The Life Of One Alone

The life and thoughts of a widow.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Curse Of Gambling.

Sometimes life can be so strange. We never know what twists there will be in the road, or what may happen to bring one's life crashing down around them - or what joys may await in the future. Amd somehow I must get what I am to write out of me or go completely nutters.

My chief concern now is for my friend whose husband has had a stroke. But, although he has had a massive stroke which has affected his brain, he is still able to remember his wife and her favorite haunts.

Her most favorite haunt is the Pokies where she has gambled away all his money and whatever money she can borrow from friends.

For that reason, and because so many of us have been caught by her wily tactics, money can never be loaned to her.

Her husband was a wealthy man who was widowed. He was smart, and very handsome, but could not live without a woman. So, he met his wife at some odd place where derelicts live.

The Love ring he bought her was simply stunning - and very expensive. And it told the world she belonged to him and warned other men off.

Within four months, the ring vanished. She said she had lost it, but it turned out she had pawned it and used the money to play poker machines.

I grieved for him as he was such a lovely man and knew he was being conned by a very cunning, yet likeable woman.

He believed her story that the ring had been lost and replaced it with another which conveniently was also lost.

They married in a quiet ceremony with only friends present. But he looked so happy and she played the radiant bride.

Within a few years the screaming coming from their house almost made the neighbours shift out. Temper tantrums were common and often he called me to go to her to try to pacify her. It was hopeless. She laid face down on the bed and screamed like a child because he would not take her to the Pokies.

Within a few years, he was broke and had to go onto a Government pension. That as when she left him for the first time.

He came to me broken hearted, but I knew she would be back. And, she was.

Time and again she left him - time and again she returned until none of us knew whether she was coming or going.

In every way possible he tried to break her addiction to Poker machines. And we all helped him. But nothing worked.

Finally, the lovely cars he once owned became wrecks. It seemed he lived in a nightmare he couldn't escape from.

She could never love anybody but herself - and Poker Machines. At one stage she was banned from the Poker Club for a week and it was God Help us all, particularly her husband.

Years passed and this smartly dressed man became the town derelict. Everything he had owned had gone into Poker Machines. He walked the streets in old, dirty creased clothes. Did the shopping for her, cooked the meals and cleaned the house.

And always, following my husbands death, he visited me to see how I was going.

Today, he is in a wheelchair and forever phoning his wife. If she is not at home, he phones the Poker Club to see if she is there.

And, his wife is screaming blue murder because he won't leave her alone - and she has to live in the house alone.

"It is at night when I am frightened B" she confided to me, " the house creaks! how do I know there isn't a prowler around? I don't think I can live alone! I am living a nightmare! What am I going to do? I can't stand living alone and him ringing me all the time! I have to go to the pokies! I don't know how to live alone!"

Well, when she had him, she had the most beautiful husband one could imagine, but she couldn't see that. She had her own bedroom and he was not permitted to enter as she lived her life as she wanted it and he was banished to the background.

Today, I spent alot of time with her explaining HOW to live alone. It was tough. Darn tough as words didn't seem to sink into her head. She wanted to go to the Pokies.

A marriage without God, can it function normally? I am at a bit of a loss with her as she is so unpredictable, yet very predictable!

I had to explain to her that old houses do creak, especially in a drought. That nobody here would prowl around her house - when I know that some will! However, I doubt if they will worry her.

Now, she is trying to attract a friend of mine who also likes to go to the Pokies.
A friend who made a date to take me to the Pokies and I backed out at the last minute through sheer terror as he is not a Godly man. But a man I still think highly of just the same. Not romantically - but as a friend.

And while she is trying to dodge her sick husband's phone calls, she is chasing my friend whom I saw today and who asked me for help regarding her attentions.

Ask me for help in a matter of that kind?!!! All I could do was laugh at him much to his pretend disgust.

He is a lovely man and deserving of someone who won't break him financially, mentally and physically.

Women can be so odd at times. During the romance, they are lovely. Once the ring goes on the finger SOME can turn into virago's and lead a man to suicide.

I cannot sleep for thinking about this sad situation between two people who took the Sacrament of marriage.

And, I cannot help but feel that people should allow God to be the Matchmaker.

In all the time I knew them as a married couple they never talked together! Never watched a movie together! Never went anywhere together!

They never played a game together, or laughed together, held hands in public or even talked about a book together!

He did all the housework and cooking while she played bowls and the Poker machines.

Now, it is almost over for him - and just starting for her. The life as one.

I dunno - I just can't understand women at times. To love and be loved in return is the greatest thing in this world anyone can have. There is no price on it - for it is priceless.

I wonder if she is going through a sort of "what goes round comes round" type of a thing?

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Jewish Persecution In Australia?!

I was disgusted to read the Newspaper today and be confronted with the news that there is spreading hatred against the Jewish people in Australia.

JewsIn Australia


Monday, November 27, 2006

Never Seen Anything Like It

Today I had a meeting to attend regarding the water situation.

As I work with ecology, it was imperative for me to attend which I did, with a close friend.

However, the meeting resulted in chaos with my friend calling Executives names which cannot be repeated here.

The jeering, the booing, the yelling, the name calling was typically Australian as we seem to regard Government Officials to be in our employ - and God help them if they do the wrong thing by us.

This they have done but it was hopeless me trying to get a word in!

However, it was my meek mannered friend who scared goannas out of me. She was the worst offender!

What does one do? Look at the floor, (done), look at the ceiling, (done) check to see there is no dust or dirt on high heels (done), check to see if fingernail polish isn't coming off, (done)sigh alot, (done) stare at your friend (done), smile stupidly, (done) try not to miss a thing, (done) shuffle in chair constantly, (done)cover ears (done) ...................... everything was done!

It was a riot one could not stand - so as quietly as possible, I left while my friends jaws were still working overtime.

No, it won't hit the headlines and newspapers will offer no reports as it happened in a drought stricken area. Who cares about what happens in the country during a drought?

So, after arriving home and changing into shorts and a blouse I went out to photograph far away from the interaction of drought stricken farmers with the Hit Squad.

One of my favorite haunts is now dry, and where the pelicans stood in a line with proud reflections falling into still water is now cracked mud. (see above photo)

I sat and wept after taking the shot.

Other favoured haunts are evaporating with the rapidity of a machine gun. So fast - so very fast.

Still, although hurt and bewildered I searched for those treasures which are now uncovered, and found many. (see top photo)

One of our major Victorian rivers has been stopped from flowing and what water there has been diverted. So far as we know, it has not been reported. They just do as they want to do with no press release.

Tempers at the meeting reached boiling point, but of what use will that do? Nothing, they will not listen to the ones who know what is best.

And day after day, the sun beats down - and the days are becoming hotter, and hotter as we enter summer.

A lake I love is drying out fast, but there is still wildlife there. With the weather so hot it was beautiful to swallow dive from a high diver and swim fully clad in the glorious water before it is all gone. Nature girl? You betcha!

So Small The Land

Often it amazes me that one feature of Biblical Revelation is that little piece of land called Israel (once Canaan)

The Bible seems centred around that tiny strip of land at the east end of the Mediterranean and it's inhabitants.

Another thing I find quite astonishing too is that God Himself gave the Israelites full Title to the Land and the Deed to it has been kept in the Bible carefully folded in Psalm 105: 7-11.

