Love The Conquest
I have often thought about evil, especially after watching LOTR.
The Chronicles of Narnia made me think deeper.
Ahhhhhh ... The Chronicles of Narnia. How beautiful was that film?
And, in the end Good always wins over evil.
The Bible has much to say about it. Those who do evil hate God and there's nothing much else to add. God doesn't think too highly of them either.
It is always LOVE that conquers.
Do I hate those who hate me? Nope! I feel a bit sorry for them really as they are missing out on so much!
I feel that to miss out on truly loving friendship is missing out on an invisible power.
Being in places of power sometimes brings it's own enemies. But what is power on this earth?
In many instances it is upholding the Law.
People seem to hate the Police, yet, when they are in trouble they run to the cops with wings on their shoes.
Love is it's own reward no matter how one looks at it.
The love in friendship is beautiful. The love for gentle life and nature is beautiful. The love between a man and a woman is beautiful.
Therefore, I have to conclude that the reward of Love is beautiful!
In this life, there is no grey.
If you are non believers, those words would mean nothing. But if you are a Believer, they mean everything I suppose. To me they do anyway.
Is the believer afraid of hate? Nope!
The sun will rise the next day just the same as it did for David when his enemies surrounded him.
In the final washup, there will be no evil on this earth. It will all be destroyed along with the Devil who created it.
Victimising anyone will do no good; holding vendetta's will do YOU no good. It is harmful to the health.
Self pity can cause people to self destruct and on it goes.
In this world we strive to be conquerors of evil. And just like Frodo, we go on to the end.
This world is filled with evil. It becomes a tad annoying to keep having to brush it aside all the time.
It seems that jealousy and hate fill the planet today. I think if I'd have owned the world I'd have nuked it eons ago - but one thing would have stopped me.
I would never have wanted to harm my friends.
Guess that's why the planet is still here! God doesn't want to harm his friends!
They say the one way for an adult to make a child pay attention is to sit down and look comfortable.
Well, I don't have to try to make myself look comfortable. I AM comfortable!
Comfortable because in all I have done in life I have done my very best without harming anyone.
Praise God!
The Chronicles of Narnia made me think deeper.
Ahhhhhh ... The Chronicles of Narnia. How beautiful was that film?
And, in the end Good always wins over evil.
The Bible has much to say about it. Those who do evil hate God and there's nothing much else to add. God doesn't think too highly of them either.
It is always LOVE that conquers.
Do I hate those who hate me? Nope! I feel a bit sorry for them really as they are missing out on so much!
I feel that to miss out on truly loving friendship is missing out on an invisible power.
Being in places of power sometimes brings it's own enemies. But what is power on this earth?
In many instances it is upholding the Law.
People seem to hate the Police, yet, when they are in trouble they run to the cops with wings on their shoes.
Love is it's own reward no matter how one looks at it.
The love in friendship is beautiful. The love for gentle life and nature is beautiful. The love between a man and a woman is beautiful.
Therefore, I have to conclude that the reward of Love is beautiful!
In this life, there is no grey.
If you are non believers, those words would mean nothing. But if you are a Believer, they mean everything I suppose. To me they do anyway.
Is the believer afraid of hate? Nope!
The sun will rise the next day just the same as it did for David when his enemies surrounded him.
In the final washup, there will be no evil on this earth. It will all be destroyed along with the Devil who created it.
Victimising anyone will do no good; holding vendetta's will do YOU no good. It is harmful to the health.
Self pity can cause people to self destruct and on it goes.
In this world we strive to be conquerors of evil. And just like Frodo, we go on to the end.
This world is filled with evil. It becomes a tad annoying to keep having to brush it aside all the time.
It seems that jealousy and hate fill the planet today. I think if I'd have owned the world I'd have nuked it eons ago - but one thing would have stopped me.
I would never have wanted to harm my friends.
Guess that's why the planet is still here! God doesn't want to harm his friends!
They say the one way for an adult to make a child pay attention is to sit down and look comfortable.
Well, I don't have to try to make myself look comfortable. I AM comfortable!
Comfortable because in all I have done in life I have done my very best without harming anyone.
Praise God!
At 26 November, 2006 15:28,
Anonymous said…
I can vouch that you've done your best! I believe most of us try not to hate people but some people are not really loveable are they?
At 26 November, 2006 19:01,
Simonetta said…
Hi Reader!
So true, some people are not loveable! And thanks!!!
Hi Shay!
I also believe people can live with alot of hate inside them. Perhps they have lived as spoilt chuldren who were given everything they wanted, or, maybe they think the world owes them something. Wish I knew!
It's a world of sadness today and I think they are to be pitied more than blamed.
