The Life Of One Alone

The life and thoughts of a widow.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

It Is Over

Above is a photo of the lagoon where I photographed majestic, and exotic wildlife. Overlaying it is the smoke from the bushfires in Gippsland.

This is where I also photographed fish fins and watched the fish at play. It was also where I caught Mickey The Fin.

It is also where I photographed little ducks asleep on flowering water lilies and also where the last fish alive was bludgeoned to death by kids.

Is is over now until heavy, teaming rains hit the area. And these seem but a dream

Photographed here was: The Royal Spoonbill, The Strawnecked Ibis, The Yellow Billed Spoonbill, The Giant Egret, The Sacred Ibis, and many, many more.

I haven't identified one photographed.

These have all left of course.

Now, the Sacred Ibis is still around but spends more time cleaning the mud off itself than doing anything worthwhile!

The pelicans are always cleaning mud off themselves!

Although this is only a lagoon, the loss of a lake in a town means a slow death to business houses, and sooner or later, the people move out.

I have been told to stay here and not move to Ballarat due to the lack of water there. Lovely, I stay here and slowly fry. gahhhhhhh .... whatta life!

Back to Narnia!


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