The Life Of One Alone

The life and thoughts of a widow.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

A Day Of Horror

Today has been so hot in it's incredible to believe we humans can live through it.
The town looks deserted as people stayed indoors beneath air conditioning.

In Eastern Victoria, firefighters continue their fight to quench the ruinous fires. One which may have been not quite so drastic if cattle had been allowed to continue to graze there. But alas, that had been stopped by environmentalists we call Greenies.

No doubt water in the dams will be affected as the smoke haze reaches far places. Thankfully, the smell has left the area in which I live.

Victoria is now 20% gone under bushfire. My heart is wrenching for the lives of the animals, insects, and wildlife this furnace has claimed.

For the firefighters and their families who are constantly watching Nasa and awaiting news. For our troops there, and for the Kiwi's my heart is aching.

Hopefully, the storms we expect will reach them and help to destroy this most vile of all things. Bushfire.

One feels so helpless when these fires now break out. So completely inadequate. All we can do is pray for them and I would think that is what they need the most.

The heat of today cannot help them in any way.

The helpless koala suffers the most hideous of deaths due to the high content of eucalypt in their fur and bodies. So virtually, these poor little creatures just smoulder to death in excrutiating agony. And nothing can be done to save them.

As I type this, storms seem to be building up in surrounding areas. Hopefuly, they will bring much needed rain.

They may mean power blackout, but who cares as long as rain is belting down and the temperature drops. Today, we have reached about 108 F. and it is only the 10th of December.

Heat such as this means alarming water evaporation - and the threat of more future dust storms.

The drought has caused brittle limbs on trees, many which will fall in high winds if the storms reach high wind capacity.

Then again, we are asking ourselves. Is the sky deceiving us again?


My friends have been telling me about the coming storm but NOOOOOO!!!!

The Fire Siren is now going off .... it's going to be a wild night!!!


It has passed - no damage but very high winds and a little rain.


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