The Life Of One Alone

The life and thoughts of a widow.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Great Days

I have been recalling life in the dear old 50's and 60's and feel I should Praise God for allowing me the priviledge of living through the most wonderful years on earth.

We were all equal. Nobody aspired to worldliness although it was creeping in with neighbour starting to keep up with the 'Jonses' in the 1960's.

Today I look upon a world of horror. I dare not put the news on or my BP could blow up the BP machine.

Talking to a friend in the Dr's Waiting Room, he and his wife told me how the young street people in Melbourne crowd around the back of St Vincent's Hospital and shoot themselves with drugs. Then, their chief aim is to abuse and attack the Dr's and Nursing staff who are brave enough to walk near them.

It appears the Police are always there and can do nothing about it??? I have to ask myself why these people are not rounded up, placed in a cell and then locked in a medical Institution. The way it is, these kids are often brought back to the land of the living by the very Dr's and Nursing Staff they attack and abuse only to go and do the same thing.

None of this happened that I know of during the 50's and 60's. There were people called Bodgies and Widgies who rode motor bikes and who we were to stay well away from.

In earnest, we would gather together to talk about the latest carryings on by the Bodgies and Widgies at His/Her Majesties Theatre in Hobart where they would gather, and where there were able bodied 'Boncers" who threw them out if they played up.

And, play up they always did.

The Theatre was nick named "The Fleahouse". On Saturday nights, no decent person would go near 'The Fleahouse" as there were always gang fights with knuckle dusters and bike chains and you name it.

It earned it's name as 'The Fleahouse' because there were fleas in the horsehair seats -- so they said.

The Bodgies and Widgies became too much for the Tasmanian Police so a plan was put into place to clean Hobart up.

A special Victorian Police Force was called in.

Now, this Police Force was really beaut! They wore Bikie clothes, had Widgies and the best and fastest of motor bikes of that time.

The whole gang arrived via the Princess Of Tasmania. The first Ferry from Victoria to Tasmania (I think). They landed at Devonport and news travelled to Hobart about the new Bodgies and Widgies from The Mainland.

Now, none of us knew they were Police, we only heard the roar of their bikes as they slowly made their way to Hobart to settle in and go to 'The Fleahouse' on Saturday nights. And, we shuddered. Never have we seen a more formidable lot, in fact, we thought World War 3 had started.

All we young girls were kept locked inside at night and NEVER, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, permitted to go outdoors. It seemed Tassy was crawling with Bodgies and Widgies.

I never went out at night so it made no difference to me as my greatest pastime was reading, so, I was in bed at 7.p.m. with a book.

The gang fights during that brief period were simply shocking - from what we heard.

Mainlanders were looked on as being from another planet. (Yes, the Main Land of Australia was called the Mainland by Tasmanians and I believe still is, but for Bodgies and Widgies to come from the Mainland was too much for the Resident Tasmanian Bodgies and Widgies. They would kick them off the Island stuffed with apples and ready to be roasted - - in Victoria of course.

It wasn't until Hobart Bodgies and Widgies received their just rewards by fighting with experts, jailed, had their bikes immobilised, and wore huge black eyes that these Mainland "Bikies" left the State as quietly as they had entered.

The Victorian Force cleaned up the streets of all riff raff, threw them out of 'The Fleahouse', rubbed their noses in the gutters - then, were gone.

I also recall how one of my cousins, returning home from a night Mass at St Mary's received a slap under the ear from one of the 'Widgies" and told to "Get home or I'll kick you fair up the b ... arrrrrrrr......" And, it is said she fled.

It was amazing how fast the cleanup took place too!

Not alot of people had a car in those days so those who did drove to Hobart to see if the news was correct, that Hobart had been cleared of the Bodgies and Widgies and it was safe to go window shopping again.

Ai, we all strolled the streets window shoppping once again with nodody to heckle or accost us.

'The Fleahouse' was vacated on Saturday nights - what a loss of business! Then, we learned they were the Victorian Police.

I can recall the pride in my heart when I learned they were from my Home State. I remember throwing my arms around Mum and crying "Oh Mum!" while tears flowed. It was also amazing how much more respect I was shown by Tasmanians after they learned it was the Victorian Police who had cleaned the streets of Hobart.

I also remember Dad saying "Struth! That fixed them didn't it?" when he learned what had happened.

And .... look at the cities today...... maybe we need another Police Force just like they had back then... or a few ......

