The Copper Scrolls

With the finding and allocation of the Ezekiel tiles, another massive find was yet to be uncovered.
Scrolls of pure copper made with ony 1 % tin which were to baffle men.
The Copper Scrolls
The copper scroll was discovered in 1952 at Qumran, by an expedition sponsored by the Jordan Department of Antiquities.
The main problem with the scrolls was, they could not be understood without a knowledge of rabbinical literature and vocabulary. Such was the manner in which they were written. There was another problem, the Copper Scrolls were actually a list of where all the treasure from the Temple was hidden when the Romans invaded Jerusalem.
This gave cause for the scrolls to be stored and ignored in the Museum of Amman, Jordan for over 20 years. The case was closed. They were declared to be a forgery and case dismissed unless something was found which was listed amongst the 64 items.
The Copper Scrolls layout bears an unmistakable mathematical pattern which demonstrates the precision and the intent of the writers.
There is a very gentle zig-zag pattern woven between the items mentioned in the first 6 columns and those mentioned in the second 6 columns all of which bears witness to the great scholarship and pious character of the five writers of this document on copper.
However, in 1988, a remarkable discovery was found which sent everyone running for the Copper Scrolls.The discovery of a juglet of Shemen Afarsimon (Annointing Oil)which was in Cave 13.The discovery was made by a team from the Vendyl Jones Research Institutes.
Soon,several universities and institutions were immediately set up to re-evaluate the Copper Scroll.
The Qumran Copper Scroll is one of the most important of the "Dead Sea Scrolls". The Copper Scroll was perhaos made of the metal copper to withstand the passage of time. Therefore it must contain very important information, the text of which was clearly "coded" or "encrypted" by the ancients writers.
The book "The Copper Scroll" by Joel C. Rosenberg is a must for any christian library if the person is interested in Jewish Antiquity.
The Copper Scroll is on display at the Archaeological Museum in Amman, Jordan if anyone wants to see it.
These finds coming along in days as perilous as today cannot be coincidental. The finding of the Annointing Oil could not have been coincidental either.
Although the Scrolls place the treasure, which is considerable, in places which are so almost unreadable and obscure, man is intent on finding the treasure which is characteristic of man.
The Scroll also makes mention of another scroll which could perhaps unlock enormous mysteries.
In my ponderings of today, I wondered about the rebuilding of the Temple. This is something which is very dear to all Jewish hearts.
According to the Torah, Israel and the Temple should stand forever. Therefore, Israel and the Temple should be rebuilt.
Solomon was instructed to build the original Temple.
" Behold, a son shall be born to you, David, who shall be a man of rest; His name shall be Solomon, for I will give peace and quietness to Israel in his days. He shall build a house for My name, and he shall be My son, and I will be his Father; and I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel forever." (Chron 22:9-10 )
I wonder what's going on with the rebuilding of the Temple today with all the unrest in Israel?
At 14 November, 2006 20:16,
Anonymous said…
Never even knew there were scrolls like that! I'm starting to wonder about you and all that reading you do!
At 14 November, 2006 21:11,
Anonymous said…
Very interesting entry. Come to think of it, I haven't heard a thing about the Jews rebuilding the temple lately. Isn't that moslem thing on the same place Herod's Temple used to be?
At 14 November, 2006 22:12,
Simonetta said…
Hi all! Yes, I believe it is on the site as it's a moslem thing to build one of their own places on the ruins of another's Holy Place.
I agree with you Shay, I think they'd know more than we know, after all, it was their temple.
ROFL! Pat! A little learning is no heavy burden to carry!
At 14 November, 2006 22:53,
Simonetta said…
Why thankyou Mike! Hope all is well with you!
At 15 November, 2006 00:48,
Anonymous said…
Please excuse my intrusion but I feel the need to compliment you on your beautiful photographs. God Bless you.
At 15 November, 2006 03:00,
Anonymous said…
Something to think about:
If Ezekiel 38 & 39 take place, what would prevent the temple from being rebuilt?
At 15 November, 2006 11:14,
Simonetta said…
Jenny, thankyou so much!
At 15 November, 2006 11:29,
Simonetta said…
Red, the Temple is described in Ezekiel 40-48, whereas the Great Battle is described in 38-39.
What is surprising here is that Ezekiel dedicated 2 chapters to the Great Battle too!
Another thing to consider here is that the Temple as Ezekiel described it is MASSIVE!!! 875 square feet. The whole Temple Mount would have to be flattened for a building of that size on it.
We all know Temple Mount is the most volatile piece of real estate in the world.
We also know that the nations leaders speak of peace while in the background they are preparing for war.
It's an open secret the Pope wants to set up a Headquarters in Jerusalem with the Vatican claiming a sort of "stewardship" over Jerusalem.
Liberating the Temple Mount from Arab (Islamic) occupation would be an explosive situation as we all know that pagan thing is there as a sign of their so called 'conquest' and Temple Mount can never be consecrated while people who deny the very Son of God command control of it.
This would perhaps mean the Battle would have to take place prior to the re building of their temple is the Jews want to go ahead with it.
Ever since its destruction in 68 A.D., Jews have prayed that God will allow for the rebuilding of the Temple. This prayer is a formal part of the three daily Jewish prayer services.
But - wouldn't the place have to be nuked for a temple to be built?
But, here is something else to think about:
We are the Temple.
At 15 November, 2006 11:35,
Simonetta said…
Hey red! I'll refer back to that great earthquake here in the Ezekiel entry an reverse the word 'nuke' to earthquake. ;)
At 15 November, 2006 11:52,
Anonymous said…
I think I can see where you have been heading with the finding of the Ezekiel Tiles and the Copper Scrolls. Briliant entries. Gave me cause for alot of thought so many thanks for that.
At 15 November, 2006 16:44,
Anonymous said…
My opinion - If Ezekiel 38 - 39 happens, the mosk will be leveled supernaturally. and the Jews can't be blamed for it. The, Jews will then rebuild the temple on the site. They have been preparing and I would surmise they have recovered most of the stuff identified in the Copper Scroll Who will oppose them? The Russian/Islamic alliance will have been totally wiped out. I know this is pushing credibility. I think we are on the cusp of Ezekiel 38 & 39. Either that or the 12th Mahdi will return.
At 15 November, 2006 17:20,
Simonetta said…
I believe we are on the cusp of Ezekiel 38-39 Red.
As for this Messiah like figure of Shia Islam call the Mahdi, I think he might be as fanciful as the one muhammed thought was the Angel Gabriel.
Washington has been uneasy about Russia's closeness to Iran and has special need to be uneasy!
But I honestly believe God will be the one to flatten everything.
There's one thing that keeps popping into to my mind. The Temple itself is so huge! It would never fit on Temple Mount at that size, that means the Temple Mount will have to be levelled to an enormous size!
Wouldn't that have to be done by a shattering earthquake or a massive bomb?
God's way would be the earthquake as He uses natural force and earth energies. Israel has had a few quakes and tremor lately.
Maybe things are moving into place for the big one?
At 15 November, 2006 17:27,
Simonetta said…
Remember something too mate...
Israel is positioned along a major fault line running through the Dead Sea Basin. ;)
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