It's All Happening

Today was a day when I saw a small community in action. At 9 a.m. Home Help was on my doorstep to clean the house for me. Oh boy, what a relief.
At 11 a.m. she was finished. My house looked orderly again! Oh boy, bigger relief.
At 11.10 a.m. my friend arrived to take my blood pressure. Uhoh ... too high, but, it wasn't 200!
I am fortunate there as the former Matron of the Hospital is a great friend of mine and of course has taken me under her wing. Tomorrow night, I am going to Mass with her. Mext week, I am going to church with another friend.
She left as my Lunch arrived. Now, here we are very, very lucky as everything is cooked by the Hospital Chef. No frozen foods allowed. So my lunch consisted of 2 crumbed cutlets, potatoes & parsley in mint sauce, mashed pumpkin and green beans with gravy. A large jug of soup was supposed to go down before THAT lot! Then, for desert, HUGE stewed plums and custard.
A carton of fruit juice is supplied with each meal. And, of course these meals are free of charge.
The jug of soup became my Tea.
God supplied my entertainment. A little Blue Wren managed to get into the Budgie cage and allowed me to take it's photo. This caused me to smile alot! He was so cute and tried desperately to outsing all the Budgies and the Cockatiels as well.
So I have been very spoilt today as in the afternoon, I fell asleep on the couch with all the animals around me. Well .... the four legged ones anyway.
I believe God sends us sickness to make us realise He is our final Destiny. That we have nothing to fear no matter what happens to us. That He is always there for us.
And, I don't believe God is going to ask us what religion we were on earth when the final day comes. It seems that everything in life comes back to out hearts - and minds.
I Praise My God for His Goodness, His Love and Mercy. May He always be with us for He is so Beautiful.
At 23 March, 2007 22:59,
Anonymous said…
You are living at last. And going to Mass will improve your health to no end.
At 23 March, 2007 23:09,
Simonetta said…
At 23 March, 2007 23:19,
Anonymous said…
Beautiful food delivered to your home free of charge. A House Cleaner. A Hospital Matron as a friend who is always there for you. All free of charge so I cannot help but wonder about the Maintenance Man. Do you know if he is handsome, single and a nice Catholic Gentleman?
At 23 March, 2007 23:35,
Anonymous said…
I am pleased you are being looked after so well Pet, you are also lucky to live in a town with such wonderful amenities. I would imagine you would not be permitted to have salt or coffee as they are said to bring the BP up. Enjoy this recuperation. You have a lovely soul.
At 24 March, 2007 04:11,
Anonymous said…
Frankly, all these services and attention are beyond my comprehension in the "world" in which I live.
Enjoy it, because God placed you in that special place so you could be pampered and attended to.
I look for somebody to soon start a book: Simmonetta and Her Magic Cottage w/Aviary in Oz.
I think Denise's question was: Is the maintenance man "poetry in motion?"
At 24 March, 2007 11:15,
Simonetta said…
I might crown Denise with a pad of cow dung for thinking about 'poetry in motion' at this time, because that's what you are doing Denise! You are having your weird fairy like visions of some handsome Greek Adonis skipping over my paddocks pruning the roses and mowing the lawns while serenading me on a one string guitar with a rose in his mouth.
Thanks Pat, no, I am not permitted to have salt or coffee Hon. And I miss my salt!
Red, it frankly amazes me that you don't have the same amenities in Texas! I would have thought America would lead the way in amenities for her people who are in need! If America does not do these things for her people, where is Christianity there?
Where is God? These amenities are provided by our local Councils which work in with the Hospitals. We pay our taxes, and rates and taxes on our properties, and they take care of us when we are too ill to look after ourselves and live alone.
I pray for America to provide these amenities for her people who need them.
Red, my Hospital stay cost me nothing due to our Medical Scheme in Australia. Everything pertaining to my sickness cost me nothing in money.
I Praise God for the beauty and lovliness of many Australian people who paved the way for us to have these amenities.