He is the Lord our God, His judgements are in all the earth.
He remembers His Covenant forever, the Word which e commanded for a thousand generations. A Covenant He made with Abraham, and His oath to Isaac and confirmed it to Jacob for a statute, To Israel as an everlasting Covenant saying, " To YOU I will give the land of Canaan as the allotment of your inheritance."

And there it is. The Title and Deed to the land of Israel.

I can't think of anyway God could have made it plainer who owns Israel. He owns it, but, He handed it down to the Israeites.

Paul makes mention of it in Romans 9:4 " to whom pertain the adoption, the glory, the Covenants and the Promises........"

So why all the fuss with the Arabs? They have no right to the land!

Something else also strikes me as being quite interesting here.

In 1917, the Balfour Declaration promised the Jewish people a geographical piece of land including Jordan.
Then, in 1922, Winston Churchill created an Arab area called Transjordan which later became Jordan. One stroke of a British pen and bingo 78 percent of the total area given to the Israelites as a Jewish National Home was given to Arabs.

What this meant was that the Jewish people were alloted 22 % of their original inheritance from God because man decreed it.

But there is more! Jews are not allowed to live in Jordan while Arabs are free to live in Israel!!!

And what happens to the Jewish people? They are subjected to continual harrassment and and pressure, political aggitation and open acts of aggression!

But God has a little something to say about that in the book of Joel.3:2

"I will also gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, and I will enter into judgement with the there on account of My people, MY heritage, Israel whom THEY HAVE SCATTERED among the nations.


The odd thing here is that dividing up the land is called a partition.

On November 29th 1947 that is exactly what the United Nations did when they voted to divide Palestine into two areas. One for Arabs, and one for the Jewish Nation.

Hmnnnn ... the Bible is a amazing book. Looks as though God has it all under control for Israel!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Love The Conquest

I have often thought about evil, especially after watching LOTR.

The Chronicles of Narnia made me think deeper.

Ahhhhhh ... The Chronicles of Narnia. How beautiful was that film?

And, in the end Good always wins over evil.

The Bible has much to say about it. Those who do evil hate God and there's nothing much else to add. God doesn't think too highly of them either.

It is always LOVE that conquers.

Do I hate those who hate me? Nope! I feel a bit sorry for them really as they are missing out on so much!

I feel that to miss out on truly loving friendship is missing out on an invisible power.

Being in places of power sometimes brings it's own enemies. But what is power on this earth?

In many instances it is upholding the Law.

People seem to hate the Police, yet, when they are in trouble they run to the cops with wings on their shoes.

Love is it's own reward no matter how one looks at it.

The love in friendship is beautiful. The love for gentle life and nature is beautiful. The love between a man and a woman is beautiful.

Therefore, I have to conclude that the reward of Love is beautiful!

In this life, there is no grey.

If you are non believers, those words would mean nothing. But if you are a Believer, they mean everything I suppose. To me they do anyway.

Is the believer afraid of hate? Nope!

The sun will rise the next day just the same as it did for David when his enemies surrounded him.

In the final washup, there will be no evil on this earth. It will all be destroyed along with the Devil who created it.

Victimising anyone will do no good; holding vendetta's will do YOU no good. It is harmful to the health.

Self pity can cause people to self destruct and on it goes.

In this world we strive to be conquerors of evil. And just like Frodo, we go on to the end.

This world is filled with evil. It becomes a tad annoying to keep having to brush it aside all the time.

It seems that jealousy and hate fill the planet today. I think if I'd have owned the world I'd have nuked it eons ago - but one thing would have stopped me.

I would never have wanted to harm my friends.

Guess that's why the planet is still here! God doesn't want to harm his friends!

They say the one way for an adult to make a child pay attention is to sit down and look comfortable.

Well, I don't have to try to make myself look comfortable. I AM comfortable!

Comfortable because in all I have done in life I have done my very best without harming anyone.

Praise God!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

And Life Goes On

The Dust Storm left me with drama.

Fortunately, I remembered to cover almost everything from sand and grit, but, did not remember to cover my computer.

Sand, dust and grit entered the electrical system and I have been without a computer for days. *dries eyes* * sniffs*

It had been arranged for a CD and DVD Burner to be installed into my comp, but, when she shut herself down for the last time major surjery was required.

Like a matyr to the guillatine I carried my 'baby' to her Doctor. I was a terrorist. I had bombed the tower and killed my "kid" through sheer and utter neglect.. *wails*

Matilda's face screamed at me when I arrived home. Floating on her screen were rather nice words, but I knew the real meaning ..... "Gimme back me bod!!"

I was forced to close down the screen in order to stop her yelling.

All went well with the operation - until her Doc saw the hard drive was chockers!
It couldn't even be defragged!

Well ...... he knew I wanted a CD & DVD Burner to relieve her of zillions of photos.

Then he discovered she had two hard drives. One was chockers, and the other one had nothing in it. And, the two were partitioned off.

There was only one thing to do, re operate to knock down the partition.

That meant everything had to be stripped from my 'baby's' insides Windows Professional reloaded with everything else.

It took a heck of a long time but, I am back on the air minus one thing.

During the reloading of Incredimail, the town suffered a power failure and I lost ALL my email from the simonetta account. In fact, I don't even know if it is working!

So, we start all over again!

While 'Matilda' was out of action and laying prostrate on the op table I managed to clean all the sand, grit and dust from the house; plus read; plus watch the most enchanting film I have watched for many a year.

"The Chronicles of Narnia" ( The Lion, The witch and The Wardrobe)

My drama ended well. The nightmare for the farmers continues.

The dust storm has taken heads off crops ready to be threshed.

For the farmer who owns livestock things are too grim. He is permitted 22% allowance of water now but, the price of hay is far too high.

The tiniest bale of hay one would only use for a flower bed costs $70. For farmers, the cost is too, far too high and in my areas they have started shooting the stock.
It is a nightmare. But, far kinder to the livestock than to leave them to starve to death in paddocks.

To take them to market is not worth the cost to drive them there as the farmer is paid next to nothing.

Today we had to vote. This was hard for country folk due to mismanagement by the Government on various issues, and no matter how many times the Government is told they still can't hear!

Can't? ...... or won't?

A friend of mine spent the entire time during the savage dustorm on the thresher gathering the heads of crops. Her stamina is high. The only time she stopped was when she smelled the smoke from the Wooroonook fires. Wooroonook is a long way from us but the wind brought a pall of smoke over the mallee and allowed it to enshroud us.

Terrified it was their property burning she checked everything and seeing all was safe, she got back into the uncovered cabin and continued threshing while her husband worked another field.

They finished near midnight and not even her teeth were visible from the dust, sand and grit. Dropping from exhaustion, she went home to down a glass of port and fall asleep where she sat.

There was time to shower and clean up when she awoke.

So I count my blessings - and they are many.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Wind Storms Victoria

Yesterday, we were buffeted by winds but they reached ferocity coming on sunset.

I don't want to place a stiff journalist report about them here but rather write of my own personal experience.

It was easy to note the sky getting darker as the afternoon went on, and I knew the storms were mallee wide, perhaps reaching southern towns and rural cities.

But, we are always in for a few shocks and that came when my daughter phoned me from Ballarat this morning and told me they almost lost part of their house.

This is the beginning of summer, we have a shocking time ahead of us and have only had a taste.

