement.

Will I marry again? ........ that is up to God.


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