At 24 March, 2007 14:05,
Anonymous said…
Darling Beebee please have the grace to allow me my dreams of poetry in motion. 'Somewhere Out There' is a wonderful 'someone' for you, and it just may be the Maintenance Man. I can visualise it now. He is dark, he is wonderful, he is Catholic, he is a Praying Godly man. You may not know it my Dear, but someone out there is in love with you.
At 24 March, 2007 14:13,
Anonymous said…
Somewhere Out There
written by James Horner, Barry Mann, Cynthia Weil
Somewhere out there beneath the pale moonlight
Someone's thinking of me and loving me tonight
Somewhere out there someone's saying a prayer
That we'll find one another in that big somewhere out there
And even though I know how very far apart we are
It helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star
And when the night wind starts to sing a lonesome lullaby
It helps to think we're sleeping underneath the same big sky
Somewhere out there if love can see us through
Then we'll be together somewhere out there
Out where dreams come true
And even though I know how very far apart we are
It helps to think we might be wishing on the same bright star
And when the night wind starts to sing a lonesome lullaby
It helps to think we're sleeping underneath the same big sky
Somewhere out there if love can see us through
Then we'll be together somewhere out there
Out where dreams come true
At 24 March, 2007 16:12,
Anonymous said…
Yes, we do have services. But we are also overrun with immigrants who use them and do not pay taxes. You are fortunate to have an ocean surrounding you. We have the Rio Grande. Churches and other charities become burned out and cynical due to the freeloaders. It is an 8 hour wait at hospital emergency rooms in urban areas - forcing many to go to private emergency clinics that are a "cash only" proposition. Interestingly, these are operated mainly by Asians.
The Canadians have a good system, also. They have the US as a "buffer" and are not overrun with indigents who cannot speak English.
The Scanhoovies are basically from the same tribal roots and have a sense of cultural responsibility. So, rampant abuse is not the problem with those countries that it is here.
A British Economist (Reese-Moog) wrote a book about what will happen in America when it runs out of money trying to pay for the welfare society it has created. The book is named "Blood In The Streets." I could go on and on. But, I need to put a boundary on this. My advice is to not move Oz any closer to any other country - (NZ may be ok).
Denise, good poem. I'm praying for a good Orangeman for Sim.
At 24 March, 2007 17:05,
Simonetta said…
Ignore Denise Red - she's off in La - La land with the pixies again.
And singing to herself as usual. It's time for her to stop drinking that Beetle Juice down in Tasmania.
I am hoping for an Orangeman too.
I think she's trying to team me up with the Pope.
In cities here, there can also be a long wait at hospitals and people are rushed out of them. But we do not have those free loaders although we have illegals here of course.
Illegals have to have documentation of their legality to be in Australia so I don't know what happens to these criminals except they are deported once it is found they forged documents, or, no rights to be in Australia.
People cannot keep giving to Churches to upkeep these parasites, and the Government should have no right to do anything for them except take them back to where they came from.
There was blood in the streets of St. Petersburg in October 1917. There was blood in the streets when Madam Guillotine was at work beheading the rich, and people who would not help the poorer classses.
Not a single lesson was learned from any historical event.
This leaves todays world in chaos.
NZ is OK, but they have their problems.
Australia is a Commonwealth which means the money belongs to the people, not the Government. And the Government cannot spend the peoples money on parasites such as the illegals.
I cannot understand why America allows these illegals to just walk into the country and take jobs and amenities like that! Something is badly lacking in politics there!
Praise God for the ocean surrounding us. But, this keeps the Air Search for illegals busy.
At 24 March, 2007 17:30,
Anonymous said…
This is startling news for me as we have always been led to believe America is the land of the free.
It is a lovely land and it seems a shame that it has been invaded as it has. Who has permitted this invasion of Illegals red?
At 24 March, 2007 17:31,
Anonymous said…
As for you Denise, do they still have the New Norfolk Asylum in Tasmania?
At 24 March, 2007 17:41,
Simonetta said…
It appears they simply walk in Pat, I can't see why a big fence and patrolling Officers cannot stop this blatant disgraceful conduct.
At 24 March, 2007 18:17,
Anonymous said…
Patricia! Are you insinuating I should be placed un a lock up bin?
