Killer Kids
Too many teenagers and children of today have a cruel streak in them which seems to yearn for attention.
In Australia, the Police hunt is on for Teenage Arsonists who have killed a man by lighting fires of destruction.
It would be so nice if they were given a good whipping when found plus a long gaol sentence, but unfortunately the do gooders could cry about the whipping.
Where I live, bored young people are having a great time clubbing distressed wildlife to death.
I managed to catch two on camera today as they were beginning to club an injured wallaby to death. The wallaby is now with the Vet. The young people are still with the Police. Ages - 10 and 11 with a 13 year old watching and laughing.
He isn't laughing anymore, in fact, he's howling his eyes out.
Why do kids do it? Is it boredom or is it just some inbuilt mechanism which tells them to destroy?
Yesterday they had great fun spearing fish in lagoon. It was "Just for fun".
I'm beginning to think people are rearing a generation of brats!
In Australia, the Police hunt is on for Teenage Arsonists who have killed a man by lighting fires of destruction.
It would be so nice if they were given a good whipping when found plus a long gaol sentence, but unfortunately the do gooders could cry about the whipping.
Where I live, bored young people are having a great time clubbing distressed wildlife to death.
I managed to catch two on camera today as they were beginning to club an injured wallaby to death. The wallaby is now with the Vet. The young people are still with the Police. Ages - 10 and 11 with a 13 year old watching and laughing.
He isn't laughing anymore, in fact, he's howling his eyes out.
Why do kids do it? Is it boredom or is it just some inbuilt mechanism which tells them to destroy?
Yesterday they had great fun spearing fish in lagoon. It was "Just for fun".
I'm beginning to think people are rearing a generation of brats!
At 16 December, 2006 20:44,
Simonetta said…
No, the parents were fine! They were upset with the kids. Now the kids are very upset indeed!
I agree Mike!
At 16 December, 2006 20:57,
Anonymous said…
I see you deleted the other entry, good! Don't give them another thought. You are far above them.
As for this entry Sim, yes, I can just imagine what our parents would have done to us if we had been about to harm an animal. It would have been no tea for a month of Sundays!
In cases like this I feel parents are as much to blame as the kids today as both work and Mum isn't home to mind them as in the older times. There seems to be far too much selfishness in the world today and the children are taught to fend for theselves at a very young age. If the mother was willing to be a mother things might be different.
At 16 December, 2006 23:13,
Simonetta said…
Ay!Ay!Ay! Mum and Dad would have lectured me for a month if I had harmed an animal!
Yeah ... mothers don't put much effort into rearing their kids today really. Some do, too many don't. I dunno, things have changed too fast and too drastically for me. I am not impressed with some of the young of today.
At 16 December, 2006 23:21,
Anonymous said…
Will you please reply to my email Sim? I am genuinely concerned about you.
At 16 December, 2006 23:26,
Simonetta said…
Eh? I didn't start the fires nor have me pic taken today Read!
At 16 December, 2006 23:39,
Anonymous said…
Don't be facecious. Email me.
At 16 December, 2006 23:45,
Simonetta said…
What for?
At 16 December, 2006 23:55,
Anonymous said…
Sim,darn you woman I am genuinely concerned about you. REPLY TO MY EMAILS!
At 17 December, 2006 00:02,
Simonetta said…
Dear Heart, I have a great problem at the moment. My cursor has turned into a shell and I'm trying to get it back to a pointer. Please have patience with me and forgive me my sin.
At 17 December, 2006 00:13,
Anonymous said…
No patience left. I will not have patience with you any longer. I request answers to my emails.
At 17 December, 2006 00:24,
Simonetta said…
Whacko! I got rid of the seashell!!
Now, what's wrong with you. I haven't had any email!
At 17 December, 2006 00:28,
Anonymous said…
sorry, that was me
At 17 December, 2006 00:31,
Simonetta said…
I guessed that.
At 17 December, 2006 00:32,
Anonymous said…
No email? Is something wrong with your email box?
At 17 December, 2006 00:41,
Simonetta said…
Dunno! I'm getting spam so it must be OK!
At 17 December, 2006 00:48,
Anonymous said…
Which is your default?
At 17 December, 2006 00:54,
Simonetta said…
Don't be facecious yourself. You know I have no faults.
At 17 December, 2006 01:02,
Anonymous said…
Sim. You have my email address. EMAIL ME!!!
At 17 December, 2006 01:12,
Simonetta said…
What about?
At 17 December, 2006 01:26,
Anonymous said…
Sim ... just ... email ... me.
At 17 December, 2006 10:31,
Anonymous said…
Why not Sim? Are you getting a lecture?
At 17 December, 2006 11:28,
Simonetta said…
yeah .... a mile long .... I'm still running.
At 17 December, 2006 12:35,
Anonymous said…
ROFL. You using the car to run, a sleigh. a truck or the local fire engine?
At 17 December, 2006 12:48,
Simonetta said…
Which is fastest. I'll switch.
At 17 December, 2006 13:35,
Anonymous said…
I'm waiting ...
At 17 December, 2006 14:04,
Simonetta said…
You didn't say you were sending a book.
At 17 December, 2006 14:13,
Anonymous said…
Just send an email saying Hi Hon! like you always do!!
At 17 December, 2006 14:45,
Simonetta said…
Eh? You only want a love letter!!!
Why didn't you tell me that!
It should be in your inbox now Struth! What next ........
At 17 December, 2006 15:03,
Anonymous said…
Where's Michael? I miss Michael's witty comments.
At 17 December, 2006 15:23,
Anonymous said…
No email received Babe.
At 17 December, 2006 16:00,
Simonetta said…
Huh?! Hang on! I'm covered in mud! Trying to save stranded fish mate!
At 17 December, 2006 16:01,
Simonetta said…
Mikey??? I don't live all that far from you .... want me to bruise your eyeballs?
At 17 December, 2006 16:27,
Anonymous said…
Still no email Sim.
At 17 December, 2006 16:46,
Anonymous said…
Is the Aussie Desert Queen something like the Goddess Of The Outback?
At 17 December, 2006 17:12,
Anonymous said…
Sim, you will be stinking by this time I think. Mud stinks terribly when fish have been stranded in it.
Are you going to eat the fish or put them somewhere?
At 17 December, 2006 17:14,
Anonymous said…
Shuddup Mike. Sim, there is STILL NO EMAIL!!
At 17 December, 2006 17:32,
Anonymous said…
Still no entry Sim? Please don't allow me to imagine you as Mike and Pat have suggested, I will go along with Goddess of the Outback tho. The other day she was saving tortoises stuck in the mud.
At 17 December, 2006 17:44,
Simonetta said…
HiHi!! I'm here! Just give me a chance as I'm a but grubby!
At 17 December, 2006 18:29,
Simonetta said…
Michael! I made a typo there! And of course I have showered!
At 17 December, 2006 18:30,
Simonetta said…
Read, Red has received email! Others have reeived email! You haven't allowed my 'love letter' to be deleted in the spam filter have you?
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