It Is Over

Above is a photo of the lagoon where I photographed majestic, and exotic wildlife. Overlaying it is the smoke from the bushfires in Gippsland.
This is where I also photographed fish fins and watched the fish at play. It was also where I caught Mickey The Fin.
It is also where I photographed little ducks asleep on flowering water lilies and also where the last fish alive was bludgeoned to death by kids.
Is is over now until heavy, teaming rains hit the area. And these seem but a dream
Photographed here was: The Royal Spoonbill, The Strawnecked Ibis, The Yellow Billed Spoonbill, The Giant Egret, The Sacred Ibis, and many, many more.
I haven't identified one photographed.
These have all left of course.
Now, the Sacred Ibis is still around but spends more time cleaning the mud off itself than doing anything worthwhile!
The pelicans are always cleaning mud off themselves!
Although this is only a lagoon, the loss of a lake in a town means a slow death to business houses, and sooner or later, the people move out.
I have been told to stay here and not move to Ballarat due to the lack of water there. Lovely, I stay here and slowly fry. gahhhhhhh .... whatta life!
Back to Narnia!
At 21 December, 2006 15:20,
Anonymous said…
Oh Sim! I am honestly in tears right now. Are you going to display the photos? Have they been kept for posterity?
At 21 December, 2006 15:56,
Anonymous said…
Oh my god! I know that lagoon so well! I had no idea things were that bad!
At 21 December, 2006 17:55,
Simonetta said…
Have they allowed MORE immigrants into Australia during the drought?
At 21 December, 2006 17:58,
Simonetta said…
Yes Pat, the best of the photo's will be displayed in time. We are hoping for rain though. And yes, they are being kept for posterity.
At 21 December, 2006 19:12,
Simonetta said…
If I were not behind Pauline Mike, I'd be a traitor to my country, and my country means the world to me as it IS MY world!
At 21 December, 2006 19:23,
Anonymous said…
And MY WORLD TOO! I am also behind Pauline 10000000000000000 percent!
If they had listened to her in the first place, and listened to we Aussies, we wouldn't have people urning our flag and playing "Spot The Aussie" in Melbourne. It's just out of this world and off the planet. Forgive me Sim, but I want the White Australia Policy BACK!
At 21 December, 2006 19:30,
Simonetta said…
Well, we can't have it back and I can't see what any of this has got to do with my entry.
At 21 December, 2006 20:02,
Simonetta said…
Another thing I want to say is this. There is good and bad in every race, and colour.
It was an Asian Nursing Sister who was the most supportive to me when my guy had the last bypass. She was simply gorgeous.
So please ... try to remember the good ones?
At 21 December, 2006 21:51,
Anonymous said…
Hey Sim? What do you mean Back To Narnia?
At 21 December, 2006 22:12,
Simonetta said…
I'm reading the Chronicles Of Narnia. It was a Christmas Gift from a friend and I am wrapped!! It's fantastic!
At 21 December, 2006 23:20,
Anonymous said…
aaahhhhhhh, a book you would enjoy thoroughly. Great gift to give and receive.
At 22 December, 2006 11:22,
Simonetta said…
Oy Aussie! So? I'm a sinner? Top stuff! That proves I'm human. ;D
LOTR. Top Show.
Star Wars .... hmnnnnnn .... RTD2 and CP30 were great!
Last movie I saw in a Theatre was Independence Day about 19 years ago.
OOOOO ... how I'd love to go so the flicks again!!
At 22 December, 2006 11:23,
Simonetta said…
oops ... Independence Day .. about 10 years ago ... maybe more....
At 22 December, 2006 15:29,
Simonetta said…
Not worth an answer.....
At 22 December, 2006 17:38,
Anonymous said…
Sim? Where are you today?
At 22 December, 2006 18:58,
Anonymous said…
A personal thought from a Texas Yank.
Aussies are a tough lot. In a way, they remind me of Scots - although Scotland was not born out of a penal colony. The lands are tough and the population had to work hard to survive and be self reliant. The Aussies not only survived they have made the dryest continent on earth into a bountiful nation. Many outsiders are looking for the good life and don't want to go through the trials and tribulations - they just want everything handed to them. How do you know before hand who the "worker bees" are and who the "drones" and free riders are? You don't. So almost everyone gets in.
Difficult times sometimes will help a country sort that out. Those who love the country will stick it out and those there to turn a fast dinero will leave on their own.
Texas had that happen during the short "oil boom" in the 1980's. The bust shook out alot of slackers. Unfortunately, good folks get hurt, also.
At 22 December, 2006 23:24,
Simonetta said…
That's a very interesting comment Red, and very thought provoking.
Sadly, many people come here to live because they think we are softies and it's a carefree nation of tolerant people who run around all day saying "she'll be right mate". But we don't do that.
The fact is, we, the Australians, Aboriginal and white have been brought up to know how to get through the tough times.
Our older 'New Australians' have also learned this too and been a positive blessing to Australia.
My parents were true Aussie Battlers. We weren't rich, but by their being battlers, we learned value, and survival. Dad worked hard.
There are alot on non workers in Australia we call "dole bludgers". They refuse to go to work and rely on the Government to keep them.
We don't want to see good people hurt, but unfortunately it happens in bad times.
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