A Life On The Line
I have been asked to place an entry about my lengthy career as a mod so thought it might be OK. NO NAMES WIL BE MENTIONED.
Being on a Mod Squad is no fun really. It's alot of hard work, thankless, demanding and exact.
People love you - people hate you.
The Mods under intense fire from hatred are those who mod exceptionally High Traffic and hard forums.
These were the Forums I modded along with many gentle ones.
A christian forum is, to me, one where there are only christians. Sadly, this place allowed atheists, muslims, gays, satanists and you name it's along with christians. And the fighting was intense.
No - it wasn't fighting, it was war.
Apologetics was deplorable and one place where everyone gathered who was just out to argue. Ethics & Morality was an intense forum where only the very brave dared to enter for they spoke about things which no decent people really talk about.
Non christian religion is another tough one where muslims try to convert christians and vice versa.
I modded those three along with other hard ones.
The training period is fun, then, when that is over Forums are assigned to the mod.
At first they are light as heavy traffic forums are not permitted to the novice.
If one sees a mod with very light forums one knows the mod cannot handle the intensity of High Traffic such as those mentioned.
I was thrown into Ethics and Morality for starters. It was hard, darn hard. But, I had a good mentor who guided me through.
It was in E&M where I received my sex education. Oh My God!! It was an education I could have done without!
But, I was stuck with this vile forum and trapped there as I learned fast, and did my job well. Many times I requested "Lemme out!" - and as many times I was told I was needed and no, I could not be released.
Then, I was requested to mod General Apologetics. My eyes widened at THIS one! NOOO!!! They couldn't do it to me!!
But, I had proven mysely in E&M and the heart rendering request to take on G.A too was reluctantly accepted.
The nightmare began as the two Forums were the hardest Forums on the whole site to moderate.
Threads were closed for 'cleaning', (Deletion of horrific posts) and warnings issued.
One G.A Mod cracked under the strain and left soon after I started. That left me and a couple of other mods.
Then, they needed a strong Mod for Non Christian Religion and requested I be the one to take the Forum. My explanation of modding G.A. and E&M was intense did not work.
So, I was assigned to NCR.
By now I had them fighting in G.A., carrying on in E&M and fighting in NCR.
The reports came in fast and furious.
Mods were amazing how they timed things. They always vanished on the tough Forums when known trouble makers came online never to be seen until the following day.
Over and over I would check to see if my fellow mods were online - nope! And the red light kept flashing........
I came to loathe that red light calling me to a report.
All mods were asked to have a 'sock puppet' (another non mod account. It was such a pleasure when I logged into mine. From the other account I could post in peace with no red light flashing.
It was no fun to learn that many mods posted in E&M and G.A. under their sock puppets where they flamed other members something shocking!
I learned they were actually mods the hard way. I Unofficially Warned a mod. This of course was demanded to be lifted (which was done immediately). One cannot warn a mod for calling another member a "bloody stupid heathen with boots for brains". No,no.
Then came time for me to be called to U.T. Another hard Forum where Christians mingle with the mormons etc; and one tries to convert the other.
I took it on as nobody else would hoping they would behave themselves. No,no. They got worse!
It seemed the red light would never stop.
It was nothing to go to sleep only to find 78 unattended reports in my pm box when I awoke.
There was a very limited few mods I liked or trusted. Many become moderators for the status, not the job. They were not my kind of people whatsoever.
And although moderating is called a "ministery" it is far from that. It's an unpaid job on a forum such as that one and nothing else.
As a mod, I met the most deceitful and degrading types of "christians" I think the world could offer. And, I met lovely christians who were far too good to be bothered with the types there.
It amazed me to see so many married women and men on the forum. Had I not been single, I would have been with my husband and certainly not at a place like that!!
It was also amazing to watch the flirtations which took place. I was too busy to notice until a Mod pm'd me and pointed out a few things on a certain forum. I peeked and we went onto msn and could laugh about them and watch their antics.
Wasted time for me but well worth it for the laugh!!
It was for flirtation reasons forums for singles were created. (We were wondering if one of the so called 'pastors' on the place would marry some of them)!!
