Stress The Killer.

Had a wonderful day yesterday! Went to a dried river bed where there are a few pot holes left and found a myriad of beautiful little creatures of God.
The fine fellow in the photo was on the road and happily allowed his portrait to be taken. Ok,Ok he's not pretty. He's beautiful!
A life filled with no stress is a life filled with glowing success, a happy outlook and a sense of fulillment.
Who really causes stress in our lives? Mainly, other people do - if we let them.
A Darling friend of mine has recently had a stroke which has left him brain damaged, and rendered his left arm totally useless. Prior to the stroke, he and his wife had been fighting (again).
She found him laying on the floor after she came out of her bedroom after hours of sulking and has no idea of how long he had been laying there.
The only reason she found him was because she heard thumping in the kitchen where he had regained consciousness and was trying desperately to call her for help.
My heart is in constant prayer for him.
Now, and only now, his wife has realised the temper tantrum could have been the cause of her husband's massive stroke.
Stress is a killer. It murders it's victim slowly then strikes with venom to allow it's victim to die a slow death of paralysis and often, brain damage.
It barricades it's victim behind walls yet allows memory to stay. Memories of days when there were no handicaps.
It causes suicides, indescribable anguish, and a myriad of other things.
And why? Because the victim allows it.
No person on earth is devoid of having gone through periods of depression and sadness. Many people in the past died of Melancholia.
Heroes in the Bible went through it. Jesus wept tears of blood, He wept for Jerusalem - yes, even the Mighty Saviour went through it during His span as a human being.
What do we stress about?
When it's all boiled down we stress about demands placed on us by other people.
The greatest book ever written is The Bible. Constantly the words have echoed throughout the ages. " FEAR NOT!"
Stress is actually fear.
Yep, I could copy and paste a million words here about stress but it's not worth it.
The plain fact is, God is in charge IF YOU LET HIM!
And therein lies the deeper problem. How many people allow God to take complete charge of their life? Of their finances? Of their marriage? Of their situation?
It means a complete change of life. You have no control over your life anymore no matter what age you may be. You sit back and allow God to fly the plane of your being and go to wherever He guides you while you trust Him implicitly.
Know this, God wants us all to be happy! To love and be loved in return.
He will never fly the plane into danger territory unless He wants to test the Man He created. Once the test is over and the enemy defeated by Him, He flies the plane over still calm waters and glides through fields which envelop our souls with unbelievable joy.
And, it is all in His Timing - not ours.
Our light should shine before man, we should be all happy, glowing, healthy loving people who live good Godly lives. But stress dims that light until it is almost as extinct as the life force within the human body.
Never forget to pause and look at the Majesty, and the wonder's of God. They relieve stress!
Remember, no stress is success.
Ok, so I am condemned for my carefree life. Well sorry about that but God is in control.
At 11 November, 2006 20:09,
Anonymous said…
How can any person place their life in God's control?Is God going to pay the bills?Is God going to drop a paycheck on our heads if we are out of work?Is God going to clothe and feed the kids? God told us to tithe 10% of our money. What if we have no money?Is God going to give us the money so we can tithe the 10%?Perhaps you should give some thought to doing a thing like that.
At 11 November, 2006 20:38,
Simonetta said…
Hi Andrew! I hope your friend is O.K. now and has no more strokes.
Hi Anon!
Thanks for your comment!
1st: God is Our Provider. Not only for spiritual nourishment, but also health, wealth and well being if He is permitted by the individual.
God is a Gentleman, he will always wait to be asked in earnest, and I can't stress the word 'earnest' enough.
But God is not going to provide for those who do not seek His Son and believe in Him.
Yes, God will provide for your every need if you believe in His Son.
2nd: Whereabouts in the New Testament does it state we have to pay ten percent of our money in tithes?
I know the Jews were told to tithe to the Levite Priests, but that was in food etc;
Does your church have Levite Priests? Do you belong to the Jewish faith?
New Testament Christians gave what they could afford to help those less fortunate than themselves.
We are not under the Law today, we are under Grace.
Tithing belongs to The Law of the Old Testament.
Placing God in Control takes alot of Faith, but we are given that freely as a Fruit Of The Spirit by God Himself.
Jesus is the key to the Kingdom of Heaven se we have to seek Him first and then let our Love for God and mankind show.
At 11 November, 2006 21:10,
Anonymous said…
WTF!!!I have never heard anywhere we dont have to tithe!Where does it state in the New Testament God will provide for us? I think you are a liar!
At 11 November, 2006 21:14,
Anonymous said…
Oh she is great at making things up which are supposed to be in the Bible Anonymous.Placing yourself in such a situation is nothing short of riduclous, we have to take care of ourselves in this life.
At 11 November, 2006 21:21,
Simonetta said…
I am surprised you have never been informed of these words nor read them in your Bible!
Matthew 6:20: "But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal."
Matthew 6:21: "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Matthew 6:25: ""Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?"
Matthew 6:26: "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"
Matthew 6:27: "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life ?"
Matthew 6:28: ""And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow.
They do not labor or spin."
Matthew 6:29: "Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these."
Matthew 6:30: "If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?"
Matthew 6:31: "So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?'"
Matthew 6:32: "For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them."
Matthew 6:33: "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."
