The Curse Of Gambling.

Sometimes life can be so strange. We never know what twists there will be in the road, or what may happen to bring one's life crashing down around them - or what joys may await in the future. Amd somehow I must get what I am to write out of me or go completely nutters.
My chief concern now is for my friend whose husband has had a stroke. But, although he has had a massive stroke which has affected his brain, he is still able to remember his wife and her favorite haunts.
Her most favorite haunt is the Pokies where she has gambled away all his money and whatever money she can borrow from friends.
For that reason, and because so many of us have been caught by her wily tactics, money can never be loaned to her.
Her husband was a wealthy man who was widowed. He was smart, and very handsome, but could not live without a woman. So, he met his wife at some odd place where derelicts live.
The Love ring he bought her was simply stunning - and very expensive. And it told the world she belonged to him and warned other men off.
Within four months, the ring vanished. She said she had lost it, but it turned out she had pawned it and used the money to play poker machines.
I grieved for him as he was such a lovely man and knew he was being conned by a very cunning, yet likeable woman.
He believed her story that the ring had been lost and replaced it with another which conveniently was also lost.
They married in a quiet ceremony with only friends present. But he looked so happy and she played the radiant bride.
Within a few years the screaming coming from their house almost made the neighbours shift out. Temper tantrums were common and often he called me to go to her to try to pacify her. It was hopeless. She laid face down on the bed and screamed like a child because he would not take her to the Pokies.
Within a few years, he was broke and had to go onto a Government pension. That as when she left him for the first time.
He came to me broken hearted, but I knew she would be back. And, she was.
Time and again she left him - time and again she returned until none of us knew whether she was coming or going.
In every way possible he tried to break her addiction to Poker machines. And we all helped him. But nothing worked.
Finally, the lovely cars he once owned became wrecks. It seemed he lived in a nightmare he couldn't escape from.
She could never love anybody but herself - and Poker Machines. At one stage she was banned from the Poker Club for a week and it was God Help us all, particularly her husband.
Years passed and this smartly dressed man became the town derelict. Everything he had owned had gone into Poker Machines. He walked the streets in old, dirty creased clothes. Did the shopping for her, cooked the meals and cleaned the house.
And always, following my husbands death, he visited me to see how I was going.
Today, he is in a wheelchair and forever phoning his wife. If she is not at home, he phones the Poker Club to see if she is there.
And, his wife is screaming blue murder because he won't leave her alone - and she has to live in the house alone.
"It is at night when I am frightened B" she confided to me, " the house creaks! how do I know there isn't a prowler around? I don't think I can live alone! I am living a nightmare! What am I going to do? I can't stand living alone and him ringing me all the time! I have to go to the pokies! I don't know how to live alone!"
Well, when she had him, she had the most beautiful husband one could imagine, but she couldn't see that. She had her own bedroom and he was not permitted to enter as she lived her life as she wanted it and he was banished to the background.
Today, I spent alot of time with her explaining HOW to live alone. It was tough. Darn tough as words didn't seem to sink into her head. She wanted to go to the Pokies.
A marriage without God, can it function normally? I am at a bit of a loss with her as she is so unpredictable, yet very predictable!
I had to explain to her that old houses do creak, especially in a drought. That nobody here would prowl around her house - when I know that some will! However, I doubt if they will worry her.
Now, she is trying to attract a friend of mine who also likes to go to the Pokies.
A friend who made a date to take me to the Pokies and I backed out at the last minute through sheer terror as he is not a Godly man. But a man I still think highly of just the same. Not romantically - but as a friend.
And while she is trying to dodge her sick husband's phone calls, she is chasing my friend whom I saw today and who asked me for help regarding her attentions.
Ask me for help in a matter of that kind?!!! All I could do was laugh at him much to his pretend disgust.
He is a lovely man and deserving of someone who won't break him financially, mentally and physically.
Women can be so odd at times. During the romance, they are lovely. Once the ring goes on the finger SOME can turn into virago's and lead a man to suicide.
I cannot sleep for thinking about this sad situation between two people who took the Sacrament of marriage.
And, I cannot help but feel that people should allow God to be the Matchmaker.
In all the time I knew them as a married couple they never talked together! Never watched a movie together! Never went anywhere together!
They never played a game together, or laughed together, held hands in public or even talked about a book together!
He did all the housework and cooking while she played bowls and the Poker machines.
