Had A Ball!
Went to Kow Swamp for chin wag with my friends up there and Oh Boy! We had a fabulous time!!
Stayed a few nights as they wouldn't let me come home. (Aboriginals rarely do if they look on you as one of the 'family')
So ..... we went true walkabout around and through the Lake. Spent every night under the full moon and the stars with the billy boiling and the guitars out. It was a party every night I outback style.
Sorry I didn't announce my unexpected whizzer, just packed the car and shot through like a hairy goat.
Spent the time learning soooooooooooooooooooooo much!!! It was absolutely great mate!!
There is water in the swamps so the kayaks and canoes were out too. It was fabulous!
I learned so much, and saw more than I ever dreamed I could see.
Going back soon too!
At 11 October, 2006 20:32,
Simonetta said…
G'day Shay!
Yep! No,no, ... not unbelievable for me Hon! I love to travel!
At 11 October, 2006 21:00,
Anonymous said…
You would go to aboriginals and Kow Swamp in lieu of Tasmania and realtives? Kow Swamp??????????
This time I agree with Shay, this it unbelievable, but I do have to laugh at you. Imp!
At 11 October, 2006 21:30,
Simonetta said…
lol! Kow Swamp is a great place Denny! Peaceful and beautiful. Sorry Hon, but I love it there. I know it's not quite the sort of place you'd like but I've always been a bit on the adventurous side haven't I?
No Mike - I didn't stay at Swampy's. Stayed with the stars and birds ;)
It was real beaut for a change! Ya gotta get with it mate. hehehe ...
At 11 October, 2006 23:01,
Anonymous said…
I cannot stop laughing......................
At 11 October, 2006 23:07,
Simonetta said…
Watch it Val! I'm at the comp sorting photo's. ;)
At 11 October, 2006 23:22,
Anonymous said…
I am beginning to think perhaps I should visit you instead of you visiting me. Why is it you seem to have such a delight in such small silly things like Kow Swamp? Isn't that where aboriginals are buried? If so you went to a cemetery for a holiday?
At 11 October, 2006 23:32,
Simonetta said…
Kow Swamp is no small silly thing Denny, it's Sacred Grounds to the Aboriginals,and loved by the whites.
Yes, there are many, many, many Aboriginals buried there. They have been burying their dead there for many thousands of years.
I don't really think you'd enjoy a hol with me hon, the only bright lights I like are the campfires.
Yep, I guess you could say I went to a cemetery for a getaway. It was great too!!
At 12 October, 2006 00:57,
Anonymous said…
I am glad to see you back safe and well Missy an happy to know you was with friends even if they are cannibals way down there in that place where you bin living all your life. You make sure you show us some photos of there do you hear me? I never heard the likes of someone going to a swamp for a vacation in my whole life so I forget about the cemetery bit.
At 12 October, 2006 01:37,
Simonetta said…
Cannibals!!!!! Hahahahaaaaa!!! No, no Hannah! They are not cannibals!!
Some of the sweetest people one can meet are the Australian Aboriginals.
There are others who are a little on the different side, but the ones I know would put some of the the whites and other colours to shame.
It has the name of a swamp, but actually, it's lake land Hannah. Very beautiful too!
I go into the swamps themselves as that's where the best wildlife is to photograph.
If you want a hol Down Under Hannah, you come to me and I'll show you the real Australia.
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