Daily Waffle

Well, dug some of the pink spuds. There' a pic. They tasted good too!
And a pic of my little dog in my car. I only have to rattle the keys and she's in like a flash and up on the back ledge..... looking.... waiting to bark her orders.
That is her typical behaviour, she has the ideal "I Rule" attitude.
One can see she is a backseat driver.
I took the pic while driving out with her; just turned the camera backwards, snapped and hoped for the best. Oh yeah .... there she is .... checking the place out for strange dogs on the street or road.
She rules the house with an iron paw, greets everyone at the door, and last night bailed up a giant Labrador and held it in terror - then went off to greet all the kids she could round up causing me to miss a few good camera shots.
Each morn when I awake and yawn, there she is watching to make sure I open my eyes to get out of bed. If I don't, she pulls the bedding off - I grab it back, get under it = she tries to scratch me out.
Hey! The world COULD do without me for a day!
I dunno ... being a Mum is a full time job - to her.
She has been smacked for whipping my meat off my plate and eating it while my back is turned. Doesn't stop her. I'm still wondering where my Chicken Kiev went the other night. Oh well - it's her house, I belong to her and everything I own belongs to her ... I'm rotten at training an animal. Always have been.
Sooo .... the world can't do without me for a day. Today I put a new corner post in the Budgie cage as the other one rotted out. Thank God the other posts are OK.
The Cockatiels weren't too happy about me doing some work in there and did a bit of a sulk after I finished but they seem OK now they've checked out the new corner post.
I have to be the ideal human for them so they can copy and be ideal birds. So far they have been watching me very carefully - as carefully as I watch them.
I put them in with the galah one day and they screamed blue murder to be put back with the budgies so that took alot of extra work on my part.
My animals, I am beginning to think, are very spoilt.
In the garden mother hen and babies are having fun catching grubs and wandering about - and scratching everything up. But, that's why the world can't do without me for a day.
My world needs me.
Life sometimes looks tasteless but when one opens their eyes, I suppose it's OK if one is strong enough to get through the barbed wire fences.
At 03 January, 2007 19:44,
Anonymous said…
Oh my god she's gorgeous Sim, and she seems to love the car. They are so faithful and loving. One day I intend having a little Maltese like her. She's just adorable!
At 03 January, 2007 20:35,
Simonetta said…
Hi Pat!
Yes, she's a Maltese/Shihitzu cross
and she is adorable. I'd advise one for anyone!
At 03 January, 2007 21:37,
Anonymous said…
Sim, she is beautiful! I adore her!
You are quite an industrious person can you tell me what next is on your list?
At 03 January, 2007 22:32,
Simonetta said…
Me industrious? No Val .... I just float along from day to day. Wouldn't have a clue what to do next, it just happens. And, if it's gonna happen, it'll happen to me.
At 03 January, 2007 23:52,
Simonetta said…
Too bad Mike! They're her toys. That's her Teddy Bear and her other Teddy Bear and all her stuff! Plus her blanket she lays on. Now go and buy yourself a new car! Anyway, I don't use the CD stuff, nor the tapedeck, nor the radio. I like the airconditioner though!
At 04 January, 2007 00:49,
Simonetta said…
Yes, there are alot of rabbits around Shay but they won't touch the spuds. Neither will the Kanga's. They don't like them. Praise God for that!
At 04 January, 2007 13:32,
Anonymous said…
I just now noticed all the rubbish in the back. It does interfere with the speakers - especially when you turn the base up trying to tear a hole in the universe. Instead, you let a little white doggie play in the back. Do you realize how much time amd money was spent getting the acoustics needed to blow the roof off? All to waste sp a little doggie has a place to play and lay down. Next thing ya know, there will be a fish tank in there for a carp.
At 04 January, 2007 21:29,
Simonetta said…
Hey! That's her blanket! That's what she lays on. OK, so it's a bit messy there but she did that all by her self!
How did you blokes know about the fishtank? ;D
And who is gonna turn the speakers on? gahhhhhhhh ... men.
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