
How much Patience do you have?
Yesterday, while everybody was at the Melbourne Cup throwing their money away, drinking champagne and wearing silly expensive hats I was sitting besie a lake in the peace and quiet photographing fish fins!!!!
Ok,Ok, so you all think I'm crazy and should be certified but guess who had the most Godly fun?
I could have taken my fishing line and caught one to photograph, but feel that's a bit cruel to the poor things. I am not starving and hae no need to interfere with the life of something the Lord gave to the Land just in order to take a photo.
It was a cold day too, but the results were more than rewarding!
Patience, self endurance, call it what you will, calls for heavy measure which I did find out yesterday. But, the wonder of watching fish fins pop out of the water was amazing.
Photographing one before it vanished was a miracle.
The timing!!!! Oh,oh,oh,oh ......... yikes!
The fin in the photo is one of a European Carp.
And no, the lake is not down so far that it's an easy feat.
These fish are not in captivity, they are in a lake teaming with wildlife, are as free as the birds and happily engrossed in slurping up mud from the lake floor. (makes me feel sick to type that)
Making it a point to test our patience is fun (sometimes) and the results can be their own reward. I was over the moon when I saw this photo come out of the camera.
This is not the last time I will test my patience in this manner, and it hasn't been the first.
Now I am wondering how any people lost heaps of money at the Cup, spent heaps of money and am also wondering how much water the gardeners wasted on the grounds of Flemington to appease the eye of the rich and famous, and the multitude which attended such a silly event.
OK, so I may have a little water on the brain to sit for hours with a packet of Mentos, my little dog and a camera photographing fish fins, but I'll make a bet with the wordly people now.
I'll bet I had a more spiritual rewarding time than they!
Now ... I am not a betting person, but am wiling to lay that one down!
At 08 November, 2006 14:21,
Anonymous said…
What! No Champagne yesterday? tut-tut.
At 08 November, 2006 18:07,
Simonetta said…
ROFL! No way Hon! I went cruising down the river!
At 08 November, 2006 21:00,
Anonymous said…
I do not believe this entry. Melbourne Cup Day and you sit and take photographs of ... fish fins sticking out of water. Are you positive you did not have a champers before you left to photograph the fish fins?
At 08 November, 2006 21:04,
Anonymous said…
But, the wonder of watching fish fins pop out of the water was amazing.
Oh ... my ... God.
At 08 November, 2006 21:23,
Simonetta said…
I never touch the stuff and you know it Denny.
Don't you realize God also made the fish fin? Have you stopped to gaze at a fish fin? Have you ever seen the colours in a wet live fish fin? Have you ever seen the shape of a fish fin?
The fish fin is a marvellous work of art created by the Hand of The Master and never knock the fish fin.
Have you ever stopped to realize what the fish fin actually does?
Have you? Look at that little wee pic of a living fish fin. Well, you should see it on the Big Screen!
It is absolutely beautiful!!
Do you realize there are many people in the world shocked and applauding my photos of the fish fins?
Denny, I am surprised at you! I would have thought you'd have realized the beauty of a fish fin years ago!
At 08 November, 2006 21:49,
Anonymous said…
There was a girl
A very strange enchanted girl
They say she wandered very far, very far
Over land and sea
A little shy and sad of eye
But very wise was she
And then one day
A magic day she passed my way
And while we spoke of many things
Fools and kings
This she said to me
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn
Is just to love and be loved in return"
This song was written for you, Nat King Cole sang it.
At 08 November, 2006 21:57,
Simonetta said…
What's that got to do with my fish fins?
At 08 November, 2006 22:09,
Anonymous said…
I have lost patience with you.
At 08 November, 2006 22:21,
Simonetta said…
See what I mean?
There is no patience in this world today. None whatsoever.
Now do you see what mean?
At 08 November, 2006 23:40,
Anonymous said…
Yesterday there was a Horse Race B, one which stops the nation,it is called The Melbourne Cup. People have parties and fun, they dress up and drink champers. What do you do. Watch fish fins. My patience with you and your weird lifestyle had ended.I have reported your outlandish lifestyle to the Matriach of the family who will phone you and attempt to pull you into gear with a good sound ear bashing.
At 09 November, 2006 08:32,
Simonetta said…
Well that's lovely that is.
I phone her every other day just to tell her I love her! She knew all about it!
Will be in Tassy soon. Stop. Will meet you middle of Tasman Bridge. Stop. Bring life jacket for yourself. Stop. You are going for a look at fish fins in Derwent. Stop.
At 10 November, 2006 02:07,
Anonymous said…
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