Great ... Just ...Great.

A day of extremes today.
1st, had am appointment to see Doctor for my regular checkup and WOO!! My B.P. is spot on! Dunno why Dr nearly took a fit when it was up, he should have known someone wonderful would pray for me like Hannah.
2nd. The Funeral of the first lady I met when I came to this town. Sad .... sad ...
3rd. I hate the Local Council with a passion. In fact I almost hate it as much as the Water Authority which I hate with a double passion.
And what was in my letterbox? The yearly letter from the Local Council (the "Hit Squad") to mow, mow, mow, mow .... and mow again the grass on my spare block of land. Fair dinkum, owning land is no fun in a drought.
So, back from the Doctor - straight to a Funeral - then straight to the lawn mower.
I wouldn't care if the grass was high and needed it, but it only needed to be lightly cut as I poisoned it and have kept it mown as low as possible.
Not good enough for the "Hit Squad". So ... ouside in the dust, and barley grass I think I swore to nuke something. The amount of dust that came up from my mower caused someone to ring the fire brigade. Lovely.
Down came the fire engine and so help me, I think they were going to drown me and my mower.
My reaction to them with hands on hips was " I dare ya!" while enveloped in a cloud of dust.
"Hey! You're mowing! A fire was reported here Hon!"
" Do you see any flames? Do you smell the smoke?" I asked.
Someone yelled, " Who bloodywell reported the fire? This is a flamin' hoax! Get on the blower!"
I had men everywhere.
" Hey! Whatta ya doin' mowin' for? It doesn't need it Darl!" one cried.
"OOO! You tell the "Hit Squad that. Last year they sent in a tractor, mowed my daisies, busted the plumbing, broke the gate and sent me a bill for fifty bucks!"
" Struth! That's pretty crook!"
" Tell me about it. Now you just put the water hoses away nice and neatly and nick off and let me get this job done or the Hit Squad will hit me for something else."
Soon, they were gone and I coughed, sneezed and spluttered all around the enormous block of land behind the lawn mower. And no, I won't sell the land because I love it.
Tonight I turned the hoses on to water my garden to nark both the Hit Squads. The Council and the Water Authority.
Then ... to top the day off, my friend got a speeding fine. Aieeeeeeee! I've Never had a fine of any sort in my life!! 139 bucks for doing 86 in an 80 K Zone. Poor girl.
And, tomorrow marks the 7th year I've been a widow .... it's a day I would rather forget.
Time passes ... memories dim. It is far better not to awaken some events in the past.
At 23 October, 2006 22:42,
Anonymous said…
You had all those nice men around you and told them to leave?Are you still sane?
At 23 October, 2006 22:52,
Simonetta said…
Was I ever sane Denny?
uhm .. those men were married!
At 23 October, 2006 23:04,
Anonymous said…
Nice day you had B. You should not have sinned last night perhaps?
At 23 October, 2006 23:13,
Simonetta said…
Lovely. One Bailey's and penance is the "Hit Squad".
At 24 October, 2006 00:32,
Anonymous said…
I have seen you have one Bailey's and be on your ear.
At 24 October, 2006 21:43,
Anonymous said…
That is one hell of a good photo. You a professional?
At 24 October, 2006 22:32,
Simonetta said…
Thankyou anon! No, I am not a professional, but all my photos are Copyright Material and encoded.
At 24 October, 2006 22:33,
Simonetta said…
I have seen you have one Bailey's and be on your ear.
Well? Nobody told me I had to sip the stuff!
At 17 April, 2021 22:50,
Mai said…
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