Water Water Nowhere

A good friend made this image on photoshop out of my photo of a boulder on Mt Hope.
Now to the nitty gritty.
How the heck can anybody say we are going through the worst drought in 1,000 years?
Australia is a very young nation with Settlement only a few hundred years old.
Nobody knows what the climatic conditions of Australia was like 1,000 years ago as they killed off all the aboriginals who could have passed the information down through the generations!
As for Tassy - they made the whole Race extinct!
One of my dearest friends works for Murray Goulbourn and yes, we are in strife. More strife than anyone could possibly imagine. More trouble than the Government will tell the people and what is permitted to be printed by the Press.
I am taking the photo's of all the water birds and wildlife on our Lakes because daily, we are watching these lakes evaporate into a steel blue sky. So that's a crime is it?
Within each soul in the country there is a sadness - and tears come easily.
Soon, I will be posting into my blog the entries in a diary, a copy I was given because I know the family so well, and with their permission, and written by one of the first settlers to the region.
Once, this land was beautiful, lush and lovingly embraced it's original inhabitants who knew how to manage the land they had known since time began.
Today, it lies ravaged; raped of it's minerals, torn and left to bleed, and lays helpless beneath the Southern Cross.
The bones of it's original inhabitants have been taken to museums throughout the world for analysis. Other bones lie scattered across the land with only the sighing of the trees to silently mourn them. Some of which witnessed their sadistic massacre.
There is no sound of the didgeridoo, the clapping sticks or the stamping feet of a true corroboree.
And while men talk; while people continue to turn their back to God; while religious toleration is practised; while the Bible is denied in Hospitals; while people continue to blaspheme; while impatience seems to be the fashion of the day; while evolution is being taught is schools; while muslims build their mosques; the sun continues to shine - and the huge dams lessen in volume.
What would the Original Inhabitants of 1,000 years ago say if they saw their land today?
I think they would say:
"White Man - you not only killed us, you killed this land.
At 09 November, 2006 16:45,
Anonymous said…
Keep taking those photo's girl.
At 09 November, 2006 23:00,
Simonetta said…
Thanks Pete, I intend to!
At 10 November, 2006 02:08,
Anonymous said…
Great entry! Same in America with the Indians.
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