What A Year!
Peter Brocks was killed.
Steve Irwin was killed.
Mell Gibson's been playing up.
The Herald Sun donated unwanted pages of Warnie's retirement from the cricketing scene.
I forget how much of the State of Victoria has been burnt - no use me knowing now as the fire is still burning.
Irrepairable damage has been done to the wildlife in burnt out areas.
Water Restrictions have hit the place like I don't know what.
Sign posts have been warped by willy-willies.
A few of us (including me) have been lifted off our feet by willy-willies. ( baby dust hurricanes)
There are wide cracks in the earth up here which are 6 feet deep and widening.
And we are gripped in a drought which is supposed to be the worst on record.
OK, I don't go into the politics of things as I see things as they are living where do.
But in plain mallee talk. It's a barted mate! We're buggad!
Farmers are now holding their hay for stock they own as conditions worsten. On the bright side, some have been allowed to have a little bit of the water they have paid for.
One thing I cannot understand is, they increased the population by 50% and forgot to increase the dams! But, what happens if they increase the size of the dams? They can't keep blocking rivers!
So, if people want to migrate to Australia - bring your own water.
Drying Up Fast
The fact is, Australia is drying up fast!
Canberra apparently got hit by a deluge but that doesn't help us. It only puts more water in Lake Burley Griffin and in their dam.
If we were hit by a deluge we'd wonder what the hell it was! uhmmmmmm ... what does rain look like again?
People up here are not as happy go lucky as they used to be. They are starting to get a wee bit short tempered.
The actions of people are becoming strange. Like ... Farmer Joe lost his wife a year ago and had to have councelling and all that rot, now he's getting married and she's moving into the new house he built for his late wife. (Struth those councellors must have been good.)
Farmer Tom lost his wife - is still crying for her, tels everyone he has never got over it, and has had two girlfriends since she died.
One woman's husband had a bad stroke, he's in Hospital so she is selling all his possesions and pocketing the money while he's still alive to feed her gambling habit.
People are now also killing, kiling killing the wildlife! Why? Because they drink water!
Everything is simply crazy!! People seem to be going nutters!
The only topic is the drought and it's worstening effect.
Living alone through all of this is a bit scary. It's something I thought MIGHT happen, then dismissed it from my mind. Australia is a dry continent with periodic dry spells, but one could not envisage what is really happening as we face this dry spell.
Night after night, prowlers creep around while mangy foxes try to nick the fowls.
This means I will have to rebuy a rifle.
Last night I watched the stars and was astonished to see what appeared like millions of them fall to earth only to vanish leaving one bewildered.
I do not know what 2007 holds, all I know is people fear the worst for my country. Grasping at so called rain predictions ...
Well, one man said Australia would have so much rain by Christmas we wouldn't know what to do with it. I am still wondering where it is as the rain stays waaaaaaay up there and will not even think of touching the earth.
I believe God has turned His Back of Australia.
At 30 December, 2006 14:20,
Anonymous said…
He has turned his back, it is not a Christian nation anymore.
At 30 December, 2006 14:58,
Anonymous said…
I know the Aussies have suffered quite a lot in recent months.
I feel that the demon assigned to Australia may be allowed by the Lord to run a wee bit loose for some reason that only He knows. Maybe it is to motivate slamming the door a little more
Aussies have the finest leader in the world at this time. Howard is a rock - wish we had him. However, the ACLU would have him papered up with law suits and our leftist pollies would want to impeach him, daily.
We need to send our two famous Reverends (Sharpton and Jackson) over to help y'all understand things, better.They will help you get religion back - for sure. I mean, they know how to pass the plate!
They might even bring a couple DVDs of "ZULU" with them. Let's see, how many people-groups I can insult tonight before Sim gets her big electronic eraser out.
Anyway, the Aussies and Kiwis will be the last refuge of the west.
At 30 December, 2006 18:04,
Anonymous said…
My hubbie has very grave concerns for his beer making too and said the beer has never tasted the same for the past three years. I tell him it's the way he makes it but must admit it hasn't got the same zing. I am wondering if the ladies of Ouyen are going to go naked again and do their rain dance? Have you heard anything about that Sim?
At 30 December, 2006 18:23,
Anonymous said…
If you have a moonshine operation, that is the perfect beginnings for the Aussie NASCAR circuit.
We can fill in Sim's pond and use her place for a track and customer parking. She would be hailed as Goddess of the track. Ah...I can smell the methane fumes now!
What an adventure for Sim. The opportunities are endless. All the farms could be turned into tracks and parking lots. There's opportunity right in front of you.
At 30 December, 2006 18:29,
Anonymous said…
I feel red is right, don't know about the preachers though because Benny Hinn seemed to turn alot of Aussies off. Isn't naked virgins a pagan thing like the rain dance they held at Ouyen during the 2002 drought? Val, I haven't heard anything about them staging another rain dance in any part of the mallee, maybe Sim could organise one for her area but it all sounds a bit paganised to me.
I don't think the Priests would like it if the catholic ladies joined in.
At 30 December, 2006 20:03,
Simonetta said…
Hey!! Top idea! Does that mean I get to count the money we make Mike?
At 30 December, 2006 20:11,
Simonetta said…
Me organise a rain dance Pat??!!
Yikes! No way!! I'll see to the NASCAR but the rain dance YAAAH!!!
Ouyen Rain Dance
At 30 December, 2006 22:09,
Simonetta said…
Yep! I expect you to be one of the heathen!
Now, it's easy to find me Mike. Just follow my instructions. OK?
Drive towards Swan Hill, take a leftie, drive straight ahead until you see a paddock, do a uey, look at the sign post, turn three circles then head the nose of the car straight ahead and keep driving. Don't stop whatever you do.
At 30 December, 2006 22:17,
Anonymous said…
Oh my Dear, are you safe there? It must be very bad where you live!!!!
At 30 December, 2006 22:19,
Anonymous said…
Rain Dance????????!!!!!!!!!!!! What is this?????
At 30 December, 2006 22:37,
Simonetta said…
Hi Viv!!!
Nah ... not that bad, I was born a bit tough. The ancestors were early settlers. That means they were pretty tough to do what they did.
Yep! In Ouyen 2002 the women held a rain dance as naked as they come. No men were permitted to see though!
Nope, I was NOT one of them!!!
At 30 December, 2006 22:48,
Simonetta said…
The Ninnyninnygonggongawonga. Which road did you think I meant?
At 30 December, 2006 22:53,
Anonymous said…
ROFL! I think she is leading you up the garden path Mike.
At 30 December, 2006 23:12,
Simonetta said…
At 30 December, 2006 23:36,
Anonymous said…
Michael, I read your question. Please tell your sister to use a little bit of petroleum jelly on her arms. This will oil and soften them and take away the flaking.
At 30 December, 2006 23:37,
Simonetta said…
Mike, I tell ya mate! All mallee women are having the same problem. Yes! Vaseline is the answer!
At 30 December, 2006 23:43,
Simonetta said…
Thanks Viv!! Giving away Swedish beauty secrets now lol!!!
At 30 December, 2006 23:47,
Anonymous said…
Also medical. ;)
At 31 December, 2006 13:05,
Anonymous said…
The Rain Dance sounds cool. I'd go to see all that "positive energy." We Texas Yarks are all for positive energy. What's not to like?
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