My Grandaughter And I.

It is time for me to post a photo of my Darling Grandaughter and I - as we are. This photo was taken last December just before last Christmas, just a few weeks ago actually.
It wasn't always this way. Simmy was actually antisocial as a little one and I didn't meet her until she was about 2 years old.
She was quite used to her other Grandmother, but had only heard about another mystical 'Nandy' in the bush who wrote childrens books; who lived in an enchanted Cottage with all her animals; who painted and did heaps of drawings; and, who loved Lavender and Lace.
Her other Grandmother is much older than me, and is always ill poor Darling. So Simmy was prepared to meet another Grandmother with all over grey hair, an old lady who was constantly ill and who didn't drive a car or anything.
Imagine her shock when I drove into the driveway of her home in a red coupe sporting the latest in gifts for all and plenty of special sweets for Daddy who loves them. I mean, NOBODY buys DADDY lollies!!
No grey hair all over, perfectly fit and well, laughing and joking, hugging everyone
and who took the floor as centre of attention - with all but .... Simmy.
She fled. I glanced at her then at my daughter who explained that she was very shy and decided I'd soon fix that up!
Each time Simmy stole a glance at me, I stole one at her, and immediately I "became" as shy of her as she was of me.
A whole day passed where we hid from one another in our shyness, constantly looking at one another very, very shyly and pretending we didn't exist.
We saw one another in the hallway - and fled in opposite directions, then peered out of the crack of a door to see if we were looking at one another again. When we saw we were looking at each other, the door shut fast.
We found places to hide from one another I don't think her Mum and Dad knew about.
I was starting to het a bit tired of this game but noted how she would go out to my car and stare at it.
" What's the prob Hon? She like Coupe's?" I questioned my daughter.
" I don't know Muz, I think she just likes the colour, also, her other Grandmother doesn't drive. It might be a surprise for her to see you drive. I think she's baffled somehow. She expected a "Grandmother" I think you know what I mean."
Inside she would creep, and then the game would start again. I was just too shy of her.
That evening after Tea, I collapsed on the lounge. Sim stared at me. I stared back.
She moved forward. I moved backward. She looked at me puzzled, I looked at her exceptionally puzzled.
I reached for my handbag, lipstick was needed. She watched me. I watched her. She frowned, I frowned. She looked totally baffled! She looked at the lipstick, I looked at the lipstick.
I put the lipstick on, she watched. Then very, very shyly, more shyly and timud than a little mouse I said to her softly "Want some?"
She came over and I put some lipstick on her.
That did it! Lipstick! There is no doubt about we girls, we stick together.
Her parents went into hysterics laughing, so did Simmy and so did I. And, we have never been separated in friendship ever since.
From then onwards we were the best of friends. Special books were written just for her, books I bound myself as they were absolutely personally hers. Special drawings for the books were done and gone was my career for the world as I ploughed myself into books for my little Grandaughter and Grandson. They mean't the world to me.
Today, she drives that Coupe I drove into her Driveway. And, she is the proudest young lady one could imagine because she owns it. We can't seem to prise her out of it!
At 21 February, 2007 22:42,
Anonymous said…
And both wipeout lovely with those gentle eyes. Simply beautiful to see a photo of you together. You still have that dimple in your cheek Sim!
At 22 February, 2007 00:06,
Anonymous said…
What a gorgeous photo of two gorgeous girls, and a magnificent entry Sim. So touchingly lovely, honestly I could not take my eyes off that lovely photo of two lovely gentle love filled faces.
At 22 February, 2007 00:41,
Simonetta said…
Thanks girls. Sim's Dad took the photo of us together. Nobody much reads this blog so I thought it wouldn't hurt to pop our photo up.
At 22 February, 2007 00:49,
Anonymous said…
Sim, I just cannot believe you are still unmarried. I'll take a stab in the dark and say most have beer bellies, wear thongs and stubby shorts and a T Shirt and smell like BO and shrimps on the barbie around your way. Maybe none are readers either? There has to be a reason for your still being single that is not your fault.
At 22 February, 2007 01:00,
Simonetta said…
You are partly correct Denny. Add their love for horse races, football, cricket, and, if you mention culture to them they think you are swearing at them. Mention a Library and they think you're off your head. Mention a Musuem and they think you want them to get stuffed. Mention the Arts and they think of KIndergarten Drawings. Mention travel and they think of the Pokies over the Border. Mention a holiday and they think you want to see Melbourne and it might cost. Mention the latest film out and they think of a video of it from the Fish m' chip Shop. Mention a drive in the car to them and they think of around a paddock to see how the remaining sheep are.
Mention the Bible and they think you are a "religious nut"
See what I mean?
At 22 February, 2007 10:46,
Simonetta said…
Thanks Mike, that's kind of you. But it doesn't alter the fact that mallee men are ... maybe .... er .... unedugated eathen?
At 22 February, 2007 11:57,
Anonymous said…
She is just gorgeous, one can see in her eyes how much she loves you and visa versa.
At 22 February, 2007 12:23,
Anonymous said…
Simonetta said...
You are partly correct Denny. Add their love for horse races, football, cricket, and, if you mention culture to them they think you are swearing at them. Mention a Library and they think you're off your head. Mention a Musuem and they think you want them to get stuffed. Mention the Arts and they think of KIndergarten Drawings. Mention travel and they think of the Pokies over the Border. Mention a holiday and they think you want to see Melbourne and it might cost. Mention the latest film out and they think of a video of it from the Fish m' chip Shop. Mention a drive in the car to them and they think of around a paddock to see how the remaining sheep are.
Mention the Bible and they think you are a "religious nut"
See what I mean?
At 22 February, 2007 12:25,
Anonymous said…
Sorry, that was me Sim, I am laughing my head off at those comments. The photo gives me a great sense of calm and peace, not many photo's do that to me but this is a one of, it is beautiful and what is more, no makeup??
At 22 February, 2007 22:36,
Simonetta said…
No use wearing makeup where I live Denny. Just a bit of lipstick is enough.
Sorry Mike, hey! There may be some really great blokes out there in the mallee! They just seem all the same to me. But I'm no expert on men, far from it!
At 23 February, 2007 00:16,
Anonymous said…
What an enchanting photo and entry.
At 23 February, 2007 00:37,
Anonymous said…
I have taken the liberty of reading and rereading this entry and studying the beautiful photo, each time I have done so, a sense of calm touches me. Thankyou so much for sharing.
At 23 February, 2007 18:45,
Simonetta said…
Thankyou so much! It makes me happy of I have made another happy!
Y'know Mike, you may be right there. Like ... I haven't given the ones who make their own moonshine a chance and hang my head in shame. Am I better than they? After all, I do juice my own lemons and oranges.
At 23 February, 2007 21:43,
Simonetta said…
Mike, I am flattered, but somehow I don't think so .....
At 24 February, 2007 08:51,
Simonetta said…
Damn! I should have thought of Johnny before Janine grabbed him!
On a more serious note, who the hell said I was looking for someone.
At 24 February, 2007 13:12,
Anonymous said…
I think it is because your name was listed in "Hotties Of The Southern Cross" Magazine
At 24 February, 2007 21:22,
Simonetta said…
Darn! Why DO I miss out on all the best magazines. It simply isn't fair. I'll have to see the Prime Minister about this, it's a national tragedy.
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