My Cottage is over 100 years old. My daughters first words were "How did the house stand up to it Muz?" I had to laugh. This old house has withstood worse than that!

The new houses are the ones they are repairing!

I praise God I had the roof rebolted following my husbands death. A few strips came off but I can soon nail new ones onto the redgum frame.

I can't say that fear did not overcome me with a few gusts, but managed to cough and splutter through the whole thing knowing the animals were all safe inside and the fowlhouses in good standing with the poultry in their little house.

These dust storms are terrifying to the novice of the outback. I recall the drought of 1982 and the fear I experienced when a dust storm swept through the town in the midday causing all streetlights to glow, roly polies to roll up the streets and a riderless horse bolt through the town. All we needed was John Wayne.

But at that time, I could run to my husband. Yesterday, hit home the fact that I would never be able to do that again.

But, I slept like a baby. The last thing I recall as I looked outside the huge bedroom windows from my bed was an enormous sort of a flash of lightening. Maybe it sent me into a coma?! I don't know, but I did have a good sleep as dust storms can drain a person of all energy, and I had been drained.

The temperature dropped alarmingly and enabled a good sleep.

Today, the weather is is fine and sunny, but a light wind persists.

They have forecast bad storms for our area but somehow, I have to wait to see them as I can't trust man and his weather forecasts. We still go by the actions of animals and insects.

In such instances as yesterday, it is the fight for personal survival where I live. No phone calls came through to ask if all was well here, and somehow, that hurt me!

The fire was at Wooroonook and is thought to have been deliberately lit. It has burned out many hectares and an old church which was renovated into a home.
Firefighters say the heavy logs will remain burning for some time.
Alot of wildlife has been burned to death but no reports of any sheep or cattle.

My thanks go to my online friends for caring, and for their prayers.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Learn Greek In Ten Lessons.

Be Still My Soul

Have you ever wondered why you see the words I.H.S. on a Church or, as in the photos, a cemetery?

Today, the meaning of such things is lost - or was never known. People gaze at the art in them and pass them by thinking they look nice but never stop to realise they are passing by the name of Jesus as written in ancient times.

Origin IHS

The New Testament was written in Greek, a language not many people can understand.
To really be able to understand the Bible and what it contains today, it is well to have a smattering, or good knowledge of this language so that none of us are led astray and are able to read an Interlinear Bible.

I have pointed out how some churches have condoned teaching evolution in schools.
God and evolution does not mix.

We live in perilous times, times when man is interfering with the Bible in ways unimagineable.

A world in which evil dominates and holds sway over the peoples of the lands enveloping them in a cloak of ignorance.

If anyone would care to learn Greek In 10 lessons. Radagast is kind enough to give us lessons as easily as posible. Where God is concerned, we must give try to give our all.

Learn Greek In Ten Lessons

I am trying my utmost, believe me!

The Great Apostasy

Last night, a light wind sent a wall of dust to block the setting sun, this is shown in the photo.

Is religion evil, or has it gone mad?

I was astonished to find online 'The Clergy Letter', a letter signed by 10,000 leaders of so called high churches claiming evolution and creation can co-exist.
Argue about this amongst yourselves, but don't even attempt to argue about it to me.

Click the link to read the open letter that encourages and embraces the teaching of evolution in schools as endorsed by the clergy members which you'll find in the alphabetical list.

The Clergy Letter
Then there is this:

Catholic Church Disbelieves Bible

and more:

Churches Stance On Evolution

This, to me is the most outrageous Apostasy of Churches known to mankind. The Elite of Satan seem to think they can do as they wish and God will condone. But does God condone? Not according to the Bible.

The Bible states there will be a great falling away at the time of the end. Ain't it so.......

Either we believe in God - or we don't believe in God. There is no half way mark.

Throughout my lifetime, in hindsight, I have been told some of the most ridiculous things to be 'saved'.

First came the catholic church with their cultish belief that we all had to be little Catho's in order to be saved.

Next came the Mormon's who told me I had to be a Mormon in order to be 'saved'.

Next came another mob who told me I had to be baptised to be 'saved'.

From everywhere they came telling me this, telling me that, and telling me the other.

But always the words in the Bible stood out. " You are saved by Faith".

Faith in Jesus the Christ, Faith in God.

Today I shudder when I hear the words addressed to men on earth. "Your Holiness", "Your Excellence", "Your Magnificence"??!!!, and of course there is "The Reverend so and so ......." Then there is the "VERY Reverend so and so ..." Then there is the "RIGHT Reverend so and so ..." Then there is the "VERY RIGHT REVEREND so and so....."

Oh glory! The Pride of men! When will it ever end?

As a child I recall a visit from a catholic archbishop to the church during winter when every child there bar myself had a cold or the flu'. That man is all his glorious attire which woud have made King Solomon look twice cast a great amethyst ring he wore on his hand beneath everyones young one's nose and they were required to kiss his ring.

He stood loftily beside me with his head in the air and his ring thrust in front of my face. I looked at it. Yes, it was pretty, but I didn't want to touch it!

Other kids had kissed it and they all had snotty noses! Yet, I was forced to kiss the monstrous thing.

What would it have been covered in? Trillions of invisible dangerous microbe germs twisting, writhing, and crawling all over it like an army of demons.

Thankfully, they didn't get me. Oh boy - it took courage to kiss that thing.

Step by step I see churches falling into an Apostasy which is keeping people afraid of attending religious denominations and established churches.

Time and again I hear " But they are not teaching the truth!" from Bible reading people. Then come the words " I will never go there again." And like me, they don't!

Men dressed in Jewish type robes on an 'altar' to me is a great turn off.

Men and women crying on T.V. "Send all your wealth to me and God will make you rich! Look! It states here in the Bible!!" is the greatest turn off.

Watching all the great high and mighty men with mitres, crooks and jewish type robes parading, is, to me nothing short of the pride of men and downright ridiculous.

And, watching the ordination of women come into being was, to me, an affront.

Remember, I am stating it is TO ME.

And also remember I echo the words of many christians across the world who have abandoned the prideful churches to gather in homes, sing and give glory to God and to read and study the Scriptures.

But all these things are but a sign of the end. The Churches are crying now as they are losing their flocks. One church in England was offering chocolates to people to attend church!

People will never attend a church unless it is Government compulsory. People who read their Bible are thinkers and stay with a church, or join a church, they are comfortable with.

But, how can any decent thinking christian attend a church if it accepts evolution lines up with creation?

My,my Satan is a great deceiver. One could give him credit - if he deserved it.

It saddens me to see all those American signatures on The Clergy Letters. Where does this leave the churches in America? They have denied God by signing that letter.

We cannot move with the times where God is concerned! God is Timeless.

And God gave us but ONE Book, the Bible. There is no up-date on The Bible. What you see is what you get from year dot until this very moment. Not one word changes.

The world can change with it's evolutionary thinking, fashions, education, speech, architecture ad nauseum, but The Bible never, but never changes.

Man can try to change it all he wishes. Man can try to play God all he wishes. Man can basically do what he wants all he wishes, but one thing he cannot do, and that is to defy and mock God in the name of a so called church on earth.

Woe betide any man who teaches the public lies straight from the pits of hell in the name of the Almighty Father.

You are liars and you are the Elite of Satan if you do O great and lofty churches with your generous spires and huge crosses adorning.