Of course only some of we mods believed the people were pastors. I didn't believe a word these 'pastors' said! To me they were just another lot of liars wanting attention.
I was requested to mod the Singles Forums and to that, I had only one word to answer. "No". They seemed to understand 'no' better than an explanation as to why.
PM's came in of love, and abuse. As I was modding the "Bad Forums" abuse was mainly what was received.
These we downloaded and saved to documents. I still have mine saved which have been burned to disc.
Appeals against warnings were common. We groaned when these came in. One in particular I will never forget. Appeals were downloaded secretly and saved in Documents. Mine have now been burned to disc as a reminder of the hatred and spite held in the hearts of too many "christians".
Bad threads we had to cleanout were downloaded and saved prior to cleaning.
We could see everyone's IP address, and that was something I had a great problem with as there were known hackers on the Forum.
Some mods joined the squad only to stay a short time, then leave which was sad but understandable.
I spent a whole wasted year doing this work. Many say it wasn't wasted, but to me it was a waste of time, and a waste of effort, for today the place is said to be utterly disgraceful, and one no decent person would dare to venture.
The jealousy against some mods from other staff members was at danger point. This was the reason many mods went on "holidays" while others actually did go on holidays leaving their burden of work to other overworked mods.
Sneaks who were banned would open other accounts and carry on with their nonsense. Many of these I caught and ebanned. They would enter with no IP not knowing we had tricks and ways of finding out if they were the same person or not.
I learned too much being a Senior Moderator. I saw the world of christanity from a different point of view for the first time in my life and then understood the words "Many will be called but few will be chosen".
And, what the ordinary poster never knew was, posted in many forums were hidden posts which could only be seen by a Moderator...........
Being on a Mod Squad is no fun really. It's alot of hard work, thankless, demanding and exact.
People love you - people hate you.
The Mods under intense fire from hatred are those who mod exceptionally High Traffic and hard forums.
These were the Forums I modded along with many gentle ones.
A christian forum is, to me, one where there are only christians. Sadly, this place allowed atheists, muslims, gays, satanists and you name it's along with christians. And the fighting was intense.
No - it wasn't fighting, it was war.
Apologetics was deplorable and one place where everyone gathered who was just out to argue. Ethics & Morality was an intense forum where only the very brave dared to enter for they spoke about things which no decent people really talk about.
Non christian religion is another tough one where muslims try to convert christians and vice versa.
I modded those three along with other hard ones.
The training period is fun, then, when that is over Forums are assigned to the mod.
At first they are light as heavy traffic forums are not permitted to the novice.
If one sees a mod with very light forums one knows the mod cannot handle the intensity of High Traffic such as those mentioned.
I was thrown into Ethics and Morality for starters. It was hard, darn hard. But, I had a good mentor who guided me through.
It was in E&M where I received my sex education. Oh My God!! It was an education I could have done without!
But, I was stuck with this vile forum and trapped there as I learned fast, and did my job well. Many times I requested "Lemme out!" - and as many times I was told I was needed and no, I could not be released.
Then, I was requested to mod General Apologetics. My eyes widened at THIS one! NOOO!!! They couldn't do it to me!!
But, I had proven mysely in E&M and the heart rendering request to take on G.A too was reluctantly accepted.
The nightmare began as the two Forums were the hardest Forums on the whole site to moderate.
Threads were closed for 'cleaning', (Deletion of horrific posts) and warnings issued.
One G.A Mod cracked under the strain and left soon after I started. That left me and a couple of other mods.
Then, they needed a strong Mod for Non Christian Religion and requested I be the one to take the Forum. My explanation of modding G.A. and E&M was intense did not work.
So, I was assigned to NCR.
By now I had them fighting in G.A., carrying on in E&M and fighting in NCR.
The reports came in fast and furious.
Mods were amazing how they timed things. They always vanished on the tough Forums when known trouble makers came online never to be seen until the following day.
Over and over I would check to see if my fellow mods were online - nope! And the red light kept flashing........
I came to loathe that red light calling me to a report.
