I'm Running Away From Home

Have you ever had one of THOSE days? I mean one of those REALLY and TRULY odd days when nothing seems to go right?
Mine started last night when I locked Mummy chook and her now half grown chickens in the hen house for the first time. I forgot the hen was part of the rooster's harem, that turned her off the chickens.
Still, I let Mummy hen out, with her "chicks". Mummy had forgotten them and took off to find where I left tid bits for her and her 'babies'. OK, I got the hen back into the henhouse after running as fast as her for half an hour. I think a bit of "mallee talk' finally got to her.
That left the chickens running loose. OK, I'd collect them tonight. So, on their own without Mummy, they dug heck out of my spinach.
Right --- I had a bit of work to do for the town so it was off to the watering hole to gather the things they needed to save the ecology. Everything went well till I got there.
They didn't tell me I had to go was the sinkhole!!!
So, up to my knees in slimy rotten mud the things which needed saving were saved then it was time to leave.
I was stuck. Hopelessly stuck and sinking. There was only one thing to do, crawl out.
I wonder if anyone else has ever had to crawl out of black mud? Like, it was partly under water but it was still mud!
I got out - the critters were saved but I was a black blob. Looking across at my little pure white dog, I saw a little pure black ball of black mud. Nooo!!! She was a MESS!! My Doggie!! The car!!!
We both headed for a bit of clean water, and it WAS a bit too! But enough to get most of the mud off!
The nose of the car was turned homewards and she purred like a kitten. Suddenly, a big dog ran in front of the car, I braked, and ... over went the half bucket of water and all the saved critters from the sinkhole.
Sooooo ... panic set in. There were prawns jumping, fish springing, water jumpers and you name it popping up from the floor like corks from champagne bottles.
Lovely..... just flamin'lovely! It took me ages to catch the darn things again plus clean the car!
Home at last, the shower went on and relief poured down.
I shampooed my hair five times before I could reach for the conditioner!
Had a bit of lunch after putting the water animals in the ecology pond, washed up then decided to have a nice foot bath to make sure all that mud was gone.
Oh yes, I'd pop it onto vibrate/bubbles and let the vibrations massage and really cleanse my tootsies and toe nails as I still felt kind of dirty.
So, in went a few drops of Lavender Bath Bubbles and in went the tootsies.
The hum of the foot bath was soft and hypnotic, the sensation of the foot bath was relaxing so got really comfy and dozed off a bit.
I roused as the water seemed to be getting warmer which was natural, so thought it could be changed to fresh water. When I opened my eyes I could only stare at the sight. There were bubbles almost up to my knees!
I grabbed a nearby camera and took the photo's you see there of my foot bath as the bubbles kept getting higher, and higher and higher till all I could see was bubbles!
Jumped out of that fast, pulled the cord out and emptied the darn thing thankful that I wasn't married and have a husband yelling at me for wetting the carpet!
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Evening came, do you think I could get those darn chickens back into the chicken house? No way!! I ran around trees, bushes, shrubs, over lawns, through the fernery and the darned things STILL wouldn't be fed in the chicken house because Mummy wasn't there!
So, I got Mummy, chucked her in the chicken house then quietly lured the chickens toward her. They reacted!! Whoopee!!!
But, Mummy was screaming her lungs out, she wanted to go back in with Daddy! So, round and round the chicken house I flew with chickens flying everywhere and the galah sitting there yelling " WHAT ARE YA DOING NOW!!"
I finally got them all and for the first time ever, they were all held by the feet!
The sqwarking and squarking caused every dog in the neighbourhood to go off on a barking spree.
So! There were neighbours screaming " LAY DOWN YA MONGREL!!" while the Galah was screeching " WHATTA YA DOING!!!", and the hen was screeching out of tune with the chickens screaming.
This set the rooster off. He started crowing his head off and screeching thinking his girlfriend and kids were in strife. He in turn set the other hens off, which, in turn set the ducks off, this set the budgerigahs off and they in turn set the Cockatiels off.
The noise comin from my place was deafening!! Then, my little girl Galah started screeching!
No, no ... this wasn't happening.
In the meantime, as it was the animals tea time, the two cats were hungry, so The Tid (my youngest) decided to try to purr around my legs.
How could he do that!! With all the noise around the place one would have thought he'd have shot up the nearest tree and caught a sparrow! But noooo .... so, I fell head over turkey over the cat!
He let out a squark and THEN decided to go up a tree! Cat's are stupid creatures at times. If only all cats were like my older boy. He's a thorough gentleman.
Well, I still had hold of the chook and chickens by the feet so up I got and headed for the hen house where they were gently placed in a dark place so I couldn't see them. This set a sitting Game Hen off on a screeching spree!
The rooster came at me then, he chased me around and around that large yard as if he was demented!! He squarked and carked all over the place while I used a bit of harsh talking back while on the run from the thing.
The ducks were visibly shaken, the hens were absolutely off their heads because they just stood and stared with not a squark out of them. The ducks also stared but ducks tend to use their quackers if things are not right so I threatened them with no water for a week if they didn't shut up.
Finally, FINALLY .... I got out of the place and leaned with my back against the fowl yard door. It was over ........
I looked down - no shoes.
I passed the Galah which was still talking like a mad thing as he always does when there's a bit of excitement, closed my eyes when he said " What DID you DO?",came inside and closed the door to the sound of the Galah chattering away and singing to himself. Fell over the cat again and knocked the standing fan over.
That scared the cat into trying to spring out the kitchen window which scared hell out of the Budgies again.
At 06 February, 2007 10:35,
Anonymous said…
Great day for the BP Sim, sorry but I did have to laugh because I can just imagine the whole scene!
That's quite a foot bath you have there too. It generated a rich supply of bubbles for you to wade out of. ROFL!
At 07 February, 2007 02:03,
Simonetta said…
I am sorry, but all other comments have had to be deleted.
Thanks Pat!
At 07 February, 2007 11:02,
Anonymous said…
Good girl ;)
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