Charles Darwin ... buried in Westminster Cathedral? Oh yes .... he is, that's to be expected. So if you want to see the grave of a servant of Satan, just pop along to a Gigantic cathedral.

Charles Darwin

He's on the list of "Notables"

Heavely Father, protect us from the evil of this world. Amen.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Could There Be Oil In Israel?

My photo for today is two little lambs I photographed on a friend's farm. They looked too cute not to make the camera go "Clik!"

It appears that one man believes in the Bible with utmost faith and honesty. His search for oil in Israel is totally dependant upon what is wtitten in the Bible.

Does The Bible Foretell Oil In Israel?

One of the verses he read:

Isaiah 46
3 I will give you the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that it is I, Yahweh, who call you by your name, even the God of Israel.

Even by the God of thy father, who shall help thee; and by the Almighty, who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lieth under, blessings of the breasts, and of the womb:

Genesis, Chapter 49, Verse 25

It is, to me, astonishing that in this day and age, man has looked upon Bible verses to give credence to ancient Prophecy.

I wonder what would happen if he finds a massive deposit of oil in Israel?

Not being politically minded, I can but imagine the furore it would cause.

But I have belief in this man (John Brown) due to his faith in God for that makes him God's friend.

Do you think God has guided this man to search the scriptures and find these passages which had led him to his search? And, if a massive supply of oil is found beneath Israel, what do you think the response would be?

Sunday, November 19, 2006

G20 Melbourne Protestors.

I balk at the riots in Melbourne and the manner in which some people conduct themselves in Australia.

We are a peace loving country and try our level best to get along with people and riots such as the ones recently staged in Melbourne really stirs the public temper.

Masked rioters? In Australia? Despicable! I think perhaps stun guns should be given to Police who should turn out in force at such an event. At least then they could rip the masks off and reveal the face to take action against them.

How to deal with such an event? Well, we haven't got alot of water so maybe the Government should order water cut off from their homes,or dwelling places, then later build a massive water hose pipe from the sea to cleanse the rubbish from the streets by turning the hoses on them full force if such an event should happen again.

Once, inciting a riot was punishable by death.

I only hope and pray the Police find out who incited this riot and find out who the violent protestors were as they are a danger to Australia.

News Report

We don't need types like those in Australia! The whole thing is so sad.

I wonder why they don't get a life?

It's also time Australia started deporting muslims following that speech about Australian women asking for rape by the crazed muslim who should be deported AFTER he pays back all the money he owes to Australia in benefits allocated to him.
Muslims Rape Teenagers In Melbourne

Muslim Causes Outrage

I am not a happy little vegemite about these things happening in Aussie Land!

Dear God I am so happy I live in the Outback!

As It Was In The Days Of Noah

I've been scared witless. Last night I investigated

THIS SITE and frighted myself

That's when living alone has it's disadvantages. We tend to scare the hell out of ourselves and have nobody to tell us " serves you right."

The Days of Noah were shocking, but, nothing different to today except they didn't have nuclear warheads, aeroplanes, glass skyskrapers, motor cars and a Government with one eye in the sky watching what we do. Oh! They didn't have telephones or computers either, or electricity ad nauseum.

It's remarkable to know that 30% of the Bible is about End Time Prophecy.

Throughout the ages the Prophets of God have been sounding the warnings, but has man heeded them? Nope.

How many today watch for the signs as put forth by Jesus? Yes, they keep an ate on earthquakes and refer to their Bibles. But, do they watch for signs in the sky?

Recently, there was a massive hurricane on Venus. The earthly called "Planet of Love" It rated as next to nil in newspapers.

Global warming. Is it really Global warming - or as was written in the Book of Revelation.

8 And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. 9 And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory. (KJV)

Is Satan trying to blind us with the two words 'Global Warming"?

"Mens hearts will turn cold" - what is more colder than many human hearts today?

Being single, I know it is a danger to mention anything but Christian Love to anyone or else the words could be misconstrued. If so I could be tossed in the pig mud and left to howl my indignation to God about the loss of a friend, and hope He gives the one who rejected my innocent words a good lift under the ear.

Betrayal. Constantly we are betrayed.

Cloning people. Is this Godly? They say the first human child, a girl was cloned in Israel and named Eve. The people in Sodom and Gomorrah wouldn't have heard about cloning.

It all makes me wonder about Ezekiel 38.

Ezekiel 38:1-7

"Son of dust, face northward toward the land of Magog, and prophesy against Gog, king of Meshech and Tubal. Tell him that the Lord God says: I am against you, Gog. I will put hooks into your jaws and pull you to your doom. I will mobilize your troops and armored cavalry, and make you a might host, all fully armed. Peras, Cush and Put shall join you too with all their weaponry, and so shall Gomer and all his hordes and the armies of Togarmah from the distant north, as well as many others. Be prepared! Stay movilized. You are their leader, Gog".

Remarkable words! Here, the Lord God speaks to the enemies telling them of their destruction telling then He will draw them to their doom!

"I am against you, Gog. I will put hooks into your jaws and pull you to your doom. I will mobilize your troops and armored cavalry, and make you a might host, all fully armed."

These words really sounded alarm bells for The Lord speaks of a distant age.

"A long time from now you will be called to action. In distant years you will swoop down onto the land of Israel, that will be lying in peace after the return of its people from many lands. You and your allies -- a vast and awesome army -- will roll down upon them like a storm and cover the land like a cloud. For at that time an evil thought will have come to your mind. You will have said, 'Israel is an unprotected land of unwalled villages! I will march against her and destroy these people living in such confidence! I will go to those once-desolate cities that are now filled with people again -- those who have returned from all the nations -- and I will capture vast amounts of loot and many slaves. For the people are rich with cattle now, and the whole earth revolves around them!

And today ...... do all people really search the scriptures daily?

Acts 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the Scriptures daily, whether those things were so. (KJV)

Many do not search the scriptures. The once a week visit to their church on Sunday is enough.

We are told to watch and pray. We are expected to search the scriptures. And, we are expected to at the very least care about people.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

WHO owns Israel? (Israel and Iran)

With the eyes of the world turned towards Israel and Iran, there are many certain things to note in the Bible.

The Islam people call Israel Palestine, the Israelites ans the rest of the world call The Promised Land Israel. But the facts, acording to the Bible is that neither of them own the coveted land.

Who owns it? God! And it all began in the book of Genesis when God gave Israel to Abraham.

"I will establish My covenant as an everlasting covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come to be your God and the God of your descendants after you. The whole land of Canaan where you are now an alien, I will give as an everlasting possession to you and your descendants after you and I will be their God." (Genesis 17:7-8)

But, the land remains the property of God.

"Thus says the Lord God, 'Surely in the fire of My jealousy I have spoken against the rest of the nations, and against all Edom, who appropriated My land for themselves as a possession with wholehearted joy and with scorn of soul, to drive it out for a prey.'" (Ezek. 36: 5)

"In days to come, O Gog, I will bring you against My land so that the nations may know Me when I show Myself holy through you before their eyes." (Ezekiel 38:16)

Again in Joel God declares:

"I will gather all nations and bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat (which means 'the Lord judges'); then I will enter into judgement against them concerning My inheritance, My people Israel, for they scattered My people among the nations and divided up My land." (Joel 3:2)

Note the word MY LAND?

