Mud Glorious Mud.

In deep sadness I announce the death of Mickey The Fin who passed away quietly in his sleep last night.
Above is a photo of the majestic Mickey The Fin as he threshed in the shallow water for his life. Having no net, I caught him with my bare hands and arms.
Even in his threshings there was a majestic quality about him which had to be photographed.
His beauty was supreme even if he was just a common European Carp. He was still a life.
Stranded, the tail and fins lashed out at the world as though in defiance at the cruelty of a never ending sunny day. Of nature at it's most savage in Australia.
The mallee is now a land for the survival of the fittest as hot breezes accompanied by the glaring force of a merciless sun beats down upon a helpless land.
And out there, somewhere, there are many other Mickey The Fins wallowing out their last hours in mud.
As we look towards where Lakes have been, we see a shimmer of water and slow down .... no .... it is just a mirage. The lakes cannot be full again until the Rain Angels open the gates of heaven and allow precious water to fall.
Water birds are leaving the areas now - the exotic, and the common, as daily water levels fall by evaporation from the heat.
In Gippland Victoria, the toll on wildlife through bush fire has been horrendous.
And so, the Land of the Southern Cross lies in wait for the blessing of .... rain.
On close inspection it was seen that Micky the Fin had suffered some kind of blows to his little body. He was one of the unfortunate. He was born a carp.
Mickey The Fin's Funeral Music Prior To The Service.
Please imagine him swimming freely in the lagoon when you clik on his music.
Mickey's Eulogy .....
Mickey the Fin loved his mud. He ate it, slept in it and drank it. Played with his mates in it and tickled the feet of wading birds in it.
He knew no sin but lived according to the manner God bade him to live.
He lived a sinless, quality life in a lagoon with his friends.
He did no harm to others and certainly did no harm to me.
And so I say .....
Rest In Peace Mickey The Fin. You were a beautiful fish.
Mickey The Fin's Funeral March
At 18 December, 2006 18:31,
Simonetta said…
Done Mike..... :*(
At 18 December, 2006 18:51,
Anonymous said…
Oh no, I am so sorry Sim. Please accept my condolances.
I am sorry Mike, these things happen. The music is lovely for poor Mickey The Fin.
At 18 December, 2006 19:24,
Anonymous said…
This is very sad news. Sim don't take it to heart though as it was only a carp. Sorry to hear it Mike.
At 18 December, 2006 20:11,
Anonymous said…
Oh for God's sake Simonetta, you and your silly soft heart. What is this entry all about. You are a stupid woman at times. I recall you crying for a week over a dead sparrow you found cming home from school. The funeral service for THAT was over lengthy, the cross you made for the grave fell to bits and you had us all in tears for the week with you. Even your mother said she didn't know what to do with you with that soft heart of yours. Wake up and grow up.
At 18 December, 2006 21:43,
Anonymous said…
Denise, it is time for you to put a smile on your face you do know that don't you? There is nothing wrong with having a gentle heart. I believe the Saviour had a very gentle heart himself and we know nothing of his childhood. He did mention a sparrow though come to think of it.
At 18 December, 2006 22:09,
Simonetta said…
Andrew, I have been thinking about what I'd have done if he'd lived and to be honest mate, I'm not exactly sure! To put him in any lake or stream is against the law!
But, I do have a spare big fishpond he could have gone into.
Thanks again Mike!
Denny, I agree with Mike 100 %. It really is time you stopped picking on me. I am a big girl now you know.
Sorry my soft heart offends you, and know it always did, but that's the way I was born.
Please be so kind as to keep my Mother out of your comments?
Now back to mourning ....
At 18 December, 2006 22:23,
Anonymous said…
I am thoroughly outraged by those comments to me! Just as well I came back to see what had been said about me behind my back!
Simonetta! You ought to be thoroughy ashamed of yourself for speaking to me like that! As for that mallee bull called Michael, I would expect no better from him!
At 18 December, 2006 22:36,
Simonetta said…
I will leave that comment for Mike to read Denise.
Sorry Hon! The comments were NOT said to you behind your back, they were said to you on the Internet.
Time for you to stop commenting again Denny!
At 19 December, 2006 10:35,
Anonymous said…
I just read about the sparrow Sim found coming home from school, on Denise's comment. I thought: WOW!I didn't know sparrows attended school down under. I am impressed as we can't get many of the kids to attend school, here.
At 19 December, 2006 10:43,
Anonymous said…
Is everything you said about one of the commenters on that sooper-secrit X-Files site true?
At 19 December, 2006 11:38,
Anonymous said…
god I love this blog
At 19 December, 2006 14:35,
Anonymous said…
hey babe, no email.
At 19 December, 2006 14:42,
Simonetta said…
Yep ... sent you one Read!
At 19 December, 2006 15:14,
Anonymous said…
Glad to get that ID on the ship. My parking sticker for Area 31 expired but one of the truckers passing through said he spotted it being re-fueled.
They had a slight delay as they needed some new chips for the navigational system. They put in an order to a local contractor (low bidder using illegals) for a dozen chips and were delivered 6 chocolate and 6 poker. They all had to be returned.I assume the ship made it away, safely. There is a 747 "boneyard" there, so they may have just scavanged some parts and made the best of it.
It was also reported by the truckers that the Matriarch went into the local diner and was making a fuss. The diner manager thought she was a trucker from the looks of her beard and tattoos and kicked her out.
At 19 December, 2006 15:52,
Simonetta said…
Sometimes I totally crack up at the comments here!
At 19 December, 2006 17:41,
Anonymous said…
You despicable man!
At 02 November, 2007 20:40,
Anonymous said…
1n0QRu The best blog you have!
At 03 November, 2007 04:52,
Anonymous said…
Tk7BBa Please write anything else!
