Helping The Hurting Of The World

Behind every corner in the world, in all nooks and crannies, we find people who are hurting.
Many self injure, too many have been raped, too many have been childhood abuse victims,too many are victims of bashings, and there are far too many lonely ones.
Many of these darling people commit suicide to escape the un-ease of their very being.
Some belong to rich families, some to middle class and many to the poor.
It appears the world has abandoned these lost, lonely and bewildered souls leaving them to wander in a daze of nervous and critical disorders which becomes a cancer to their souls.
My online ministry was to seek them out and just love them. It was a personal ministry, not an ordained by man job. An ordained by God job.
This I did by joining Forums. One Forum I joined was one of the largest on the web where I became a Moderator in order to help these souls escape the viscious poison filled arrows which blocked their paths through life.
I am not a Doctor, not trained to give advice, not a phsychologist nor phsychiatrist. Just a someone who cared I suppose.
Through Private Messages, I became friends with many of these beautiful people. This led to my thought of getting many of them together on msn so we could build a quality friendship of love group.
Senior Moderators were outraged when they first heard I was talking to these disheartened people and tried in every way to stop me owing to the fact I was unqualified to advise. And no matter how many times I explained it was a friendship Love Group, they refused to listen, refused to join to see the interaction, refused to have anything to do with them, and refused to even touch on the subject in the end.
I was told they were attention seekers and "only Internet people".
My orders were that they were to be left to their Councellors who knew how to cope with them.
Sometimes I wondered about the sanity of these so called senior mods who refused, or could not see I was NOT trying in any way to councel them.
But their eyes were blinded and all they did was hurl scriptures at them. Telling them they had to read their Bibles in order to be cured. They were even told they would go to hell for self injuring.
And, I was demonized by mod rabble who thought they were 'christians' but to me were the devil in disguise. They were more intent on having me be friends with a person who had stalked and harrasssed me than the suffering of this planet. That amazed me somewhat as stalking and harrassment was against the rules!
So the msn meetings had to be held in Top Secret.
The time clock of the world is set to various hours in various lands spread across the world. So, one would go to bed when the other was waking up to get onto msn as fast as possible!
At first, the msn group was small with only a few members. Soon, it became huge as friends joined, friends who were not a member of the forum.
And, I became a "Mother Of The World" figure to them. A Big Sister who joked, laughed, played tricks and taught them Australian slang, and who often spoke to them in ocker Aussie language.
Australians joined, it was odd having to teach them how to be an "ocker Aussie"!
They each told their stories on msn as they wanted to tell them. Many times I left the screen in tears as they poured their hearts out telling me and others things they would never tell their parents or councellors.
The most odd thing I found is that they all appeared to dislike their councellors stating that "they don't help". I could not advise them, I could only love them.
Girls with badly scarred arms were concerned about how to cover the scars in summer time. We found the solution in fashions with long flowing sleeves and glamorous long flowing skirts made of a flimsy material, and makeup.
Boys didn't care about those things. Their main care was getting on with a life without the demons within.
Because of the fear our computers may be hacked we arranged secret signs, and a type of secret language only we could understand.
This took their minds off self harm and worries and sent it reeling into another direction. They had the job of making up a new language nobody could understand if we were hacked and I had the ignominous task of learning it! *groan*
It was formidable. I was in another land, on another planet creeping through a place where a foreign language was being used and installing the latest anti hacking
barriers. Yes, there were known hackers on the forum. And one of the best was a mod.
Another was an ex mod who was friendly with mods.
So we had our dangers of the dark realm and had to fight the foe in every way possible.
I was moderating an outrageous amount of about 35 Forums, some intensely High Traffic. Here, on a so called forum which was supposed to be "christian" I was receiving reports of people having cyber sex, uploading pornographic material and photo's of tortured and half dead humans, and animals. I still shudder at the thought of them.
So our msn conversation went along the lines of " Hang on kids, the red light is flashing ..."
"GGH!!!" (Go get him/her, later to be changed)
Mods were under an oath of silence about activities so it could never be told to them what was occuring on my part.( Now, I am under no code of silence and they can go where they belong.)
On the other hand people were joining the forum with aliases as "God Almighty", "I hate Jesus", Christian Hater"," Bring Back The Halocaust" " Will You Have My Baby", "I love abortion", and names which took only the most imaginative creatures to think up.
These had to be ebanned.
Then there were the muslim trolls who were there to convert people to Islam. These people had to be watched carefully as in many instances they were successful.
And so, many of suffering souls found themselves reporting people on my forums and loving what they were doing.
They were reporting - I was acting. On msn the conversation was hilarious!
So inbetween the new language and the reporting of people, all intent of self harm, suicide and horrors of the past fled as they found themselves in a new world of "helping the mod" and fighting evil.
Their lives turned around, more and more they sought Jesus. More and more they began to love one another. But mostly, they began to love themselves.
