
It began Monday night when I went to bed. I couldn't breathe when I laid down. I went to the lounge room and laid on the couch - and couldn't breathe. The time was about 12.20 a.m. I think.
Not knowing what to do at that time of a night I sat up becoming sicker, and far too ill to drive my car. Prayer was the only way I could get through the night.
My heart beat was shockingly fast, but, I knew what was happpening there. It was "nerves" just as the Dr's had told me for years. My head was splitting, and I knew the BP was high so I stayed in a seated huddle holding my tummy so I could get some breath down there.
It took such a long time for dawn to start to break and I was exhausted from trying to fight for breath, my body was saturated in sweat.
With dawn came knowledge I wouldn't be disturbing the night staff.So I phoned the hospital. They wanted me there immediately - by ambulance. No way! I wasn't worrying ambulance staff at that time of the morning!
Next thing, a hospital car was at the door and a former Matron who is also a friend was there to get me to hospital but fast.
I have never seen such a hullabaloo. Dr arrived, everything was happening, and I was oblivious to the fact they were trying to save my life.
No, it was nothing to do with my lungs. In fact, they were fine. At last the body showed exactly what was happening - it was my heart.
I was in what they call A.F. ( Atrial Fibrillation) and drowning in my own body fluid as the heart was not pumping correctly and throwing liquid into my lungs.
The heartbeat was 147 p.minute.
Apparently, I have suffered from A.F for some time and it hasn't been detected because no ECG was given during other palpitations.
Now, I am on warfarin.
The Blood Pressure then played up of course. Many times it reached 210/70 - and up to 220/70.
My son phoned. He was lovely. I hadn't heard from him for years as he is far too busy..................
I did something unforgiveable I think, I have never asked my children for a thing, and he being a Recording Artist I thought it would be great if he could just gently play the drums and triangles for me as a meditatin music to help lower my BP.
He contacted my daughter and wasn't very happy with me for asking. He told my daughter he would send me his latest CD as there is a drum solo on it.
Apparently he was 'offended' I didn't want his wifes voice singing. Oh hell!
However, as yet, I have received nothing, not even a card. But at least he phoned and that was lovely - until I was told he had told my daughter he had to go as I was "waffling on".
I don't recall "waffling on" as I didn't have the strength to say too much, but, if they say so ........
And so, I have spent 8 days in Hospital. What hell! Not from the Hospital, but from my daughter!
She came up and played up. She refused to stay in my house as my husband had died in it. And so far as my little dog was concerned, she really wasn't interested. It was easier to close the door and her back on my little one and leave her to my next door neighbour. And, I think that is the straw which has broken the camel's back so far as she and I are concerned. I just don't want to ever see her again.
I really feel I hate her for turning her back on my little dog who only lives to love and know I can never forget - never.
I had left a plate, a knife and fork and a teacup in the sink to be washed. Naughty Mummy! My bed wasn't made. Of course not! She didn't make it either! There was a quilt on the loungeroom couch I had used to try to keep warm through the night I was suffering. Oh what a sin! Of course the plate, knife and fork and cup were not washed either.
My Grandaughter wanted me to go to them in Ballarat to recuperate. I could see I maaaaay have been a pest to my daughter if I did but wasn't positive.
Then I got the phonecall once she was back in Ballarat. She was soooooooooooooooooooo BUSY!! Oh I was welcome, but would have to pull my weight so to speak. I knew what that meant.
I didn't speak, far better to let her go on. When I did the words were abrupt.. "No worries, I won't be down, now I MUST sleep."
But I cried and cried. And up went my BP.
My phonecalls were screened after that. Gosh it's been a battle. Right now, my phone is disconnected from the wall. I want no calls from her.
I gave up on any help from them and signed myself into complete care of the Hospital and town which means I will be given Meals on Wheels until I get better, a maintenance man for as long as I need, Home Help, and of course the District Nurses will visit.
God Provides, but how I lived through that night proved His Love for His Children as not even the Dr's could work out how I lived as there was so much fluid. Aha! They didn't know how much I was sweating though!
At 22 March, 2007 14:13,
Anonymous said…
Praise God!!! What a relief to see you back on line
At 22 March, 2007 18:09,
Anonymous said…
I have cried a million tears after reading this entry today. Not you Sim ...... not you......