Now, it is almost over for him - and just starting for her. The life as one.
I dunno - I just can't understand women at times. To love and be loved in return is the greatest thing in this world anyone can have. There is no price on it - for it is priceless.
I wonder if she is going through a sort of "what goes round comes round" type of a thing?
At 29 November, 2006 09:59,
Anonymous said…
Good heavens that poor man! I can understand you thinking aloud so to speak on a subject as tragic as this one.
Gambling is a sickness but surely he knew she was addicted before he married her or was she cunning enough to keep that one to herself?
I've heard of people who have put their lifetime savings into those hideous machines, they are purely evil.
You can't help her because she has to help herself B and I can't stress those words enough.
Now perhaps she can wake up to herself and spend some time thinking of just what she's done to her husband in the way everyone else must be.
For Godly people there must be a Godly match or the two are like fire and water - they don't mix and can't mingle. For heaven's sake, you keep away from that situation or she'll conn you into something you can't handle alone!
At 29 November, 2006 10:31,
Anonymous said…
Was there ever a justified lie? Obviously the woman was fake from the start and he picked up on her after the marriage which finally destroyed him. Not often I give advice but I'd advise you tread with caution on this one.
At 29 November, 2006 11:08,
Anonymous said…
Word of advice to all gentlemen, ask questions before you leap not after. Been there done that, divorced it, she got the house I had to start all over again. Inside everywoman there is a sadist waiting to spring and devour a man.
At 29 November, 2006 12:48,
Anonymous said…
There is nothing you can do for her Sim, give it up or she might try to break you. Ian, sorry you went through that but, there is NOT a sadist in every woman waiting to spring and devour a man.
In some there may be, but not all.
My best friends met online and have a wonderful marriage!
At 29 November, 2006 13:10,
Simonetta said…
I can't give her up just like that. She's lost every friend she had. Online romances ending in marriage? Too dicy. Faaaaaar too dicy!
At 29 November, 2006 13:13,
Simonetta said…
Thanks anon, I am treading with caution.
I too am sorry Ian, but you are wrong about ALL women having a sadist inside them
At 29 November, 2006 13:34,
Anonymous said…
Sorry to offend you ladies but in my case no other explanation for the behaviour of women as I know some is justified. Once the ring is on the finger the man is shit.
At 29 November, 2006 13:48,
Anonymous said…
Give it up already Ian, I am a woman and don't think I have a sadistic streak in me and neither have the other ladies here.
Sim was happily married and I married someone I met online too. Riiiiiiiiigh, so we have sadistic streaks. Try telling my husband that fot a good belly laugh.
This poor man met the woman at a place for derelicts so he must have known there was something wrong Sim. Did he marry her out of pity or something?
At 29 November, 2006 13:58,
Simonetta said…
No, he really loved her Hon. Yes, you met a wonderful husband! You were one of the lucky ones!
What about the ones who are stuck in shocking marriages overseas, and in Australia they can't get out of without a messy divorce?
I'd give that one a bit of a miss! Yikes!!
At 29 November, 2006 15:00,
Anonymous said…
Andrew, that is a nice story which ended well in your case but how did she know you were not phoning a dozen other online women and vice versa.
In the case Sim has put in her blog do you want This woman to try to trap a man online?
At 29 November, 2006 15:33,
Simonetta said…
There has to be a mutual attraction; in the entry, the couple were mutually attracted. Him to her and her to his money.
Really beautiful story Andrew. So happy it turned out OK!
At 29 November, 2006 18:58,
Simonetta said…
I agree with you Michael! I cannot do anything to help this lady but I have triued, trust me ... I ... have ... tried!
And I'm many dollars lighter!
At 29 November, 2006 20:03,
Simonetta said…
Ah, lost the money ages ago Shay. $200. Yes, sadly she is a user.
Now about this online romance stuff.
Yes, there are good matches - and there have been darned bad ones too!
I have seen women chasing men on THAT place and was even chased myself (pity it had to be a lezzo)and it sickened me through and through to watch the sick antics of these so called grownups.
OK, Andrew had a WONDERFUL experience and both went about it the right way. This enriched them both, now two souls walk together in harmony which is beautiful and I fully agree it can happen.
However, I don't want teenage kids who are blogsurfing to think it's the great thing for people to do.
It is dangerous and it is also tempting fate.
How do you know that is his/her photo? How do you know he/she works there?
Think of these things you blokes, please?
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