Six of these young ones are now missionaries and on the mission field, another is training to be a Minister and studying intently.
They still gather on msn to exchange their stories of how their life turned for the better, to chat and laugh, and to tell one another how much they love one another for one thing I did teach them was to Love.
Yes, you can help the suffering of the world too. You can be as I was and take on a new world and a new life fighting evil.
Oh, and I forgot to mention. Two of them married! Another two are engaged to be married!
In this life we have only two choices. To Love and be loved in return, or to hate and be hated in return.
There are two sides to the coin of life. Good and evil.
The good fight the evil - the evil fight the good.
I love these people dearly although we have never met. Although we may never meet and athough seas divide. But through msn we could touch in a way which was magical and enchanting.
Today we humans have been given wings through having the Internet. And we can place those wings of Love around the world and hold tight to those hurting and bewildered.
This is only my experience I speak of here. And, you can do the same if you have the time. But you have to be strong, oh so very, very strong for some of the stories you will hear at first are heart wrenching.
Then come the photo's of proof to make sure they are telling the truth and not attention seeking.
Some of you met Chanelle in comments in my former entry. This beautiful creature is a Native American Indian who was a christian, but who was raped by a "christian" minister at the tender age of 13 and left in a shocking state. Her father found her and photographed what he saw. The photographs are horrific. She was chased off the forum by "christians" who sent her hate email.
And, the people of her church spurned her and said she was to blame as she had "lured" this so called "minister". And the world lost a christian to the Native American Indian Goddess of the tribe.
Oh yes! There are good and bad christians.
Due to my photography, I can't be with them so much today. But, when I log in, there many of them are - waiting.
I do not mod anymore - one year of that on that so called "christian" message board was sufficient to see oddness amongst staff at a high level.
They were certainly not my type of people!
But, the hurting and the injured people of the world on that forum were along with a very, very, VERY limited few people were my kind of people and I remain friends with them.
It took a forum which was supposed to be a christian one to make me see the world as I had never seen it before.
And of that, I will post later.
HANNANA SINDA!!!!! ( meaning - Loving ME, Loving YOU!)
Remember, first you have to love your self!
At 04 December, 2006 16:41,
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the update and explanation. Now, I can sleep well.
Far Dunkum Donuts frum raiderland. Time for bed, here.
At 04 December, 2006 18:05,
Simonetta said…
ROFL!! Far Dunkums Donuts from Aussie Land Texan! Sleep tight!
At 04 December, 2006 22:01,
Anonymous said…
That's what I call productive. Great move for these sad ones Sim, mostly all they need is alot of TLC but I don't understand why you had opposition to the work you were doing and don't think I ever would. I did wonder what was going on when they came into the other comments. So that's what Hananna Sinda means! Didn't Abba put out a song 'Loving Me Loving You'?
Wonderful way to get a message across!
At 04 December, 2006 22:14,
Simonetta said…
Hi Hon!
No, Abba's song was "Knowing Me Knowing You". Great song too!
At 04 December, 2006 22:48,
Anonymous said…
Unbelievable. I could not do it, no I could not do such a job. Doing such a thing would be so time consuming! I take my hat off to you but why on earth did you take on such an enormous responsibility?
At 04 December, 2006 22:56,
Simonetta said…
I don't recall that incident Mike, wish I did! I pm'd a few in the manner you have described.
I don't know how I ended up with such a ludicrous amount of forums.
Mainly it was due to people wanting status, not the job I think.
So Val, you have no time to love anybody? I did it because I loved them. That's why.
At 04 December, 2006 23:01,
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 04 December, 2006 23:08,
Anonymous said…
Were there atheists in this group of good little christians?
At 04 December, 2006 23:12,
Simonetta said…
Most definately Anon. There was also a Wiccan.
At 04 December, 2006 23:29,
Simonetta said…
Why would you save a 'Please edit' request? That's weird.
At 04 December, 2006 23:51,
Anonymous said…
Did you help the divorced?
At 05 December, 2006 00:07,
Simonetta said…
No Anon, the dicorced and singles were too busy trying to find a mate of the opposite (or same) sex in the Mature Singles or over 40's.
At 05 December, 2006 00:17,
Simonetta said…
ROFL!!!! Mature Singles and Fabulous Forties were infamous for that!
At 05 December, 2006 00:22,
Anonymous said…
Did you go there in order to fine a match?
At 05 December, 2006 00:27,
Simonetta said…
ROFL!!!!!!!! No, no indeed not!!!
Why is it all my comments go off the topic of my entry???
hmnnnnnnn ...... need an Off Topic sign I think.
At 06 December, 2006 02:56,
Anonymous said…
God this touched me! Imagine the good one can do on the Internet if they put their hearts into it. You reached out in love and healed through compassion and worked in an unpaid and I would think, unthankful position. You used your talent well and shine a beacon for others to follow. What a wonderful effort.
At 06 December, 2006 09:22,
Simonetta said…
Thankyou Anon!
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