Father Heals.
I don't believe for one second there is any disease on earth the Almighty Father cannot heal.
I often wonder though if Father allows us to get sick in order for us to become closer to Him for the Believer will always turn to Him
in sickness.
My sojourn in hospital was that of complete straight sleep for 24 hours I woke for a short time, wanted a shower and recall being
distressed as I had no toiletries and had to use a soap dispenser. But, at least it was a little refreshing.
Since my arrival home, I have slept like a baby and never drank so much water in my life.
Slow breathing is excellent for High Blood Pressure and I have been doing heaps of this when awake.
I guess I must look a sight at home fast asleep with two big lazy fat cats asleep nearby guarding me, and a little Maltse Shihitsu
laying next to them also guarding Mummy.
I refuse to drink coffee now as it dehydrates the body and can raise B.P. So, a once a day light cup is the limit.
But, I can't get over the amount of water I've consumed! I think the damns might be a bit lower now ...
Uhoh, I'd better start on the tank water.
Of course I pray, and I know Father knows what is best to heal one of His Children.
But, each of His children have a slightly different makeup.
So I believe we must listen closely to that still small voice which tells us which things
are food for our health - and which things are not.
Of course, I still have a way to go before I am better, but somehow, I know all will be well.
Oh boy, this entry is so far away from falling down holes in the ground .... ;D
Praise God!!
At 19 February, 2007 00:10,
Anonymous said…
Hang in there Digger, I know from what you have said here things are more serious than you have let on.
So ... hang in there little Digger.
Allow God to do as you have always said He should do and Take Control.
Hate to admit it Sim, but you are the cream in the coffee. Something I always wanted to be.
Love the picture, What is it?
At 20 February, 2007 03:54,
Anonymous said…
Thanks for sharing your experience
At 20 February, 2007 19:33,
Simonetta said…
Thankyou for your comment slyam!
At 20 February, 2007 19:33,
Simonetta said…
Thank you too Denny.
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