At 26 November, 2006 20:08,
Simonetta said…
I can see where you are coming from Mike. Trust me.
What about people who carry vendetta's? What do think about those people?
Here's a scenario. A person is stalked on a message board until she's living in terror. She began as a friend with the stalker.
The stalker begins to copy her victim's style of writing and also the manner in which she uses emoticons.
The victim becomes a Moderator. She knows she is being stalked and is agitated.
She tells her stalker to please stop stalking her. The stalker abuses her then runs to others of the same nationality to pour out a sad and sorry tale of woe. She is brushed aside.
The people she contacts are friends of the victim who contact the victim and send copies of the pm's.
The victim is then told to make amends with the stalker and become friends again.
The victim refuses.
The stalker then contacts atheists and Liberals who use another message board to vent their anger and slander about the victim.
The liking and friendship they had with the victim turns to hatred.
The stalker then befriends other Moderators who contact the victim and beg her to reconsider and blah-blah.
The victim refuses. The stalker then carries out her vendetta through viscious means such as sending horror emails to the victim and telling lies.
The victim is left mortified and even when the emails are forwarded
to superiors, she is begged to forgive and forget the stalker by superiors.
The stalker is a lesbian..........
In the end, the Moderator turns her back on the whole charade and message board and leaves pigs who wallow there to wallow in their own mud.
Advice on that one please?
At 26 November, 2006 21:00,
Anonymous said…
Oh my God! That would be a nightmare never forgotten! The woman stalker would have to be sick wouldn't she? Sick or sick with rage? Hell upon blue water you come up with some weird things Sim but never horror like that.
They all would have had to arisen from the pits of hell to treat a person like that,that's just too horrible to mention.
All I can say is the victim would have to be a very patient person to put up with a bitchy woman like that.
At 26 November, 2006 21:04,
Anonymous said…
sorry, didn't give my advice. My advice to the victim would be never to go back to where anything like that happened and to sue the message board for allowing it. People can take this christianity thing too far.
At 26 November, 2006 21:28,
Simonetta said…
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At 26 November, 2006 21:37,
Simonetta said…
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At 26 November, 2006 22:04,
Simonetta said…
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At 26 November, 2006 22:11,
Anonymous said…
That is a ghastly scenario Sim!
My advice is no,no,no,no, never should the victim go there again. Never ever if that stalker is still there and even if the stalker is not,the victim should stay away, far away.
At 26 November, 2006 22:26,
Anonymous said…
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At 26 November, 2006 22:31,
Simonetta said…
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At 26 November, 2006 22:45,
Anonymous said…
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At 26 November, 2006 22:51,
Simonetta said…
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At 26 November, 2006 23:10,
Simonetta said…
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At 26 November, 2006 23:27,
Anonymous said…
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At 26 November, 2006 23:28,
Anonymous said…
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At 26 November, 2006 23:33,
Simonetta said…
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At 26 November, 2006 23:36,
Anonymous said…
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At 26 November, 2006 23:39,
Anonymous said…
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At 26 November, 2006 23:41,
Simonetta said…
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At 27 November, 2006 00:01,
Anonymous said…
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At 27 November, 2006 00:02,
Anonymous said…
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At 27 November, 2006 00:09,
Simonetta said…
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At 27 November, 2006 00:11,
Simonetta said…
Somehow I'll let you know how you can contact me Mike!
At 27 November, 2006 01:07,
Simonetta said…
It's fine. I won't delete completely.
Hahaha!!! It does look funny!
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At 26 June, 2018 08:43,
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فني سباكة بالمدينة المنورة
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معلم جبس بورد بجدة
رقم فني دش بجدة
نجار بجدة
At 16 March, 2019 08:07,
tamer said…
فنى تركيب غرف بالرياض
فني تركيب غرف بالرياض يعد رائد في مجال فك وتركيب غرف النوم وغرف أطفال وغرف الجلوس فهي الحل الأمثل لك عميلنا العزيز في أعمال الفك والتركيب وكل ما ترغب به وليس هذا فقط بل حريصون على تقديم السعر الأقل بالسوق السعودي، فأياً كان العمل الذي ترغب به من أفضل فني تركيب غرف بالرياض فتأكد أنه سيتم تقديمه بالخدمة الكاملة وبالسعر الأقل فالتركيب و الفك نقوم به بأفضل سعر و بجودة ليس لها مثيل عند أي فني آخر حيث اننا نعتمد علي خبراء و عمالة مدربة علي أعلى مستوى من الجودة وتستطيع التعامل مع جميع أنواع غرف النوم و الموبيليات و الاثاث.
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