The Life Of One Alone

The life and thoughts of a widow.

Friday, October 27, 2006

The Price Of Life

The Landscape photo was taken yesterday. There are no sheep. They have been sold.

Huge trucks carrying their loads of drought stricken bales are constantly on the road making driving a little dangerous due to the narrowness of some roads if one is not used to driving on them.

Farmers are shearing what stock they have left around here, but drought stricken wool is not top quality wool.

Scientists and historians are beginning to realise that in 1788 when Australia was first settled, and for some time after that, Australia was in the middle of an unusual weather pattern, which gave adequate rain and turned normally arid zones into useable land.

Today, that useable land is no longer viable.

In the 1950's the CSIRO warned the Australian Government that Australia coud never sustain 20 million people. Lately, we have been sustaining 20 million people in Australia and three times that amount overseas.

As the population increases, the demand for water will increase.

Had this country been managed correctly by the Government we would not be in this dilema, but please remember, these are but my thoughts.

With the Government handout of thousands of dollars to a woman who has a baby, whether married or unmarried seems an obscenity.

To increase the flow of immigrants into our country now seems an obscenity, a drain on the farmers, and a drain on our precious resources.

The Victorian Government "owns" all the water in my State. That being as they think, it's a pity they didn't manage it correctly.

Water is a God Given gift to the land. Placing water tanks beside houses is of little value if rain doesn't fall. And if it does, remembering that the Government "owns" all the water, there is no doubt they will form some Organization in the future as they did in the past and charge the people for the rain water collected. But please remember, I am posting my thoughts.

The Bible often mentions water. Water is life giving. Without it is death. And as dams lower in water volume with no fresh water to refill they cannot be flushed.

I would be beginning to boil all water soon as water tends to stagnate.

On a brighter note, I had to laugh at a friend yesterday. She has her Mother In Law who lives in Melbourne staying with her and is trying to train her in the ways of managing water while staying with her.

This has almost led to an outbreak of Family Fisticuffs. MIL wants to linger in the shower while DIL is biting her nails and watching the clock.

DIL's water from the washing machine is pumped onto the garden - MIL is screaming about dirty water on the flowers.

I don't think some folk realize that washing water is the best thing one can use to kill thrips and black spot on roses.

MIL wants to rinse dishes three times. DIL screams "No way!! ONCE IS ENOUGH!"

On a sadder note, DIL had to sell the cattle, and the pittance received ... well ...
we are still paying high prices for meat so who is getting the money?

I dread the summer - the heat and dust storms will not be pretty. The stubble left in the ground by farmers will not alleviate the dust. Already it is drying so rapidly the wind can pick it up and toss it from the land.

All that is helping us now are the cold, cold nights. Last night it was so still I could burn off the remaining rubbish on the spare half acre. Thankfully, there was a smiley face!

But, my mind is concentrating on fire in Australia praying there will be none, for if there is more precious water will have to be used to stop the enemy.

Bushfire and drought. A bad combination.

Bushfire kills so much wildlife not to mention the human lives it can claim.

Well, I have stocked up on candles as there is bound to be blackouts here! Whoopee!

Time to deep freeze alot of things too!

I don't know what happened the other night, but, in the sky there was a terribly bright burst of light! It was amazing to see! It was followed by smaller flashes, then gone.

It was seen by a few people but never reported. The sky lit up like day. No, it did not fall to earth and occured in the western sky. Maybe some electricity up there - but it wasn't lightening nor space junk.

Well, today will come what may!


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