All mods were asked to have a 'sock puppet' (another non mod account. It was such a pleasure when I logged into mine. From the other account I could post in peace with no red light flashing.
It was no fun to learn that many mods posted in E&M and G.A. under their sock puppets where they flamed other members something shocking!
I learned they were actually mods the hard way. I Unofficially Warned a mod. This of course was demanded to be lifted (which was done immediately). One cannot warn a mod for calling another member a "bloody stupid heathen with boots for brains". No,no.
Then came time for me to be called to U.T. Another hard Forum where Christians mingle with the mormons etc; and one tries to convert the other.
I took it on as nobody else would hoping they would behave themselves. No,no. They got worse!
It seemed the red light would never stop.
It was nothing to go to sleep only to find 78 unattended reports in my pm box when I awoke.
There was a very limited few mods I liked or trusted. Many become moderators for the status, not the job. They were not my kind of people whatsoever.
And although moderating is called a "ministery" it is far from that. It's an unpaid job on a forum such as that one and nothing else.
As a mod, I met the most deceitful and degrading types of "christians" I think the world could offer. And, I met lovely christians who were far too good to be bothered with the types there.
It amazed me to see so many married women and men on the forum. Had I not been single, I would have been with my husband and certainly not at a place like that!!
It was also amazing to watch the flirtations which took place. I was too busy to notice until a Mod pm'd me and pointed out a few things on a certain forum. I peeked and we went onto msn and could laugh about them and watch their antics.
Wasted time for me but well worth it for the laugh!!
It was for flirtation reasons forums for singles were created. (We were wondering if one of the so called 'pastors' on the place would marry some of them)!!
Of course only some of we mods believed the people were pastors. I didn't believe a word these 'pastors' said! To me they were just another lot of liars wanting attention.
I was requested to mod the Singles Forums and to that, I had only one word to answer. "No". They seemed to understand 'no' better than an explanation as to why.
PM's came in of love, and abuse. As I was modding the "Bad Forums" abuse was mainly what was received.
These we downloaded and saved to documents. I still have mine saved which have been burned to disc.
Appeals against warnings were common. We groaned when these came in. One in particular I will never forget. Appeals were downloaded secretly and saved in Documents. Mine have now been burned to disc as a reminder of the hatred and spite held in the hearts of too many "christians".
Bad threads we had to cleanout were downloaded and saved prior to cleaning.
We could see everyone's IP address, and that was something I had a great problem with as there were known hackers on the Forum.
Some mods joined the squad only to stay a short time, then leave which was sad but understandable.
I spent a whole wasted year doing this work. Many say it wasn't wasted, but to me it was a waste of time, and a waste of effort, for today the place is said to be utterly disgraceful, and one no decent person would dare to venture.
The jealousy against some mods from other staff members was at danger point. This was the reason many mods went on "holidays" while others actually did go on holidays leaving their burden of work to other overworked mods.
Sneaks who were banned would open other accounts and carry on with their nonsense. Many of these I caught and ebanned. They would enter with no IP not knowing we had tricks and ways of finding out if they were the same person or not.
I learned too much being a Senior Moderator. I saw the world of christanity from a different point of view for the first time in my life and then understood the words "Many will be called but few will be chosen".
And, what the ordinary poster never knew was, posted in many forums were hidden posts which could only be seen by a Moderator...........
At 14 December, 2006 13:00,
Anonymous said…
I will say this is educational. Being "Chicken Little" I stayed away from anything that looked like it was "trouble." I thought the Messanic Jew forum was interesting.
To show how little I know, is there any salary for letting yourself be subjected to this grief?
At 14 December, 2006 13:53,
Simonetta said…
ROFL!!! No Red! No salary!! Not even 'extra blessings'.
To peep into some Forums is OK, but be careful of posting!!
At 14 December, 2006 14:06,
Anonymous said…
YIYIYIIII!!!!!! This is scary! HOW did you do it for a year! What an eyeopener!
At 14 December, 2006 15:03,
Anonymous said…
She was the best. A superb Moderator in every way Patricia that's how she did it for a year. I still chat to the Mods on msn and they all stil ask what happened to the 'Top Girl'. She was never afraid to say "I love you" and many of us called her "The Sweetheart Of ....."