How COULD you think of an orangeman Sim! You KNOW your Great Grandmother refused to even have an orange in the HOUSE due to it's colour! As for those illegals in America they can always be shot .... back to where they came from. Disgraceful people. Oh yes cash only would be operated by Asians. They worship the mighty dowwa sign. Show them a $ and they collapse on sight, that's why the mongrels invaded us.
At 24 March, 2007 18:40,
Simonetta said…
I agree about the Asians Denny, But can't follow the Pope.
At 24 March, 2007 19:22,
Anonymous said…
It makes me happy to know you have woken up about the asians who have no right to be in our land as it was never taken to the vote of the people. I have no idea whatsoever about other countries they have landed themselves in. What's wrong with the Pope now.
At 24 March, 2007 20:01,
Simonetta said…
Only SOME asians Denise! Same as every other nation in the world! There is good and bad.
Don't like the look of the Pope and that's final.
At 24 March, 2007 22:56,
Anonymous said…
Quite understandable, he is alot older than you but he is on the right track whereas you fell off it. If you find a nice boyfriend who is Orange will you settle for a nice excommunication from the Catholic Church? Also did you go to Mass tonight.
At 25 March, 2007 03:01,
Anonymous said…
A fence and wall have been proposed on the border. The Mexican Government is VEHEMENTLY protesting. Mexico is controlled by 16 wealthy, greedy, families. Without the safety valve of the US to give them hope, there would be revolt in Mexico.
Here is an interesting thought: The US has printed so much paper money that there is $36,000 of paper money in circulation for each ounce of gold the US has in reserve. What if the Saudis woke up one morning and decided to only accept gold for oil - say 6 bbl per oz.
For the first time in my life, I have grave concerns. Things can unravel fast.
As I read about the church at Laodicia in Rev. 3, I think of the churches here: We think we are rich, but we are poor and an economic crash will reveal it.
Sim, if you find the right Mr. P-I-M, whether orange or green, make certain he can shoot straight and reload quickly so he can protect your little piece of utopia.
At 25 March, 2007 09:50,
Simonetta said…
Now, this is interesting. Mexico is supposed to be the second largest Catholic nation in the world with over 90 percent of Mexicans considering themselves Catholic.
So, what is the Pope doing about the unruly behaviour of these Mexicans who are guilty of invasion? Isn't unwanted
invasion an act of war? Can't the Vatican step in on these wealthy Mexicans?
Money and power ... is the Vatican in the pay of the wealthy Mexicans?
A million thoughts have intruded into my mind here.
The Saudis can, and do, what they will. Remember something. That Pope John kissed their book the Koran which enraged me to a point where I could have thrown a boomerang from here to the vatican to knock some sense into his head.
(you shut up Denise)
The Saudis are muslim, they can, and will act against any nation they think is Christian. They will crush whom they believe to be infidels.
If they accept gold for oil, God help Americans.
Things happen overnight in the world of today and being honest, I fear for the world of today too.
I recall back to my own studies on WW2 as a History Teacher and the manner in which the vatican was working in with the muslims.
Many people don't know how many muslim nazis actually put the Jews to death during the holocaust. But, that is now beside the point, or is it?
Just where does the vatican stand in this whole deal? It will stand where there is money to be made both with Mexico and with the Saudis and then cry for world peace as it has always done.
Blood In The Streets? Some books are prophetic.
At 25 March, 2007 10:45,
Anonymous said…
Interesting comments. The Catholic church ACTIVELY promotes the invasion of Mexicans into the US. It relieves the Catholic Church of having to pay out money for the poor. Instead, they collect the tithes and offerings from the poor families woking in the US. They also feel it will diminish the influence of Protestants. Unfortunately, US employers take advantage of these poor souls for their own profit and greed. They pay the workers substandard wages in cash - no tax deductions, no records
One obvious thing that I have noted is that it has also eroded support in the US for Israel. If the economy crashes those receiving assistance from the government will demand their "entitlements" (that is what they are called) and not spend one penny on assisting Isreal if it is attacked - which it will be.