At 03 November, 2007 05:41,
Anonymous said…
Good job!
At 03 November, 2007 06:26,
Anonymous said…
Please write anything else!
At 03 November, 2007 07:35,
Anonymous said…
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
At 03 November, 2007 08:35,
Anonymous said…
Please write anything else!
At 03 November, 2007 22:06,
Anonymous said…
Wonderful blog.
At 04 November, 2007 02:45,
Anonymous said…
Hello all!
At 04 November, 2007 03:49,
Anonymous said…
Wonderful blog.
At 04 November, 2007 04:42,
Anonymous said…
Nice Article.
At 04 November, 2007 05:28,
Anonymous said…
At 05 November, 2007 04:57,
Anonymous said…
IVKO0S write more, thanks.
At 05 November, 2007 14:59,
Anonymous said…
Good job!
At 05 November, 2007 15:33,
Anonymous said…
Good job!
At 05 November, 2007 17:23,
Anonymous said…
Good job!
At 05 November, 2007 17:57,
Anonymous said…
Good job!
At 05 November, 2007 18:32,
Anonymous said…
Good job!
At 05 November, 2007 18:59,
Anonymous said…
Nice Article.
At 05 November, 2007 19:31,
Anonymous said…
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
At 05 November, 2007 20:02,
Anonymous said…
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
At 05 November, 2007 21:24,
Anonymous said…
Nice Article.
At 05 November, 2007 22:01,
Anonymous said…
Wonderful blog.
At 05 November, 2007 22:31,
Anonymous said…
Please write anything else!
At 05 November, 2007 23:02,
Anonymous said…
Nice Article.
At 05 November, 2007 23:38,
Anonymous said…
640K ought to be enough for anybody. - Bill Gates 81
At 06 November, 2007 00:16,
Anonymous said…
640K ought to be enough for anybody. - Bill Gates 81
At 06 November, 2007 00:45,
Anonymous said…
The gene pool could use a little chlorine.
At 06 November, 2007 01:12,
Anonymous said…
Wonderful blog.
At 06 November, 2007 01:48,
Anonymous said…
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
At 06 November, 2007 02:19,
Anonymous said…
Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.
At 06 November, 2007 02:52,
Anonymous said…
Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
At 06 November, 2007 03:25,
Anonymous said…
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.
At 06 November, 2007 03:55,
Anonymous said…
I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.
At 06 November, 2007 04:27,
Anonymous said…
A lot of people mistake a short memory for a clear conscience.
At 06 November, 2007 05:02,
Anonymous said…
Nice Article.
At 06 November, 2007 05:45,
Anonymous said…
Nice Article.
At 06 November, 2007 06:24,
Anonymous said…
If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.
At 06 November, 2007 07:00,
Anonymous said…
Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.
At 06 November, 2007 07:35,
Anonymous said…
Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.
At 06 November, 2007 08:06,
Anonymous said…
Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.
At 06 November, 2007 08:32,
Anonymous said…
I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.
At 06 November, 2007 08:59,
Anonymous said…
Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.
At 06 November, 2007 09:29,
Anonymous said…
Save the whales, collect the whole set
At 06 November, 2007 09:57,
Anonymous said…
When there's a will, I want to be in it.
At 06 November, 2007 10:33,
Anonymous said…
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
At 06 November, 2007 11:07,
Anonymous said…
Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
At 06 November, 2007 11:44,
Anonymous said…
Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!
At 06 November, 2007 12:17,
Anonymous said…
Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!
At 06 November, 2007 12:48,
Anonymous said…
Beam me aboard, Scotty..... Sure. Will a 2x10 do?
At 06 November, 2007 13:19,
Anonymous said…
640K ought to be enough for anybody. - Bill Gates 81
At 06 November, 2007 13:54,
Anonymous said…
Clap on! , Clap off! clap@#&$NO CARRIER
At 06 November, 2007 14:38,
Anonymous said…
Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
At 06 November, 2007 15:18,
Anonymous said…
At 06 November, 2007 15:51,
Anonymous said…
Please write anything else!
At 06 November, 2007 16:31,
Anonymous said…
Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.
At 06 November, 2007 17:05,
Anonymous said…
When there's a will, I want to be in it.
At 06 November, 2007 17:38,
Anonymous said…
What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?
At 06 November, 2007 18:20,
Anonymous said…
Please write anything else!
At 06 November, 2007 19:02,
Anonymous said…
A lot of people mistake a short memory for a clear conscience.
At 06 November, 2007 19:49,
Anonymous said…
Good job!
At 06 November, 2007 20:35,
Anonymous said…
Calvin, we will not have an anatomically correct snowman!
At 06 November, 2007 21:15,
Anonymous said…
Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
At 06 November, 2007 21:57,
Anonymous said…
Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.
At 06 November, 2007 22:48,
Anonymous said…
Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.
At 06 November, 2007 23:42,
Anonymous said…
What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?
At 07 November, 2007 00:30,
Anonymous said…
The gene pool could use a little chlorine.
At 07 November, 2007 01:10,
Anonymous said…
A lot of people mistake a short memory for a clear conscience.
At 07 November, 2007 01:49,
Anonymous said…
The gene pool could use a little chlorine.
At 07 November, 2007 02:28,
Anonymous said…
What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?
At 07 November, 2007 03:01,
Anonymous said…
Save the whales, collect the whole set
At 07 November, 2007 03:42,
Anonymous said…
Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.
At 07 November, 2007 04:26,
Anonymous said…
Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.
At 07 November, 2007 05:05,
Anonymous said…
Wonderful blog.
At 07 November, 2007 05:52,
Anonymous said…
I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing!
At 07 November, 2007 06:44,
Anonymous said…
Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.
At 07 November, 2007 07:25,
Anonymous said…
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
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