At 14 December, 2006 15:15,
Anonymous said…
Just for the record, read this post there and give your opinion.
"Holy Crap" Who cares anymore
....... now allows threads to open with "****Crap!"
And staff is posting in it.
It will be a cold, crappy day in Hades before I ever report another post.
What is the use? Does .... care about decent Christian values at all?
"**** Crap!" It doesn't look like that.
At 14 December, 2006 15:20,
Anonymous said…
I just post on my little clueless blog. It is about conversations with my cockatiel (War Eagle). Pretty bland stuff.
I think readers are trying to figure out if I am one sandwich short of a picnic. No attacks yet - who would attack a poor little cockatiel?
I am in amazement along with Patricia - how did you take that abuse for a year? I can understand wanting to help hurting folks - but you have your own sanity out there, too.
Somewhere, the Bible says the mind is exceedingly wicked. (I am too lazy to look up the citation right now. It was in the NTV - New Texas Version. I assume it is similar in the NAV - New Aussie Version). In any population you will have the evil minded. I had no idea how truly EVIL it was.
At 14 December, 2006 15:56,
Simonetta said…
You keep posting in your little blog about War Eagle Red. Many would love to read that. I used to Mod the blogs once and would have enjoyed reading it!
I don't know how I took the abuse for a year, but towards the end went into depression Red and knew the end had to come. It was driving me insane!
There is more evil than I have posted there, far, by far more evil.
The heart of man is exceedingly wicked. It seems to want to be wicked. Some hearts are good hearts filled with gentleness, but we have to be wary - very wary.
These words carried me through.
1A SOFT answer turns away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger.(A)
2The tongue of the wise utters knowledge rightly, but the mouth of the [self-confident] fool pours out folly.
3The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch upon the evil and the good.(B)
I thought I was working for God, but realised I was really working for a selfish little man who wanted a huge forum which was worth a huge amount of money and by all my hard work, I was helping him achieve his goal.
Now the place has gone to pieces and there is fighting everywhere, it will possibly attract more and more evil ones which will boost figures and make the forum worth even more money.
I guess with me it was a state of "and the gods of love look down and laugh at what romantic fools we mortals be".
At 14 December, 2006 16:00,
Simonetta said…
Read .... the word Holy is used in HOLY Bible, HOLY Spirit, HOLY Communion. There is also a hymn called "Holy Holy Holy ... Holy is the Lord God Almighty."
The words *Holy crap* are blasphemous!
If that place has sunk that low, then may God have mercy on the owners souls.
At 14 December, 2006 17:36,
Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh! It's like you were in a sort of war zone. I can't understand how you stuck it out for so long when you could have left as I would have logged out and never gone back.
The Internet is a dangerous place to be, are there any children on that place Sim? I don't like the sound of what goes on there at all.
At 14 December, 2006 17:43,
Anonymous said…
So, if you downloaded stuff, did you also have the peoples IP address?
At 14 December, 2006 17:45,
Anonymous said…
Greed is an amazing green eyed monster. We have seen many good intentioned people taken over and obsessed by greed. I saw it at Enron and was like you - thought I was employrf by a company with morals and honor.
Suddenly, a blind eye is turned when evil appears. The leadership is fearful that enforcing boundaries will cut into their income.
Cardinal Law and the Catholic Church not stopping the molestation of boys in Boston is another example of the spread of evil is allowed by greedy men.
My church in Houston (large mega church - not the largest) recently decided it wanted to replace a 60 year old widow with a seminary trained "professional." The widow was doing a good job. The church decided it needed to upgrade its image with a degreed seminary graduate. So they terminated her. Meanwhile, they are spending big bucks on an evangelistic outreach in New York while the unemployed widow is sent packing. The first thing that came to mind was that the senior pastor was trying to increase the church's attendance by being able to boast of his educated staff at the expense of a widow who had been faithful there for 15 years.
I'm not sure that I am making sense here so will quit before I make it too obvious that I really am a sandwich short of a picnic.