There is also an interesting link between Venezuela (a heavily Catholic country) and Iran that has developed. Oliver (Ollie) North (Col. USMC ret.) wrote a highly interesting and easily readable novel (The Assassins) incorporating these ties into the plot. It also includes evil skuldugery by greedy, power hungry US politicians.
At 25 March, 2007 15:35,
Anonymous said…
What I am reading here astonishes me regarding my church. I am a stainch Catholic as you know and yet have never heard of muslim Nazis nor of the Catholic Church not assisting her own people in any given nation. Collecting monies off the poor today is a disgrace! What is the Pope doing about this mess? Surely he is not encouraging it!
At 25 March, 2007 16:33,
Simonetta said…
And what else is he doing Denise? Is he trying to stop it?
There is a Statue of Pope John Paul 11 in Mexico. He visited there in 1999, and went back again in 2002. The Chaldean Catholics are there and they are united to the church of Rome.
And yes indeed, the Vatican worked with the Muslims during WW2, and the muslims were dear little soldiers for Hitler. Didn't you know alot of the Halocaust gold went to the vatican? Find it hard to believe? Then study!
Red, Russia made a deal with Venezuala in July 2006 regarding war planes and war helicopters. There is a closeness between Venezuala and Iran now which the whole world is watching, Korea is not to be disregarded either.
America has lost much of her support and things look exceptionally bad economically.
Don't you think the catholic movements are a little odd regarding America? Why is the Vatican working against the United States because as sure as hell it is!
At 25 March, 2007 17:00,
Simonetta said…
For Denise
At 25 March, 2007 17:42,
Simonetta said…
Another for Denise
Popes visit to Israel
Study it well.
At 26 March, 2007 12:08,
Anonymous said…
In my opinion, the US economic engine is currently the most powerful in the world. The EU is gaining fast. The Catholic Church would like to see the EU replace the US because it has substantially more influence with the EU than the US.
Think of the power of influence and control of wealth in the EU plus the Latin American nations. Then, realize how that none of them support Israel.
At 26 March, 2007 12:22,
Simonetta said…
I too believe the US economic engine is currently the most powerful in the world red.
It is odd because it was prophesised by someone, I think Herbert. W. Armstrong,that Europe would become United and have it's own currency.
It's also scary because so much power would then be in the hands of the catholic church.
I think the catholic church has it's own flag for Europe. I must look into that.....
This would also leave Israel on her own. But then again, many jews are not christians today.In fact, most of them aren't.
I have seen terrible things spoken about the birth and conception of Jesus by Jews.
The whole scenario is frightening on a world scale conception.
At 26 March, 2007 13:19,
Anonymous said…
The Jewish people seem to like to sow the seeds of their own destruction. Many of the destructive laws and monetary movements are at the behest of Jewish folks. They will be the first to "go" under a Catholic or Islamic dominated regime.
My personal opinion is that Ezekiel 38-39 is one last chance God gives the Jews to come to Christ before HE says "CLOSING TIME."
On another note, God has certainly blessed Australia. It is set apart from other continents so immigration is not easy and it is not directly on the Ring of Fire (like NZ). It is almost as if God set it off on the side to keep it out of harm's way. Just a thought.
At 26 March, 2007 19:22,
Simonetta said…
In the Declaration Of The Church To Non Christian Religions,Nostra Aetate,
October 28 1965 the catholic church proclaimed this about the muslims.
* 3. The Church has also a high regard for the Muslims. They worship
* God, who is one, living and subsistent, merciful and almighty, the
* Creator of heaven and earth,[1] who has also spoken to men. They
* strive to submit themselves without reserve to the bidden decrees of
* God, just as Abraham submitted himself to God's plan, to whose faith
* Muslims eagerly link their own. Although not acknowledging him as God,
* they worship Jesus as a prophet, his virgin Mother they also honor,
* and even at times devoutly invoke. Further, they await the day of
* judgment and the reward of God following the resurrection of the dead.
* For this reason they highly esteem an upright life and worship God,
* especially by way of prayer, alms-deeds and fasting.