And, this is interesting to note for The Promised Land itself lies immediately adjacent to the

African Rift Zone, the deepest known break in the earth's crust.

It is also intersting to note that God's eyes are forever watching what they do in HIS LAND.

In 363 A.D. Julian the Apostate attempted rebuilding the second temple.
Once the feverish workers uncovered the foundation stones, earthquake struck killing and maiming many, many people.

Destruction Second Temple

In latter days, an inscription was found on a wall which is dated back to the time of the attempted rebuilding of the second Temple in Jerusalem.

Wall Inscription

Another interesting piece of news regarding the second temple is that another earthquake hit when people tampered with the cornerstone.

Cornerstone Causes Earthquake 29 July 2001

None of this is coincidence; it all goes to prove that nobody dares to mock God and I join my voice with others who are attempting to inform people that God is in Control of His Land whether you believe in Him or not.

We should always be grateful to Israel as they are God's Chosen People who have paved the way for Prophecy, written and preserved parchments for the world, and proven to the world that God exists; that He is as real as you and I; that He is constantly watching; helping and loving His people.

Did He place the Comandment "Thou Shalt Not Covet" into the Commandments just to mean only coveting wealth and power, our neighbours possessions and etc;?

I think not. I think He also mean't nations should not cover His Land which was given to the Israelites under a promise to Abraham.

God always, but always keeps His Covenants.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Does God Exist?

Today behold! A photo of my potato's growing beautifully, one of the apricots on my tree, and one of a bunch of Vitamin C filled Locouts. (I think that's how it's spelt)

I am so blessed!!!

I know many atheists read my blog from the response on my entry about Angels, and I am grateful for the responses all of which are in the following link.


I am sorry the comments went into a flame festival, but will delete nothing.

Fact is, God looks after His Own. He is a Father in the true sense of the word. A Father of many children belonging to all the nations of the world.

His Love for His Own is portrayed perfectly in the Bible from beginning to end. Especially on the Flight from Egypt by the Children of Israel.

But, he does not love those who do not believe in His Son, Jesus the Christ.

It is sad to see a world so filled with hardened hearts which are against God and attempt to make something out of that which is not.

To try to explain the Creation where there is no Dynamic Force of a Man is, to me, a little odd.

Throughout the eons of history, man has worshipped rocks, wood, cats, crocodiles, birds, odd pagan deities, and I wonder if they ever worshipped clouds?

Today, man worships money more than God. Greed, Corruption and Power rule the planet while God is placed on a shelf.

In the meantime, earthquakes rock the planet sending people into panic. Atheist Politicians have their say and see deeds done which are offensive to the Father of Creation.

Tsunami's hit the coasts and claim lives - and man still turns his back to God.

Angels help the spiritual Children of God and the unbelievers scoff.

Homosexuals "marry" and believe God accepts them 'just as they are'.

Wrong! God does NOT accept homosexuals who openly flaunt their immoral ways. They are an abomination to God and nobody can change that. Nobody.

Hardened hearts whose thoughts turn towards a no God existance are on their own through life. They have no Heavenly Father to turn to in times of distress or sickness. No Angel can come to their assistance.

Sadly, there is another 'father' of this planet. His name is Satan.

Satan is the 'Father Of Lies".

Satan is the one who enters into man and causes him to write a book on evolution; the result can be staggering to the world.

I believe Darwin is the 'Father of evolution'. Therefore, he was a prodigee of Satan and used as a tool to blind children in schools, in colleges, in universities.

When the teachings of evolution was introduced to a school my daughter attended. I forbade her to attend classes.

They were not too pleased! But I stood my ground and refused to allow her to attend the class. They threatened me, they said all manner of things to me. I told them to publicly hang me, as I would NEVER agree to allowing my child to learning lies straight from the pits of hell.

Parents who allow their children to learn such trash are in dire straits where God is concerned.

God IS God whether people want to believe it or not. He exists whether people want to believe it or not.

Sadly, due to the fact that many people are so blindly persuaded and do mot pursue SPIRITUALITY and a CLOSE UNITY with God, they are left to grope in the dark in many religious cults, and sects.

One of those I believe is the World Of Faith movement. A movement which includes many "great" preachers who have fallen flat on their faces with scandal and ruination.

This is generally what happens when people don't preach the absolute truth and walk with two flags. One for God in public, another for sin behind closed doors.

God exists. God watches. God knows more about this earth than man will ever know.

Satan knows the Bible backwards too. And he knows more about this earth than man will ever know. God knows he's been trying to get it since time began! He owned it when Jesus walked the earth. He even offered the cities and riches of them to Jesus if Jesus would bow down and worship him. Jesus said "NO!"

Only God knows what would have happened to us if Jesus had said yes.

To my dear Unbelieving friends I say, if you believe in evolution and do not believe there is a God. I can offer many, many words, but they would never have the impact of asking God Himself if He really exists.

You may scoff at me but I say to you, try it. It can do you no harm to ask God, in fact, you may be surprised at the answer.

I know I was!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Is This Really Fair?

OK, I did not take the photo's in my blog today, they were taken by my wonderful Son In Law and with whom I share a passion for photography. (Thanks to him I am a photographer)

They have been heavily reduced in size and he sent them to me yesterday.

The photo's are of Lake Wendouree in Ballarat, Victoria ( in Australia for my lovely American mates - not Canada. ;))

Folk in Ballarat are on stage 4 water restrictions. If they apply for the grant to place a rainwater tank up, they will also be charged for whatever water they collect in their tanks when the rain falls.

Stage 4 is a heavy water restiction.

And, some people in Ballarat have built large wooden platforms to lie on in order to probe the bottom of Lake Wendouree for old bottles! *erk*

(Lambertus!! I need photo's of those people!!)

Lake Wendouree was a Lake of utter charm and majesty; a place where people met, had picnics, strolled and played, and where rowing was a popular sport.

Now look at it - it is a dead landscape, and these photos are a few weeks old.

In Australia, water is liquid gold and greed is already settling over the stricken parts of the continent as men and women begin to steal water from other peoples tanks.

But I find THIS pretty selfish and greedy.

"Large quantities of the state's most precious resource, pure drinking water,will be siphoned off by a bottled water manufacturer with links to soft drink giant CocaCola Amatil, which will pay a mere $2.40 per million litres for the privilege.

The charge is well below the $960 paid by Melburnites for a megalitre of tap water, or the $45 paid by farmers for the same quantity of irrigation water."

I don't know what Bracksy is talking about when he says he feels sorry for the people suffering from the drought when they are giving away water in this manner.

The elections are nearly with us, the Drought in Australia may have a huge impact on voting. I know one thing for sure. I just don't want to vote this time as I don't really know if I can trust pollies anymore.

Maybe I am wrong, but after reading that water is being given away for something like that, I feel they are not for the people.

Living in the Mallee, I know how precious water is. We live with dust, dust, and more dust until we are fed up with dusting.

Lately, there have been sporadic showers of rain - but, they are gone in a flash. Still, I praise God for them as my potatoes an veges are growing well under the little raindrops. Hopefully, there will be a good crop as my daughter doesn't have room to grow veges - and certainly couldn't water them if she did have room!

Beneath Victoria there are natural springs from which water is pumped to water crops ect; this water comes up very blue and is crystal clear. Natural crystal clear underwater is sweet and very drinkable.