At 14 December, 2006 18:04,
Simonetta said…
Money is the root of ALL evil Red.
Money speaks it's own language, what would a mega church care about a widow who has served them well for 15 years when money is at stake?
A blind eye is turned when money is at stake. People adore money.
Evil has crept in through the stained glass windows and polluted the atmosphere of many churches today.
The Catholic Church in it's greed has allowed molestation of children for hundreds of years. It has also allowed the most inhumane torment of young ones for hundreds of years and can only change when Satan is finally gone.
Today we see money IS the root of all evil wherever we look.
The milk company which robs the milk of cream and sells at a high price is doing good business.
Yes Val, there are children on that place. In fact, 14 and 15 year olds debate very well indeed!
Younger ones read which is the greater danger.
To you anonymous, what do you think?
At 14 December, 2006 18:30,
Anonymous said…
What law would a really bad pm break?
At 14 December, 2006 18:43,
Simonetta said…
That depends on whether or not the pm was copied and pasted on another website and the staff member to whom it was sent ridiculed! Then is is indeed Libel!
At 14 December, 2006 19:06,
Anonymous said…
Is is possible for you to forgive those people who abused you in pm and copied and pasted it on another website?
At 14 December, 2006 19:10,
Simonetta said…
I'd like a name anonymous.
Why should I forgive them? Because it's the christian thing to do?
Nay ... not for this one. Damage was caused to my health!!
At 14 December, 2006 19:34,
Anonymous said…
Why should she forgive anonymous? She was working with al kinds of cranks on that place from all kinds of faiths! If I were in her shoes I wouldn't think twice of what I would do!
At 14 December, 2006 20:08,
Anonymous said…
No way! I have read some of the abuse pm's she received and they ripped my guts out. Hideous, hate filled spiteful and malicious pm's only a demon filled person would think up. Came from a one who posted "Hi there!" to everyone on the forum. Such hatred I have never read in my life. Only demons could have written them.
I know Sim was struggling with her faith for awhile while she modded after getting that stuff from that weirdo. I know she's still struggling with her faith because of the viscious campaign against her managed by some who posted elsewhere. So I don't think she'll ever forgive demons.
At 14 December, 2006 20:31,
Simonetta said…
Yeah ... I still have a bit of trouble in the field of faith sometimes. But forgive those pm's?
No. I can't forgive as I cannot forget, and even if they were deleted entirely, I could never, ever forget.
At 14 December, 2006 20:44,
Anonymous said…
That's not all she did Shay, there is the matter of a moslem which I don't think she'll tell. ;)lol!
At 14 December, 2006 20:49,
Simonetta said…
At 14 December, 2006 21:04,
Simonetta said…
At 14 December, 2006 21:17,
Anonymous said…
Well then I can tell about the time you removed all the witches pentegrams in their photo's and replaced them for an animated froggie with bulging eyes AS their photo!
At 14 December, 2006 21:28,
Simonetta said…
You wait!! I'll get you for that Read!! ROFL!! They stayed stuck didn't they?
At 14 December, 2006 21:34,
Anonymous said…
That was the odd part about it, some bug stopped the removal of them so all the witches and warlocks were stuck with those weird frogs. It cracked up the whole Mod Squad into hysterics laughing. They still laugh about that ya know.
At 14 December, 2006 21:55,
Simonetta said…
Well ... it WAS a mite embarrassing when they couldn't get rid of the bloody frogs Read!
Shay ..........
I received a pm from the mod...
">>>>>>>!! YOU HAVE WARNED MY SOCK! IT IS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>!!!!"
I pm'd back.
" I am so sorry, but you cannot call an atheist a"bloody stupid heathen with boots for brains". on this forum. The warning stands as is."
He pm'd me back .....
" >>>>>>>!!!!! LIFT THAT WARNING OFF MY SOCK !!!!!"
I pm'd back.
" I am sorry but I need proof you are .............'s sock."
He pm'd me back ..........
Next thing, I received a pm from >>>>>>>>>> stating.
