Mickey The Fin

Oh what a day! I have been busy catching live fish from a lagoon which is drying out in order to save their lives. They were flapping around in shallow muddy water.
One photo is of the fish scales of the BIGGEST fish I have EVER caught. And the other is of the same fish which is quite at home for the time being in a bath of water in the paddock.
To gaze upon the beauty of such a huge fish is out of this world!
To catch it was another matter ......
Yes, I fell over in the deep mud many times as this monster tried to find a way of escape for it's life, but it didn't know I was the only means of it's escape.
The name of the big fish was going to be Moby, but then I thought Mickey The Fin would be a far better name for it. It sort of reminded me of a Michael I know of in Mildura.
It measures just over two feet in length and will soon be in deeper water to enable it to swim around and eat whatever things fish eat.
When I did the test of patience in photographing fish fins arise from deep water, I had no idea God would allow me to actually HAVE one to photograph even if it did put up a fight!!!
The camera will be snapping happily.
At present he is very quiet and happily laying in his bath of water. He does look a bit like a shark, but he does have a sort of a yellow underside so I think it's a Yellow Belly.
Other fish were Redfin, these I quickly placed into a lake. But the monster Mickey The Fin, I could not part with until he is well and truly photographed!
Coming home with a monster fish in the boot of the car and covered in mud plus sitting on Newspapers was something a bit different!
At 17 December, 2006 18:43,
Simonetta said…
Of course! What nicer tribute could I give to one of my blogger friends Mike? It sort of reminded me of you is soooo many ways.
At 17 December, 2006 18:47,
Anonymous said…
Sim, the photo is rather small, but I do think you saved a European Carp!
At 17 December, 2006 19:27,
Anonymous said…
Sim, you had a very hectic day ......... poor Michael......
At 17 December, 2006 19:46,
Simonetta said…
hmnnn??? You would like the thread title changed Mickey? - er Michael?
What would you suggest as I really would like it to keep it to it's name of Mickey.
Mickey The Carp perhaps if a Carp is what it is?
At 17 December, 2006 19:52,
Anonymous said…
At 17 December, 2006 20:26,
Anonymous said…
Would have like to see a bigger photo of the fish fins, they look like little shells.
At 17 December, 2006 20:59,
Simonetta said…
Mickey ... er ... Mike, what is your gripe? Be proud! Stand firm my man, shoulders back, head up! You are before a woman now! Prepare to meet thy doom!
At 17 December, 2006 21:02,
Anonymous said…
Sim, I am still waiting for my email Babe.
At 17 December, 2006 21:24,
Anonymous said…
Got it Sim. ;)
At 17 December, 2006 21:59,
Simonetta said…
Mike, do you realize if God hadn't created woman, man wouldn't be here today to do anything?
At 17 December, 2006 22:32,
Simonetta said…
Song: Guenevere Lyrics
Oh, they found Guenevere
With her bold cavalier
And as swords rang through the hall
Lance escaped them, one and all
On a day dark and drear
Came to trial Guenevere
Ruled the jury for her shame
She be sentenced to the flame
Early dawn was the time
She would pay for her crime
Or would Lancelot reappear
Come and rescue Guenevere?
I'll wager the king himself is hoping he will return
Why would he have chosen five AM for the queen to burn?
When the world is black and gray, what time would be more ideal
For Lancelot to come and steal Guenevere?
As the dawn filled the sky
On the day she would die
There was wonder far and near
Would Mordor burn Guenevere?
Then suddenly earth and sky were dazed by a pounding roar
And suddenly through the dawn an army began to pour
And lo, ahead the army, holding aloft his spear
Came Lancelot to save his dear Guenevere
By the score fell the dead
As the sky turned to red
Countless numbers felt his spear
As he rescued Guenevere
In that dawn, in that gloom
More than love met its doom
In the dying candle's gleam
Came the sundown of a dream
Guenevere, Guenevere
In that dim, mournful year
Saw the men she held most dear
Go to war for Guenevere
Guenevere, Guenevere
Guenevere, Guenevere
Saw the men she held most dear
Go to war for Guenevere.
But .... she never returned to ... Mordor.
At 17 December, 2006 22:38,
Anonymous said…
If Ever I Would Leave You Lyrics
If ever I would leave her
It wouldn't be in summer.
Seeing her in summer I never would go.
Her hair streaked with sun-light,
Her lips red as flame,
Her face witha lustre
that puts gold to shame!
But if I'd ever leave her,
It couldn't be in autumn.
How I'd leave in autumn I never will know.
I've seen how she sparkles
When fall nips the air.
I know her in autumn
And I must be there.
And could I leave her
running merrily through the snow?
Or on a wintry evening
when she catches firee glow?
If ever I would leave her,
How could it be in spring-time?
Knowing how in spring I'm bewitched by her so?
Oh, no! not in spring-time!
Summer, winter or fall!
No, never could I leave her at all!
Friendship only. ;)
At 17 December, 2006 22:42,
Simonetta said…
In other words Mike, when they did what they did to me at Mordor, some of the men fought tooth and nail for me. Reader and I remained the best of friends. You see ...... he's married.
At 17 December, 2006 23:56,
Anonymous said…
Somehow I don't think anyone's got much hope! Sim just slapped you in the face with a fish Mike. ROFL!
At 18 December, 2006 00:02,
Anonymous said…
With Sim, one must to be prepared to expect the unexpected and have a remarkable sense of humour. Constantly I myself have had to report her to the Matriach for her outrageous lifestyle. Who pray tell me, in their right mind would enter mud to save fish?!
At 18 December, 2006 00:40,
Anonymous said…
I am outraged Michael! Sim stop this man from speaking to me in this manner!
At 18 December, 2006 00:46,
Simonetta said…
Nope. Thanks Mike! :p
At 18 December, 2006 14:04,
Anonymous said…
I dunno Mikesan. There is a certain poetic ring to it.
It is WIDELY rumored that The Matriarch has ofically approved "Mike The Carp" for the Celestial Records. That is what I saw on Google Earth as the mother ship flew over. I am trying to tune in to Area 31 at Roswell, NM and get confirmation.
At 18 December, 2006 14:30,
Anonymous said…
I think you spotted Denise.
At 18 December, 2006 15:40,
Anonymous said…
Oops - Sorry,
My highly inexperienced and underpaid staph has advised it was Cafeteria Records and not Celestial Records.
She's probably still trying to email reader/Lance. Her keyboard is all stuck with mud.
At 18 December, 2006 17:08,
Simonetta said…
I heard that. :D
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