WHO owns Israel? (Israel and Iran)

With the eyes of the world turned towards Israel and Iran, there are many certain things to note in the Bible.
The Islam people call Israel Palestine, the Israelites ans the rest of the world call The Promised Land Israel. But the facts, acording to the Bible is that neither of them own the coveted land.
Who owns it? God! And it all began in the book of Genesis when God gave Israel to Abraham.
"I will establish My covenant as an everlasting covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come to be your God and the God of your descendants after you. The whole land of Canaan where you are now an alien, I will give as an everlasting possession to you and your descendants after you and I will be their God." (Genesis 17:7-8)
But, the land remains the property of God.
"Thus says the Lord God, 'Surely in the fire of My jealousy I have spoken against the rest of the nations, and against all Edom, who appropriated My land for themselves as a possession with wholehearted joy and with scorn of soul, to drive it out for a prey.'" (Ezek. 36: 5)
"In days to come, O Gog, I will bring you against My land so that the nations may know Me when I show Myself holy through you before their eyes." (Ezekiel 38:16)
Again in Joel God declares:
"I will gather all nations and bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat (which means 'the Lord judges'); then I will enter into judgement against them concerning My inheritance, My people Israel, for they scattered My people among the nations and divided up My land." (Joel 3:2)
Note the word MY LAND?
And, this is interesting to note for The Promised Land itself lies immediately adjacent to the
African Rift Zone, the deepest known break in the earth's crust.
It is also intersting to note that God's eyes are forever watching what they do in HIS LAND.
In 363 A.D. Julian the Apostate attempted rebuilding the second temple.
Once the feverish workers uncovered the foundation stones, earthquake struck killing and maiming many, many people.
Destruction Second Temple
In latter days, an inscription was found on a wall which is dated back to the time of the attempted rebuilding of the second Temple in Jerusalem.
Wall Inscription
Another interesting piece of news regarding the second temple is that another earthquake hit when people tampered with the cornerstone.
Cornerstone Causes Earthquake 29 July 2001
None of this is coincidence; it all goes to prove that nobody dares to mock God and I join my voice with others who are attempting to inform people that God is in Control of His Land whether you believe in Him or not.
We should always be grateful to Israel as they are God's Chosen People who have paved the way for Prophecy, written and preserved parchments for the world, and proven to the world that God exists; that He is as real as you and I; that He is constantly watching; helping and loving His people.
Did He place the Comandment "Thou Shalt Not Covet" into the Commandments just to mean only coveting wealth and power, our neighbours possessions and etc;?
I think not. I think He also mean't nations should not cover His Land which was given to the Israelites under a promise to Abraham.
God always, but always keeps His Covenants.
At 18 November, 2006 12:58,
Anonymous said…
Thankyou for your wonderful entries. I also keep watch on events between Israel and Iran however, I had no idea an attempt was made at rebuilding the second temple in 363.
At 18 November, 2006 13:38,
Simonetta said…
Thankyou for the comment Jenny!
Yes, there was an attempt which set them back on their ears.
At 18 November, 2006 14:07,
Anonymous said…
My Dear Lady, I have seen men blogging matters such as this but never a woman. You are correct in all you say. Thankyou for this information.
At 18 November, 2006 14:18,
Anonymous said…
This site may be of interest to you too. Read this
Thanks for this entry.
At 18 November, 2006 15:32,
Anonymous said…
Redraider in Texas, USA.
That was quite a blog entry Simonetta.
In referece to Jenny K.'s comment, I was also taken aback by the information on the attempt to rebuild the second temple in 363.
At 18 November, 2006 16:42,
Anonymous said…
Here's one who never knew the land did not actually belong to Israel as well as the attempted rebuilding of the 2nd temple!! Astonishing entry Sim!
At 18 November, 2006 18:50,
Anonymous said…
Now you show your deep thinking and serious side. Excellent entry and one well worthy of alot of thought, prayer and meditation Sim.
At 18 November, 2006 18:51,
Anonymous said…
Oh, and I did know about the attempt to build the second temple either. Thanks Hon.
At 18 November, 2006 20:30,
Simonetta said…
Thankyou for your comments everyone, I am so glad to have informed you about Julian The Apostate's attempt to rebuild the temple.
Yes Michael, I do know a tad about ancient history.
Thanks red, so happy to hear from you mate!
At 18 November, 2006 20:31,
Simonetta said…
John, that is a very interesting link indeed. Thankyou!
At 18 November, 2006 20:54,
Anonymous said…
Wow ..... just wow. Never knew Israel was still God's Land and never knew about rebuilding of the second temple and thought I knew everything. Just proves we learn something new everyday.
At 18 November, 2006 21:42,
Simonetta said…
Yeah ..... I learn something new everyday too hon. ;)
At 18 November, 2006 21:44,
Anonymous said…
Great post!
At 18 November, 2006 22:16,
Simonetta said…
Well, it's something I don't think they would put to the test Andrew!
Yes, Israel is the Spiritual Capital and called the navel of the world.
In Ezekiel 38 we find these words.
3 to plunder and pillage, turning my hand against the ruins that were repeopled and against a people gathered from the nations, a people concerned with cattle and goods, who dwell at the navel of the earth."
At 18 November, 2006 23:11,
Simonetta said…
Yes Mike, and yes Mike.
Glad I got you thinking!
At 19 November, 2006 07:43,
Anonymous said…
I now read world events through a new set of lenses.
Ezekiel 37 has already happened. Israel has come back to life. Is Ezekiel 38 next on God's agaenda?
At 19 November, 2006 07:52,
Anonymous said…
Here are som numbers I found:
When Israel became a nation on 5/14/48 the population was 806,000.
At the end of 2003 it was about 7 million.
I think that if Israel is attacked by Russia/Iran that the Jewish population in Israel will double as Jews from the EU and America go to her defense
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