The Life Of One Alone

The life and thoughts of a widow.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Water Of Life

Last night I pondered on the drought in Australia, and the suffering of the farmers.
But morso, on the true Water Of Life.

Revelation 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

When Jesus turned the water into wine, it gave assurance that we will never thirst spiritually. It can only get better if through bad times and good, we cling to Him and allow Him to shower our souls with cool, crystal clear water, no fluoride.

He is the Bread of Life and the Water of Life. Food and drink.

As petty little sinning humans we can only do our best and use our brain in the manner God intended it to be used. For good, not evil for evil leads to a nothingness; a blank wall which will place a man in a prison or have him executed for a heinous crime.

Around me, in other towns, farmers are suiciding. They have lost the only life they know, farming, they go into deep depression and see one solution, death. And, they leave behind grieving wives and children who have nowhere to run. If only the farmer had turned to Jesus and pondered on His words!

A drought on the land means alot of trouble, but, a drought in our souls means more trouble than one could ever dream of.

God is Our Provider. This does not mean we must sit idle and wait for God to drop a bucket of water on our heads. But it does mean that God will see a way out and lessen the load for the faithful Believer.

One thing many people tend to forget is that the true Believer is loved by God. Individually loved. Loved in a manner that man will never understand.

But in order to be loved by God, we must be tuned into God and the Living Water.

Far too many people cry " But I prayed and God never answered me!!"

The answer to that is within the individual. God always answers, but often not in the way the human wants Him to answer.

Some time ago, many women of Ouyen staged a naked water dance during a drought in order to "frighten God into sending rain"? Is this the way to approach a situation during drought? No. Certainly not! God will not be mocked!! A "Rain Dance" to begin with is a pagan thing; to go naked is but a display of immorality as the woman's body belongs to her husband and is for his eyes only!

It would have been far better had the women gathered and flooded their souls with water from the Living Christ. In that manner God would forgive the sin today if asked and perhaps bring relief.

A drought to me is a test of human faith and forbearance, yes, we may suffer. But through the suffering we will survive and live to tell the tale.

Do you agree that we should now concentrate on the Water Of Life instead of any suffering and inconveniences caused by a drought?


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