Sadly - the people may not ever be able to see it as large Companies have power over it. This is so selfish it is beyond my comprehension.

I wonder when the Messiah will come to put an end to all this greed and selfishness on earth? There is no use our even trying to calculate this great event as only God knows the time it will happen!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Copper Scrolls

With the finding and allocation of the Ezekiel tiles, another massive find was yet to be uncovered.

Scrolls of pure copper made with ony 1 % tin which were to baffle men.

The Copper Scrolls

The copper scroll was discovered in 1952 at Qumran, by an expedition sponsored by the Jordan Department of Antiquities.

The main problem with the scrolls was, they could not be understood without a knowledge of rabbinical literature and vocabulary. Such was the manner in which they were written. There was another problem, the Copper Scrolls were actually a list of where all the treasure from the Temple was hidden when the Romans invaded Jerusalem.

This gave cause for the scrolls to be stored and ignored in the Museum of Amman, Jordan for over 20 years. The case was closed. They were declared to be a forgery and case dismissed unless something was found which was listed amongst the 64 items.

The Copper Scrolls layout bears an unmistakable mathematical pattern which demonstrates the precision and the intent of the writers.

There is a very gentle zig-zag pattern woven between the items mentioned in the first 6 columns and those mentioned in the second 6 columns all of which bears witness to the great scholarship and pious character of the five writers of this document on copper.

However, in 1988, a remarkable discovery was found which sent everyone running for the Copper Scrolls.The discovery of a juglet of Shemen Afarsimon (Annointing Oil)which was in Cave 13.The discovery was made by a team from the Vendyl Jones Research Institutes.

Soon,several universities and institutions were immediately set up to re-evaluate the Copper Scroll.

The Qumran Copper Scroll is one of the most important of the "Dead Sea Scrolls". The Copper Scroll was perhaos made of the metal copper to withstand the passage of time. Therefore it must contain very important information, the text of which was clearly "coded" or "encrypted" by the ancients writers.

The book "The Copper Scroll" by Joel C. Rosenberg is a must for any christian library if the person is interested in Jewish Antiquity.

The Copper Scroll is on display at the Archaeological Museum in Amman, Jordan if anyone wants to see it.

These finds coming along in days as perilous as today cannot be coincidental. The finding of the Annointing Oil could not have been coincidental either.

Although the Scrolls place the treasure, which is considerable, in places which are so almost unreadable and obscure, man is intent on finding the treasure which is characteristic of man.

The Scroll also makes mention of another scroll which could perhaps unlock enormous mysteries.

In my ponderings of today, I wondered about the rebuilding of the Temple. This is something which is very dear to all Jewish hearts.

According to the Torah, Israel and the Temple should stand forever. Therefore, Israel and the Temple should be rebuilt.

Solomon was instructed to build the original Temple.

" Behold, a son shall be born to you, David, who shall be a man of rest; His name shall be Solomon, for I will give peace and quietness to Israel in his days. He shall build a house for My name, and he shall be My son, and I will be his Father; and I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel forever." (Chron 22:9-10 )

I wonder what's going on with the rebuilding of the Temple today with all the unrest in Israel?

Monday, November 13, 2006


The Book of Ezekiel is an astonishing book. It is in Ezekiel 38-39 we first hear the words Gog and Magog. The great battle has yet to begin and the world now stands on the brink of it.

But the Book of Ezekiel itself is an astonishing one.

In the beginning Ezekiel appears to have encounters with U.F.O's - I would say definite U.F.O's as nobody can even draw them properly!

But Ezekiel was exceptionally careful with the preservation of this book for not only was it written on parchment, it was also inscribed on tiles of black basalt. These tiles were buried with him laying on top of them. These are known as
The Ezekiel Tiles (Tablets)

The Ezekiel Tiles

The tomb of Ezekiel was a double tomb designed to fit two bodies similar to that of Abraham and Sarah.

The story of the aquisition of the Ezekiel Tiles extends over a period of about 40 years.

During World War 11, David Hacohen was in charge of Solel Bonch Building Operations in Syria and Lebanon. He had a fascination for antiquities of the Middle East which led him to purchase many.

Later, a Lebanese engineer told him of the existance of a set of marble tiles on which chapters of the Book of Ezekiel were engraved in relief Hebrew Script.

The tiles were in the possession of a woman who had bought them from her father in law, also a collector of antiquities. The woman, being French desired to return to her homeland, but the tiles were far too heavy for her to take in wartime conditions.

After speaking to a Priest about them, she was urged to return them to the Holy Land of Jerusalem as the tiles were important to the Jewish people.

The letters on the tiles are magnificent and were enscribed using a square bas relief Aramaic script. These were obviously inscribed by master craftsmen.

These tiles were locked in a room in Jerusalem.

An ancient tradition in the Talmud states that the original book of Ezekiel was buried in his tomb at his death and left there to be revealed in the last days.
Many of the tiles are marble, but more are black basalt which we know is a very, very hard rock indeed.

Oddly enough, the Book of Ezekiel fortells events of a profound importance to modern day Israel that will occur prior to the time of the coming of The Messiah.

The message of the exile, the coming war of Gog and Magog, the rebuilding of the temple when the Messiah and the Shekinah Glory returns to Israel are all imprinted on these magnificent tiles.

Today, we can see glimpses of the prophecies of Ezekiel coming to pass and wait to see the outcome.

It is also fascinating to note Ezekiel's message to the world proclaiming:

" I will set My Glory AMONG THE NATIONS; ALL NATIONS shall see my jusgement which I have executed, and My Hand which I have laid on them. So the House Of Israel shall know that I AM the Lord Their God from that day forward".

Ezekiel also describes a huge military alliance of Arab and European nations led by large nations (Gog and Magog) that would attack Israel following return to the Holy Land from worldwide captivity.

The prophet also declared that God would intervene to destroy 85 per cent of this huge Russian, Arab army with the greatest earthquake in history. (Ezekiel 38-39)

The devastation will be so vast that cities around the world will fall and be affected.
It will take 7 months to bury the dead soldiers, and sever years for Israel to burn the weapons for fuel.

From this profound calamity, a political, military and religious transformation will occur.

Do you believe God would cause such an earthquake?

Sunday, November 12, 2006


I had no idea Pelicans were symbolic of Jesus and so my photo for today is one I took of a male and female pelican swimming on the lake. It seemed to signify Christ and His Bride.

I heard the most remarkable factual story today, one I want to share and indeed one which should be shared!

The niece of one of my friends lived in a city.(not in Australia) One night, she left work very late and decided to walk through a park.

The lighting in the park was poor as the trees are very large, and the park was deserted, still, she was not afraid and decided to walk through alone.

The girl is a devout christian.

Walking through dense trees, she thought she heard a noise behind her, stopped and looking back saw a man near a light, but kept walking thinking the man was probably on his way home too as he changed direction.

The following day, it was reported that a young woman had been murdered in the same park. Police called for anybody who had walked through the park to please contact them.

My friend's niece duly contacted the Police and told them she had walked through the park. After being questioned, they learned that she had seen a man who had turned and walked in the other direction.

At a later date, she was called to the Police Station again. This time, she was asked to attend a lineup of men to see if she could identify one as being the man she saw in the park.

It didn't take her long to spot the man who was in the park at the same time she was.

Police took him away and he confessed to the crime.