" Lift the warning on >>>>>>>> babe, it's >>>>>>>>>>>>> sock."
I pm'd back.
And the warning was lifted.
Later, I received a pm from >>>>>>>>> as the Mod. He told me he had changed his medication hence the flaming and apologised to me.
I apologised to him for the warning and added, "Please don't do that to me again?"
He pm'd me back stating " ONLY IF YOU LEAVE MY SOCKS ALONE!!!"
At 14 December, 2006 22:08,
Anonymous said…
Oh Sim!!! That is so funny!!
At 14 December, 2006 22:08,
Anonymous said…
Yeah and I was the one who had to pm her and tell her it was his sock. lol!
At 14 December, 2006 22:18,
Anonymous said…
Now will you tell about the moslem who told you to " go and beget"?
At 14 December, 2006 22:26,
Simonetta said…
yeah ..... if I don't you will! I changed his Avatar to The Holy Bible. He squealed like a stuck pig!!! Geez I laughed!
At 14 December, 2006 22:31,
Anonymous said…
Isn't an Avatar the little Picture near their names?
At 14 December, 2006 22:32,
Anonymous said…
SQUEALED? He screamed!!! Wouldn't have been so bad if he hadn't named himself a proud one!
At 14 December, 2006 22:36,
Simonetta said…
Yes Pat! And he was a REAL proud one!! But ... he crumbled a bit when he had the Holy Bible up near his name .....
At 14 December, 2006 22:41,
Anonymous said…
I'm still laughing about him trying to explain to the Christians he HAD NOT CONVERTED!!!!!!!
At 14 December, 2006 22:43,
Anonymous said…
Oh my Lord!!! I can't stop laughing here!!
At 14 December, 2006 22:46,
Simonetta said…
Oh the power .....
At 14 December, 2006 22:57,
Anonymous said…
What about the time you threw all the posts out of that thread in Eschatology?
At 14 December, 2006 23:03,
Simonetta said…
They were Full Preterist posts. How was I to know he was on his 6th warning!
Out went the posts before his very eyes, then out he went!
At 14 December, 2006 23:22,
Simonetta said…
yeah .... she was tryin to get me to go to bed because I had the flu' or something, so I jumped up a gumtree and she shot me to get me down to put me to bed.
Aussie Lounge! I remember pinning that thread.
At 14 December, 2006 23:30,
Anonymous said…
Which forum did you really dislike Sim? I remember one you were on for a short time then you wouldn't have anything thing to do with it.
At 14 December, 2006 23:41,
Simonetta said…
When I modded that Forum there was the biggest fight the Forum ever knew all threads put together and all members put together.
The women nearly tore one another apart.
The name calling, swearing, and abuse hurled through space and nearly knocked Venus clear out of orbit.
Two members were banned by another mod, then we had to find all her sock puppets. She had like about 10?
Whew ... couldn't get out of that quick enough. I could handle the men and women fighting, but not just women.
At 14 December, 2006 23:42,
Simonetta said…
One member was banned I mean't.
At 14 December, 2006 23:51,
Anonymous said…
lol! Then we went on strike.
At 14 December, 2006 23:58,
Simonetta said…
ROFL! I saved the whole conversation. Want it?
At 15 December, 2006 00:04,
Anonymous said…
Shoot. Send it through.
At 15 December, 2006 00:09,
Simonetta said…
On it's way now. May take awhile.
At 15 December, 2006 00:13,
Anonymous said…
You were always fast kid. ;)
Adore you.
At 15 December, 2006 00:30,
Simonetta said…
A Best Friend Christian Brother. As for whether he/she is a mod or not, we won't go there. OK?
At 15 December, 2006 00:45,
Simonetta said…
No no!!! He could be a Sister!
At 15 December, 2006 00:57,
Anonymous said…
I'm a heterexexual male.
Sim, it's all there. Good work! Quite funny to glance through, I'll read it all laters.
At 15 December, 2006 01:08,
Simonetta said…
Be careful mate! The word is heteralsexual!
At 15 December, 2006 01:13,
Anonymous said…
Get to bed. I want to read. ;)
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