Email Trouble
Having terrible trouble with my Incredimail simonetta account. It appears that emails are bouncing and should not. Please bear with me while I try to work this darn thing out?
Oh darn it,..... chucked the thing out of my computer and went back to Outlook Express.
Oh darn it,..... chucked the thing out of my computer and went back to Outlook Express.
At 09 January, 2007 23:56,
Anonymous said…
Hey Sweetheart be careful. ;)
At 11 January, 2007 11:55,
Simonetta said…
Michael!! Stop it please?
I did NOT use those words! And telling me hazel eyes reminded you of fresh cow manure on your Grandma's milking shed floor is not nice either!
At 11 January, 2007 14:08,
Anonymous said…
That is the best line I have ever heard!!! Ok, got it down - can't wait to try it out. I'm out the door.
At 11 January, 2007 21:24,
Anonymous said…
oooooooookkkkaaaaaaay, so the long letter you forwarded to me with no words from on it was mean't for you alone Sim and not me. There being no name to whom on top and no signed name except "The bloke who loves ya."
An incidental. I have hazel eyes.
At 11 January, 2007 22:02,
Anonymous said…
Oh my goodness! I think Sim needs her Incredimail alert. Sim?
Could you redownload?
At 11 January, 2007 22:36,
Anonymous said…
I never said you did Michael. Sim forwarded me a pm from a lovelorn male.
Sim, you need to switch on your email alert honey.
At 11 January, 2007 23:23,
Anonymous said…
Mike, do you know Sim? I cannot believe a man can be so stupid as to have a crush on a name on the internet and that is all you have, a crush. A letter to Sim pouring out your heart would have no interest to Sim for from what I can gather she does not even know you. Have you ever spoken to Sim by any manner? Sim is hardly the outback country hick type. She is an intelligent woman who thinks alot, does alot and reads alot.
If you were to speak to her you would not find yourself speaking to an outback "'Owyagoin mate." type. If you were to meet her you would not meet a dowdy outback country 'sheila', you would meet a lovely well dressed, well spoken and well manicured lady.
All you have in common with her is an Australian accent. To tell her her eyes remind you of fresh cow dung on your Grandma's milking shed floor is insulting to her. Then to go a further step further and write about it here is more than insulting. If she told you to take a hike, it means more than you think Michael.Grow up and stop acting like a schoolboy.
At 12 January, 2007 06:28,
Anonymous said…
I tried to use that line - I guess I just didn't have the "Michael Magic." Got myself knocked clean out the door and across the parking lot. Maybe it works better with an Aussie accent.
Well, I'm off to the doctor to see if they have a painless way to extract a high heeled shoe from my rear end.
At 12 January, 2007 20:58,
Simonetta said…
Hi Mike!
I logged into msn (where all mail from here goes to) had a read, got the giggles and can't think of one word to say to you except - you're off the planet!
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