Time To Prepare

The photo of one of my flower's is to prove that blossoms can still bloom in the dust.
However, with us now ready to accept skyrocketing prices due to the drought, it is time to stock up on goods which will, in the near future, become very expensive.
Unforunately, due to human greed, many items which should not become expensive will indeed increase in price and be blamed on the drought.
In the country, one thing we are going to need is a Bread Maker in order for us to make our own bread. Breadmakers could go up in price due to demand in the country regions.
Many now are becoming used to the taste of Condensed Milk in coffee.
Melbourne is to face stage 2 water restrictions on November 1st. That will be a blow to the Melbourne people. But, knowing the Water Authorities as well as I do, any household going over the limit will be fined.
What to do?
To begin with, in the country we have hoses from our washing machines emptying water onto the vegetable plot as we all grow our own vegetables and share the excess with those with a bad crop.
In the cities, many do not grow vegetables. In fact, my 12 year old Grandson refuses to eat fruit from my fruit trees as to him, it doesn't look natural. I recall once when he and another city child stripped my Locut tree and used the fruit to throw at one another not realising Locuts have the bighest amount of Vitamin C of any fruit, and we make use of them in cooking.
He has no idea the jams he eats made by me are made with fruit from the same trees.
There is going to be a huge crop of fruit this year, this means we will all have our preserving kits out in order to bottle the fruit.
Jams, Relishes, Chutneys, and sauces will be made as usual. This is done every year regardless.
Honey is a must to stock up on as natural honey keeps. And, there could be an increase in the price of honey.
Honey is a healer of sores, scratches and bruises, and is a powerful natural antibacterial product and has health restoring values as well as being a food.
Cotton will increase in price, and fruit and veges will be almost unbelievably high.
This means that we in the country will have to preserve our vege crops this year.
It pays to watch the ants and their habits.
I recall the story "The Grasshopper Anbd The Ant". It is time everyone read that story.
For women suffering ultra dry skin due to drought conditions. Vaseline is the greatest thing to use. To soften and moisturise feet and hands, castor oil is the best one can use. One could spend enough money on skin care products to pay for a facelift when the best in life is very, very cheap. Castor oil's real name is 'Palma Christi" ( The Hand Of Christ)
Of course, if we get 1,000 inches of rain in the next few months, things might improve in the Supermarkets!
But always remember to be prepared for the worst in all matters. I know all this advice will fall on deaf ears, but I'll take the chance, ;)
At 26 October, 2006 15:21,
Anonymous said…
Yeah mate, we got the same thing going up this way, things are pretty crook. Everything is up the bloody spout and its not a water spout either. Thanks for the tip on skin care mines as dry as the bloody mallee bull.
At 26 October, 2006 17:14,
Anonymous said…
Can you give some of the fruit to people in neighboring towns B?
At 26 October, 2006 19:11,
Simonetta said…
Hey Ouyen! Great to hear from you mate! Yeah ... I know what you're on about, you have the worst coming up too. Summer. :(
Chin up mate and enbeonya!.
Yes Denny, whoever would like some fruit, we give it to them. No probs there!
At 26 October, 2006 20:03,
Anonymous said…
You mean to tell me after all these years you used cheap stuff like that on your skin??
At 26 October, 2006 20:15,
Simonetta said…
Your email came through as I was walking in the door. I've been down the paddock burning off some rubbish.
Pat, you can spend $1,000 on skin care products and they'll do no good really. They are all a conn job to sell, sell sell. It's all about vanity today. Many women are vain creatures.
A drought dries the skin and can cause skin irritations due to the dryness in the air. If we wasted our money on expensive products,maybe we would wish we still had that money another day?
Get my drift?
At 26 October, 2006 20:25,
Anonymous said…
Thanks for answering Sim, yeah who can afford to waste money in a bloody drought? Our husbands bring us to these god forsaken holes and we have to put up and shut up come rain or bloody shine, what do they care, nothing. We got kids, they need shoes, we get 4 lousy bucks a head for sheep, where does the money come from for everything else. Kids still have t go to school and be fed so where do we women fit in? We work beside our bloody men, thats where and the same as anyone else we like our skin healthy like because we have brown skin from the sun. The cheaper the better.
At 26 October, 2006 20:28,
Anonymous said…
You also live in the mallee Ouyen?
At 26 October, 2006 20:31,
Anonymous said…
Where dya think Ouyen is? Yeah, I live in the mallee mate.
At 26 October, 2006 20:46,
Anonymous said…
But Vaseline is petroleum jelly!
At 26 October, 2006 20:50,
Anonymous said…
yeah? softened the hands of oil riggers in the startout didn't it?
At 26 October, 2006 20:56,
Anonymous said…
I looked it up on the Web and yes, you are right just as B is.
Vaseline Petroleum Jelly Jar - Provides visible relief of dry skin when used regularly.
Offers soothing protection for minor burns.
Protects skin from wind burn and chapping.
Helps prevent diaper rash.
Heal dry skin.
Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Remove eye make-up without irritation.
How the hell did you know that B? Why didn't you tell us?
At 26 October, 2006 21:00,
Anonymous said…
WHAT! I will do something drastic to her one day.
At 26 October, 2006 21:14,
Anonymous said…
yeah looked it up on the web too same thing.
At 26 October, 2006 21:20,
Simonetta said…
Hi hi!! Yes, I did few courses during my lifetime and learned a few things.
(Took a bit of time as I had to shower)
awwww Denny ... you wouldn't do anything drastic to me would you?
I didn't say anything because I knew you would go off your heads.
At 26 October, 2006 21:29,
Anonymous said…
We do not go "off our heads". How long have you known about this?
At 26 October, 2006 21:41,
Simonetta said…
Since we were taught it at school?
Remember when Linda had flaky dry skin on her arm and Rev Mother put Vaseline on it?
At 26 October, 2006 23:13,
Anonymous said…
At 26 October, 2006 23:17,
Anonymous said…
That stopped them in their tracks B!!!
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