I know of your sufferings through life as I was there and saw too much.I can but pray now knowing you WILL become as fit as you were before. Always remember the story of the darkest cloud and remember the sunrays behind. As for the children, you spoilt them a little bit. Do not worry about them, you are number one.God is with you because of that beautiful heart you willingly share with love for it overflows with a shining light which would engulf the world. Be Blessed, Have Faith, and Darling One, Be Grateful for that love you have for mankind, for it is rare and more precious than any jewel on this crappy old earth.You are gentle and kind, you are so Blessed to be so gentle ......
Love you Sim.
At 22 March, 2007 18:33,
Radagast said…
Oh dear.
Do try and take care of yourself -- or rather, let the hospital take care of you.
Glad to see you back in action, though.
-- Radagast
At 22 March, 2007 19:38,
Anonymous said…
I also wept when I read this entry and all I could hear was you whispering "Don't cry, all is well."
Sim, concentrate on you now? What Denise said is true. You are a gentle soul with a heart filled with love and happiness - unless you see someone else suffering and then the love overflows and we see your tears no matter what race, colour or religion. And for that love you have, the Almighty God saw you sweating enough liquid out of your body for the Doctors to be able to control, and save your life, else, you would have died. Another Miracle to Praise God for. And I Praise Him Sim because you came into my life and through your entries, I see God in action.
Please now, take good care and know we all love you. God's Blessings be with you as we pray for complete recovery for being on Warferin is no happy thing. You will be having many blood tests and Pathology will be in touch with you. Being such a small boned person,you may face a little problem of bad bruising, but have no fear Dear One, just ..... please... take care. My prayers are with you.
At 22 March, 2007 20:52,
Simonetta said…
You are all so sweet! Thankyou!
I intend to let the Hospital and the Services take care of me Tony, that was a very rough ride! It will also teach me 000 is there for a reason.
Denny, I was thinking of the story of The Darkest Cloud while I was on the ECG machine for about the 6th time. Many thanks for those lovely words.
Hahaha red! Yes, I'm back. Still a long way to go but I'll make it!
Oh yes Pat, they have so much trouble finding my veins too. Pathology phoned not long ago and have bumped the Warfarin up. I am badly bruised but they will go.
I really mean I am going to take good care of me now because I guess I am number one now come to think of it.
The animals were over the moon when I got home from Hossy. Heck, it was one great reunion!
Please keep praying. Our Father in Heaven Loves us to talk to Him.
At 22 March, 2007 21:38,
Anonymous said…
Is Warfarin a dangerous medicine? What is it actually for Sim?
At 22 March, 2007 22:02,
Simonetta said…
Indeed it is a dangerous medicine Denny.
You should be able to find it, and read about it
At first, I was put on dijoxin (sp?) to lower the heart rate, then transferred to Warfarin. It is an anti coagulant.
This means severe bleeding if the patient cuts themselves, and of course severe bruising can occur.
One is not put onto Warfarin lightly. We are monitored by blood tests which are sent to Pathology, Path then phones us and tells the patient how much they need.
We are closely monitored but quite safe.
At 22 March, 2007 22:13,
Simonetta said…
Reading about it heremay be a little better.
At 22 March, 2007 22:39,
Anonymous said…
Very interesting, but I believe God has brought you this far without a stroke and will continue to see you recover under the Doctors care.
At 23 March, 2007 10:32,
Anonymous said…
Is warfarin similar to plavix?
Is 000 the emergency number?
Has your granddaughter come to visit?
At 23 March, 2007 17:11,
Radagast said…
Warfarin is similar in action to plavix, but apparently better.
000 is the emergency number.
At 23 March, 2007 20:31,
Simonetta said…
Thanks Tony. Yes, Warfarin is much better than plavix red. It is very fast acting too, and I had no side effects which was excellent.
000 is the Emergency Number red. But, I will have to wear a necklace for some time with which I can contact 000 if it happens again.
Sim had teeth extracted today so I don't expect her up. And, to be honest, even when she is over the extractions her parents won't bring her up. They are too 'busy' and have told me so.
But that's fine. They'll be screaming when the Will's read. ;)
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