* Over the centuries many quarrels and dissensions have arisen between
* Christians and Muslims. The sacred Council now pleads with all to
* forget the past, and urges that a sincere effort be made to achieve
* mutual understanding; for the benefit of all men, let them together
* preserve and promote peace, liberty, social justice and moral values.
This doesn't mention muhammed or the bone and palm leaf book they call the Koran, but to me red, it appears that the catholic church could join forces with Islam and together, crush Israel.
Lets realise the amount of money Islam and the catholic church possesses. The wealth is so vast it boggles the mind!
What a force against Israel!
As spoon as I read of the death of Albino Luciano, Pope John Paul 1,on September 28th, 1978, after only 33 days as Pope, I knew something bad was beginning and it wasn't only the fact that he could pull strings regarding people, it was also the matter of the vatican wealth.
When his death was announced, I said quietly to my husband, "Oh my God, they killed him."
Oddly enough, my late husband was a staunch catholic and said nothing to me in return but just stared at the TV screen as though in horror.
From then on, he would never go to a catholic mass but preferred to remain catholic as it was all he knew till I let him know a few things regarding the Bible. This I did very discreetly over 20 years. But, he would never read a Bible preferring to listen to me warbling on about something in the Bible I had read.
My belief is that the Jews are being given that chance to believe in Christ right now.
But, they are a very stubborn people! I don't think I have ever known a more stubborn lot!
God has fought for them, Jesus wept for them. Truly, that is overwhelming in itself! But, they still wail at the wall! Oh what is to become of these people!!!
Yes red, Australia was hidden for so long too! It often astounds me that the shape of the ring of fire around Oz is shaped like a boomerang.
What is also astonishing is that The Southern Cross was over Israel at the time Jesus walked the earth, but, on the Day He Died, it faded on the horizon and then vanished.
Seafarers used it to guide them at sea when they spotted it, then, it landed right over Australia.
That in itself is surely a sign of God holding Australia in the palm of His Hand for a reason.
At 27 March, 2007 00:06,
Anonymous said…
So you believe they murdered Pope John Paul the 1st? I must say I did wonder aout the death of such a young Pope. After reading and studying the links you have placed there, I am beginning to have grave doubts as to whether or not I am with the correct Church as this knowledge has stunned me. As for the Jewish people, there will be trouble there before too long. Having never read a Bible I am beginning to think maybe I should buy one.
At 02 November, 2007 19:39,
Anonymous said…
nZOxtK The best blog you have!
At 03 November, 2007 04:11,
Anonymous said…
uwAsOA Nice Article.
At 03 November, 2007 05:07,
Anonymous said…
At 03 November, 2007 05:56,
Anonymous said…
Thanks to author.
At 03 November, 2007 06:44,
Anonymous said…
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
At 03 November, 2007 07:49,
Anonymous said…
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
At 03 November, 2007 21:25,
Anonymous said…
Please write anything else!
At 04 November, 2007 02:00,
Anonymous said…
Thanks to author.
At 04 November, 2007 03:03,
Anonymous said…
Wonderful blog.
At 04 November, 2007 04:07,
Anonymous said…
Good job!
At 04 November, 2007 04:57,
Anonymous said…
Thanks to author.
At 05 November, 2007 03:21,
Anonymous said…
UcWKkG write more, thanks.
At 05 November, 2007 15:30,
Anonymous said…
Thanks to author.
At 05 November, 2007 17:20,
Anonymous said…
Please write anything else!
At 05 November, 2007 17:54,
Anonymous said…
Good job!
At 05 November, 2007 18:32,
Anonymous said…
Wonderful blog.
At 05 November, 2007 18:58,
Anonymous said…
At 05 November, 2007 19:29,
Anonymous said…
Please write anything else!
At 05 November, 2007 19:59,
Anonymous said…
At 05 November, 2007 20:37,
Anonymous said…
Good job!
At 05 November, 2007 21:20,
Anonymous said…
Wonderful blog.
At 05 November, 2007 21:58,
Anonymous said…
At 05 November, 2007 22:30,
Anonymous said…
Thanks to author.