Matthew 6:34: "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
Now, I charge YOU to find in the New Testament where we are told to pay ten percent monetary tithes to a church, or to any person or persons.
At 11 November, 2006 21:58,
Anonymous said…
Then the churches have lied?I am a Mormon and pay 10% weekly.
At 11 November, 2006 22:10,
Simonetta said…
Anon, you are a Mormon?
Then please forgive me for telling you that you belong to a cult. Not a church.
The Mormons (and yes, they also conned me into becoming one once)are liars.
From 1st hand knowledge, I know Mormons own Hotels and alot of other things you may not know about.
The "Missionaries" of the Mormon "church" are trained conn men who set out to trap silly women, wheedle their way into houses and use the woman to conn her husband and children into their evil cult.
Check out a few things about that cult you belong to. Their "baptisms for the dead", the signs worn on Temple undergarments.
Please, I beg your forgiveness for being so blunt, but sometimes the only way to get through to a person is by bluntness.
The Mormons took 5 BILLION dollars in tithing recently. I think last year.
Now please tell me something if you will?
Are they hoarding up treasure on earth? If you say "Yes", remember, Jesus told us we are not allowed to do that.
At 11 November, 2006 22:20,
Anonymous said…
I apologise to nobody.Yes, you left the Catholic Church!Sheer disgraceful. Do you realise the embarrassment you caused the family when you did that?
At 11 November, 2006 22:28,
Simonetta said…
Denny, I am online and to be quite frank, I couldn't give a continental what the family thinks about me leaving the Catho Church.
I don't believe in your saints and bowing to Mary and don't think she would like it much either as she watched her SON die for mankind!
At 11 November, 2006 22:35,
Anonymous said…
Yes the church seems to store up treasure but I never looked at it that way before.
At 11 November, 2006 22:48,
Simonetta said…
Anon, did you know the Mormons baptised Hitler?
I don't know how to do those link thingies to lead tou straight to the site so I hope this works for you.
Also, read the book 'The God Makers' written by Ed Decker and Dave Hunt.
Please, please, PLEASE find out what you are into with the Mormons?
I don't know how long you have been one but believe me Hon, it is imperative or you to know!
At 11 November, 2006 22:55,
Simonetta said…
Shay, thankyou for praying for my friend.
At 11 November, 2006 22:58,
Anonymous said…
You shame the whole family with your religious nutty thinking and leaving the Mother Church. The Pope is Papa you idiot woman!Why did you up and turn your back on the ONLY CHURCH ON EARTH?
At 11 November, 2006 23:04,
Simonetta said…
Mr pope is not my papa Denny. God is my Father.
The reason I left the Catho church is an age old secret held by the Trade Union of Liberated Catho Defecters and is held by the No No Nuns in Paradise Valley.
At 11 November, 2006 23:14,
Anonymous said…
Thankyou for that info Simonetta, I will look into every detail and if it is as you say, and they did baptize Hitler I will leave. I have only been a Mormon for a few months so it is all new to me and I joined not knowing these things.
The link doesn't work but I can look it up on the web. I did not know we didn't have to tithe today so I am very grateful to you. It is about time I really started to read my Bible too. If I leave, can you recommend a church?
At 11 November, 2006 23:26,
Simonetta said…
Anon, don't go near any Prosperity Gospel church like the AOG, H'song or any church which tells you you have to give 10 per cent to them.
You can go to the Church of England, Presbyterian or ANY church and just pop a few dollars of what you can afford in the bag, or plate or whatever.
But please, attend a CHRISTIAN Church? A well established Christian Church?
At 11 November, 2006 23:36,
Anonymous said…
I am reporting you to the Matriach of the family for stating online what you have.
At 11 November, 2006 23:40,
Simonetta said…
I am so happy to know that Shay! Just keep on loving him to bits and back again!
At 11 November, 2006 23:42,
Anonymous said…
Thankyou Simonetta. You are a very gracious lady.
At 12 November, 2006 00:01,
Simonetta said…
You are more than welcome Anon.
Take care and pray. Pray deeply and honestly and allow God to take control of this situation you are in.
At 12 November, 2006 08:59,
Anonymous said…
Great words of wisdom in the entry Sim!
At 12 November, 2006 20:23,
Anonymous said…
What's this crap about being reported to the matriach of the family all the time? Won't they let you have a life of your own? I would tell that Denise to piss off and mind her own bloody business. So? You left the catho church. Big bloody deal.Nothing to write home about there bloody drongos.
At 12 November, 2006 23:16,
Simonetta said…
It's O.K. Many thanks!
At 13 November, 2006 08:30,
Anonymous said…
I had a stroke in 2003 at 65. And, yes, God provided sources of income. I have been able to recover, somewhat.
I relied on self sufficiency and the world system. I lost my job, career,retirement and savings due to greed and evil management. I have basically lost everything of this world (including my wife) except for Eternal God.
At 13 November, 2006 09:01,
Simonetta said…
God Bless you red.
The world is an evil place which can totally absorb the human brain without the person knowing it even if they love God.
Greed and evil rules the planet today. That is why I say allow God full control.
Praise God He flew you out of the storm into a calm.
Remember, He is still flying the plane. You have lost something far more precious to you than anything else. Your wife.
Now is the greater urgency to allow God complete control, sheer and utter control.
Satan was the one who invented stress.
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