Friday, March 23, 2007

It's All Happening

Today was a day when I saw a small community in action. At 9 a.m. Home Help was on my doorstep to clean the house for me. Oh boy, what a relief.

At 11 a.m. she was finished. My house looked orderly again! Oh boy, bigger relief.

At 11.10 a.m. my friend arrived to take my blood pressure. Uhoh ... too high, but, it wasn't 200!

I am fortunate there as the former Matron of the Hospital is a great friend of mine and of course has taken me under her wing. Tomorrow night, I am going to Mass with her. Mext week, I am going to church with another friend.

She left as my Lunch arrived. Now, here we are very, very lucky as everything is cooked by the Hospital Chef. No frozen foods allowed. So my lunch consisted of 2 crumbed cutlets, potatoes & parsley in mint sauce, mashed pumpkin and green beans with gravy. A large jug of soup was supposed to go down before THAT lot! Then, for desert, HUGE stewed plums and custard.

A carton of fruit juice is supplied with each meal. And, of course these meals are free of charge.

The jug of soup became my Tea.

God supplied my entertainment. A little Blue Wren managed to get into the Budgie cage and allowed me to take it's photo. This caused me to smile alot! He was so cute and tried desperately to outsing all the Budgies and the Cockatiels as well.

So I have been very spoilt today as in the afternoon, I fell asleep on the couch with all the animals around me. Well .... the four legged ones anyway.

I believe God sends us sickness to make us realise He is our final Destiny. That we have nothing to fear no matter what happens to us. That He is always there for us.

And, I don't believe God is going to ask us what religion we were on earth when the final day comes. It seems that everything in life comes back to out hearts - and minds.

I Praise My God for His Goodness, His Love and Mercy. May He always be with us for He is so Beautiful.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


It began Monday night when I went to bed. I couldn't breathe when I laid down. I went to the lounge room and laid on the couch - and couldn't breathe. The time was about 12.20 a.m. I think.

Not knowing what to do at that time of a night I sat up becoming sicker, and far too ill to drive my car. Prayer was the only way I could get through the night.

My heart beat was shockingly fast, but, I knew what was happpening there. It was "nerves" just as the Dr's had told me for years. My head was splitting, and I knew the BP was high so I stayed in a seated huddle holding my tummy so I could get some breath down there.

It took such a long time for dawn to start to break and I was exhausted from trying to fight for breath, my body was saturated in sweat.

With dawn came knowledge I wouldn't be disturbing the night staff.So I phoned the hospital. They wanted me there immediately - by ambulance. No way! I wasn't worrying ambulance staff at that time of the morning!

Next thing, a hospital car was at the door and a former Matron who is also a friend was there to get me to hospital but fast.

I have never seen such a hullabaloo. Dr arrived, everything was happening, and I was oblivious to the fact they were trying to save my life.

No, it was nothing to do with my lungs. In fact, they were fine. At last the body showed exactly what was happening - it was my heart.

I was in what they call A.F. ( Atrial Fibrillation) and drowning in my own body fluid as the heart was not pumping correctly and throwing liquid into my lungs.
The heartbeat was 147 p.minute.

Apparently, I have suffered from A.F for some time and it hasn't been detected because no ECG was given during other palpitations.

Now, I am on warfarin.

The Blood Pressure then played up of course. Many times it reached 210/70 - and up to 220/70.

My son phoned. He was lovely. I hadn't heard from him for years as he is far too busy..................

I did something unforgiveable I think, I have never asked my children for a thing, and he being a Recording Artist I thought it would be great if he could just gently play the drums and triangles for me as a meditatin music to help lower my BP.

He contacted my daughter and wasn't very happy with me for asking. He told my daughter he would send me his latest CD as there is a drum solo on it.

Apparently he was 'offended' I didn't want his wifes voice singing. Oh hell!

However, as yet, I have received nothing, not even a card. But at least he phoned and that was lovely - until I was told he had told my daughter he had to go as I was "waffling on".

I don't recall "waffling on" as I didn't have the strength to say too much, but, if they say so ........

And so, I have spent 8 days in Hospital. What hell! Not from the Hospital, but from my daughter!

She came up and played up. She refused to stay in my house as my husband had died in it. And so far as my little dog was concerned, she really wasn't interested. It was easier to close the door and her back on my little one and leave her to my next door neighbour. And, I think that is the straw which has broken the camel's back so far as she and I are concerned. I just don't want to ever see her again.