At 05 November, 2007 23:00,
Anonymous said…
Thanks to author.
At 05 November, 2007 23:35,
Anonymous said…
I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.
At 06 November, 2007 00:14,
Anonymous said…
Save the whales, collect the whole set
At 06 November, 2007 00:42,
Anonymous said…
What is a free gift ? Aren't all gifts free?
At 06 November, 2007 01:10,
Anonymous said…
C++ should have been called B
At 06 November, 2007 01:44,
Anonymous said…
If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.
At 06 November, 2007 02:16,
Anonymous said…
Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
At 06 November, 2007 02:50,
Anonymous said…
Save the whales, collect the whole set
At 06 November, 2007 03:21,
Anonymous said…
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
At 06 November, 2007 03:53,
Anonymous said…
At 06 November, 2007 04:25,
Anonymous said…
Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.
At 06 November, 2007 04:59,
Anonymous said…
Wonderful blog.
At 06 November, 2007 05:42,
Anonymous said…
Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
At 06 November, 2007 06:21,
Anonymous said…
At 06 November, 2007 06:57,
Anonymous said…
Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
At 06 November, 2007 07:32,
Anonymous said…
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
At 06 November, 2007 08:03,
Anonymous said…
A lot of people mistake a short memory for a clear conscience.
At 06 November, 2007 08:30,
Anonymous said…
All generalizations are false, including this one.
At 06 November, 2007 08:57,
Anonymous said…
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
At 06 November, 2007 09:27,
Anonymous said…
All generalizations are false, including this one.
At 06 November, 2007 09:55,
Anonymous said…
Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!
At 06 November, 2007 10:31,
Anonymous said…
Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.
At 06 November, 2007 11:04,
Anonymous said…
I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.
At 06 November, 2007 11:40,
Anonymous said…
Suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!
At 06 November, 2007 12:15,
Anonymous said…
Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
At 06 November, 2007 12:45,
Anonymous said…
Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.
At 06 November, 2007 13:17,
Anonymous said…
Energizer Bunny Arrested! Charged with battery.
At 06 November, 2007 13:51,
Anonymous said…
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.
At 06 November, 2007 14:34,
Anonymous said…
Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.
At 06 November, 2007 15:15,
Anonymous said…
If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.
At 06 November, 2007 15:48,
Anonymous said…
Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
At 06 November, 2007 16:29,
Anonymous said…
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
At 06 November, 2007 17:02,
Anonymous said…
C++ should have been called B
At 06 November, 2007 17:35,
Anonymous said…
Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.
At 06 November, 2007 18:16,
Anonymous said…
When there's a will, I want to be in it.
At 06 November, 2007 18:58,
Anonymous said…
If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.
At 06 November, 2007 19:44,
Anonymous said…
Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.
At 06 November, 2007 20:31,
Anonymous said…
The gene pool could use a little chlorine.
At 06 November, 2007 21:13,
Anonymous said…
Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector.
At 06 November, 2007 21:53,
Anonymous said…
If ignorance is bliss, you must be orgasmic.
At 06 November, 2007 22:43,
Anonymous said…
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies
At 06 November, 2007 23:38,
Anonymous said…
Good job!
At 07 November, 2007 00:27,
Anonymous said…
Build a watch in 179 easy steps - by C. Forsberg.
At 07 November, 2007 01:07,
Anonymous said…
Thanks to author.
At 07 November, 2007 01:46,
Anonymous said…
All generalizations are false, including this one.
At 07 November, 2007 02:25,
Anonymous said…
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
At 07 November, 2007 02:58,
Anonymous said…
Calvin, we will not have an anatomically correct snowman!
At 07 November, 2007 03:38,
Anonymous said…
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
At 07 November, 2007 04:23,
Anonymous said…
Thanks to author.
At 07 November, 2007 05:02,
Anonymous said…
Ever notice how fast Windows runs? Neither did I.
At 07 November, 2007 05:46,
Anonymous said…
Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies
At 07 November, 2007 06:39,
Anonymous said…
Save the whales, collect the whole set
At 07 November, 2007 07:21,
Anonymous said…
Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
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