Later, baffled as to why it wasn't she he murdered she asked if she could speak to the man. This was agreed to.

The man replied, " I was going to kill you if you hadn't had those two enormous men walking by your side, who were they? They were huge!"

She told him she had been completely alone, that nobody was with her.

He told her she was definitely not alone and he could verify the fact that two huge men were walking, one by each of her sides, through the darkened park.

She believed him. The Angels must have also known he was in the park when she walked through.

I have always believed in Angels, this amazing fact strengthens my belief.

Do you believe in Angels?

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Stress The Killer.

Had a wonderful day yesterday! Went to a dried river bed where there are a few pot holes left and found a myriad of beautiful little creatures of God.

The fine fellow in the photo was on the road and happily allowed his portrait to be taken. Ok,Ok he's not pretty. He's beautiful!

A life filled with no stress is a life filled with glowing success, a happy outlook and a sense of fulillment.

Who really causes stress in our lives? Mainly, other people do - if we let them.

A Darling friend of mine has recently had a stroke which has left him brain damaged, and rendered his left arm totally useless. Prior to the stroke, he and his wife had been fighting (again).

She found him laying on the floor after she came out of her bedroom after hours of sulking and has no idea of how long he had been laying there.

The only reason she found him was because she heard thumping in the kitchen where he had regained consciousness and was trying desperately to call her for help.

My heart is in constant prayer for him.

Now, and only now, his wife has realised the temper tantrum could have been the cause of her husband's massive stroke.

Stress is a killer. It murders it's victim slowly then strikes with venom to allow it's victim to die a slow death of paralysis and often, brain damage.

It barricades it's victim behind walls yet allows memory to stay. Memories of days when there were no handicaps.

It causes suicides, indescribable anguish, and a myriad of other things.

And why? Because the victim allows it.

No person on earth is devoid of having gone through periods of depression and sadness. Many people in the past died of Melancholia.

Heroes in the Bible went through it. Jesus wept tears of blood, He wept for Jerusalem - yes, even the Mighty Saviour went through it during His span as a human being.

What do we stress about?

When it's all boiled down we stress about demands placed on us by other people.

The greatest book ever written is The Bible. Constantly the words have echoed throughout the ages. " FEAR NOT!"

Stress is actually fear.

Yep, I could copy and paste a million words here about stress but it's not worth it.

The plain fact is, God is in charge IF YOU LET HIM!

And therein lies the deeper problem. How many people allow God to take complete charge of their life? Of their finances? Of their marriage? Of their situation?

It means a complete change of life. You have no control over your life anymore no matter what age you may be. You sit back and allow God to fly the plane of your being and go to wherever He guides you while you trust Him implicitly.

Know this, God wants us all to be happy! To love and be loved in return.

He will never fly the plane into danger territory unless He wants to test the Man He created. Once the test is over and the enemy defeated by Him, He flies the plane over still calm waters and glides through fields which envelop our souls with unbelievable joy.

And, it is all in His Timing - not ours.

Our light should shine before man, we should be all happy, glowing, healthy loving people who live good Godly lives. But stress dims that light until it is almost as extinct as the life force within the human body.

Never forget to pause and look at the Majesty, and the wonder's of God. They relieve stress!

Remember, no stress is success.

Ok, so I am condemned for my carefree life. Well sorry about that but God is in control.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Water Water Nowhere

A good friend made this image on photoshop out of my photo of a boulder on Mt Hope.

Now to the nitty gritty.

How the heck can anybody say we are going through the worst drought in 1,000 years?
Australia is a very young nation with Settlement only a few hundred years old.
Nobody knows what the climatic conditions of Australia was like 1,000 years ago as they killed off all the aboriginals who could have passed the information down through the generations!

As for Tassy - they made the whole Race extinct!

One of my dearest friends works for Murray Goulbourn and yes, we are in strife. More strife than anyone could possibly imagine. More trouble than the Government will tell the people and what is permitted to be printed by the Press.

I am taking the photo's of all the water birds and wildlife on our Lakes because daily, we are watching these lakes evaporate into a steel blue sky. So that's a crime is it?

Within each soul in the country there is a sadness - and tears come easily.

Soon, I will be posting into my blog the entries in a diary, a copy I was given because I know the family so well, and with their permission, and written by one of the first settlers to the region.

Once, this land was beautiful, lush and lovingly embraced it's original inhabitants who knew how to manage the land they had known since time began.

Today, it lies ravaged; raped of it's minerals, torn and left to bleed, and lays helpless beneath the Southern Cross.

The bones of it's original inhabitants have been taken to museums throughout the world for analysis. Other bones lie scattered across the land with only the sighing of the trees to silently mourn them. Some of which witnessed their sadistic massacre.

There is no sound of the didgeridoo, the clapping sticks or the stamping feet of a true corroboree.

And while men talk; while people continue to turn their back to God; while religious toleration is practised; while the Bible is denied in Hospitals; while people continue to blaspheme; while impatience seems to be the fashion of the day; while evolution is being taught is schools; while muslims build their mosques; the sun continues to shine - and the huge dams lessen in volume.

What would the Original Inhabitants of 1,000 years ago say if they saw their land today?

I think they would say:

"White Man - you not only killed us, you killed this land.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


How much Patience do you have?

Yesterday, while everybody was at the Melbourne Cup throwing their money away, drinking champagne and wearing silly expensive hats I was sitting besie a lake in the peace and quiet photographing fish fins!!!!

Ok,Ok, so you all think I'm crazy and should be certified but guess who had the most Godly fun?

I could have taken my fishing line and caught one to photograph, but feel that's a bit cruel to the poor things. I am not starving and hae no need to interfere with the life of something the Lord gave to the Land just in order to take a photo.

It was a cold day too, but the results were more than rewarding!

Patience, self endurance, call it what you will, calls for heavy measure which I did find out yesterday. But, the wonder of watching fish fins pop out of the water was amazing.

Photographing one before it vanished was a miracle.

The timing!!!! Oh,oh,oh,oh ......... yikes!

The fin in the photo is one of a European Carp.

And no, the lake is not down so far that it's an easy feat.

These fish are not in captivity, they are in a lake teaming with wildlife, are as free as the birds and happily engrossed in slurping up mud from the lake floor. (makes me feel sick to type that)

Making it a point to test our patience is fun (sometimes) and the results can be their own reward. I was over the moon when I saw this photo come out of the camera.

This is not the last time I will test my patience in this manner, and it hasn't been the first.

Now I am wondering how any people lost heaps of money at the Cup, spent heaps of money and am also wondering how much water the gardeners wasted on the grounds of Flemington to appease the eye of the rich and famous, and the multitude which attended such a silly event.

OK, so I may have a little water on the brain to sit for hours with a packet of Mentos, my little dog and a camera photographing fish fins, but I'll make a bet with the wordly people now.

I'll bet I had a more spiritual rewarding time than they!

Now ... I am not a betting person, but am wiling to lay that one down!

Monday, November 06, 2006


Had a wonderful day with friends and the camera. Am going to learn to do a few more artistic things.

Great blog entry huh?

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Life. Be In It.

Ok,Ok, I have broken my New Years Resolution ans posted this entry in the afternoon instead of morning. Been playing with the pelicans!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Widowed? So Live!

I'm in shock. Absolute utter shock. In fact I don't think I'll ever come out of my shocked position.