I really feel I hate her for turning her back on my little dog who only lives to love and know I can never forget - never.

I had left a plate, a knife and fork and a teacup in the sink to be washed. Naughty Mummy! My bed wasn't made. Of course not! She didn't make it either! There was a quilt on the loungeroom couch I had used to try to keep warm through the night I was suffering. Oh what a sin! Of course the plate, knife and fork and cup were not washed either.

My Grandaughter wanted me to go to them in Ballarat to recuperate. I could see I maaaaay have been a pest to my daughter if I did but wasn't positive.

Then I got the phonecall once she was back in Ballarat. She was soooooooooooooooooooo BUSY!! Oh I was welcome, but would have to pull my weight so to speak. I knew what that meant.
I didn't speak, far better to let her go on. When I did the words were abrupt.. "No worries, I won't be down, now I MUST sleep."

But I cried and cried. And up went my BP.

My phonecalls were screened after that. Gosh it's been a battle. Right now, my phone is disconnected from the wall. I want no calls from her.

I gave up on any help from them and signed myself into complete care of the Hospital and town which means I will be given Meals on Wheels until I get better, a maintenance man for as long as I need, Home Help, and of course the District Nurses will visit.

God Provides, but how I lived through that night proved His Love for His Children as not even the Dr's could work out how I lived as there was so much fluid. Aha! They didn't know how much I was sweating though!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Little Bully

I am fully convinced that my litle doggie is the greatest little bully this side of the black stump, which is where I live.

Each night nearing sunset, she literally jumps up and down, with little paws in the begging position, and barks at me to take her ta-ta's in the car - car.

No other dog is permitted on the road she travels on, and if she see's one her barker is going 10 to the dozen.

I don't mind really, but when she bails up an enormous dog I get scared when I see the enormous dog cower and wonder what he see's that I don't.

It's worse still when the owner of the enormous dog tells me she should be on a leash. The excuses I have to make for her behaviour in public are atrocious which means a confession before sleep every night.

Like, this doggie of mine is so tiny she makes the cats look huge.

To make matters worse, she's getting worse. Like, when it comes to a little doggie pushing me out of bed in the morning there is a certain unfairness about it.

It's easy to get her to come to me. I only have to turn the camera on and as soon as she hears the lens move out she appears from the most obscure places.

In the above photo she is bailing up two of my young friends as they take their evening walk. Like ... I truly believe my little doggie is a Narnian?
One just had to look at her there chatting to my friends to see she definitely is one of the original Narnians who chatted to Aslan.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Publicans And Sinners

I am standing with the publicans and sinners on Mordor. Bloody people, who do they think they are to victimise a person into changing a darn churchy icon thing because they don't like the person?

My Christian icon is hidden and I have requested a change to "seeker". I don't know what a seeker is as I never really looked into it, but it'll do because I'll just think I'm one of The Seeker's of the 1960's Pop Band.I rather liked Judith Durham's voice.

"Rockin' rollin' ridin'
Out among the (whatever)
All bound for Morningtown
Many miles away....."

hehehehe .....


Thursday, March 08, 2007

Another Day

I guess the sick aren't wanted anymore as I have never felt so alone in my life even though so many on Mordor have pm'd me with love and support.

My Last Will and Testament has been updated. Hell, that makes one feel sick enough without anything else!

But, it had to be done as out of the blue, even with the BP patch, my BP rose again.

Simmy keeps close contact.

When I walk, I have a cop car cruising by to see I'm O.K. which is a comfort.

But, never in my life have I felt so alone.

Sunday, March 04, 2007


If there is to be peace in the world there must be peace in the nations.
If there is to be peace in the nations there must be peace in the cities.
If there is to be peace in the cities there must be peace between neighbours.
If there is to be peace between neighbours there must be peace in the home.
If there is to be peace in the home there must be peace in the heart.

This is an ancient Daoist poem written in the 6th century by Lao Tse.
And, it sounds pretty right to me!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

So Blessed!

Today I received a Blessing Parcel from my Darling Simmy. I am being soooo spoilt!
I have never really known kindness and don't know how to react when kindness is shown. I get very emotional in fact.

So to my readers, I will only post this beautiful Gaelic Poem.

Deep Peace.

Deep peace of the running wave to you.
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
Deep peace of the shining star to you.