Last night I learned that the boyfriend of my little Grandaughter is in awe and delight at the manner in which I live. And, he adores me!

Apparently his Grandmother sits all day, watches a bit of tele, and the highlight of her week us going to the Doctor.

Now, that is sad ... sad .... sad ..... sad.

He cannot believe a person can live alone so happily beyond the age of 50 plus as I do. That a widow living alone can grow her own veges, have her chooks, budgies, cockies, doggie and cats, hop in her car and make a wondeful life of travelling to take photo's, go shopping, cook lovely meals, light gorgeous candles, maintain alot of land, have so many overseas friends through a computer and be so huggable, jokeable,laughing, filled with energy, and alive!!? Alive???!!!

Now, I'm in a quandry as he's viewing his Grandma as being a bit of a failure because of my happy go lucky outlook.

I am thinking seriously of what I can do to help this poor soul who sits in a flat and looks out the window day in and day out.

Hmnnnnnn ... maybe I should meet her, get her to come to me for a holiday and show her how to live.

One problem, Z has told his Grandma about me and my manner of living and that sent her into shock .... er hmmmmmm.

I think many people think we women of the Mallee wear gumboots all day, ride a horse everywhere, can shoot a lizards tail out of kookaburra's mouth without harming the Kook ... (well, maybe send him into a bit of shock but ...) wear no makeup and are true 'Annie Get Your Gun' heroines.

Well, if I sat astride a horse now and went into full gallop I wouldn't sit for a month of Sunday's. True ... true, I can fire a gun and hit the fox but could do that when I was a young one so that's old news.

The worse part of all this is .... Z hasn't seen how well I can make a boomerang, hasn't seen me experimenting, hasn't seen me hypnotise the chooks, hasn't seen me climb a tree, (often do that to take photo's nowdays), and hasn't seen me burn off the young ones on the road who are trying to be funny - nor has be seen a few other tricks I do.

Hey! Life is to be lived! They all know how deeply I love God as my daughter and I told them. God gave us a life to live! Just because our husbands die doesn't mean we also stop living! That's the one thing both our husband's and God would never want!

The period of mourning does stop you know!

If many a husband had last words to say to their wives before the final sleep they possibly would have said " Look after yourself and be happy."

There is no use sitting down and giving up on life. Do that, and you are one of the living dead. Get outside and live! Love and be happy!

Who is the Greatest Councellor? GOD.

Who is the the Greatest Comforter? GOD.

Who wipes the tears from your eyes? GOD.

So for God's Sake, will you let him? Let HIM take control of your life, and live!

I recall once I was on a Widow and Widowers Forum and so help me, it was the most depressing place I've ever been? All they did was winge, winge, winge, winge years after the death!

They had forgotten the little faults of the deceased husband. Struth! I remember when my man used to fart in bed and almost blow me straight out the window into the car! Oh the shock of it ....

One lady confessed she had found a new love and wondered if she was sinning!!!

That place made me so depressed it forced me to see my Doctor? And know what? My Doctor had to put me on anti depressants?

Yes, there will always be the memories, the joys and sorrows of those memories will flood back at certain intervals, but that's when we turn to God for comfort!

So .... what am I to do regarding Z's Grandmother .... I don't think she could keep up with my pace but I know one thing for sure, she'd leave here with an entirely new point of view!

Today is sunny and nice, might pack a picnic hamper and have lunch by a lake.

Like my photo of the kookaburra eating his tea? I took it yesterday!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Melbourne Stage 2 Water Restrictions

The sun blazes down continually on a parched nation while Mr Bracks worries himself about what is going to be done with the 6 million litres of water needed for two swimming pools at next year's FINA World Swimming Championship.

I wonder if he knows there are ways and means to take it to sheep like those in the photo? Sheep, many in lamb, which are possibly bound for the slaughteryards with unborn lambs probably to become dog food.

People wonder why the Farmers suicide out. Well, they do because farming is the only life they know. They have all been trained and brought up on the land and lets face it, Australia has far different farming methods to Africa.
They see no where to turn, and no way out.

Some person said they should leave the land and find work in the city. May I ask doing what? Moving out will not help them but rather could cause more suicides as the farmer tries to make a new life in a foreign field.

We are supporting far too many people! It is time Australia closed the floodgates to immigration and stopped giving so much money to mothers who have babies, and who also work!

It is time for Australia to stop playing "following the leader" and get real! This is the driest nation on earth and faces corners unknown to white people. Only the aboriginals know of past weather patterns prior to white settlement.

Because we have had 250 years of come rain, go rain, does not mean we cannot have 200 years of no rain.

Melbourne dams are now at 44% capacity. Yet, at the moment they also have filled household swimming pools. Of course, on Stage 2, they may not be permitted to waste water in such a manner. A line has been set up to dob people in who are wasting water.

Summer is almost here, what have we to face in the mallee? Viscious eerie dust storms, and if we get a sciff of rain, the rain is mud. Been there - done that in the 1982 drought.

Fences will be buried under heaps of sand and no amount of leaving stubble in farmed paddocks will stop intense winds from picking up the dust and carrying it.

Folk in the city have no concept of what the farmer faces as they never see the true country. They live in houses and High Rise Apartments looking out on a few trees, bitumen, traffic, houses, houses, houses, and perhaps Port Phillip Bay.

In the country, we look out at a blazing sunburnt country, and hoards of crows starting to gather ready to eat any newborn lamb as it is being born. Yet, we are helpless to stop them as Greenies have protected the crows, so they can't be killed.

Snakes are around us everywhere as they seek water from any avenue in houses. Snakes are also a protected species in Australia.

Cumbungi is choking whatever waterway there once was, but the farmer is not permitted to clean the Cumbungi out now to allow new growth as little birdies nest in it.

The country is up a dry creek with all this protection business caused by people who haven't got a clue what it is like to live on the land.

Craig Ingham has stated Melbourne should be on a much higher Water Restiction stage. I can't agree with that as cities use only 5% of our water supplies while farmers use the rest. But, they should be taught how to conserve water!

The cost to farmers is over $500 per meg for water. Most Farmers have used their reserve money and cannot afford the water, so, it evaporates.

The Loddon river is dry, a river I thought would never dry. I have seen the water over the roads on the Loddon region! The Avoca is dry. And there isn't too much in the Murray either!

During the 1930's, Inigo Jones, a famous weather forcaster warned that AROUND the year 2000, Australia would face a shocking drought such as was never known in the history of Australia. But, the Government of today has forgotten that warning.

Fact is, we are stuffed unless the skies open up.

Will prayer help? How the hell can it? The Government has allowed so much pagan stuff into Australia it's not funny! They have pushed for "religious toleration". Well, Christians OBEY GOD!

I have blogged about that before but just cannot stress it enough.

This great nation lies beneath the Southern Cross! A constellation which disappeared from sight in Jerusalem on the day Jesus died! Where did it travel to? Above Australia.

It is too late to make ammends now. The Angels guarding Australia are holding the clouds - and rain to a faithless and disobedient nation just as they are in other countries across the earth.

They can talk about Global Warming till the cows come home, they can talk about al nino till the cows come home, but the plain fact it, we are stuffed.

Today is going to be hot ...

Well, not very often do I become angry, but Bracksy, you made me angry worrying about what to do with that swimming pool water. Get your head out of the city and take a look at the country will you?